Hi All,
Azin Updated to
Major update:WimBuilder updated to WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-03-03.7z - Thanks slore

VERY Heavy update on the internal syntax (speed up, new Macros etc.) to get
Plugin writing much easier and faster.
It is longer and much more valuable compared to all things (except WimBuilder2 update) written on the current update.

Also special thanks to Malcolm Smith :: malxau for Yori and Tools inside
http://www.malsmith.net/ -
Regular Updates, Improvements, Fixes on many other
Reported Fixes:
Run From RAM-X fixed thanks to sandy
WallPaper registry updated thanks to red61
With the latest server offline events
http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=2991.0Added Offline Mode option
Utils\"Proxy Settings"
Plugin (v12) - See Reply1:
http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=2673.msg36691#msg36691Utils\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)"
Plugin http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=3073.0already have the feature to download all active Projects
With these at hand, an
advanced user can quickly change Projects to Offline Mode without trouble.
In the future, this will be easy for newbies too.
Apps\Network\"Flash Add"
Pluginwill use your HostOS flash files as default
without FileContainer(s)
(if not available download FileContainer(s) once)
Default False (no need big sized AutoDownload)
and keep in mind "Flash Add"
Plugin designed to be used by Browser
Apps\Network\"Mozilla Firefox ESR (P)"
Pluginwill download the
latest Mozilla Firefox ESR (x86 or x64) once
no Container available.
Default False (no need big sized AutoDownload)
With keeping distribution Package small without
"Mozilla Firefox ESR" (46+46=~92 MB) and "Flash" (7.1+8.4=~15.5 MB) Files
Apps\Network\"QtWeb" is the default small-sized Browser
Plugin (7.5 MB) to run out of the box.
(If you have another Idea for a small-sized Browser let me know)
Keep in mind IE also available ...

Improved VirtualTest
Plugins- "Select Iso" button to easily test many .iso you have on your pc and other improvements
After workaround winbuilder bug with "Select Iso" button
~All VirtualTest
Plugins added to the Package
VirtualTest\"qEmu X Emulation"
Pluginupdated to work with Personal qEmu you might have on your pc (HostOS)
Better use with v2 and later
Tip: some syntax may be different before v2
Tested with qEmu v4.2.0.0 and v2.7.50.0

Tip: XP/2k3 users v2.7.50.0 by Stefan Well is the latest
"qEmu X Emulation"
Pluginstill have FileContainer option
Current qEmu 4 FileContainer
Plugins have :
v4.2.0.0 (23.7 + 25.4 =~49.1MB)
v2.7.50.0 (10.4 + 10.9 =~21.3 MB) (Static - last NT5)
If you do not download FileContainer
Plugin or
If you do not have Personal qEmu and make the setting on qEmu
qEmu X
Plugin will do nothing. No qEmu No cook.

qEmu Latest can boot Win10PE but slow on Windows.
(As far as I know no KQemu on Windows Vista and later)
It is more used to test BootMenu (Grub4Dos etc.)
qEmu will be useful to test your final PE Boot or not if you do not have any other Virtual Test application at hand.
Some new
Plugins inside the package:
ComponentsY\"DotNet S" (Thanks to slore)
ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\"CMD Support"
AppY\File Find\"AgentRansack 2006" (--> Default False -- FileContainer not included when Enabled FileContainer will download once )
AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\"Ghost Lance"
AppY\System Tools\"NTFSLinksView NirSoft"
AppY\Supplementary\Office\"LibreOffice paf"
AppY\Network\"WifiInfoView NirSoft"
AppY\Network\"WirelessNetView NirSoft"
AppY\Network\"WirelessNetworkWatcher NirSoft"
AppY\System Tools\"DevManView NirSoft"
AppY\System Tools\"DriverView NirSoft"
AppY\System Tools\"USBDeview NirSoft"
And 6 New
Plugins so end users debug themselves to figure out things.
(eg. Adding Application and Registry etc. )
AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileAccessErrorView NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileActivityWatch NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Debug\FolderChangesView NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Debug\ProcessActivityView NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegFromApp NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegistryChangesView NirSoft
You can download Debug and Other
Plugins to other Projects (Gena Win7PESE Win8PESE Win81SE Win10PESE)
Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox-->
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Support.script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\NTFSLinksView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\DevManView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\DriverView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\USBDeview_NirSoft.Script"
//Debug Plugins
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileAccessErrorView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileActivityWatch_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FolderChangesView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\ProcessActivityView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegFromApp_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegistryChangesView_NirSoft.Script"
Reminding: Some
Plugins have Option to easily update themselves :
Plugins with Provide File Option which have "Download" or "Update" Button
AppY\System Tools\HW Info\"AIDA64 .."
Plugins ComponentsY\"PowerShell Core"
Plugin AppY\Network\"Mozilla Firefox ESR (P)"
Plugin or self updating Plugins
AppY\File Tasks\Q-Dir Nenad
Plugin All NirSoft
Plugins on current Post, etc.
ps: All Previous and New NirSoft Plugins updated with Language options
Azin Download Page