Hi MaineCoon,
Here is Update Center Summary I promised to write, I believe I figure out all :
1) Image 1 LSP-Scripts --> These are LSP-Scripts on the server having multi Language option --> Color Blue means you have not downloaded this LSP-Script yet.
2) Image 2 LSP-Scripts --> These are LSP-Scripts not having multi Language option.
If Image 2 LSP-Script not available on the server, you will notice no checkbox on the tree view. --> Means It is only distributed with package (.zip)
If Image 2 LSP-Script available on the server, you will notice a checkbox on tree view so LSP-Script can be selected to download.
* Image 1 and Image 2 LSP-Scripts with checkbox are the additional LSP-Scripts end-user will be interested to. *
3) Image 3 LSP-Scripts --> These are Image 1 LSP-Scripts not distributed with the server --> Means It is only distributed with package (.zip)
End-user can only download different languages for such Image 3 LSP-Scripts. (That is the reason Image 3 LSP-Scripts have checkbox)
A tip to end-user to clear confusion :
User can check LSP-Script info with
Server (right-top) and
Computer (right-bottom) on update center.
Server info do not have Version and Date this LSP-Script not distributed with the server.
If both
Server info and
Computer info available with Version and Date, LSP-Script available on Computer and available on Server, end-user can see if update required following available Version and Date info.
In Addition:
If Project Admin decides to update an LSP-Script using an update center not previously available on the "Update Center" :
If this was an Image 3 LSP-Script --> It will change to Image 1 LSP-Script on the "Update Center" initially with Green Text indicating new LSP-Script available with default selected to download.
If this was an Image 2 LSP-Script --> It will change to Image 2 LSP-Script with a checkbox on the "Update Center" initially with Green Text indicating new LSP-Script available with default selected to download.
And Bonus:
LSP checks critical update when LSP starts,
If Project Admin decide to update a critical LSP-Script,
When the end-user start LSP, end-user will see a warning "Update info" popup,
after the end-user says "Yes" to this popup,
"Update Center" of relevant Project opens with selected critical update default selected to download,
so only click "Download" makes the critical update with relevant LSP-Script.
on "Update Center" There is also options with: <All Online Server Update Language> at the top, I leave this part to you.
I believe a tutorial should first give info for
Image 1 and Image 2 LSP-Scripts with checkbox
Language change option with Image 2 and Image 3 LSP-Scripts.
Blue and Green text meaning is to me enough for the basic begining.
on a Reply 1 (2nd post) (and probably Reply 2 3 - 3rd 4th posts....) of such a topic with a Title like :
More Details giving other details I described in this post and more.
Only sharing my ideas,
Further your decision to organize your tutorial topic
http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=3367.0 please one way or another, add current topic info, I will probably forget all these after some months

and will check your topic to remember.