Topic: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE  (Read 2231 times)

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2020, 02:24:57 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Installing chipsets, Mass Storages and USB drivers this way worked well, but added a painful 3-4 minutes to startup   :sad:
I reverted to integrated method.  This seems good for Network, Wifi, video and other stuff. And Startup speed is much better.

Integrated drivers are added to OS Driver Store, pre-processed somehow to be readily available for installation ("staged" in MS terms, I think), so for a large external folder structure to be parsed by pnputil, yes being it slower makes perfect sense. So thanks for testing with your chipset/storage/usb collection.

Anyway, SSTR approach can co-exist with integrated drivers. SSTR external folder can be left INF-empty and pecmd.ini processing will happily continue (I think userdrivers.cmd would benefit from an IF statemement checking also for *existing* INF files before starting the pnputil command). This way you can have your integrated driver pack, but can also drop anything chipset/storage/usb-related (or other) in the external folder and stay covered.

Finally according to your tests, do you mean that SSTR external (and uncompressed) folder is faster for video/lan/wifi/other, than the DEVI $CAB command set?

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2020, 05:26:53 AM »


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Anyway, SSTR approach can co-exist with integrated drivers. SSTR external folder can be left INF-empty and pecmd.ini processing will happily continue (I think userdrivers.cmd would benefit from an IF statemement checking also for *existing* INF files before starting the pnputil command). This way you can have your integrated driver pack, but can also drop anything chipset/storage/usb-related (or other) in the external folder and stay covered.

Finally according to your tests, do you mean that SSTR external (and uncompressed) folder is faster for video/lan/wifi/other, than the DEVI $CAB command set?

In a race my money would be on SSTR. I agree that main drivers are better integrated, but it's going very well for the stuff less often loaded. in my case video driver and wifi are almost never loaded. I think all methods are able to coexist as long as you don't install thing twice. This has the advantage of packing a lot of drivers in little space.

Maybe you consider creating a package including pecmd.exe which starts with pecmd_malok.cmd --> that starts pecmd.exe with ini etc. etc.

I made this cmd... So far it works good. Going to make a complete plugin with CabPack included etc....
If you want to try it out. Put this in DriverSod.cmd in your system32 and put Cabs in root of USB drive.
It's able to install Drivers from multiple packs in one command. Type DriverSod in command prompt for usage examples.

Code: [Select]
@Echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
set "Params=%1"

Echo. > DriverSod.ini
If "%Params%"=="" set "Params=/?"
If "%Params%"=="/?" Goto :Help
If "%Params%"=="/all" set "ins=$" && set "ext=cab" && set "pat=Y:\" && goto all
If "%Params%"=="/inst" set "ins=$" && set "ext=cab" && set "pat=Y:\"
If "%Params%"=="/copy" set "ins=" && set "ext=cab" && set "pat=Y:\"
If "%Params%"=="/infi" set "ins=$" && set "ext=inf" && set "pat=%Windir%\inf\"
If "%2"=="" Goto :Help

If "%~1" Equ "" goto :Run
Echo DEVI %ins%%pat%%1.%ext% >> DriverSod.ini && Goto :Loop
Goto :eof

for /f %%f in ('dir /b "%pat%*.%ext%"') do Echo DEVI %ins%%pat%%%f >> DriverSod.ini

Pecmd.exe load %Windir%\System32\DriverSod.ini
Goto :eof

Echo Drivers Must be Packed in Top Folders in Cab files in the Root of USB Drive.
Echo Any Number of Driver Packs will be Parsed in given order.
Echo Ex:
Echo DriverSod /all
Echo     Will Install all Devices found in All cab Files in Alphabetic Order.
Echo DriverSod /inst Chips Stor Usb Lan Wifi
Echo     Will Install all Devices found in Specified cab Files.
Echo DriverSod /copy Chips Wifi video
Echo     Will Only Copy Found Devices in Cabs and no Installation is Done.
Echo DriverSod /infi IntelHDA
Echo     Will Install the specified inf File. Drivers needs to be copied First.
Echo All /action must be in lowercase
Echo All Paths and Files Extentions are Automatically Assumed.

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2020, 09:28:54 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Just wanted to add another option to the discussion about drivers, which works fine for me regarding any type of driver for me, while keeping drivers themselves outside the WIM. I am talking about SNAPPY Driver Installer ( It is a compiled tool, including an easy update mechanism (peer to peer). It allows to select only those packages you need (e.g. Storage or WLAN), offers some filters on which drivers to install (only missing, newer...) and has some command line options as well.

You just start the tool once, set your options on which drivers to load, and can afterwards call it with parameters to script it...

SDI_x64_R1904.exe -autoinstall would then load all the drivers without user interaction.

Drivers are packed in driver type 7-ZIP archives. I am not calling all driver installation at startup usually, due to 2 reasons:

time and free space on X:. Installing a driver I dont need does not make sense....

But I can run SNAPPY on demand. Snappy also allows to just extract the drivers you want to a folder, so I am using the following cmd at startup:

FOR /F %%k in ('dir /b "Y:\programs\Auto\Drivers\*.*"') do (
CD /D Y:\programs\Auto\Drivers
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d "*.inf"') do (
title "Treiber aus y:/programs/Auto/DRIVERS werden installiert..."
echo Scanne und Installiere %%i...
start /min /wait PnpUtil.exe -i -a "%%i"
CD /D %~dp0

So I can run Snappy, extract drivers I need to the folder on USB mentioned above, and those drivers are installed at startup. Others on demand later.

Happy building :)

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2020, 07:27:30 PM »


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After doing a couple of test I made a Plugin to manage Driver Packs. Drivers on demand.
I believe it is quite easy to modify it to suite any drivers installer that supports console commands.

Read the Setup info in plugin to configure your Win10PESE automatic startup. and basic directions
to create driver packs to include in your builds.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 01:29:14 PM by Malok »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2020, 06:32:41 PM »


  • Apprentice
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Hello guys! Sorry for my late response! I recently got a new job and had to learn many things and meet new people, i didnt get time to continue the project, I have seen the Amazing! Progress you guys have made and it has blown my mind that it is possible! So if i understand it correctly you can place driver files outside of the boot.wim and with the DEVI $Y:\ command you can install the nessesary drivers when PE is starting up, all this with a small boot.wim file size, because the files are outside the boot.wim on a Usb stick for example, amazing man Both Starla & Malok you guys made me learn alot, i have not tried to build yet, I hope this thread stays open for a long time for me to come back here to learn from you guys!

As for the 150€ Euro's I have the money ready, to send with Paypal, but I'd like to recieve an example "WinPE.iso" with all of this inside working, this way i learn the fastest because i can see exactly where every code has been written :smile:

You can upload .iso to a website and send a link to me here on, i will test it, and will be happy to send you the prize money

If 2 People send me Links at the same time i will split the money half and give both 75€ if both WinPe.iso's are both working examples :lol:

You guys are already amazing for taking the time to try to create this...amazing! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2020, 02:56:04 AM »


  • Chef
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Hi RedMinus,

It is not allowed to distribute already made iso on theOven, but if you want to check out

This plugin demonstrate the method explained... Then checkout this thread for Driver packs I made to do testing...

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2020, 10:53:02 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RedMinus

It should be working fine, do not worry about that  :thumbsup:
The concept is not new, Only method and tools changes in the last 12 and more years.


Feel free to open a topic with your PayPal etc. link  :thumbsup:

Also feel free to put your PayPal links to your Plugins etc.:thumbsup:

But for current case (Drivers on Demand), to avoid end-user mix minds and to avoid spam advertisement,
This plugin demonstrate the method explained...
link is to xpeplugin not plugin and topic question is for Win10PESE project.!

Better improve your other topic which is independent from all projects without end-user (or internet searcher) mix minds and without spam advertisement
Universal Driver installer for NT x86/x64 -
with links to package ( ..) etc.


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2020, 12:34:44 PM »


  • Chef
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First link for DriverSod PESE plugin, second for driver packs  :smile:

When you're ready... Please Donate the 150€ to The WinPESE project. There is a link in in the project main plugin.  :great:


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2020, 09:36:02 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi Malok,

I spend some time to check your plugin on Reply 13
It seems you do things complex way, and hardcoded !
 writing a Plugin to Add Driver after Boot should be simpler with Plugin simple syntax ...

Here are tips for your plugin writing:
this is wrong:

to check plugin compatibility:
If,Not,%TargetVersion1%,Bigger,5,Exit,"'%ProgramTitle%' for Vista and later - Exit"

put pecmd.exe inside your package and at .cmd file use something like that at top of cmd

cd %~dp0
Set PECmdExe=.\x86\pecmd.exe
If %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 Set PECmdExe=.\x64\pecmd.exe

This way your package will always work inside pe,
 as mentioned before pecmd.exe is optional for any project
 (Although I had made pecmd.exe default on Win10PESE a year or before, it is still optional for any project)

%PEcmdExtFile% is optional on any project including Win10PESE ! better not use startup that way.
Utils\PC Packed (Plugin Creator Packed) plugin -- Options -->
Enable "Add Startup Option"
Enable "Delay"
You will get a Plugin with Startup that also demonstrates Delayed Startup, without hardcoded %PEcmdExtFile% ....

ps: Utils\PC Packed (Plugin Creator Packed)  Plugin is The Original ® :wink:

also better use
Utils\Update Win10PESE (Exact and Secure) -- Update (Download + Copy) Button to update Win10PESE you have before all above.

I hope this post helps.  :cheers:


I advice use Malok standalone package on other topic,

In the end, it is adding drivers after boot.  :thumbsup:


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2020, 04:40:13 AM »


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Thank you Sire Lancelot  :smile:

Based on your suggestions here's how looks now.

If you have a moment to check it out.

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2020, 08:36:15 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi Malok,

having a quick look:



And at the end of [Process_Plugin] section add this line:

also at [Main] section add this:
HistoryNotes01=Plugin use Hardcoded Y: AND Hardcoded %PEcmdExtFile% ( PEcmdExt.ini ) --> For Today Plugin will ONLY work with Y: and assume Pecmd.exe execute PEcmdExt.ini before shell

There are other things.... probably info-warning at HistoryNotes will not be required in future when plugin written better .....
 but above I guess fits for today, I am sure after you have more experience you will write better plugins.  :thumbsup:

Have a quick look to
Win10PESE\Utils\'SFX Constructor' Plugin  :wink:



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