Topic: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE  (Read 2235 times)


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Hello guys, looong time no see, last time I was here I randomly stumbled upon you guys online when searching the capabilities of WinPE,
back then I needed help with making the X: drive bigger, in the end I figured it out myself on how to manually change the values in Registry and turn X boot size into 1GB Size.

I have seen the new Win10PESE, and also looks amazing and it is so much easier to use (( I also saw the Gandalf WinPE build on torrent websites)) , fantastic software, howerver the thing I want to achieve with Win10PESE is abit more complicated....maybe its simpel and i'm overlooking something, I still consider myself a beginner when it comes to modifying windows files.

Ok this is what I am willing to offer money for:

As a starting point:

The same build as Gandalf's Windows 10 PE v1809 Build 17763 x64 (Redstone 5 - Sep 2019) (You can find it on online torrent websites, if you cannot find it I can upload it and send you a download link of his build)

When you have this, then you add extra on to it Direct X 9.0c, (Direct X 10 and 11 is easy to add but Win Builder doesnt have 9.0c to add easily)

Dark Theme, the same as that of Gandalf's build

FBWF cache size set it to: 2048 MB
(You can find this in Win builder under the name: Shell & Config)

Now comes the complicated part, little back story: Before Win10PESE I was using Win7 PE3, I found the build online, and downloaded and modified it, I could run portable programs and 3D applications, 3D applications would only work after I installed the graphics card drivers + Direct X 9.0, I always did this with the program "Driver Pack Solution" it is a 19 GB program with many drivers, I first load up WinPE and run Driver Pack Solution and select the needed drivers and install and the screen would switch to the graphics card and I could run 3D applications. (This way the boot.wim was always small & if I needed graphics drivers I could manually add them and use graphics card in the same session)

When I start up Win10PESE and try to install graphics drivers manually the screen does not switch.. and thus cannot run 3D applications.

So to sum it up in short: Win10PESE build with all the software/settings like that of Gandalf + Dark Theme + Direct X 9.0c + being able to manually install and graphics drivers and use the graphics card in the same session without restarting.

So for the person who can do this...achieve this Win10PESE build! I will gladly give 150€! It would be interesting to learn a little bit on how you did it too!

I have added a link to my Old Win7 PE3 build (.ISO file) (This PE Build is capable of installing graphics drivers and instantly use it in the same session), you can download and try it out, install it on a Usb stick/drive and start it up (it is Non-UEFI), once finished starting up, install your video driver and you will notice that your graphics card will activate and will be able to run 3D applications (like 3DMark FireStrike), the thing I want you to achieve in Win10PESE


As for the money, I use Paypal to send it :thumbsup:

Best Regards,

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2020, 08:37:06 PM »


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I believe this has already been accomplished with the current Builder
As this is the same Forum that created the method Gandalf uses to create his ISO's..
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 08:38:45 PM by James »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2020, 09:16:15 PM »


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Guess I could of offered you a Link .
to the project download (ie WinPE Builder)

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2020, 12:38:49 AM »


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Hello James! Thanks for the link! I have already seen WinPE Builder that you guys made here and I experimented alot with it, and also Gandalfs project (I opened up his boot.wim and looked at alot of files/CMD/scripts and toyed with it), its really awesome! I'm hoping that someone could help me figure this out making it possible to install graphics drivers in a WinPE session and use the graphics card without rebooting, as it is possible with the older Win7 PE3 build (link in my post), the whole point is to not* import drivers into WinPE, to keep the boot.wim file small (to save time booting up), and use a external program that loads in the drivers whenever it is needed (driver pack solution), but for this to be possible, whatever the Win7 PE3 is doing that makes it install and run graphics cards without rebooting that funtion is missing in Win10PESE i think, and i think its beyond my knowlegde, so i make my request abit more interesting to make it worth a while, i hope that this is possible :smile:

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2020, 10:39:57 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RedMinus,

Difference is,
Win7PE did not check driver signature,
to get Win10PESE not check driver signature, use Win10PESE\Drivers\DrvInstPatch
this way modified .inf files (with removed reboot requirement lines ;) ) will work.
If you have a tools , method etc. you had used with Win7PE, you can now use that to install your graphic card after boot with Win10PESE

if you have Nvidia gpu, try Win10PESE\Drivers\"Nvidia GeForce" --> "All Drivers" occupy only 37 MB inside wim.  :wink:

later setup DirectX 9.0c

and play your game I guess.  :thumbsup:


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2020, 03:45:54 PM »


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Hello Lancelot,

thank you for your reply, I have already Downloaded & Enabled Win10PESE\Drivers\DrvInstPatch and created a new build with it, and it still doesnt switch to the graphics card after installing the graphics drivers in Win10PESE

I also looked if other scripts/plugins would interfere with driver signature checking and it all looks good, but still not working,

I have both Nvidia & AMD systems to try this on, for now im trying this on 2 laptops with AMD graphics cards, and it doesnt seem to work like how it does on the older Win7 PE3,

If it finally works on Win10PESE then you are correct, it should also be able to run pc games, because pc games are mostly based on 3D graphics  :smile:

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2020, 03:55:47 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RedMinus,

better you share details you use on Win7 around so all understand what you were doing.

I * guess * there is a folder with drivers and tools ?!?! to install them on win7PE !!!!

and do not forget to delete reboot requirement on inf file of amd gpu driver ....
JFX, nvidia user, did that for it on pe, but no amd user have done that yet, on your hands.....

I am very away from this area, but I was also using a folder on usb to install drivers after boot in old days ...

I hope it will be easier when you test with your nvidia system and only installing directx 9.0c would be enough.


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2020, 08:00:20 PM »


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Hi Lancelot,

Here are 3 Images of what it looks like.

First picture, I start Win7 PE, I install the Graphics drivers:

Second picture, graphics driver has been succesfully installed, and the screen has moved up to a higher resolution, I have installed Direct X 9.0c, and am running the 3D application Heaven Benchmark 4.0 showing that Win7 PE succesfully is using the graphics card

Third picture you see the Win7 PE3 Boot.wim file size (400 MB), I have imported basic drivers, that take little space, graphics drivers I install manually with Device Manager or use the program Driver Pack Solution as you have seen in the first picture

((Click on the images to zoom in for more details))

This is what I am trying to do with Win10PESE, to install Graphics drivers and use it without rebooting, this way the Win10PESE boot.wim stays small, and doesnt have to load big driver files into the ram which otherwise would take up too much time. :ohmy:

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2020, 10:24:39 PM »


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graphics drivers I install manually with Device Manager or use the program Driver Pack Solution as you have seen
this way the Win10PESE boot.wim stays small, and doesnt have to load big driver files into the ram which otherwise would take up too much time
By Manually Installing Graphics Driver you are still using Ram - Although is from the Additional WinPE Cache Size - rather then initial Boot.wim Cache into memory...

I could be wrong -but basically to me it would seems that the Driver is loaded into memory - either way..
Also win10x64 now supports up to 4092MB WinPE cache size
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 10:34:03 PM by James »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2020, 11:03:47 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RedMinus,

I do not know what Gandalf did to get "Driver Pack Solution" application work to install Ati drivers.

For your future tests with Ati, be sure you enabled:
Win10PESE\Drivers\"Original display drivers"

Let us know when you figure out.

I feel you will be more lucky with your Nvidia systems since JFX documented that well. :thumbsup:
enable  Win10PESE\Drivers\"Original display drivers" Win10PESE\Drivers\"DrvInstPatch" plugins with your Nvidia tests
and reminding there is also Win10PESE\Drivers\"Nvidia GeForce" plugin mentioned on previous post.

Let us know your progress.


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2020, 05:44:22 PM »


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I could be wrong -but basically to me it would seems that the Driver is loaded into memory - either way..

Hi James,

Indeed, both ways the drivers will end up in Ram, by loading in drivers inside the Boot.wim (Importing Drivers*), you increase the boot up time, and graphics card drivers can be big file sizes, but if you keep the boot.wim & drivers files seperate and manually install drivers whenever it is needed, WinPE will always start up fast because it is not carrying all those extra files inside the boot.wim, I have multiple systems I'd like to use WinPE on and importing all the drivers of those systems will make Win10PESE massive in size carrying all those drivers inside the Boot.wim, to avoid that is to keep them outside of the boot.wim, abit like the "Programs" folder WinPESE has  :ohmy:

Hello Lancelot,

I have tried it and Win10PESE automatically installed the Nvidia GTX1070 graphics card! But! When I try to run a program that uses 3D the program gives an error that the graphics card cannot be used, i have uploaded a screenshot of what it looks like:

(Click on the image to zoom in)

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2020, 05:58:28 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RedMinux,

Good to hear Nvidia works.  :great: Thanks to JFX.  :cool:

Test this:
After boot,
Click following at Start Menu\Computer Management\Drivers\ --> Force Install Devices (HWPnP)

after that, test again, do you still see "Could not initialize display hardware" ?

maybe helps maybe not, better try  :wink:

Now I see the app name from your last picture, "Unigine Heaven Benchmark"  :lol:

Instead of "Unigine Heaven Benchmark"

(I do not fully trust Benchmark software ;) )

Can you provide (test) with a small sized (hopefully distributable) game that requires DirectX 9.0c ,
 so everybody can easily test.

Generally when people can quickly test, they can more feedback.   :cheers:


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2020, 01:55:11 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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You need to integrate your own display drivers first of all. Second you have to uncheck Basic Display Driver checkbox on Original Display Driver script.
Of course DirectX must be integrated as well. That's all, with this method PE won't ask for rebooting.
Please let me know if it is work.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 01:56:49 PM by sharp »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2020, 10:17:39 PM »


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Hi RedMinus,

I was able to automatically install video drivers and enable Direct3D with the Drivers provided in the website link of this post.

hi shpitz461,

I think you can try this driver pack (VGA, WLAN, LAN) from this link:

It is a very old Page, it's there since 2012 But the drivers have regular updates. and are optimized for Windows PE

I created a Cab file from the video drivers contained in file DPxPE_2019-07-07 - 491,3 Mb. with a tool named MakeCab from Memon Faheem.

Then used DEVI $Y:\ under _SUB PostShell in Pecmd.ini. This way it keeps the driver pack out of the boot image and load only required drivers at startup.

Then I used the Bee Demo from to test if DirectX worked... It is only relying on DX7 But I think it's a good quick test to see if the installation is correct. If Someone knows a better solution that is not gigabytes big to test DirectX quickly pls leave a reply. I Was able to run Unigine Heaven and Valley with both DX9 and DX11 with no problems.


« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 12:24:58 AM by Malok »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2020, 07:58:18 PM »


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Then used DEVI $Y:\ under _SUB PostShell in Pecmd.ini. This way it keeps the driver pack out of the boot image and load only required drivers at startup.

Never saw such a devi line before. Simple and powerful. Thank you so much for sharing.

Could you briefly describe the folder structure used for cab creation? (maybe just separate folders at cab root containing inf + required files?). I guess this approach is still valid for VGA devices if Basic Display Driver checkbox on Original Display Driver script is ON. Could this cab approach be used for other direct inf drivers (chipset/raid/nvme/usb3.x/monitor/lan/wlan/bt)?

Also regarding DX9 addon for Win7-10, there's abbodi's one here. As he indicates, usage in Win8-10 requires .NET 3.5. EDIT: addon is just a .7z file with .wa extension. Installation just requires extraction to PE folders indicated in .txt file inside, plus .reg file merging with target PE software hive.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 08:08:05 PM by Starla »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2020, 03:16:16 AM »


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Hi Starla,

If you open the Pecmd.ini located in System32 of your PE compilation look under _SUB PostShell there is a couple examples of DEVI uses. Also Google: Detailed Explanation of PECMD in PECMD.INI File.

The utility Only supports parsing of multiple inf files at once because they are in a MSZip Cabinet format with only top folders containing inf and drivers files... Drivers sub folders are required.

Code: [Select]


Delete all unneeded Drivers. If you are building x64 Remove all X86 directories and files. If You build x86 Create Separate Driver Packs For this. I started to use this method lately because of the size of the newer drivers, so I limited it to Lan, Wifi, Video, Vendors and Card Readers... If The Chipset installs Properly a boot time There is big chance that you wont need audio Drivers, Windows will be able to install Default HD audio.

The only way to have Chipset and Mass storage working correctly is to integrate them... For that part I used the Gigantic Offline Drivers pack from and stripped everything down to Chipset, Mass storage, and USB Drivers for Windows 10 x64 only. I recommended to search the resulting inf files for $CHICAGO$ signature and remove all of these, they will bsod your compilation even if not in use.

Once bootable with the Chipset, Mass storage and USBdrivers integrated. With the MakeCab tool mentioned earlier I was able to put 3.3 gigs of drivers in 900 MB of Cabs. It significantly increased Boot time but... they're all there :-)

I created separated Cabs For Lan, Wifi, Video, Vendors, Card Readers. And just Run them one after the other.

Verify that this section of Pecmd.ini is active
Code: [Select]
// Install external drivers, load external program
LOAD Y:\PecmdExt.ini

Then in the _SUB ExtDrivers section of PecmdExt.ini, replace the current commands With the one you need for example:

Code: [Select]
//DEVI $Y:\
//DEVI $Y:\
//DEVI $Y:\

This way You can decide which driver packs will be used upon startup. $ means Copy and Install Found hardware drivers immediately. You can edit PecmdExt.ini anytime before loading your PE and the desired configuration will be applied.

For this to work you must not integrate any Video drivers nor use the Original Display driver Plugin and install them last in PecmdExt.ini. Create a build and Verify that your Video Adapter comes off as "Not Installed" in Device Manager to make sure. This way DEVI will Forces a refresh of the system at installation and the drivers becomes usable immediately. If MS default drivers are installed the video card will remain uninstalled because DEVI can only install new devices not upgrade existent. Also you need to disable all other methods of automatic driver installation (PNPUtil, DRVinst, SDI or SSTR).

It Works Very well and leaves my Boot.wim under 700 MO. Except for the longer boot time the results are very good so far. Total 1158 Drivers available. in a total of 900 MO of Driver Cabs and 245 MO Integrated in boot.wim. I'm Testing now. For the moment I have only 3 test machines but all worked. With their own respective drivers correctly installed.

Hth :-)

Edit: I forgot... I use DirectX 11-12 Script by ChrisR 2019.01.27
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 03:23:01 AM by Malok »

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2020, 10:30:15 PM »


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Thank you very much for a detailed explanation Malok.

I see you are now using CabPack from Lars Hederer instead of MakeCab VBS script by Memon Faheem. Thanks for the new alternative too.

So for "boot critical" drivers like storage/usb and chipset you recommend integration. I have nothing against it, but I like to keep my PE images as generic and barebones as possible, and externalize payloads to my UFDs remaining storage capacity. It's easier keeping everything updated/testing/adapting.

So for the chipset/storage/usb I like the SSTR approach:

(first 6 lines in pecmd.ini)
Code: [Select]
DISP W1024 H768 B32 F60
LOGO %windir%\web\wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg
TEXT Starting WinPE, please wait......#0xFFFFFF L59 T39 $24*

EXEC !=%windir%\system32\firadisk.cmd
EXEC !=%windir%\system32\userdrivers.cmd

(cmd in last line, paths are customizable, of course)
Code: [Select]
start /b /wait Reg Add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows" /v "ErrorMode" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x00000002" /f
FOR %%i IN ( c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\SSTR\USER\MY_DRIVERS_x64\MY_DRIVERS_x64.txt SET strelec=%%i:
start /b /wait Reg Add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows" /v "ErrorMode" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x00000000" /f
start /b /wait pnputil.exe /add-driver %strelec%\SSTR\USER\MY_DRIVERS_x64\*.inf /subdirs /install

Tested it with intel MEI and raid drivers (also with lan and monitor, but for these I have to try your cab method, I like it more) on custom Win7 PE SE (I use it to test driver-related scenarios to apply in my full install.wim)

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2020, 03:07:27 AM »


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No Problems, I'm currently trying this, so It wasn't a big effort.

How much time does it take to process at startup ? Is the question...

This method is not fast... So to speak... But it has some advantage. The packed driver are taking less space and are much faster to copy during builds.  I'm all setup to try this with chipset and disk drivers... Going to give it a try. I don't remember where I got CabPac, but I probably mixed it.... But it is the only tool I found that was able to create suitable Cabs.

I try to keep the integrated pack as pure and clean as possible, and it is always possible to add a missing driver with ex: DEVI $y:\Adaptec\Advantage.inf by modifying PecmdExt.ini and restarting PE.

Will try that and report back.

Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2020, 08:04:32 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi Malok,

thanks for "Bee Demo", (I will create a plugin to test in future when required)   :cheers:

well, after I enable DirectX plugin, Bee Demo quickly start to work inside an emulator  :lol:

It seems all about adding driver, thanks for all info, happy times with 150€  :great:

Maybe you consider creating a package including pecmd.exe which starts with pecmd_malok.cmd --> that starts pecmd.exe with ini etc. etc.
This way, It will be a standalone package that can be used by any project or by any ready iso around.  :thumbsup:
(+ I may also add such plugin ;) )

In old good days, I was using "Driver Import PE" (Dipe) to install drivers after boot on Gena. Time passes, many things change, ideas same.  :thumbup:


Re: I Offer 150€ for the person who can achieve this with Win10PESE
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2020, 05:01:10 PM »


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After testing this a little further...


Installing chipsets, Mass Storages and USB drivers this way worked well, but added a painful 3-4 minutes to startup   :sad:
I reverted to integrated method.  This seems good for Network, Wifi, video and other stuff. And Startup speed is much better.

I tested the Driver Pack on a newer Machine and it's  :great:



Maybe you consider creating a package including pecmd.exe which starts with pecmd_malok.cmd --> that starts pecmd.exe with ini etc. etc.
This way, It will be a standalone package that can be used by any project or by any ready iso around.  :thumbsup:

Good idea  :cool:


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