Some Error messages are not present when using winbuilder - but are presented when using PEBakery..Thus we try to avoid by using if,exist
also as a protection DOD should be run after XPEStartup...and then check if XPEstartup.ini existselse extract a default XPEStartup.ini from within DOD...this way you do not need to manipulate XPEStartup.ini contained in XPEStartup scriptit would also allow DOD to run without selecting/enabling XPEStartup
I think Next Version will start from PEcmd.ini and load it's own DriverSod.ini from the usb Driveinstead. This will also get rid of the TXTReplace commands and leave XPEStartup.ini untouched.
Code: [Select]// Load external Autorun.cmd or PecmdStartup.ini to run program, Install external drivers, keyboard,...IFEX Y:\DriverSod.ini,LOAD Y:\DriverSod.ini
Hello All,I would like to first say hello and introduce myself, my name is jimmy and I have been doing a little scripting as of late..I was scripting programs that I could use with winpe - diskpart scripts - dism scripts - apply wim scripts - image prep and so on..A member from eight forums sent me a stand alone program that ran from my desktop, when it finished I had a bootable disk that booted into ram (X) and had a windows type interface with a bunch of programs on the desktop..Well after a little searching,, I'M HERE..Been reading the forum, and wow is there a lot of knowledge here to learn for a beginner.. And I Thank You..But, Need a little scripting help..Thank You in Advancekyhi
You will find drivers required files are listed in inf file [SourceDisksNames] and [SourceDisksFiles] sections. Copy cat file also.