The command now enables users to have very simple syntax to remember and
Powerful tools easy to use. for example: You can now use DriverSod from any
drive letter to export drivers from an host. (/exp) in a booted Windows.
Then use them at will in your PE With (/Imp) to load the saved drivers.
You can cleanup those and create cabinet with cabPack for later uses (/inst).
The command can also be used to install drivers to standard windows NT
installations (/inst /load /imp). You can also create a cmd with
@DriverSod /exp %ComputerName% save it and double click it from usb drive on any
machine to automatically backup Hosts drivers to Folder ..\Drivers_x??\Computername.
Then use them right away in PE (/imp).The command can also generate batch command
to install up to 8 packs at once (/gen). And also create full cmd and ini to use
in projects (/genx). On a Running host Browse to the DriverSod folder in your
usb drive and start the cmd shortcut to have quick access to DriverSod prompt in
program folder. Or use start menu in PE for quick access to most useful commands.
Use plugin Automation or edit DriverSod.ini to enable / Disable packs installation
at PE Startup.
*** Remove all traces of previous installation before installing this one ****** Follow Setup info in Plugin to setup auto installation at startup ***-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have any problem with your compiler please let me know... So i can fix it.I've been using it every occasions 'I have since last week. It does a good job.