UPDATE : I did customization very moderately but the blues are back! ( Second log attached )
Win10XPE and Win10XPE in PEBakeryPHDM15_XPEParagon Hard Disk Managercopy to \HD Tasks\Imaging\Paragon (suggestion only)Note: Requires you to create PHDM64.7z and/or PHDM.7z (depending on ARCH) from all the files and folders WITHIN the program folder, either C:\Program Files\Paragon Software\Hard Disk Manager15\program\ from locally installed program OR \BOOT.WIM\Programs\Paragon Software\program\ from the ISO PHDM15_XPE.Script (90.58 kB - downloaded 34 times.)Plugin moved to topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28594#msg28594
A lot of the plugins fail to download right away during build. 2 big ones that I use a lot and have issues with are Power Data Recovery and MBAM. Dism++ was another to fail downloading. As well as GSmart control, Firefox, TestDisk.