Hi ntd252you may edit your posts after or on the 10th onedont forget in PEBakery to go to settings tab, and in compatibility, set to all selected for Win10XPEjust temp deselect MPC-BE plugin for this testEdit:btw MPC that like yours, was failing download for me earlier, now appears to work
PE Bakery is not giving error at config.... which is good,,please replace existing MPC script with this oneand test again
delete folder > win10xpe/progcache/MPC-BEand then just hit little Green Play on top of interface
Hi ntd252If you wished to continue testing the problem with PEBakeryhere's a link to the last nightly which doesn't give that CreateISO errorhttp://pc.cd/hrC7regards APT
With this build, it fail when I Select Windows 10 source folder.
Be nice if xpe included a Projects\Win10XPE\PEBakeryCompat.ini file
Thank You - we are already aware that the zip throws a virus warning - usually via windows defenderPlease refer to this post > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2710.0You will need to allow a Windows Defender "Exception" for the Win10XPE Folder I would suggest the same exception for any A/V software, in order to allow the program exe's to run without being blocked....
HiAomei Partition Assistant Version 8.5 (October 31, 2019)