ER: SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW: 1784
ER: SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW: 259ER: SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW: 1784
so I feel it would be much more easier(easier to adjust, update, edit, maintain.... etc. etc. -> life be less complex )to rename current penetwork.script to penetwork056.script ( and Title=PENetwork 0.5.6=and new penetwork.script (current one) with adding latest penetwork ;) so comparisions and tests would be much more easier by everyone
Published version update v.057.2 of PENM:- Fixed: (again) wrong device detection in 64bit cause of structure size problem in SP_DRVINFO_DATA and SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA - thanks to 'Fryquez' for bug report
UAC detected as enabled - aborting project build
Can you check if bug at adding driver files for x64( PENetwork.exe /drvcopy )fixed on Genax64 builds ?(you can easly test with latest Penetwork plugin on Gena server, all ready for such test )
QuoteUAC detected as enabled - aborting project build Basic->PrepPE-->Advanced GUI==>"Abort build if UAC enabled"
I does work, but you need to add a /x64 to the end of commandline
for Source x86ShellExecute,Hide,%ProjectTemp%\PENetworkDrvCopy\PENetwork.exe,"/drvcopy #$q%pFileBox1%#$q #$q%target_win%#$q%value%"for Source x64ShellExecute,Hide,%ProjectTemp%\PENetworkDrvCopy\PENetwork.exe,"/drvcopy #$q%pFileBox1%#$q #$q%target_win%#$q%value% /x64"
Yes, correct
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