Looking At MouseKey Plugin From Latest Release Package.Such An Issue Was Not Found..
Hi Bigbadmoshejust checked last two XPE releases, neither have double comma in mousekey plugin for meps I primarily use PEBakery, so I guess I would have noticed
[%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.cmd]: The directory name is invalid.
What does Download_Level=2 mean ?
Failed Downloading...Aria2c return:1 - An unknown error occured.Please Help...
0b) Be sure your base folder is short, under "root\sub folder"
... (But > D:\Oven < Even Better for project, because shorter name length)
@ChrisI'm not sure why this is happeningFileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\XPEStartup.cmd.txt] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.cmd]: The directory name is invalid.FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\XPEStartup.ini.txt] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.ini]: The directory name is invalid.If i do it manually it works but on auto build always get this.
this is due to the name of your folder ...
I did not test your version of DISM++But did notice this > Type=CodeCheckerPlugin
That was a little utility I played with for no other reason then to see if it would work...That was never intended to be a user method..It has been depicted from the forum for a while now...
I have noticed you are uploading plugins xpeplugins with a lot of copy and paste mistakes..
I have noticed that there are file process errors in those same plugins xpeplugins...
Otherwise it seems to comes off ( to me anyway ) - Like your xpeplugins has my seal of approval
That is the reason I asked you via a PM Response to upload your plugin xpeplugin version to this discussion topic
The best I can suggest to you is - Do a clean update of the project and if desired my plugin xpeplugin pack.
Use the utilities provided and master the plugin xpeplugin creation process using those utilities.
This is all homework you need to do and learn in order to master a reliable plugin xpeplugin for distribution..