Topic: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.  (Read 21259 times)

Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« on: August 14, 2012, 04:15:07 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Hi my friends.
I wanted to share with you a problem.
system:Laptop-fujitsu siemens lifebook ah531 sata.Ram 2GB.In Setup Win7 and xp.Running smoothly.
From USB useful grub and mount iso.

Video driver failed blue screen come boot screen later.

There is not vga driver option in bios.(graphic card onboard).Only ahci and sata option existing.Ahci close.

Previously working from USB:

Gena-liveXP's  Video driver failed.
UBCD4Win's Video driver failed.
XpE's Video driver failed.
Hiren 15 mini windows Video driver failed.

This laptop does not work.

But works on cd When AHCI closed.(Hiren-livexp-ubcd4win......):O
And win7SE Running smoothly.On USB.:O

What is problem?Chipset driver?I found script but chipset driver setup on dekstop.Even though absurd.

Waiting for your help.

Sorry my english very bad.If you write item by item I can understand you.
Best regards.(Lancelot eğer buralardaysan bir bakarsan sevinirim.)

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 03:13:42 PM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

UBCD4Win seem to be death project (besides I like it ;))
livexp death for years, don't expect anything from it,
hirxx is warez which we do not discuss around here,
xpe, I guess you mean Sherpya XPE, which I also like a lot

your problem seem to be missing ahci driver, Gena already updated with latest drivers on active server but not zip packages, after your post
Gena Zip distributions updated
Try Latest Gena Meal (default build)
See how it goes  :thumbsup:

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 02:02:39 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Hi _Lancelot

Thank you very much for the reply.

I downloaded;
Gena_Meal (171.9 MB) 2012-08-15
Latest version mass_stroge drivers.
Gena succesfull finish.But,Still the same error on USB.

What's wrong?

my_log and pictures:

I hope that we solve.Thank you.

Problem 2:SetResolution option for laptop;1280 x 800 32 but mount iso 800x600.I adjust it

Problem 3:
Mass_stroge drivers oto unpack and copy,no problem(no make build.)
Latest version lan drivers no oto unpack and
make build:
'Error! Either DPs BASE file, a .7z LAN DP, or both, was not supplied. LAN drivers will not be added to the build.'
manuel copy DPs_BASE_1006.exe and bin_version.ini later build no error succesfull unpack.(But still no oto unpack.)

(Lancelot ilgin için teşekkür ederim.Kusura bakma biraz kafa dinliyormuşsun rahatsız ettim.Evet bu ahci olayı biraz eski biz _bluelife lada çözemedik.O kadar çeşitli proje denememin amacı bir çıkış noktası bulma umuduydu.Mayıs çıkışlı gena yı da denemiştim.Xpe ler arasında _bluelife ın live den yaptığı XPE de vardı.Sonuç yine değişmedi.Sana log ve resimler gönderdim müsayit olursan bir bakarsın.Bende 2 hata daha oldu onlarıda yazdım.Lan driverın built yaparak sorunsuz çalışması için  DPs_BASE_1006.exe ve bin_version.ini dosyalarını manuel kopyalaman lazım.Built yapmazsan gena nın çalışma sürecinde bunu açtırmadan pas geçiyor.Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam mayıstan önceki sürümde mass stroge de bu hata varken lan sorunsuz çalışıyordu.Neyse size iyi çalışmalar kolay gelsin.)

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 02:34:13 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

Thanks for the log.

The log shows that you build the PE with DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1203.7z. Try with DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1206.7z. That's already contained in the BIN script downloaded from the server.

For the SetResolution issue, please post the contents of the generated '%temp%\SetResolution.log' file.

Sorry, for problem #3 I can't understand. Maybe Lancelot can translate to English for me?


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 05:55:53 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Hi _Galapo

Thank you very much for the reply.

I have used mass stroge version 1206,result is the same.Error.

Galapo %temp%\SetResolution.log' file there is no.I called every place.Search; .log -  SetResolution -
SetResolution.log I send only working SetResolution script log.
I go to work now.I'll look again.

For problem 3:

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 06:12:05 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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I have used mass stroge version 1206,result is the same.Error.

Please can you post the log so I can confirm.

Also, can you post a screenshot of the message or type it out?

Galapo %temp%\SetResolution.log' file there is no.I called every place.Search; .log -  SetResolution -
SetResolution.log I send only working SetResolution script log.

In the booted PE, when SetResolution is run the file 'SetResolution.log' is created under your %temp% location. I can't determine what's happening without that LOG file.

For problem 3:

Sorry, I cannot understand this: "Summary. LAN driver does not work as Mass Storage driver in Gena process." Maybe Lancelot can translate your Turkish for me.


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2012, 08:46:42 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

Try solving your problems one Step at a time (Take it easy), you are trying to do all at once (massstorage, lan, wimboot.....)  :w00t:

when you are asked for log, you are asked the log file of blueplay button, the log you provided does not provide info required....
do the following:
extract new Gena Meal to a fresh (new) folder
\Gena\Basic\PrepPE==>Enable 'Create Support Log'
Choose your source
click big blue
you will get Gena.iso in the end

boot this Gena.iso with grub4dos which I guess you already installed, here is menu.lst
title Gena.iso (0xFF) Find Mem
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Gena.ISO
map --mem /Gena.ISO (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

==> this is to test your bsod problem and/or to see if you can access your drives on booted Gena
if problem, provide the log created....

Gena\Drivers\3 Network\DPs LAN Drivers
as you had done on picture, just again provide
Path to DPs_BASE_*.exe & DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_*.7z
file and first click build button, --> this prepares lan drivers, not add to Gena
than click green button --> this adds drivers if you already had build Gena (which we did above)
Gena\Finals\CreateISO click "Create a new ISO file"
(tip: above is a shortway if you follow guide , normally enablding Gena\Drivers\3 Network\DPs LAN Drivers + providing files like you did is enough for big blue build)

as explained before, boot new Gena.iso with grub4dos to see if lan working,
After Gena boots, with default options PENetwork application should find and run lan driver.... (unlike normal windows ;))

I feel you may have troubles to get how things works, and I guess you will figure out in some short time....


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 08:07:47 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Yazdıklarımın hepsi silindi. :mad:

Hi _Lancelot And _Galapo

Latest log

blue screen:

_Galapo and _Lancelot please uploding you working iso (existing mass stroge) for me.I would choose the wimboot+ wimpack (because small size) but normal iso no problem.
\Gena\Basic\PrepPE==>Enable 'Create Support Log' I make
but there is not also a setresolution.log or Gena not create.Sory _Galapo.

Lan at Lancelot.

(Lancelot bazı kelmelerini es geçmiş olabilim özürdilerim.Bana Çalışan bir iso dosyanı (Mass stroge entegre)upload edebilirsen işleri biraz daha kısaltmış olacağız.Boyuttan dolayı Wimboot-wimpack tercihim ama normal iso da sorun olmaz.Durumumu biraz daha açayım;yazmış olduğun grub kodu sata laptop ta çalışmıyor yani aynı hatayı veriyor.Sata olmayan laptopta tüm kodlar çalışıyor.Zaten hemen hemen aynı sayılırlar.İşte bir SetResolution sorunu var.Orda da SetResolution.log dosyasını heryerde aradım arattım ama ne yazık ki yok.
LAN içinse resimlerde gönderdiğim gibi gena iso dosyasını oluşturduktan sonra mass stroge klasörüne baktığında Klasörü açılmış ve dosyalar sisteme gönderilmiş.LAN da ise dosyalar açılmamış ve sisteme gitmemiş.Bunu extra dosya kopyalayarak yaptırıyorum.Bunun için sordum niye böyle diye.Yoksa dosyaları kurdurup internete girebiliyorum.Yukardaki loglar dada görebilirsin.Görüşmek üzere kolay gelsin.)

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2012, 08:10:03 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

before doing other build options like wimboot + wimpack, first make create iso working ,
you DO NOT follow what asked, making yourself and us difficult to help you......

but there is not also a setresolution.log or Gena not create.Sory _Galapo.
Galapo already wrote:
For the SetResolution issue, please post the contents of the generated '%temp%\SetResolution.log' file.
with other words: At Adres bar of Explorer, write %temp%

I can not publickly send ready iso, just send through pm for test only,
edit: here is log to see how build prepared:
In case of trouble, don't forget to defragment iso files, and use one of latest grub4dos,
There is Gena\WriteMedia\"Tutorial Gena Disk Boot" , after pushing "Read ME" you will see ready defrag tools, example menu.lst and tested grub4dos (grub) under USB folder.

What I ask: try booting these iso from your harddisk via grub4dos, see if you can access your harddisk ????

Here are Grub4dos menu for your to test

title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0) Mem
root (hd0,0)
map --mem /Gena.ISO (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
map /Gena.ISO (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

title Gena_WIM.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
map /Gena_WIM.iso (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)


can our forum engine cache prepared messages ??
in case of trouble (ex: like lost connection when pressed send ;) )
message permanently lost and can not be recovered by using back button of browser.
It seems ginzu also experienced this recently,
I gain habit of "copy all" before pressing send, but many would not  :wink:

« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 08:14:22 AM by Lancelot »

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2012, 06:49:56 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Setresolition ok.İso boot,later search in temp.I had searched in project.(Temp folder....):(

For Gena.iso (_Lancelot your send options with make.)

I make full defrag flashdisk.
WinContig + WinContig dos not working on files.
I make defrag gena.iso with ultra defrag.But still blue screen.:(

For Gena.iso (_Lancelot your send options with make.)

ahci close or open

title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0) Mem
root (hd0,0)
map --mem /Gena.ISO (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

Sata laptop for on usb =Video driver failed
Ide laptop for on usb =working,no problem
Direct Sata Laptop HDD (setup Grub)=Video driver failed
title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
map /Gena.ISO (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

Sata laptop for on usb =Not working
Ide laptop for on usb =Not working
Direct Sata Laptop HDD (setup Grub)=Video driver failed
title Gena_WIM.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
map /Gena_WIM.iso (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

Sata laptop for on usb =Not working
Ide laptop for on usb =Not working
Direct Sata Laptop HDD (setup Grub)=Video driver failed

(Her zaman yazılarımı kopyalayarak atarım.Geçen sefer gafil avlandık.:/_Lancelot HDD tende olmuyor.Masaüstü pc de ve ide laptopta grub kurulu zaten onlarda bir sorun yok.Sata olanda Cd den çalışıyor.Win7Se dende usb de çalışıyor.Bilemiyorum.Sizden iso istememin sebebi sorunu daha hızlı çözebilmekti.Kullandığın dosyalarda,sistemde belki farklar vardır çalışırsa eğer mukayese ederim demiştim.Benim e-mail adresim ''.Tabiki zamanınız dahilinde.İstiyorsanız bende up yaparım.Tamam upload işini en son çare olarak bir kenara ayıralım.İlginiz için sana ve _galapo ya çok teşekkür ederim.Müsayit zamanınızda yeni fikirlerinizi bekliyorum.:))

_Lancelot sevdiklerinle hayırlı sağlıklı ve mutlu bayramlar dilerim.

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2012, 02:37:12 PM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0) Mem
working with IDE, but others not working, indicates a problem with one of following
1) Grub4Dos version or limits
2) Disk Conditions (chkdsk ;))
3) Fragment conditions (which should be easy to defragment files, but your failure smells bad and main suspect  :confused:....)

which are out of Gena...

just to be sure, grub and grub4dos are different, we mean grub4dos  :thumbsup:
as far as I know latest version here,
alternative to grub4dos is isolinux, but I do not know anything about it, grub4dos so far work for everyone

title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0) Mem
not working with Sata (=ahci enabled) is the thing we can focus on
I ask you 3 things
1) You write on turkish part "Sata olanda Cd den çalışıyor.", just to be sure, Do you say: Sata (=ahci enabled) working with Gena.iso when booted with true cd rom ????
2) Create Gena.iso without any mass storage (only enable Gena\Drivers\5 Ramdisk\WinvBlock), and try to boot with "title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0) Mem" , report what happens. ??
3) Get SaveHWIDs v1.3.exe from
run it on your sata (ahci enabled) laptop
and provide notepad file, so Galapo further check things  :thumbsup:

Yep all have limited time, besides continously working on things and support  :thumbsup:


edit  italic add to savehwid line
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 08:12:39 AM by Lancelot »

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2012, 01:15:48 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

For SetResolution issue, thanks for the log. It's just not detailed enough for me to understand what's going on. So I've released a new version of SetResolution. It's available on the Gena server to download. Make a build with it and post the new LOG file.

For the Mass Storage driver issue, thanks also for testing the latest driver pack. It may be that your device is not yet supported. Follow Lancelot's instructions and run the 'SaveHWIDs v1.3.exe' and post the output. That way we can check whether your device is supported.


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2012, 01:20:38 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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can our forum engine cache prepared messages ??
in case of trouble (ex: like lost connection when pressed send ;) )
message permanently lost and can not be recovered by using back button of browser.
It seems ginzu also experienced this recently,
I gain habit of "copy all" before pressing send, but many would not  :wink:

Sadly, not that I know of. I have lost some posts in the past as well. And now also try to remember to copy all of a post before hitting send.


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2012, 12:22:06 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Hi my friends,


1)grub4dos a old version useful alltests 
grub4dos-0.4.6a-grub4dos-0.4.5c useful alltests
small iso dimensions- max_300mb

2)sata laptop 3 partition.full chkdsk,no problem.Laptop very little used.There are a few programs in laptop.

3)Sata laptop full defrag ok.Approximately 25 min.No problem.

I use isolinux .But I use grub usually.

ex code:
LINUX memdisk
KERNEL memdisk
APPEND iso initrd=iso

title Gena.iso (0xFF) (hd0,0) Mem
'I ask you 3 things'

1)"Sata olanda Cd den çalışıyor."when only close ahci mode.

2)Sata laptop - video driver failed.
Sata laptop isolinux - video driver failed.
Other laptop - iso file not open on ram.104mb/126mb (at 104mb) waiting.
Other laptop isolinux ok.working.

3)SaveHWIDs ok.Enable ahci.

(Tekrar merhabalar _Lancelot ve _Galapo.Laptop yaklaşık 1 senelik.Ben daha önceden birçok deneme yaptım.Birçok kod ve yol denedim.Tabi illaki esgeçtiklerim olabilir.Laptop çok az kullanılmış.İçinde birkaç program kurulu sadece.İçindeki sistem ve programları ben kurmuştum.(xp ve win7).Sorun ikili sistemden kaynalandığını sanmıyorum.İsolinux ta kullanıyorum.Fakat sata laptop ta yine sonuç video sürücüsü başlatılamadı hatası.Sata laptop a chkdsk ve defrag yaptım.Az kullanıldığından gayet hızlı bir şekilde tamamlandı.Diğer laptop u görsen içi karmakarışık,denemelerle dolu 4 partitions.Onda herhangi sorun yok.(HDD de ve usb den çalıştırmada.)SaveHWIDs ve logları gönderiyorum.Görüşmek üzere kolay gelsin.:))

_Galapo ok.Thank you.I'll try again.

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2012, 01:30:01 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

Thanks for the HWIDs. Your device is supported by the mass storage driverpack.

So this means that the booting issue is caused by something else.

I just tested the following entry for Grub4Dos from my usb stick with a WinVBlock ISO:

Code: [Select]
title Gena (direct)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Gena.iso
map /Gena.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

Regarding SetResolution, the latest version I released has a bug. I'll update the script soon with a fixed version.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 01:30:20 AM by Galapo »

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2012, 01:56:24 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Ok, I've uploaded a fixed version of SetResolution to the Gena server. Please grab from there, rebuild the PE, and post the output of the SetResolution.log file.


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2012, 08:49:54 PM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

Galapo says:
we already have drivers for your ahci enabled laptop (which cause you trouble),
as Galapo writes "booting issue is caused by something else" which I fully agree, but I run out of idea bout "else"  :wink:
for other case:
Galapo updated a new version to SetResolution to server, I hope you know how to get it easly?

Further testing with ahci enabled mode,
first make a build with latest SetResolution+dps disabled+winvblock enabled, to see if it works ??
second, if first still not working,
Gena\Basic\Build\"saydin77 Core" ==> Disable "Small Core Build"
--> This will result with bigger Gena, a more complete PE1 referenced from MS, which may help ??
if not help , Enable "Small Core Build"  :wink:

I do not think these will be your solution to your boot problem, I feel your booting issue lies somewhere else !? but where,

also try using fat32 on your ufd boot trials (format ufd with fat32, not ntfs) (ufd=usb flash disk)

That is all came my mind, let us know how it goes  :thumbsup: :cheers:

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2012, 11:02:47 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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_Galapo and _Lancelot;
Grub always waiting now.Not boot.carry the project in laptop.isolinux working but new setresolution (21.08.2012) still does not work.
only_enable_WinvBlock and setresolution I'll try again.Please wait.See you...

(_Lancelot bir sorun oldu.Grub birkaç gün önce yaptıklarımı açarken,şimdikileri açmıyor.Komple silip yeniden denedim.Olmadı.Reset atmadım pc ye başka çalışmalar daha var diye.Laptop a taşıyıp denemeleri yeniden yapacağım.Son yazdıklarına da bakacağım.Lütfen biraz bekleyin.Görüşmek üzere.)

Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2012, 11:23:51 PM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi ginzu,

Instead of Grub and Isolinux, please try using Grub4Dos, new versions here:

For SetResolution, I need to see the SetResolution.log file to identify what is happening.


Re: Gena-livexp on USB Video driver failed.
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2012, 12:35:58 AM »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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(_Lancelot bir sorun oldu.Grub birkaç gün önce yaptıklarımı açarken,şimdikileri açmıyor.Komple silip yeniden denedim.Olmadı.Reset atmadım pc ye başka çalışmalar daha var diye.Laptop a taşıyıp denemeleri yeniden yapacağım.Son yazdıklarına da bakacağım.Lütfen biraz bekleyin.Görüşmek üzere.)

Hicbirimizin zaten acelesi yok, epey yogunuz, keyfine bak  :thumbsup:

Bu arada Build (mavi buton) yaparken AntiVirus unu kapamayi, veya wb klasorunu exclude etmeyi unutma, hem hizdan kazanirsin hemde AV lerin kafalarina gore bisiler yapmasini engellemis olursun. (durduk yere virus suphesi ile saglam dosyayi sildikleri sIk gorulmus olaydir ;))

Eger kullandigin TR cd kaynaginin orjinalliginden supheli isen, baska dilde (enu) veya XP-SP2-SP3 Win2003-SP1-SP2 kaynakta kullanabilirsin,
Turkce Klavye Destegini 'Gena\Finals\1 Optimizations\"Turkish Language Group"' kullanarak eklersin  :wink:

Galapo nun dedigi gibi, grub4dos kullan, grub kullanma (belki sen grub derken grub4dos kastediyorsun, lakin ikisi ayni sey degil, yanlis bir anlasilmaya sebeb oluyor olabilirsin)

eger grub4dos un son surumlerinden birini kullaniyorsan (zaten ole yazmistin daha once),
bana gore donanimsal (disk, ram) bir sorun olmali... (icimden %90 diyor lakin belli mi olur...)
Galapo nun SetResolution unun dogru calisamamasi da buna bagli olabilir....

Bana oyle geliyorki, Gena "zar zor" boot oluyor, buyuk ihtimal boot sirasinda (bootmanager-disk-ram uclusunun neticesinde) bagzi dosyalar eksik/yanlis geliyor, ondan sonrada bu eksik modda teklemeye basliyor.....
Gena\WriteMedia\"Tutorial Gena Disk Boot"->"Read ME" ye tikladiginda, cikan Explorer pencesinde, "USB" klasorunu altinda benim su ana kadar kullandigim grub4dos u da bulabilirsin (grldr dosyasi)
bu klasorde bir de ornek MENU.LST dosyasi var,
kalan dosyalar iso dosyasini rahatlikla contigious yapmak icin,
misalen kalan dosyalari Gena.iso nun bulundugu yere koyup, Gena.iso_defrag.cmd a cift tiklaman kafi, cikan ekranda FragUtil Penalty 0 derse contigious olmustur  :wink:

Ingilizce yazabiliyorsan Ing. yazmaya calis, sIkIstiginda tabiki TR yardimimizi yapariz,
Neticede Enu forum, Galapo ve digerleri islerinde uzman ve yardimci olmaya calisacaklardir, tabi enu gittigimiz surece, tr de benim elimden gelen kisitli olur....
Bir de sorunlari Tek Tek cozmeye calisalim  :wink:

bir cd heba edip, sana gonderdigim Gena.iso yu cd ye yazarak laptopu oyle boot etmeye calisirsan,
sorunun disk de olup olmadigini elemis oluruz. (ayrica Gena.iso kullanmak vesilesiyle ram sorunu ihtimali, "kismen"de olsa elenmis olur)

Gena da ve Win7PESE de (TheOven gururla sunar ;)) senin bildirdigin gibi bsod hatasi 1/1000000 de bir olur, zaten o hatalarin hepsini gecmis senelerde artik eledigimizden, bir kac yildir sadece kullanim/ekleme ile ilgili seyler konusuyoruz burada, PE ler neticede donanim calismasada acilir..... yinede belli mi olur, umarim sabir(in)la bu sorunun kaynagini buluruz.

Dedigim gibi acelemiz yok, bir dahaki cevabini enu bekleriz,

Iyi bayramlar  :newy:

Shortly Enu:

Advice to make builds without AV or using Exclude option of AV (to avoid AV false possitive failure and increase build speed)

Advice to make builds with other nt5 sources, like xp enu - 2003, providing info to add TR keyboard (so far ginzu source is XP-SP3-TR-x86)

Advice to use mostly English Language

Mini Tutorial Gena\WriteMedia\"Tutorial Gena Disk Boot"->"Read ME" to make files contigious easly..

Advice to test pre-sent Gena.iso with a true cd-rom boot (to avoid bootmanager-disk failure possibilty, and since pre-sent to avoid build failure possibility ;))



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