Topic: WinXShell - a portable shell and zero dependencies for boot.wim,winre.wim  (Read 65219 times)


  • WimBuilder
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2018-03-30 v3.0 release

* (2303.65 kB - downloaded 335 times.)
* (2134.68 kB - downloaded 172 times.)


  • Fix WIN7,8 system desktop right click stuck
  • Problems with abnormal program termination due to incorrect file configuration
  • Fix WSE7 Environment, My Computer, Desktop Cannot Open Control Panel Problem
  • Improvements: "control" command can be added in WinXShell.jcfg to control the start menu's control panel menu
  • Improvements: You can define the title attribute to control the taskbar name of the UI interface (supports multiple language resources)
  • New: Import Lua, can interact with scripts
  • Improvements: Interface multi-language support improvements, string resources can specify system resources directly from the Lua script (#{@shell32.dll,101})
  • Add: High imitation of my computer properties interface
  • New: Volume tray control icon
  • Added: Volume Control Interface
  • Improved: The resolution setting interface is defined by the Lua script and can be counted down by 15 seconds and automatically restored.



later here, I will update the machine translation after some hour sleeping...


  • XPE Baker
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Thanks for your updates  :thumbsup:
Not tested yet, I just read the Fixed and Improvements
Good night with, I hope, a quiet baby  :zzz:  :sleepsofa:


  • Code Baker
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Sweet!  :thumbsup:

Now I can update plugin (I waited like you asked  :lol:)

This looks fantastic slore..


  • Code Baker
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   I cannot get the countdown to work if I change the foldername from UI_Resolution to Settings.  Is the main.lua file location hardcoded?  Or variable to set location?  I believe its because WinXShell cant find this file, because the UI works ok, just no countdown...
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 01:46:54 AM by bob.omb »


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I rename the folder to settings, and change the "name":"Settings" it works.
also, I add the new "title":"%{Settings}",showing Chinese tilte on the taskbar.

Do you do any change of the main.lua?if something run, the script anilyze cause error,
while ignore the main.lua.

ALSO,I add a DEBUG option now.
run WinXShell.exe -console -ui -jcfg Settings\main.jcfg

when I change resolution, ontimer countdown worked like:
Code: [Select]
l o a d e d   l o c a l e s
 U I   i n i t e d
 U I   s e t t e d   s h a d o w
 U I   s e t t e d   t r a n s
 U I   A d j u s t e d   p o s i t i o n
 [LUA ERROR] can't find onshow() function
U I   M e s s a g e L o o p
 s e t f o c u s
 k i l l f o c u s
 s e t f o c u s
 d r o p d o w n
 d r o p d o w n
 k i l l f o c u s
 s e t f o c u s
k i l l f o c u s

I just modify the main.jcfg file.
Code: [Select]


  • Code Baker
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I did have the name and entry changed

I forgot to add....

I am trying to run a seperate xml and jcfg...

main-modi.xml and main-modi.jcfg
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 03:50:55 AM by bob.omb »


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now the SLIDER element can be found in the volume UI, the brightness can be remove.
I was thougt use your modi-xml, but busy in coding, not update the xml.
For plugins needn't keep my origin one.
that is just sample for how to use them.

Code: [Select]
Now I can update plugin (I waited like you asked  :lol:)
find the @xxx.dll,xx resource need more time than I thoght, I leave the old one with locale xml.
And the volume control should be WINDOWS likely? now just use mobile settings UI to show people it
CAN be in a different way.
the UI is not good design, need be some feedback and fix for release what I think.

LIKE you will modify some thing make it good in your PE.
if some modify is hard or don't know how to do it, I will catch it, and do some improve for that.

It's good that I saw some one add wallpaper settings button on the UI_Resolution, maybe should create UI_Personal later.

If you can't figure out why it can't work, you can upload your UI_XXX file, I will check it.


  • XPE Baker
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Sorry, not posted in the right topic
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 09:45:14 AM by ChrisR »


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Hi @slore

First my congratulations for taking time to update the project. I really liked the sound icon and the shape it has. In addition to being transparent like the rest. Congratulations, it's a great job.

Now, as a personal question, would it be possible to add a start menu similar to the current one in windows 10? Only the basics to see the folders but in a single color black or blue, so transparent as are the notifications. To give it a modern touch and thus utlizar this project that you are creating completely.

But that's just a question I ask.

Finally, thank you again for letting us try and use your great program. To wish him the best as a father and I hope that you can rest now being a father.


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Code: [Select]
Now, as a personal question, would it be possible to add a start menu similar to the current one in windows 10?

startmenu is on my TODO list for long time.
already have several better alternative tools for that, so I put it in low priority.

start10,startisback,classicshell can't make some settings to be what you like?

>Only the basics to see the folders but in a single color black or blue

 :confused:Could you make a simple image for this? so I can estimate this request.


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If, as you comment, there are others that fulfill the function, but they are very heavy. For a Libyan and fast system it is much better. When you were very advanced in the project, I wanted to ask you. Since it has up to the sound icon.

I include the image so you can get an idea of what it would be like. But I do not want to paralyze its development by an idea of mine. I'm really telling you, it's just a question I had been thinking about for some time.

It is the basic win10 menu, and on the left side only with the turn off or restart button that you created.

Finally, thank you very much for reaching my message and answering so fast.



  • Code Baker
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Ok so I got the countdown to work using the names main.jcfg and main.xml but for some reason when I rename them to main-modi it does not find the lua file and skips the countdown.

Attached adjusted layout with normal names.  They work this way but if you rename them and try to run you will see...

* (55.6 kB - downloaded 73 times.)

Just want to say thank you for this feature, I have it working fine in my build and I love it.  :thumbsup:

The reason i need to figure out what it is that is causing the problem, is to update the plugin for everyone to use easily, I would need to have the different layouts possible, but from your previous message it looks like maybe your saying to go ahead and change the layouts to a single modified (by me?) option for now?  Just want to make sure before I make the changes...  The slider doesn't work anyway which is the same thing you said....

ALSO - Does LUA helper folder need to be present for display setting LUA functions?

So if that is the path we take I will remove the layout option from the PESE plugin... So it will then be checkboxes for features and a dropdown for theme selection

** I Change "darkgray" to "darkgrey" on my end and in above zip for theme

Sorry for the slowness this time around I have been heavily updating my build the last few days..
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 04:51:03 PM by bob.omb »


  • WimBuilder
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Attached adjusted layout with normal names.  They work this way but if you rename them and try to run you will see...

give me the wrong one maybe good.

download your and renamed then, work fine  :confused:

>The reason i need to figure out what it is that is causing the problem, is to update the plugin for everyone to use easily, I would need to have the different layouts possible

yes, it designed in that way with total different layouts but share the locale xml, theme xml and images resource.
Code: [Select]

the main.lua is hardcode ... what's bad, I forgotted. I will add a "lua":"xxx.lua" option in main.jcfg later.

for now, there is 2 way to use one main.lua to do different flow control, for your case (main-modi) is unessary,
but I want to share it here.

1.  way one use env var to detect.
set ui_entry=main
winxshell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_ABC\main.jcfg
set ui_entry=main-modi
winxshell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_ABC\main-modi.jcfg

Code: [Select]
if os.getenv("ui_entry") == "main" then

2. use ui element to detect
add a hidden element in *.xml
Code: [Select]
<Control name="xml_entry" text="main" visible="false" />

Code: [Select]
if entry.text == 'wallpaper' then
        -- main-wallpaper.xml

I will add a attribute to check if element exists main.lua later, so needn't add it in every xml file

Attached my default main.xml, your main-modi.jcfg and a different layout wallpaper.jcfg(select bmp,jpg ,or random select from \Windows\web\*.jpg)
* (587.82 kB - downloaded 75 times.)

but from your previous message it looks like maybe your saying to go ahead and change the layouts to a single modified (by me?)
 option for now?  Just want to make sure before I make the changes...
I mean I will remove the Brightness settings for UI_Resolution and use yours one, so you needn't make a main-modi.xml,
and for the winxshell plugin,you can make in any file structure, and UI view for others what you think it's better,
no need keep my main.xml,main.jcfg. What in my release Attached is just as work sample.  :grin:

ALSO - Does LUA helper folder need to be present for display setting LUA functions?
now just UI_SystemInfo need it. That's a way show people who can use WinXShell make his own useful UI window.
when someone want to access the registry, window, process, who can add 
Code: [Select]
, and use them.

** I Change "darkgray" to "darkgrey" on my end and in above zip for theme
sorry for my poor English,this is a typo?a will rename the theme to darkgrey.  :tongue:

« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 07:17:38 AM by slore »


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ooh...seem that I thoght a way to change the brightness...
with lua_helper for people can know how it implement(lua script),
or just implement in WinXShell.exe and export a function for people.

Code: [Select]"SetBrightness", 80)

« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 02:21:58 PM by slore »


  • Code Baker
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Both gray and grey are correct.  I think MORE people do gray like you do.  For me it just looks incorrect in this alphabet to use the "a".  I only told you for when you were testing, that one letter could cause an issue if you didnt see it was changes when testing the theme.

I will wait until you decide on the slider.  If you want to go LUA ill try to add to current config myself, if you want to go through WinXShell instead ill wait and update all at once.  Just let me know.

Its not hard to fix plugin once I remove the layouts...

You are very popular slore  :wink:  plenty of downloads already
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 02:21:52 PM by bob.omb »


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I will wait until you decide on the slider.  If you want to go LUA ill try to add to current config myself, if you want to go through WinXShell instead ill wait and update all at once.  Just let me know.

I found a 3rd can set it, but we can use it to set the brightness,can't get the current one, and the program only have x86 binary,
so I decide implement by myself with WinXShell, but it would be next weekend(some other improve items also need be done, like add option "lua":"xxx.lua").
you can update other plugins, or just remove my Brightness slider and update the WinXShell plugin.


  • Code Baker
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Here is a version with the display settings updated.  Also i started to add system info but not sure how to implement.  Its all set for a shortcut right now but not active in plugin, not sure your indended use?  Right click option or shortcut? 

Here is updated version with display settings update + prepped for UI_System Info but not enabled yet..

* 2-WinXShell_Plugin_v5.7z (1934.91 kB - downloaded 115 times.)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 09:59:39 PM by bob.omb »


  • WimBuilder
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2018-04-02 v3.0.1 release
* (2539.76 kB - downloaded 175 times.)
* (2371.94 kB - downloaded 135 times.)

this version is nearly for somebody who want to change/create the UI for himself,
if what I released UI stuffs work fine for you, and you needn't change it, you needn't have to download this version,
just use last v3.0.0 is good enough. you can wait my next version for brightness,DPI settings,QuickLaunchMenu(basic statmenu),
right corner notifition/switch panel...

  • hide system's "Show Desktop", "Windows Swither" in quick launch bar(unusable under WinXShell)
  • fix issue that when run more then once with "-hidewindow", will toggle the UI Window to show up

 improve the lua scenario ablity
  the most updating for this version, for who have creativity to make the UI more smooth & personal

1. add "lua" option in jcfg for specify the lua scenario script(default is main.lua)
2. after use sui.find('<elem_name>'), any accessor will cause WinXShell crash if the elem object isn't exist, now any accessor will return nil, you can check it.
btn = sui.find('applybtn') if btn,isnil == nil , or btn.text ~= nil

3.add a sample for using same share resource but show different UI stuff(try LUA_TEST.bat)
a).needn't click the apply button but change the resolution directly after change the resolution comb list
  a1). -jcfg Settings\main.jcfg -lua direct.lua
  a2). -jcfg Settings\main.jcfg -direct

b). wallpaper select/random UI with PECMD.exe (wallpaper.jcfg->wallpaper.xml->wallpaper.lua)

4. now here is a function sui:jcfg('name'), you can read the specify option in lua scenario script
5. export a "SUI_PARAM" environment variable for lua scenario script

Code: [Select]
start WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_Resolution\main.jcfg
start WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_Resolution\main.jcfg -direct
start WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_Resolution\main.jcfg -lua direct.lua
start WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_Resolution\wallpaper.jcfg

with WinXShell+xml+lua, YOU can create a simple calc, notepad, color pick, hex-dec, rgb=>hex tool, etc... just with your ideas.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 05:09:21 AM by slore »


  • Code Baker
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What are the differences between WinXshell command line options -winpe, -desktop, and -install.  :confused:



  • WimBuilder
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hi, 0scar
options -winpe already have a description in first post.

for origin boot.wim/winre.wim it have wallpaperhost.exe as shell(show you wallpaper but nothing),
if there already have a shell,the winxshell.exe will be file explorer, so you need kill wallpaperhost.exe or remove it from wim.
so startup with -winpe option, will auto kill the shell window, and start as a shell.

also, winxshell.exe can run in normal Windows, which one's shudown/restart button is OK in StartMenu,
but in WinPE, it couldn't work,so when startup with -winpe option it will hook the shutdown/retart action with WinXShell.jcfg's Command,
default it is wpeutil.exe -shudown/-restart.

and, set the USERPROFILE environment variable to X:\Users\Default, make sure the Desktop can work, otherwise it point to X:\Windows\system32\config.

option -desktop
nomatter if there is shell running, run as a shell.
you can run in normal windows, you will see explorer.exe's taskbar,trayicon and winxshell's taskbar, trayicon are alive.
(normal for DEVELOP, keep the explorer running, and debug the shell's function)

option -install
write the registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
with winxshell.exe and even you restart windows, will use WinXShell.exe as default shell.
useless for WinPE.

hope you get the information.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 07:39:40 AM by slore »


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