Topic: WinXShell - a portable shell and zero dependencies for boot.wim,winre.wim  (Read 65223 times)


  • WimBuilder
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Also i started to add system info but not sure how to implement.

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;@="&Property" I don't found out the resource with shortcut for every language now, use 4177 instead.

@="WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_SystemInfo\\main.jcfg"


I found out the windows size, some label is not fit on different language OS.

for now maybe need:
Code: [Select]
if localename='en_US' then
   xxx.width = xxx


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this version is nearly for somebody who want to change/create the UI for himself,
if what I released UI stuffs work fine for you, and you needn't change it, you needn't have to download this version,
just use last v3.0.0 is good enough. you can wait my next version for brightness,DPI settings,QuickLaunchMenu(basic statmenu),
right corner notifition/switch panel...

Hi @slore

Thank you very much for including it in your list. It is appreciated that you are so attentive to the project.
Greetings and around here I will remain attentive.


  • WimBuilder
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I want to test WinXShell in the Windows 10 RS4, so I try the WIN10XPE, found some issues.

1. this PC's property can't be showed.
UI_SystemInfo works fine.

2. no sound beep when I change volume settings with my UI_Volume
also no sound with the built-in Volume settings(Is PE's problem?)
I will make it say 'TING' in next release.

3. when I try  to access my host PC's share folder(\\, explorer.exe CAN'T open it.
try to open it with winxshell, and add a cred login ui(I don't know if it will work for explorer.exe).
ila_rendered has a keyboard layout settings batch file, but I can't input "02" with default layout.
i used "System Recovery" to change it in right layout with just CLICK, so I thoght if I can make a WinXShell's UI for that.
and it done with next 16 lines.  :wink:

Code: [Select]

function onload()
  LCID = reg_read([[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International]],
  LCID = string.sub(LCID, -4, -1)
  --:: Update registry keyboard layouts in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinPE\KeyboardLayouts'run', 'Wpeutil.exe', 'ListKeyboardLayouts 0x' .. LCID)

function onclick(ctrl)'run', 'Wpeutil.exe', string.format('SetKeyboardLayout 0x%s:%s', LCID, ctrl))
  sui:hide()'sleep', 3000) -- ?

with winapi libray, you can read the registry and page with 187 keyboard layout! like the system recovery do.

5. there is no calendar for me with single click neither double click on  the DATE-TIME area
WITH 100 lines lua script it shows up  :cool:
next version will add this in WinXShell DATE-TIME area click event.

attach is Calendar and KB_Layout UI without WinXShell updating, they can work with released WinXShell v3.0.1 or rename to main.lua for v3.0.0.
JUST 9KB you can got it.
* (8.77 kB - downloaded 85 times.)


AND you can easily change it any UI by yourself.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 06:47:48 AM by slore »


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Congratulations for the new mejjoras. Visually it is very modern.

The sound is true, there is no beep when you change. But in my opinion it is better to be like this in silent mode to raise or lower volume.

I just tried the calendar and it works perfectly. Also visually it looks perfect. What I do not know how it works very well is the KB_Layout UI. I execute it but nothing appears. Do I do something wrong?


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What I do not know how it works very well is the KB_Layout UI. I execute it but nothing appears. Do I do something wrong?

I see a typo  jfcg:w00t:


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Totally true. My fingers went out when writing.   :lol: :lol: That bad. Excuse me. It works very well. Waiting for the next version to have it fixed on the taskbar as the sound.

Thank you very much again for sharing your work, and forget my rookie error.  :thumbsup:


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What are the possible parameters for the start menu?
Existil other parameter for default applications in WinXShell.jcfg?

Excellent work thank you :)



  • Code Baker
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Can the WiFi flyout be changed so the wired network icon shows for wired and the wireless flyout if a wifi card is detected?  I would still switch away from PE network UI to yours....  Does LUA make this possible?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 03:55:01 AM by bob.omb »


  • Code Baker
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slore, (I'm back at it  :tongue: diving in)

  for UI WIFI

With PE Nettwork and UI WIFI - both disconnected LAN and disconnected WLAN

Different behavior is here - plugged in LAN with disconnected wifi - PE Network shows correct WIRED icon...UI_WIFI shows wireless icon?

Need UI Wifi to detect when LAN is plugged in and override wifi icon....

Wired lan should be top most if detected active connection.. With its own separate flyout for wired icon.



Calendar --> Can we pin this to current tray clock  :confused:  (Best way to activate)


Keyboard Switcher !!!  :thumbsup:   Nice  :wink:   This all looks like the future  :cool:

1.) Can we suppress cmd windows for kb switcher?

2.) This is better than current keyboard switchers, however the one thing the current ones have is the way they work.  Usually they run in the tray with a flag tray icon representing the country the language is for, and they usually use a hotkey like ctrl+tab or something...  The current switchers did these things right, but they don't compare how nice yours is..
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 04:14:19 AM by bob.omb »


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2018-04-16  v3.1.0 release
* (2613.39 kB - downloaded 223 times.)
* (2442.86 kB - downloaded 149 times.)


release log:
New:  quite or better normal system function, but only needs 100kb
Added: Handle My Computer Properties, show Memory Information, and used time[xml+lua You can change the layout color, add anything] (No need for 15MB wbem\*)
Added: Hijack shortcuts's Open Containing Folder menu(both the button in property). YOU open the shortcuts's directory without ieframe.dll+wow64\ieframe.dll (24MB)
Added: Hijack the taskbar's clock area single-click event to display a lua simple calendar(you can customize).
Added: Hijack the taskbar's clock area double-click event to run timedate.cpl.
Added: The above actions can be configured (whether to hijack or what program runs)
Improved: WIFI's tray icon appears as a wired network icon when there isn't wireless network adapter.
Improved: When the UI_Volume changes the sound, make Beep sound(can disable with -nobeep option)

Imports the following registry before WinXShell.exe runs
Code: [Select]
fix the WinXShell location with yours.

Using explorer.exe can also use "My Computer Properties", "open shortcut location interception", "clock area click to invoke the event", use the method as follows:

Code: [Select]
WinXShell.jcfg added
  "handle_clockarea_click": true
then run:
Code: [Select]
WinXShell.exe -daemon

details about How to customize?

1.customize the my computer property:

edit UI_SystemInfo\handle_prop.reg

@="WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg UI_SystemInfo\\main.jcfg"
you can open cpuz.exe for you.

if you don't care above the size of the wim, you already added the wbem\*(15MB),
you needn't import the UI_SystemInfo\handle_prop.reg for handling the system property menu.

2.customize the shortcuts' OpenContainingFolder Menu:
if you can deal with the *.lnk file path that you can change

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shell\OpenContainingFolderMenu_wxsStub\command] @wxsStub.reg
@="X:\\WinXShell\\WinXShell.exe -ocf \"%1\""
@="pecmd exec !cmd /c  type "%0" | find /i ":\" | find /v "/">"%%temp%%\~~AutoOpenDir.txt" & for /f "delims=" %%a in (%%temp%%\~~AutoOpenDir.txt) do start X:\Progra~1\TotalCommander\TOTALCMD64 /O /T /A "%%~a""

if you can deal with the target path(%1) or containing folder(%p) that you can modify WinXShell.jcfg:
    "open_containing_folder":"explorer /select,\"%1\""

if you don't care above the size of the wim, you already added the ieframe.dll(24MB),
you needn't import the wxsStub.reg for hijacking the open containing folder menu.

3.customize the clockarea click action:
a). enable the hijack
Code: [Select]

b) handle single click action
c) handle double click action

Code: [Select]
    "clockarea_click": {
      "command": "##{JVAR_MODULEPATH}\\WinXShell.exe",
      "parameters": "-ui -jcfg UI_Calendar\\Calendar.jcfg"
    "clockarea_dbclick": {
      "command": "timedate.cpl"

You can startup oher clendar application with yourself.

full configure:
Code: [Select]
    "open_containing_folder":"explorer /select,\"%1\"",
    "clockarea_click": {
      "command": "##{JVAR_MODULEPATH}\\WinXShell.exe",
      "parameters": "-ui -jcfg UI_Calendar\\Calendar.jcfg"
    "clockarea_dbclick": {
      "command": "timedate.cpl"
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 02:22:29 AM by slore »


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Hello @slore

I just tried the new version and I love it. I have seen the option to change the wallpaper. I love that option and it works very well. Can it be added to the right click on the desktop? How was the resolution? In other words, adding the new command.

Congratulations on the progress.

I do not understand this. Can you explain?, please.

Added: The above actions can be configured (whether to hijack or run custom programs)

Thanks you so much.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 07:19:25 PM by teik »


  • Code Baker
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Improved: WIFI's tray icon appears as a wired network icon when there is no wireless network adapter

SWEEET!!  :w00t:

I have been waiting for this for a long time  :tongue:  THANK YOU SLORE!

Everythign else looks great too   :thumbsup:   I can't wait to start working with this your the best!


  • WimBuilder
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Hi, teik

I update the post, add  details about how to customize.

Can it be added to the right click on the desktop? How was the resolution? In other words, adding the new command.
see bob.omb's plugin:

and make new registry entry:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Personalize or wallpaper


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Hi @slore

Thank you very much for explaining it more. Now I can try this great job. The truth is that you have incorporated, very good improvements.

Thank you for continuing to share your work, and explain it so that we can all understand it, to enjoy this work to the fullest.  :thumbsup:


  • Jr. Chef
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hi, been trying out the shell on windows 10 rs3 x64 (not PE)

having some issues;

can't move desktop items, i.e. can't move a folder to another area of the desktop
windows volume control opens in top left of screen instead in the tray

i read a few pages back someone found that classic shell 4.2.x works, can't seem to get it working properly, does anyone know how to tweak the cfg to make it work?
i tried pasting in the lines from a post a few pages back, it kind worked but the shell start button was not hidden.


  • Code Baker
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Improved: WIFI's tray icon appears as a wired network icon when there is no wireless network adapter

SWEEET!!  :w00t:

I have been waiting for this for a long time  :tongue:  THANK YOU SLORE!

Everythign else looks great too   :thumbsup:   I can't wait to start working with this your the best!

Just to clarify this still doesnt do what I thought lol, how have things been?  hope all is well.. (and dont forget @RanCorX2 above)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 02:56:19 PM by bob.omb »


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> it kind worked but the shell start button was not hidden.

I was already posted in « Reply #1 on: April 08, 2017, 02:36:48 AM »

can I use a 3rd-part StartMenu?
Yes,but I think only Classic Shell(<= 4.2.5) can be.

hide origin start icon with WinXShell.jcfg

>can't move desktop items, i.e. can't move a folder to another area of the desktop

for boot.wim, winre.wim needs add some dll files and import 2 registry key which was posted in
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2017, 02:59:20 AM »

I can't drop the icon on the Desktop in Win10 PE!
I can't drop the file from desktop to cmd.exe, notepad or other apps!


but it's wired, it can't work in normal Windows 10(I used it in normal window 10 at all).

>windows volume control opens in top left of screen instead in the tray
something failed in init the window phase.

try to run:
WinXShell.exe -console -ui -jcfg UI_Volume\main.jcfg

to see what output.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 05:49:56 AM by slore »


  • WimBuilder
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Hi, bob.omb

I tested with my PC, and WIN10XPE, it show the right icon.

what your adapters information?
and try to run:
WinXShell.exe -console -ui -jcfg UI_WIFI\main.jcfg
post the output message.


  • Code Baker
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Same issue, when the machine has a wifi adapter and a wired connection is used there is no switch to wired icon...


On the left is UIWIFI and on the right is PENetwork

All laptops have wifi adapter, so all laptops get wrong icon when wired connection is used..
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 02:28:15 AM by bob.omb »


  • Jr. Chef
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so if i understand, dragging desktop icons doesn't work when using the shell on no pe install

if that's the case, that's a shame, was hoping to use it instead of explorer.


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