Also i started to add system info but not sure how to implement.
this version is nearly for somebody who want to change/create the UI for himself,if what I released UI stuffs work fine for you, and you needn't change it, you needn't have to download this version,just use last v3.0.0 is good enough. you can wait my next version for brightness,DPI settings,QuickLaunchMenu(basic statmenu),right corner notifition/switch panel...
What I do not know how it works very well is the KB_Layout UI. I execute it but nothing appears. Do I do something wrong?
"JS_STARTMENU": { "nosettings":true, "nobrowse":false, "nobrowse_network":true, "nofind":true, "norun":true, "nologoff":true, "norestart":false, "noshutdown":false, "noterm":true }
Added: The above actions can be configured (whether to hijack or run custom programs)
Improved: WIFI's tray icon appears as a wired network icon when there is no wireless network adapter
Can it be added to the right click on the desktop? How was the resolution? In other words, adding the new command.
Quote from: slore on April 16, 2018, 03:30:35 PMImproved: WIFI's tray icon appears as a wired network icon when there is no wireless network adapterSWEEET!! I have been waiting for this for a long time THANK YOU SLORE!Everythign else looks great too I can't wait to start working with this your the best!
can I use a 3rd-part StartMenu?Yes,but I think only Classic Shell(<= 4.2.5) can be.hide origin start icon with WinXShell.jcfgCode: "JS_STARTMENU": { "start_icon":"empty", "start_padding":8, ... }