>can we now use open shell or a newer classic shell build yet?
>i never found out how to disable or hide the show desktop icon & the explorer icon on the tray, is that still not possible either?
"JS_QUICKLAUNCH": { "hide_showdesktop":true, "hide_fileexplorer":tue},
I have noted these additional dependencies, let me know if there are any others required with rc4.2.
In general terms, even commented with #, it would be good to have all the properties listed in WinXShell.jcfg by default, for ease of use.
WinXShell.exe -ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_Resolution.zip and other wxsUI, scratches if shdocvw.dll is absent.
Werfault - is one of those files that pop up in Pokémon all the time..
Hi Slore, I'm trying to remember why I saw Werfault in Procmon, but I can't reproduce now. It Works well, sorry
"JS_TASKBAR": { "userebar":true, ... }, "::QL": { "hide_fixedsep":true, ... }