Reserved for general XPE Discussions
I added %Target_Prog% and %PE_Programs% global variables
And I prepared a new macro RunFromRAM:
Run from RAM:
%Target_Prog%=%GTarget%\Program Files
%PE_Programs%=X:\Program Files
It has these values if "Run ALL Programs from RAM" is enabled (new option in Core plugin).
Or if, "Run from RAM" is chosen in a plugin with the following syntax
RunFromWhere_ScrollBox="Run from USB",1,4,156,6,96,21,"Run from USB","Run from RAM"
Echo,"Processing %ScriptTitle%..."
If,%RunFromWhere_ScrollBox%,Equal,"Run from RAM",RunFromRAM
Run from USB:
It is the default value (If Not "Run from RAM" chosen).
To Noted that in this case, programs are copied directly to the ISO folder, without going through the Target folder
It allows to save space and time during construction by avoiding copying the Programs folder from the Target to the ISO folder when creating the ISO.
It works fine :thumbsup:
About %CDdrive%=X:(Y:)
%CDdrive% seems to be very little used. let me know for what need you use.
for now I have not added, if needed, it can be done easily with:
I also added %ProgCache%:
To use with Provide Files/Download Files/Program Cache with something like
About Target AppData variables:
It is not very used. So, for now to stay with a minimum of global variables, I did not add them directly in the (global) Variables section.
it helps to be lighter and save time during building.
But, I added in a new section
To Load TargetBasePath variables, use:
Default XPE Project Variables
%Target_Prog%=%GTarget%\Program Files
%PE_Programs% -- is always used by new project as "Run From Ram" "Run From USB" scrollbox changes it's X Y value
%CDDrive% --> Not Used Or Defined
%ProgCache%=%BaseDir%\ProgCache --> For Downloaded or User Provided Files - Folder Not Deleted By Project Scripts
PESE To XPE Script Conversion Variables
%HostOSArch% -- If,%ProcessorType%,Equal,8664,Set,%HostOSArch%,x64
%SourceArch% change to %Architecture%
%ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder change to %GTemp%
%TargetLocalSettingsAppdata% change to %TargetAppdataLocal%
%TargetAppdata% change to %TargetAppdataRoaming%
%TargetAUAppdata% change to %TargetProgramData%
Call, Call comma must be removed --> Un-Supported Command
%Tools% change to %GTools%
%Target_Win% change to %GTarget_Win%
%Target_Sys% change to %GTarget_Sys%
I'll try to make a Temp mini package with a plugin example to allow to further improve Creator...
I added AddShortcut macro:
Or called more simply with only
In this case, it uses the %ProgramTitle%, %ProgramFolder% and %ProgramEXE% variables
and the StartMenu folder is defined according to the plugin path.
It should be enough for Creator...
The code is Inspired from the great Macro Library but with pecmd.ini as target. It sould works the same way as in WinPESE.
And I almost finished a new AddPin Macro.
I do not think it's really useful to add by default "Pin To StartMenu/Taskbar" in the Plugin Creator, or maybe in comment
Already had adjusted creator for PIN's
Quichlaunch shortcut creates Shortcut in StartMenu/Programs
StartMenu Shortcut creates shortcut in StartMenu/Programs/Apps (By Creator Default)
Deskop Shortcut on Desktop
Taskbar Pin has been commented out.... Although $Taskbar9 - may work as - Pintool seems stack the pins on taskbar (First come - First Served)
I'll re-adjust for AddShortcut
I do not think it's really useful to add by default "Pin To StartMenu/Taskbar" in the Plugin Creator, or maybe in comment
I agree with you on that...
In this case, it uses the %ProgramTitle%, %ProgramFolder% and %ProgramEXE% variables
and the StartMenu folder is defined according to the plugin path.
Current default StartMenu Folder Defined -Author/User can re-define
pTextBox1="Start Menu Folder:",1,0,11,85,119,18,,"__Start Menu Folder Name"
Current default StartMenu Folder Defined -Author can re-define
pTextBox1="Start Menu Folder:",1,0,11,85,119,18,,"__Start Menu Folder Name"
If you want, it is a possibility to force "Apps" as Start Menu Folder
But use the plugin path to define the StartMenu folder is rather a nice feature :thumbsup:
"\MyPlugins\Apps\HD Tasks\Imaging\Macrium_Reflect_Free.Script" > will give > "HD Tasks\Imaging\%ProgramTitle%" shortcut in the "Start Menu\Programs"
It Should be enough to use the user-defined Start Menu Folder or If %pTextBox1%="" to use the feature above, following plugin location.
How about a "Special Chars" for writing Semi-Colon ;
One More Macro Request, and I'm All Good....
I added 2 macros, Start and Associate.
It is probably good to add Associate in XPE Plugin Creator:
Well, with Macros added: AddShortcut, AddPin, Associate, RunFromRAM, Start
And SysWOW64/wbem and and other little things.
I will make a package, now. It should help to develop and improve the Plugin Creator quietly and without being in the dark :wink: :thumbsup:
There is a new plugin for WizTree x86/x64. It seems to me it is a good template example.
I made what I thought were the final edits to creator today...
I will add in the [Add_Associate] to creator..
Edit: Done
I'll be busy the next few days to discover your improvements.
When you feel ready, you can share it to make it tested and retested again.
Hi @James
First: I just tried a program with the Plugin Creator and for now it has worked perfectly. After more time, I will be adding and testing more programs.
I have seen the image that you uploaded in the first post. Could you upload the chrome plugin, to share it please. It is more complicated since it requires dependencies and know how to place the marker. The start page and everything.
There are many plugins that can be done with the Plugin Creator, but others that require a little more knowledge like Chrome, winrar or vlc.
You MUST have Google Chrome installed on your PC to gather the files needed for the container file....
When you look at the plugin interface there is a small U in the upper right corner.. Hit that to Update Container File...
The Container File is updated based on Host OS Arch - so if Host x64 - Only x64 File will be Written to Container...
Hello @James
I just tried it. First of all, thank you very much for uploading it. He is very currado. Only three things.
-First: To add pin to the taskbar the script creates this entry in the PECMD:
TaskBar0=Y:\Programs\Google Chrome\Chrome.exe|Chrome|||||||
For that function it is necessary that it be so. Eliminating the word in red. I do not know if it only happens to me, but it is anchored to the taskbar, otherwise it does not appear.
Good: TaskBar0=Y:\Programs\Google Chrome\Chrome.exe||||||||
-Second: If the direct access to the desktop is not selected, the script creates an icon on the desktop. I think it is because chrome when installed for the first time always creates the icon automatically. But I'm not sure why it appears without me having selected the shortcut to the desktop. I just had the pin to the taskbar and the direct access to the start menu.
-Third: Would it be possible to add a single page to the bookmark? That I would like to be able to add to be able to have it always.
https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php (https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php)
Otherwise it works perfect. By hitting the "u" in the corner, the compressed file has been created. Perfect.
Excuse me if yesterday I asked for the winrar and vlc script. I do not want to bother you, it's only because of the difficulty of the file associations.
To remove the Program Title (To Test) Remove - Comma %ProgramTitle% from end of command
To Test Deshtop Shortcut comment out Shortcut - to test if Shortcut issue or Google.exe issue
You should be able to checkbox select "Open a Specific Page" on Interface and enter your web page in text box
To test adding extra internet favorites - drag your favorite's into > \Win10XPE\Custom\x64\AdditionalFiles\Users\Default\Favorites < to see if Google will import them...
Or still do as above and then add This under [WriteSettings] in Google script - to show Start Menu Favorites Flyout
I followed your explanation, but the first and second remain the same. If wrong creating the pin in the taskbar and creating a shortcut on the desktop without being selected.
Regarding the third, it is solved with your explanation.
Thank you very much for responding so quickly. :thumbsup:
So it appears Google is Adding The Desktop ShortCut then ??
It is the Default Value Of The "AddPin" Macro To Add The Program Title.....
And the added Parameters do not override the Macro....
ChrisR will have to look at the AddPin Macro...
We left out the PinTool commands from Creator due to issues with position..
But was Re-Added Due To AddPin Macro...
It will Stay In Creator and On Plugin Interface, Although They May Not Work Properly, Until Fixed...
This Default Value Does Not Work......
TaskBar1=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome\Chrome.exe|Chrome|||||||
StartMenu1=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome\Chrome.exe|Chrome|||||||
This Does .........
TaskBar1=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome\Chrome.exe||||||||
StartMenu1=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome\Chrome.exe||||||||
For Now You Should Be Able To Use This With Google Plugin...
If you notice the PinTool uses a ProgramTitle.lnk (link)
I set the position as 9 - hoping to stack the Pin 0-9 positions..
Thus are issue before... Auto Position Assignment
So it appears Google is Adding The Desktop ShortCut then ??
I think. It still appears and I do not know what is due. I think it's because chrome when it is installed for the first time the access is created.
-Respect to the taskbar pin. Thank you very much for looking for a solution until you can touch the macro. I'm going to try the last solution you just put.
It is understandable that the pintool method is not yet purified. I hope that when I return @ChrisR can solve it and can be integrated.
Has nothing to do with Chrome...
Not sure why you getting extra Shortcuts - just Tested all Pins and Shortcut_CheckBoxes....
The issue I found is in a prior post...
Build Project From Scratch - when you just change the checkboxes on the interface and hit the little green arrow..
It does not remove the old shortcut/pin data from ini file..
Always test with a new build...
I just finished the tests. I've spent almost two hours spinning the last script you've uploaded. I have deleted everything, started from the beginning.
First: Resolved the direct access to the desktop that had been created ghost. It does not appear
Second: I had to change it for this one.
$xTaskBar8: Because the 9 is used to explore
%pTextBox%: So that it uses the name that each one puts for the menu
I use from USB, I have not tried it in RAM.
I have used the example that I leave @ChrisR in the pecmd file and added the variable: so that it uses the name that each one has put.
@James you are free to see if I have become confused in something. I know this is temporary, but without your help I would not have made it.
Thank you very much for everything and I apologize that you have all day with this little problem.
%pTextBox%: So that it uses the name that each one puts for the menu
%pTextBox1% is correct for the plugin...
%pTextBox%: So that it uses the name that each one puts for the menu
%pTextBox1% is correct for the plugin...
Perfect. :great: I knew I would need to keep an eye on a teacher like you.
The worst thing is that I love programming but I never dedicate myself to this and the shortcomings are noticed. Everything I do is based on trial and error. Sometimes I do not know how I get them.
We learn from our own Mistakes...
@James, If I have a folder that contains several programs together, how do I create 3 accesses in the start menu? Could you give me an example? There would be three executables within the same folder.
I would greatly appreciate the explanation, since the creator plugin only creates an access to a single executable.
Thank you very much.
Set,%ProgramTitle%,"FreeOffice TextMaker"
Set,%ProgramTitle%,"FreeOffice PlanMaker"
Set,%ProgramTitle%,"FreeOffice Presentations"
hi teik
this is an easy example :smile:
there are many paths one can follow - be we are all heading to the same place
Thanks very much both for your help.
First to @James that I have it all day working. I really do not know if you like this program or not. I only know that these days are full with this new project and helping at all hours. After this, I just need to know how archival associations are made. But with the example and allows me to go experimenting little by little with my projects and do things nuecas and more elaborated.
Second @cretino. I loved your example too. It is very important that this forum never lacks help. You have already uploaded an example of a script made to see the structure. Thank you very much and for what I need I will be here. Not for things to program, that for that, I do not know much. :wink:
Greetings and many thanks again to @James and @cretino. :thumbsup:
Associate,rar --> (Three letter File Extension) or via the registry
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\WinRAR,,"WinRAR Archive"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,Tmp_Software\Classes\WinRAR\shell\open\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramEXE%#$q #$q#$p1#$q"
Associate,rar --> (Three letter File Extension) or via the registry
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\WinRAR,,"WinRAR Archive"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,Tmp_Software\Classes\WinRAR\shell\open\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramEXE%#$q #$q#$p1#$q"
I do not know how you do @James. But it was precisely one of the examples that I referred to. Right now, I'm still involved with the creation of entries in the start menu. I know that for those who handle this, it is very simple, but it takes more time for me.
When I finish this, I have nowhere to go. Thank you very much for continuing to teach me. This encourages me to keep trying until I get it.
I believe one should teach by example - it is up to the student which example to follow...
A question, there are script that are very complex, such as acronis or many others, that contemplate many lines of code. Would it be possible to make an "adapter"? Let me explain, as @James indicated before, there are variables that have changed their name. It would be possible to make all those variables change by the new name or are not just those variables that seem written?
It may be crazy, but reading the code there are certain scripts that are too complex to understand for my opinion. Maybe this is crazy, but it's just to ask.
Greetings to all.
Today I have started using win10xpe for making iso.
I have two problems.
One is numlock on. I have disabled numlock on. Still it gets on while usb is booted.
Second I added display driver under copy drivers and integrate drivers is on. Still display driver is not loaded. See in attached first pic.
Further I edited pecmd.ini to add driver as shown in pic 2. Still that display driver is not loaded.
How to solve display driver and numlock problem?
Further how to do region setting for time display?
Whether all these problems occur because of windows defender as seen in third pic.
PINTOOL is locking up at
System Configuration Please Wait message on desktop..
Getting popup message about StartisBack - something Press Excape
Drivers never load, nor does PENetwork start..
Have two pin icons down by clock
selecting exit or trying to uncheck "Pause"
results in alternating X through Pin icon...
Also testing same boot.wim results vary - even got message about pinhelper.exe missing from appdata but pins loaded
pecmd.log was empty
StartMenu Pins are OK
No TaskBar Pins.... So assume Tashbar pins are the issue
1803x64 source - Run from RAM
Macro 5/24/2018 7.39pm
Hi @James
I have the same configuration as you in pecmd.ini except one line.
//EXEC =%WinDir%\System32\StartImDIsk.exe 50 % B: RAMDisk "NTFS Compressed" "B:\Temp"
I do not have it commented with the two //. As far as I'm concerned. You can try and this will create the temporary partition.
- By the way, I leave you the Log, which creates chrome within Win10XPE. You see how the program itself creates those entries that I mentioned to you. Take a look, please.
the installer package is missing > /installer/chrome.7z
hi James
try to boot two time in a row ( first boot there is missing file shortcut... but second boot every thing is ok )
for the pinhelper.exe this is i sawit with 64bit os
for 86bit i have created the startmenu shortcut with the script now there is no problem with run from usb (shortcut desktop & pin work )
You MUST have a startmenu shortcut somewhere to pin... Is this not the case in XPE?
One is numlock on. I have disabled numlock on. Still it gets on while usb is booted.
It did not work here too but I found now, it's in my BIOS. It's better now with the KeyBoard Set to Auto
In Core Plugin, I also changed the value of InitialKeyboardIndicators,2 (ON) or 2147483648 (OFF)
Second I added display driver under copy drivers and integrate drivers is on. Still display driver is not loaded. See in attached first pic.
I do not use special graphics drivers, but there is a real concern for the integration of drivers currently.
Dism.exe /Add-Driver needs the following line in Core.Script:
It is in comment, you must remove // at the beginning of the line
I do not understand, it was not commented in the 1st release
It will be in the next release, I try tomorrow.
About the False Alarm, hiderun.exe for some, pecmd.exe for others......
It is really frustrating and I do not have any real solution outside an exception in the AV for Win10XPE folder.
A very good blog from the well known and respected NirSoft, about that: Antivirus companies cause a big headache to small developers. (http://blog.nirsoft.net/2009/05/17/antivirus-companies-cause-a-big-headache-to-small-developers/) :sad:
Thanks ChrisR.
Waiting for next release.
However windows defender alarms while downloading builder .7z file.
I would like advice with new release whether real time protection should be switched off for windows defender while downloading file and then 7z expanded folder is to be given exception from defender.
Yes, Defender pulls several .exe(s) use by project as a virus..
So, just disable smartscreen filter and if defender pulls alarms.. You have to Make an exception and allow exe(s)
I believe there are 3 exe that cause alarm..
I am waiting for new release. Any advice for new release is welcome.
Win10XPE Net Framework (Feature) Plugin
Copy to > \Projects\Win10XPE\Features
Implemented in project
MS PowerShell Plugin
3rd party plugin Implemented in project
System Sound Events and Startup Volume Control
Implemented in project
\Windows\system32\wbem\* ?
Does it grab the whole folder without?
//FileCopy * have unicode bug - workaround with DirCopy * bug for original plugin…
I don't see execution policy reg key either..
I will test in the morning..
Extracts the whole wbem folder
As If or Same As > DirCopy
No need for Wildcard
The PowerShell Files Extracted With Win10XPE Are An Exact Match to those of the Win10PESE PowerShell Plugin (when run as a stand alone plugin)
My guess is certain "other" required files are being copied by another Win10PESE plugin
MS Management Console Plugin (MMC)
Plugin Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Customize Power Options Plugin
Implemented in project
.Net Framework (Non-Feature) Plugin
Win10XPE Plugins
WordPad - Program Already Included In Project - Plugin Allows Customization
NotePad 2 - Program Already Included In Project - Plugin Allows Customization
WinCalc - Plugin Adds A Windows Calculator
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Active Data Burner Plugin
Active ISO Burner Plugin
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
ShowKeyPlus Plugin
Requires Full NET Framework
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
MS Windows Media Player
Internet Favorites Plugin
Adds Your Selected Internet Favorites To PE
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Also Anyone else having a problem with Google Chrome..
Debugger Log in PE states dll loader failed to find chrome.dll in chrome version folder - although file is present..
Tried copying dll to system32 with same results....
Tried using older version(s) (that where known working) with same results...
I see a fix was made for the (Ghost) desktop icon that is created by Google..
It has been a while since I have done any project testing - But it appears something may have changed at some point..
Not sure if me or everybody else too..
You feedback is important to us
Feedback on the plugins too ;)
Hi, James.
Tried copying dll to system32 with same results....
If you use the x86 version Google Chrome and run it in windows x64, then you must copy the dll to \Windows\SysWOW64\ , and not to \Windows\System32\ .
nope, i'm using x64 version of google and PE
Crystal Disk Info
Hard Drive Status and Info Tool
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
That Acronis True Image 2019 Beta is distributed in English..
The beta is not the final version of Acronis True Image 2019
Hello @James
I have tried all the script you have uploaded @James. First, thank you for your collaboration and share them with everyone.
-Sound; I tried to put 22 and also 7, but it always starts at 33% sound. If the mute works at the start very well.
-Norton Antivirus; missing "sfc.dll" and it does not start.
Acronis 2019 beta; Start the application to execute it but the few seconds it closes. I do not see any windows. I could see that it starts from the taskmanager.
Google Chrome x64 has stopped creating "ghost" input on the desktop and I think also in the menu. Now it is not created by the entry in the latest versions. Would it be possible to add bookmarks? and the arcade bar to chrome? It is much better than the favorites and you can see it much faster.
-The rest of the script works very well, everyone. I've tried them and none gives problems. I liked it a lot because of the possibility of adapting that each of them allows. :great:
Anyone else having a problem with Google Chrome..
Debugger Log in PE states dll loader failed to find chrome.dll in chrome version folder - although file is present..
Tried using older version(s) (that where known working) with same results...
I see a fix was made for the (Ghost) desktop icon that is created by Google..
Not sure if me or everybody else too..
The Issue Was On My End...
Norton Power Eraser A/V Plugin
Added File Dependencies'
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Acronis 2019 beta; Start the application to execute it but the few seconds it closes.
I do not see any windows. I could see that it starts from the taskmanager.
2019 Had Additional Program File Requirements - Fixed...
2019 Beta - is still using 2018 ATI PE Media
A question:
-I noticed that in the menu it does not let me create entries that contain the "ñ" character. It is a letter widely used for Spanish and previously used. I have also seen that characters with accents "ó" "é" etc. do not appear in the menu. From what I see is that the entry is not created correctly in Pecmd. Could it be because it is the English version or is it a StartIsBack?
Acronis TrueImage 16--18 Plugins
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2 Plugin
Adds Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 3 Plugin
Plugin Adds Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free Trial Setup (Current Version
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Thank you James! :thumbsup:
System Internals BGinfo Plugin
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
XPE Innounp Plugin Creator
XPE Packed Plugin Creator
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Thank you very much @James for the BGinfo script. I just arrived from vacations and I have not been able to try them before. Is it possible to add that it starts in the boot with a configuration that we did previously? As with PENetwork or the Coolmon program that had already established profiles that could be configured.
Greetings and excuse me not to communicate before.
Acronis True Image 2019 XPE Plugin
AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager XPE Plugin
Dynamic Disk Manager is a complete, easy-to-use, and powerful dynamic disks and dynamic volumes management software for Windows system.
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
XPE Packed Plugin Creator
(Attachment Link)
It does not work for me. Do not create the script with the name, nor the image of the program. A script appears that in the name is a variable with% -% and symbols. Can you look at it? Before if it worked correctly.
Now I can not upload images, in a few hours I capture what happens.
You Have To Hit Enter > After You Copy/Paste Program.exe
The same thing keeps happening to me. I upload capture. I always use Ctrl + v to put the program.exe. I do not know what may be happening.
I found the issue - me trying to get to fancy and corrected 08/01/2018...
And thank You For Your feedback... Hard to test every scenario
Now it works perfect. Thank you very much for being so fast. Some questions:
- Has it evolved regarding the possibility of changing the sound level? It starts in mute, but always stayed at 33%.
- Do not get to do anything that this tool works, or even open. I leave you in link so I can take a look.
https://www.heidoc.net/joomla/technology-science/microsoft/67-microsoft-windows-and-office-iso-download-tool (https://www.heidoc.net/joomla/technology-science/microsoft/67-microsoft-windows-and-office-iso-download-tool)
Greetings and many thanks for all the script that you share in the forum every day. :thumbsup:
- Has it evolved regarding the possibility of changing the sound level? It starts in mute, but always stayed at 33%.
No - The System Sound Events Plugin - is not filly working... The "media" .wav sounds are copied and the registry is set properly..
Although still having issue with no sound during event and sound test button not working..
Also the sound volume is 67 by default... So Not sure what is going on with 33 there..
EDIT: Volume Control is Now Working
In Summary >
Sound Events Plugin is clearly missing certain ( file dependencies' ) and proper command placement for volume control..
MS Windows Media Player working - But Missing visual Aspects thus also missing certain ( file dependencies' )
MS PowerShell - also seems to be missing certain ( file dependencies' )
As you may see from Summary above there are certain things that I am just not good at and I need others to help out with..
Process Monitor and File Dependencies' are just not in my DNA
But so far no one else has stepped up to help with it...
First of all, apologize for my bad translation. You are right, I was looking for MS ISO Downloader Plugin. I try it now in a moment, after I go to work.
-The sound I have done what you told me, now to wait for the ISO Win10XPE to be created again and to test it.
I'm sorry I'm not very smart in these programming fields, in order to be able to help. Everything you need to prove to me tell me that I will be happy to help as far as I know. My work occupies me most of the day, but I always find a place to continue making progress in these projects.
Hi all,
I finally gave XPE and try and *really* love its simplicity and completeness. I thought I never really needed internet access for my PE, but decided to find a free firewall rather than strip the network connectivity out and am happy I did. I'd be happy to share if anyone would be interested, I just need to ensure that the native 64bit support actually works without the WOW64 basic enabled, but it should not have any issues. I'll attempt to attach an interface pic that should give an idea of it's capabilities.
The script uses an optional AHK script (source included) to configure and start it up properly.
Simplewall_XPE.Script: 174KB
Simplewall_XPE_File.Script: 1,779KB
I hope it works for others as it does for me.
Can you make an SE plugin or can I make one for others (preferably you cause it looks great :lol:)
Can you make an SE plugin or can I make one for others (preferably you cause it looks great :lol:)
Of course anyone can feel free to hack away and use it for anything, hopefully improvements! It should be fairly easy to convert to SE, if nobody takes that task on I'll add it to the list.
Here is a quick and dirty XPE -> SE simplewall conversion (how odd is that), let me know how it works for you. All seems to be well in SE, as best as I could test without a network stack but it should be fine. Here is where I left off if anyone wants to take it further or use as is. Back to the SE -> XPE game for me ;)
Here is the XPE conversion of the original SE Portable Finder CMD by laddanator.
Can you not upload attachment to Forum Post ???
Can you not upload attachment to Forum Post ???
Hi James,
I did not even try using the forum to attach the uploads, but will do so in the future if preferred. Were you having problems downloading? I could re-upload them using the forum if you'd like?
Muggles I think he is asking 1.) to make sure you don't need help and 2.) because if you post here it will always be available but if you post to DB the link may eventually break if you decide to remove it, leaving a broken link in the post...
Muggles I think he is asking 1.) to make sure you don't need help and 2.) because if you post here it will always be available but if you post to DB the link may eventually break if you decide to remove it, leaving a broken link in the post...
Makes a lot of sense of course, silly me. I've attached the files, all is well :cool:
Thank You Sir...
Good to know there is no forum issues..
My own Win10XPE plugin for Terabyte's Image for Windows Suite is available at http://virtech.org/downloads/TerabyteIFW_XPE.7z if anyone wants it. It can be modified as anyone sees fit and included within the Win10XPE project if considered useful. If so, authorship "credit" is of no consequence so far as I'm concerned.
Please Note: The plugin does not include the Terabyte IFW files. It is based on the assumption that the application's current version (including its ifw.ini file with required [LICENSE] entry) has been installed into a selectable folder on the user's system.
Also available at http://virtech.org/downloads/AttributeChanger_XPE.7z is my own Win10XPE plugin for Petges's Attribute Changer. I don't think ChrisR considers it very useful for project inclusion, but it's there if anyone else wants it. This one does include Attribute_Changer_XPE_File.Script with all of the required files.
I encourage you to convert my SE plugins over to XPE at your leisure, I have been very busy but there are some useful plugins including Attribute Changer I have posted in the plugins section. They are all working for SE and should be able to be easily converted. No credit wanted...
Hi ChangeMe. Before I move on to any other plugins, I need some expert help here about this Win10XPE project's screen display behavior. To me, its characteristic behaviour at my default resolution (1920x1080x32) on a large screen HD display seem quite "weird" and certainly very different from the other Win7PE_SE and Win8.1PE_SE projects.
With either of those other projects, the appearance is exactly similar to what I normally see when running the corresponding Windows version. (The first screenshot below is for Win7PE_SE.) With this project, however, everything excepting its menu fly-out texts appears to be hugely OVERSIZED. (The second screenshot below is for Win10XPE booted to my default 1920x1080 resolution.) On the other hand, if I change to some other lower resolution, the Win10XPE project's entire display shrinks leaving very large black margins all around so that it no longer fills the whole screen. (The third screenshot below is for Win10XPE with resolution changed to 1024x768.) I don't think it's a hardware or driver issue as exactly the same HD monitor, video card and installed AMD-ATI driver work just fine when booted to the regular Windows 10 working environment ... or for any other Windows, WinPE, or Linux environment for that matter.
I can use it fine on XPE 1080p here.... it is probably a driver issue, can you try it on another machine to confirm?
It's not an operational fault; just an annoying and rather puzzling display issue that seems unique to this Win10XPE project so far as I can see.
My Win10XPE project build works at 1080p for me on my machine too as shown in the second screen shot that I posted. The Device Manager shows the AMD-ATI video driver as loaded and working properly just as in the regular W10 working environment -- even including its HDMI audio I/O feature. The only problem is that, compared to any and all other working environments (Win. WinPE, etc.) using exactly the same hardware, all of Win10XPE's desktop and file explorer shell interface components are hugely oversized as I said. I only have one testbench machine handy, but I get the same results if I switch it to a different monitor.
Do you not see similar oversizing of user interface components in comparison with how the regular Windows 10 working environment displays them at the same resolution? There is no actual operational problem at all using it that way if I must. However, it's certainly not a convenient working environment, especially not for things like "side-by-side" ops or multitasking. And that display "shrinkage" behavior with resolution resets is just plain "weird". :ohmy:
P.S.: Using the alternative WinXShell shell instead of Windows File Explorer does improve some (but not all) of that strange behavior. So at least some of it must relate to the project's shell set-ups. I can post some screenshots showing differences with the WinXShell display if that would help to provide any clues.
Try and Click the Color Monitor by the clock and select "Auto"
Yes, I've tried doing that and it simply resets the default resolution as shown in my second screenshot. No different from re-selecting that resolution by any other method. I've also tried using Macrium Reflect's utility option for setting screen resolution. Resolution setting as such is not the issue. It has no effect whatever on the disproportionate relative sizing of any of the Win10XPE shell's user interface components. They (including the file explorer shell itself and its fonts) remain hugely oversized in relation to that default display resolution -- almost like a non-responsive fixed image. As shown in the second screenshot, for example, the menu fly-out items are about the same proper size as Windows 10 itself (and any other WinPE project) displays, but everything else is grossly out of proportion. The background image also fades to black after a brief initial display, but that's incidental and, except as a possible clue, of no real consequence.
Am I the only one experiencing this display anomaly uniquely for the Win10XPE project, different from the Win7PE_SE and Win8.1PE_SE projects, and different from Windows 10 itself when set to the same default resolution? Also different as mentioned when using the WinXShell instead. The latter's file explorer interface and fonts have improved relative proportionality, but some display anomalies carry over in other user interface components under that shell also.
P.S.: I hasten to add that, in every other respect, I absolutely love this Win10XPE project. It is beyond doubt the best WinPE development platform that I have ever worked with in all of my years of experimentation -- not to mention the quickest builder of end results. Its logical consistency appears flawless in all other ways making plugin creation an almost effortless pleasure. It is for those reasons -- and definitely not to "pick nits" -- that I find its flawed and erratic display results so disappointing. I sure hope that someone is able to discover and correct the underlying cause.
JFX has released a new version of WinNTSetup, version 3.9.1
Here is the Updated WinNTSetup3_XPE Plugin
Implemented in Project
Thanks James
Here is the Updated WinNTSetup3_XPE Plugin
ps don't forget to delete the relevant folders in Win10XPE\ProgCache
Is there no "Cleanup Project/Temp/Workbench" button anywhere in XPE?
Is there no "Cleanup Project/Temp/Workbench" button anywhere in XPE?
not that I could find
XPE Removes the Target, ISO and Temp Folders.
It Does Not remove the ProgCache Folder..
So removing the %ProgCache%\%ProgramFolder% will allow a Re-Download of the Program (in this case the "Tools" Folder)
Well, I give up. I've tried everything I can think of and I still can't get any of my Win10XPE project builds to give me a proper 1920x1080x32 screen display. All of my Win10PE_SE builds using an earlier W10.1709 ISO work perfectly giving me the same screen resolution and UI component proportions as Windows 10 itself and shown in the first screenshot below. However, my Win10XPE builds with W10.1803, when asked for that same default resolution, insist on the very strange screen display proportions shown in the second screenshot below. The WinXShell (right-click) display dialog says that it's 1280x720 which doesn't match anything shown by the "Color Monitor by the clock" as suggested by James above.
In all cases, the Device Manager as shown in the third screenshot below indicates that my AMD-ATI video driver has been loaded and is working properly. The pecmd.ini pre-shell commands (including DEVI %WinDir%\inf\oem*.inf) appear to function as intended and a comparison of the Win10PE_SE and Win10XPE boot.wim builds shows almost identical \Windows\System32\DriverStore and \Windows\INF contents. So I'm baffled.
By any chance are you using the Driver Integration Plugin in PESE? And not in XPE?
Or have you tried using Driver Integration (Using DISM and not using Double Driver)?
I have an AMD Graphic card with a 1920x1080 Display
This is the "Default" 1024x768 Display Setting in XPE
After Using The Auto Res Monitor Setting (ALT+CTRL+A)
The Display will Change To 1280x1024
And I will also tell you that my *Default* display res is different when Booting MBR/Legacy - Compared to UEFI with PESE - (Have not tested MBR with XPE)
As I usually test (boot) from the XPE working directory on a UEFI PC System
Another Thought > Try adding your Monitor Inf
Hi James. Yes, I use Win10PE_SE's driver integration plugin to include my AMD-ATI video driver in its builds. AFAIK, however, the Win10XPE project handles that same function in its core.script (line 76 "Integrate Drivers" checkbox). It picks up whatever is included under %BaseDir%\Custom\%Architecture%\Drivers without requiring any separate plugin for that purpose. In either case, exactly the same included drivers are then loaded by the pecmd.ini _SUB PreShell command. As mentioned, the Device Manager shows them as loaded and working properly in both cases and both include monitor.inf from the W10 source by default.
P.S.: My machine is set for "legacy compatibility" and it boots both project builds on drives using MBR with active primary (NTFS-formatted) partitions. Seems strange that you would get different results using UEFI booting. Can't understand how or why that would affect the display behavior in any way.
P.P.S.: Are you actually using some driver integration plugin or procedure other than the default core.script driver integration and pecmd.ini process for your own Win10XPE builds? If so, please tell me the details so that I can try the same thing.
I do not integrate any Host Drivers, the only drivers used are the default drivers, provided as per the project.
For the hellofit try testing by booting a UEFI USB Stick
Hmmm. So you don't provide any OEM drivers at all for your AMD video card. Very interesting. I'll try that and report back, but it may not be today. I have a medical appointment that takes precedence.
Nope. No luck with either experiment.
In my case, EUFI vs MBR booting makes no difference either way for any of my Win10PE_SE or Win10XPE builds. The former boot and display exactly as expected -- i.e., like the corresponding Windows 10 source version. The latter don't display as expected regardless of which way they're booted.
Not integrating and loading OEM drivers for my AMD-ATI video in the Win10XPE build does make a significant difference, but not a good one. Without those drivers, and based on what the WinXShell (right-click) display dialog says about it, the default resolution changes from something like 1280x720 to 1024x768. The "Color Monitor by the clock" (ALT+CTRL+A) just resets it to whichever default prevails at the time.
Obviously, there is something about the Win10XPE project's build process that just doesn't get along with my video card and/or its drivers, although they work perfectly well with W10.1803 itself. It's disappointing as I had very high hopes for Win10XPE for future development purposes.
Oh well. Guess I'll just have to stay with Win10PE_SE and hang on to my W10.1709 ISO source, at least until I go for a machine replacement or video card swap. No major panic about that. :wink:
Hi James
Thanks for your Acronis_TrueImage_2019_XPE.script
couple of minor things, when I change the build checkbox to say 13660 (latest non beta ver.) rather than beta
I was expecting the provide files folder to change accordingly, from beta to 13660 for the new zip file (allowing you to easily revert back if any issues, is that what is meant to happen?
to clarify: it does do it when the project is run, but by then it's downloaded the full app and negates the point of adding the smaller zipfile
Also whilst you don't seem to be a particular PEBakery fan (forgive me if I'm incorrect), when you run this script from win10XPE within PEBakery it shows up some syntax errors, which don't seem to cause any errors in Win10PXE but would be good to be corrected anyway, I guess.
I've attached file in case your interested
Regards APT
ps thanks for all your work, on the many XPE plugins you're giving us :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
The Complete Installer is Downloaded and then WinPE is extracted from Installer
From that point on, it uses WinPE.zip (So Safe to Delete Installer)
Also you are correct not a bakery fan.. (Bakery is a Builder - not a Project.. )
Win10XPE Plugin
AOMEI Backupper_XPE.Script
Updated File Support For Version 4.5.1
Implemented in Project
I just tried it and now it works perfect. I forgot to say that I was using the latest version. I always try to keep all the tools updated when I make a new ISO.
By the way, there is also a new version of Macrium Reflec from a few days ago in case you can keep an eye on it or add the download option.
Greetings and thank you very much for everything. :thumbsup:
hi James
Thank You for Acronis_TrueImage_2019_XPE.script
nb: i added %Build_TextBox% to 'ProvideFiles_OpenDir_P_B' section to avoid Downloading ATI Installer with 'WinPE.zip' present in folder.
That works... Easy to customize the plugin to your needs.
The Download is to the Build Textbox...
Open Dir allows you to see all Downloads by build
First things first : Thank you so much for this great project!
i tried both Win10 PESE & Win10XPE projects and the latter is very simple and blazing fast!
But i have some problems with it (or with the used script):
i tried to add Acronis Disk Director but it completely ignored my installed ADD 12 Build 96!
Customizing the script wasn't a problem. i set it to run from RAM and retrieved the installed key
But in the produced ISO there is no ADD! (tried 4 times)
i sincerly don't know if it's the script or the builder issue.
But in the produced ISO there is no ADD! (tried 4 times)
i sincerly don't know if it's the script or the builder issue.
I assume you referring to XPE Build??
Can you link me to the Scripts
Win10XPE and Win10XPE in PEBakery
Aida64 -business/engineer
system information, diagnostics and benchmarking
copy to \Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\HW Info
AIDA64_XPE.Script (89.9 kB - downloaded 41 times.)
Plugin moved to http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28592#msg28592
Kingsoft WPS Office 2016 XPE Plugin
The perfect free office software
Latest Writer, Presentation and Spreadsheets
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Great choice, definitely the best sized/feature ratio of office suite available for PE :great:
And also great work this one is a pain (tedious) to get working
WPS Office is 411mb on disk
Softmaker FreeOffice is 66mb on disk
I was able to get it a lot smaller there is a lot that can be stripped away from WPS and it is possible to have it as small as softmaker(actually 1 mb smaller) However I like the layout and feel better in WPS then in softmaker... again, great choice! :thumbsup:
let us not forget about all the amazing building tools and utilities we have at our disposal, like SFXConstructor :cool:
Win10XPE and Win10XPE in PEBakery
Disk Image Backup for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/2003/7/2008/2008 R2/8/8.1/10/2012/2012R2/2016/PE/x64
(very small footprint)
copy to \HD Tasks\Imaging\Snapshot (suggestion only)
snapshot_XPE.Script (16.43 kB - downloaded 40 times.)
Plugin moved to http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28591#msg28591
Any chance someone could integrate the Intel RST User Interface or give me guidance on doing so myself?
I'd be willing to make a donation :)
So what are you asking for the software only, or the software+drivers?
Win10XPE and Win10XPE in PEBakery
IFW - Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite (Retail only)
copy to \HD Tasks\Imaging\TeraByte (suggestion only)
Note: the Lang_File.script is only required for Non-English Languages
Checked to work with v3.0 --> v3.22
Terabyte_XPE.script (74 kB - downloaded 39 times.)
Terabyte_Lang_File.Script (3013.29 kB - downloaded 27 times.)
Plugin(s) moved to topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28593#msg28593
Win10XPE and Win10XPE in PEBakery
Paragon Hard Disk Manager
copy to \HD Tasks\Imaging\Paragon (suggestion only)
Note: Requires you to create PHDM64.7z and/or PHDM.7z (depending on ARCH) from all the files and folders WITHIN the program folder, either
C:\Program Files\Paragon Software\Hard Disk Manager15\program\ from locally installed program OR
\BOOT.WIM\Programs\Paragon Software\program\ from the ISO
PHDM15_XPE.Script (90.58 kB - downloaded 34 times.)
Plugin moved to topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28594#msg28594
Excellent stuff, APT! Very nice of you to test with both Winbuilder and PEBakery!
I have quickly scanned through them for known compatibility issues with PEBakery - although have not tested with PEBakery...
@APT if you find an issue with compatibility coding - Please inform me of the proper syntax for bakery - so I can adjust Plugin...
Hi James
firstly thanks for your MyPlugins_AddOnPack :thumbsup:
oddly, I was looking at it last night and noticed that in your Runtime plugin/script (whatever :smile:) you use the 'Checklist' interface control, this was not implemented in PEBakery (reason-Not enough interest, Limited use cases), so I guess one would have to use separate checkboxes for each app
regards APT
Hi James,
actually, three of them show up syntax errors, first you know about
Invalid interface control type (pCheckList1=SelectedProducts,1,9,11,146,200,180,) (Line 27)
Section [PluginSetx64] does not exist (If,%ProcessorType%,Equal,8664,Run,%ScriptFile%,PluginSetx64) (Line 84)
AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE.Script
Interface key [HomePage_WebLabel] is duplicated (HomePage_WebLabel="Home Page",1,10,338,6,55,18,http://www.disk-partition.com/free-partition-manager.html) (Line 35)
haven't actually run any of them, purely on time, but will work my way through them in PEBakery, as time permits, although not expecting any probs at all apart from reported
many regards
Corrected all 3 in pack
Great to see all these plugins, James package :great:
Thank you all for the contributions and sharing :thumbsup:
It seems I have some reading to do, now.
Thank you very much for sharing the script @James.
I'm glad to see you again here @ChrisR.
@teik at your request here is a plugin to add SlideToShutDown.exe to the build.
Slide To Shutdown feature let you shutdown Win10XPE by sliding a touch screen down, or dragging a screen down.
It is in "\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\System Tools" folder here.
@bob, your Inbox is full
Otherwise, am I the only one, I can't put an attachment in Message. Here a 7z file 5kb with the message:
Your attachment couldn't be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow
Thank you very much for your quick reply. When using the tablet it did not allow me to turn off the screen if it was not with that executable. I could only restart it. Now it works perfectly.
Greetings and thanks.
Due to the addition of "Multi Architecture Folders"
If you currently Boot XPE from the Project Folder (Utilities/Host Boot Option)
You will Have To Run the Utility Again (to correct the Source Location)
Here is the Updated 2018-09-14 Script > [Implemented - Attachment Removed]
To Remove The Old Boot Menu Entry
Open Command Prompt (Admin)
Type> msconfig
Select the "Boot" Tab and remove the "XPE Recovery" Option
In order to update the "Aomei Partition Assistant - File
To the newest version (v7.1.0.0) - Please Use This > [Implemented - Attachment Removed]
Aomei uses two different web addresses -
one address updates file to v7.0
the other updates file to v7.1
Script was edit to use v71 web address
Hoping you can slip both script (corrections) into Project Release
Implemented - Attachment(s) Removed
Thank You Chris
"Aomei Partition Assistant - File" Script was edit to use v71 web address
Done as well as the Host Boot Option. Thanks
The package is on the server with the same date. Not so good :embarrassed:
Any Thoughts ??
I don't know, he's not the first to report but here Wlansvc and the "Native Wifi Filter" works without any problems here.
x64 or x86 build ? How is the network card ? Does "Network Addition" is enabled or not ? he have to try both.
Maybe PENMDebug.txt (in %temp%) and setupapi.dev.log (in Windows\Inf) can help ?
No idea
Macrium Reflect 7 Multi-Edition XPE Plugin
Select Your Edition (Free, Home, Server, Etc..)
Input your License key (Not required for Free Edition)
The Installation Media is Downloaded and Extracted
You can use checkbox to Reduced Installation Files (To Just Required)
Sorry My Bad...
I edited XPE Host Boot Option script for Multi-Arch Folders.
"\WIN10XPE\Projects\MyPlugins\Utilities\XPE Boot Option.Script"
But Forgot to add a Variable to the cmd file...
Here is the corrected 2018-09-15 Script > [implemented - link removed]
Hi James
thanks for Macrium Reflect 7 Multi-Edition XPE Plugin
couple minor amendment perhaps - line 30 of the interface is duplicated in line32
and %Tools% --> %GTools% in the extract section
only tried free version so far, but works well - exits cleanly :thumbsup:
very comprehensive plugin - should be able to replace others :thumbsup:
ps have you ever found a way to suppress the keyboard message?
I'm sure I remember one of the early versions having the code in, but could never get it to work in mine
Thanks APT..
For the extra set of eyes...
Funny thing - I tested that plugin a lot for - Download and extraction... Worked every time...
With the %Tools% variable - or I would of noticed the variable
Removed Dup Interface line and replaced %tools% with %gtools%
I have NOT been able to get "Home" as a full registered program.
tried using host reg import, pe reg import and running installer in pe...
Can not even get registered with mr7 Boot.wim files and registry - still show as trial when running redeploy
your SP uses Host registry setting - and believe it was tested as working -
Hi James
your SP uses Host registry setting
my sp version required the user to input the License and the Licensee fields
still show as trial when running redeploy
mmm. you're correct, same for me!
Vivaldi Web Browser v1.15.1147.64 standalone version for XPE.
Using a unique setup string Vivaldi installs a portable version that creates its User Data folder parallel to the Application folder for persistance:
--vivaldi-standalone --do-not-launch-chrome --vivaldi-silent --vivaldi-install-dir=#$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%#$q"
TIP: If using chrome on your host machine, you can install a standalone version of Vivaldi then import your bookmarks, cookies and passwords, etc. exit that and copy the User Data folder next to the Vivaldi\Application folder on your USB. The Launch button makes that easy to do.
You can also just copy files from %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default to your Default folder on USB.
https://drop.me/ae2Jq6 - Vivaldi_XPE_v1.15.1147.64.7z - Size: 97.27 Mb
Hi muggles
Vivaldi Web Browser
Thanks, haven't come across it, considering it's got a million users.
Vivaldi aims to revive the old, popular features of Opera 12 - apparently
it's not exactly a lightweight browser is it? but will give it a whirl, just out of interest
regards APT
it's not exactly a lightweight browser is it? but will give it a whirl, just out of interest
regards APT
In my x86 build chrome would run out of memory using only two tabs. Vivaldi is very happy there and everywhere for that matter. :great:
Most chrome extensions work as long as they don't mess with the interface, which breaks them.
Interesting comparison, but may be slanted ;)
Would you mind if I edit your plugin to allow the use of a custom folder for "User Data"
And create the Auto-Update to download the setup file(s) on first run > thus plugin easier to unload to forum..
Just needs a little code changed - with you still the author..
Would you mind if I edit your plugin
Not at all, I'd be honored to have the master do it right :thumbsup: Thank you!
Vivaldi Web Browser XPE Plugin
Special Thanks To Muggles for submitting His Vivaldi Plugin
I have made a Few Edits to his plugin to make it more friendly..
You will need to Download Both Files
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
So what are you asking for the software only, or the software+drivers?
Both are needed for it to function properly, though integrating the drivers is pretty easy, and I've accomplished this portion already.
Vivaldi Web Browser XPE Plugin
I have made a Few Edits to his plugin to make it more friendly..
Sanity Tip For those using chrome:
Import everything allowed from your chrome install, then copy and replace the 3 files from:
%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Favicons
%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Favicons-journal
to Vivaldi's User Data\Default\ folder if you wish to have your chrome bookmark bar with icons and no profile version confusion.
Guys, I need some expert help with the XPE How-To > Required Files...
I know we can use Process Monitor to filter Files accessed by a Program.exe
To find Missing Files / required files used or accessed by the Program.exe
But to be honest - this is a skill I suck at - because I really do not understand what I am doing or looking at...
So if One of the Masters of Finding Required Files would reserve a post in the How-To
I along with everybody else can learn a lot from you...
With Sincere Appreciation !
EDIT: I Think I have The XPE Quick Start Guide (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2569.msg27662#msg27662)Pretty Well Covered With The Basics...
Your Feedback Here Please > Because I Hope The Next Post will be about - required files
Guys, I need some expert help with the XPE How-To > Required Files...
I'm no expert, but a post by ChrisR with the tip to sort on CreateFile allowed success on the few that I tried it on.
Here is my process, I hope this helps and others pitch in with more experience than what I have. :lol:
-start procmon then start the program.
-find the program.exe in the process name column, right-click and choose Include 'program.exe'.
-find the word SUCCESS in the result column, right-click and choose Exclude 'SUCCESS'.
-find the word CreateFile in the operation column, right-click and choose Include 'CreateFile'.
You should see the files missing with NAME NOT FOUND and see the path the programs searched for them.
Thank Muggles..
For sharing the tip posted by Chris
I usually tried to read the Never Ending log file
Vivaldi Web Browser XPE Plugin
Special Thanks To Muggles for submitting His Vivaldi Plugin
I have made a Few Edits to his plugin to make it more friendly..
You will need to Download Both Files
(Attachment Link)
(Attachment Link)
Thanks @James for making this script more friendly. These days I have been working and did not have much free time to try until yesterday. I personally do not copy the "User Data" folder although I have copied it to the directory.
-Function the download.
-But when copying programs do not do it from the "User Data" folder For the rest it works perfect.
MS Windows Media Player
Requires .Net Framework
Tested on x64 Build to play wav mp3 mpg avi wmv
MS PowerShell Plugin
Not A PowerShell User - But Plugin Appears To be Functional
requires .Net Framework
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
A question, there are script that are very complex, such as acronis or many others, that contemplate many lines of code. Would it be possible to make an "adapter"?
Let me explain, as @James indicated before, there are variables that have changed their name. It would be possible to make all those variables change by the new name or are not just those variables that seem written?
It may be crazy, but reading the code there are certain scripts that are too complex to understand for my opinion. Maybe this is crazy, but it's just to ask.
Greetings to all.
Being Retired, I Had Nothing Better To Do, So I Started Playing Around With A Utility Script - Although Not Sure Anyone Would Really Need To Use It Now...
We Have Many New XPE Plugin's and The Ability to Recreate Old Plugin's..
I will tweak as I go along and find other things...
XPE Code Checker
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
XPE Plugin
Component / MS Disk Image Burner
Plugin Adds Windows Disk Image Burner and Rt Context Menu
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Thank you James for all your plugins and the very nice Win10XPE - How To Quick Start Guide (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2569)
Great work, that's awesome :great:
You're ready to take over.
Not Ready To Take Over - You Are The Master Of PE
I Have Learned A Lot From You and Just Try To Follow...
simplewall v2.3.4 (21 September 2018)
fixed dns system rules when dns service is stopped
fixed listen filter conditions (issue #213, #222)
fixed memory referencing bug (issue #221)
fixed massive handles leak (issue #230)
fixed thread termination
various ui fixes
Updated Plugin to v2.3.4
Win10XPE in WinPE
Copies required files to be able to run XPE Builder while in a PE
WoW64 Basic Required for x64 - as App is x86 only
Does not copy any program files....
Can launch XPE from DATA drive while in PE using program.exe
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
XPE Plugin Adds Disk Genius Version
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
simplewall v2.3.4 (21 September 2018)
Specified attachment is not available
replace with
simplewall v2.3.4 (21 September 2018)
PM could not be sent to 'ChrisR' as their inbox is full!
Must be a Popular Guy In These Woods
The wood is rather small but I cleaned it a little bit.
New Version of True image is out..
Change Build Number on ATI2019 XPE Plugin to 14110
Hi James
Your Acronis plugins work a real treat
I have to say, they must be the best versions I've seen :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
regards APT
It was just a matter of figuring out a better way to do - what has already been done...
Several of the XPE Plugins have the AutoUpdate Feature Built In
Hi All
AOMEI Partition Assistant Plugins (James)
now downloads new v7.2 - no changelog on website yet
dont forget to update %CheckVersion%=7.2.0 if happy about functionality (seems OK to me)
regards APT
Yes I did Test v7.2 and it works Fine...
Hi James
minor edit for PEBakery in your AOMEI Partition Assistant Std plugin
in the interface section, it has the HomePage_WebLabel duplicated
again.. I know how it came back, though...
And Thanks To ChrisR and APT for finding my shortfalls..
That why it good others test and provide feedback...
Been having some really bad Breathing days here of late..
Chris pointed out that on the PA plugins the ampa drivers where the same for x86 and x64...
I knew it was ,2 and ,4 - but when checked it was copy-paste error of ,2 and ,2
The plugins above have been corrected...
Hi James
re AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro
having an issue with latest version of plugin (could be me !)
occasionally it seems to work, then on next run it will error with unable to find GptBcd.dll (and it's not in the extracted folder) but then running it from Launch, it will be listed and appear in folder - but actually doesn't Launch prog with a
''This 64bit program only supports for windowsPE system, does not support to run on the current system'' message
any ideas?
ps not having any probs with previous ver
still same win7prox64 host
Sorry James leave it to me to investigate, seems it only happens on PEBakery - still, there must be bigger differences between the two versions than I thought
with PA both use same files
change the Launch process back to
as that folder launches the x86 version and has the native drivers and drvload
Hi James
Maybe better to Stay with old method of coping all the files and then deleting the ones we do not want from target;
OR you could ONLY extract the files you want from the exe with innounp filelist cmd
ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C %ProgFile.PATH%\innounp.exe -x -y %ProgFile.PATH%\terabyte_drive_image_backup_and_restore_suite_en_gui.exe @filelist.txt#$q","%ProgFile.PATH%\TBtmpA"
It'll extract the file from it's path in filelist.txt, which you can create in-script as I do.. eg
OR just encode premade filelist.txt - very easy to amend for later changes in either case
I tried it in my TeraByte_XPE script - reply 132 of this thread and it seems to work well
regards APT
The pre-made filelist.txt looks good :thumbsup:
Just a little trick, you can use innounp directly from %GTools% without having to copy and delete it.
ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C %GTools%\innounp.exe -x -y %ProgFile.PATH%\terabyte_drive_image_backup_and_restore_suite_en_gui.exe @filelist.txt#$q","%ProgFile.PATH%\TBtmpA"
ShellExecute,Hide,%GTools%\innounp.exe,"-x -y %ProgFile.PATH%\terabyte_drive_image_backup_and_restore_suite_en_gui.exe @filelist.txt#$q","%ProgFile.PATH%\TBtmpA"
Hi ChrisR
Just a little trick, you can use innounp directly from %GTools% without having to copy and delete it.
Well normally I do, but had a feeling it was more reliable when using Filelist to have innounp in same dir as source exe see edit
regards APT
on the subject of innounp I see 0.47 (2018.07.02) is available
Added support for IS 5.6.0 and 5.6.1.
Added AppId field to the script.
the more I think about it, It was that the filelist.txt had to be in the extraction path
No worry APT, it should work using GTools directly but it works well too as you did.
I'll add latest innounp version, Thanks for the info :thumbsup:
I have some issues with Wget :confused:
With version 1.11.4, I have an OpenSSL error with for ex: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v6.1.0/PowerShell-6.1.0-win-x64.zip
It is good with version 1.18 but now I have an exit return 3221225477 with for ex: Backupper v4.5.2 here http://www2.aomeisoftware.com/download/adb/Backupper.exe
And with Wget 1.19.4 I also have some concerns.
I tried it with aria2c v1.34. For now, I haven't encountered any problems using the following cmdline:
ShellExecute,Open,%GTools%\aria2c.exe,"-x16 -s16 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false -d#$q%BaseDir%\ProgCache\PowerShell-6#$q -o#$qPowerShell-6.1.0-win-x64.zip#$q #$qhttps://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v6.1.0/PowerShell-6.1.0-win-x64.zip#$q"
I'm thinking of using Aria2c as a replacement for WGet in Tools folder and used in Download Macro.
I'm not experienced with it, let me know for your experience or switches, if you used.
AOMEI Backupper Plugins
Updated for Version
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
I do not invest time in creating a working Program via the "Launch" Button.
But, By Default the Plugin Creator will add the launch process
And by default, the 'Launch" button opens the program folder..
Although it should launch Packed Portable Programs - if "Start" program.exe enabled
Not all Programs Are Designed as Portable.. (Innounp)
So we [process] the files and drivers we need for WinXPE
But, If your looking to create a working program "Launch" button process..
For Innounp plugins you may want to use x86 Files for the process
because with some programs we [process] the x64 PE Files and they may not work as expected on Host OS
The pre-made filelist.txt looks good :thumbsup:
Just a little trick, you can use innounp directly from %GTools% without having to copy and delete it.
Question to both of you..
While testing Aomei plugins - the innounp extraction takes just over a minute (according to Mine and APT's log)
Would the extraction be any faster if using a file list??
Faster was the goal for changing the process in PA from copy all then delete to just copy required...
with Bupper the current process is to rename required in temp, delete unneeded from temp and then copy temp to target
Again (to me) it would make more sense just to copy required to Target
We have success with Launching PA from temp because "driver folder" and "Drvload" present (which we do not use in PE) and only 1 file needs rename...
Buppper is another case - drivers present - but many files need to be renamed in temp in order to Launch program with success
Like I said above - I do not invest a lot of time launching the program via the plugin.. Although it seems possible...
So I'll leave this up to discussion and opinion as to what path the XPE plugin(s) should try to follow...
It looks good to me and logical as you wrote it for the Launch button
With the launch of truly portable apps and just opening the Temp folder for the others, to avoid touching the host system.
The extraction with the file list should be a little faster by avoiding extracting, writing to disk, files that are later deleted which also takes a bit of time.
So a little better, but for the Launch button, it's good to have the full extraction as you did. So, It would mean 2 different extractions, hmm
In any case, for Backupper, the important is to know which files are not needed and which ones to keep.
Hi James
Can only speak for myself, but I've always found your plugins excellent, well written, with no need to change anything!
I think extracting only the files you require must be quicker, but we're only talking seconds, whichever way you choose
Using a filelist to extract only the required files was suggested only as an interesting alternative (at least to me!)
perhaps even more so if you want to copy straight to Target without any renaming being done, although that can be done
in the Target dir. It's up to the developer to decide what's best for that particular script, what he's trying to achieve,
his own particular style etc etc.
As far as the Launch feature is concerned, maybe, we could change the Tooltip to inform the user of it's usage,
or add something in the info button message as guidance
greatest regards
Using a filelist to extract only the required files was suggested only as an interesting alternative (at least to me!)
And one method I was Not aware of..
Adding a txt file (or even 3) to a plugin is simple and small in size...
And I will be testing this method...
Firstly, Thank you for this amazing project.
Two things i would like to ask for help with.
1. Using with PEBakery i can't seem to get it to work. it does not show up in the builds
2. I cannot get PE to login as admin if i choose switch to admin i get a blue screen.
Thank you again for all the time you spend on building and tweaking this amazing program.
To build Win10PESE or Win10XPE, rename PEBakery_Win10PESE_Win10XPE.ini to PEBakery.ini.
If a build fails even after applying presets, try deleting project temp directories.
Also you have to use Win10-1803 ISO for now...
To build Win10PESE or Win10XPE, rename PEBakery_Win10PESE_Win10XPE.ini to PEBakery.ini.
If a build fails even after applying presets, try deleting project temp directories.
Also you have to use Win10-1803 ISO for now...
I just have to copy the whole folder in to projects of PEBakery?
Being Retired, I Had Nothing Better To Do, So I Started Playing Around With A Utility Script - Although Not Sure Anyone Would Really Need To Use It Now...
We Have Many New XPE Plugin's and The Ability to Recreate Old Plugin's..
I will tweak as I go along and find other things...
XPE Code Checker
(Attachment Link)
Based on XPE Code Checker I wrote a more unnecessary plugin. It is an XPE to PESE plugins conversion utility.
BTW, it seems that in XPE Code Checker a replace line for add_pin is missing TXTReplace,%TextFile%,Add_Pin,AddPin.
The 1809 iso files are now available, let the testing begin...
Hi Bigbadmoshe
I just have to copy the whole folder in to projects of PEBakery?
extract contents of Win10XPE_2018-10-03.7z to a folder on a drive root
eg D:\Win10XPE
extract contents of PEBakery_Beta5_20180908.7z to same folder
read notice and delete it
delete PEBakery_ChrisPE_MistyPE.ini as not applicable
rename PEBakery_Win10PESE_Win10XPE.ini to PEBakery.ini
configure your source iso/extraction
run PEBakeryLauncher.exe for PEBakery builder OR
run Win10XPE.exe for BuilderSE (WinBuilder)
you should end up with initial folder like this
regards APT
Hi ChrisR
Great work on latest release of Win10XPE especially support for 1809 so soon after its release :)
DotNet Version Detector doesn't work - "This app can't run on your PC"
This is using latest build with 1809 source files
DotNet Version Detector doesn't work - "This app can't run on your PC"
This is using latest build with 1809 source files
Enable WoW64 Basic on build core
DotNet Version Detector doesn't work - "This app can't run on your PC"
This is using latest build with 1809 source files
Enable WoW64 Basic on build core
FIXED: Thanks James - should have thought it might be because it is a 32-bit app!
Just want to make aware...
When overwriting existing project with New Project..
All your Exist App Container Files are over written with Empty Files
Can you please explain if possible what's the point of full hive and catalog? what is it essential for.
While fooling around with a Macruim Update Utility for Home version
I found a process to use for the Macrium Free Update Utility
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Looking at over 90 Posted Plugins
And From a Point of Distribution
The Feedback - Really Sucks....
Also - Looking at over 90 Posted Plugins
- From a Point of Distribution
The Feedback - Really Sucks....
You are referring to the script that are in this thread?
Hi James
re: MacriumReflect Free Update Utility
So I'm guessing those of us who keep our many hd plugins under subfolders of HD Tasks
you need to change %FileContainer% and %FilePlugin% accordingly to 'reflect' that (If you forgive the pun)
regards APT
Yes, if not using standard project locations - you would have to adjust the location variable
You could keep utility in same directory as the Macrium Reflect Plugin(s)..
Just change location from
%FileContainer%=%BaseDir%\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\HD Tasks\Macrium Reflect Free_XPE_File.Script
%FilePlugin%=%BaseDir%\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\HD Tasks\Macrium Reflect Free_XPE.Script
%FileContainer%=%ScriptDir%\Macrium Reflect Free_XPE_File.Script
%FilePlugin%=%ScriptDir%\Macrium Reflect Free_XPE.Script
Hi James
thanks for your reply
Just change location from
+ change level from 10 to 5 to make it visible under Apps
Also - Looking at over 90 Posted Plugins
- From a Point of Distribution
The Feedback - Really Sucks....
Yes, unfortunately :confused:
And it shouldn't be just in case of a problem.
If you haven't more feedback, maybe it's because everything's fine :thumbsup:
Also - Looking at over 90 Posted Plugins
- From a Point of Distribution
The Feedback - Really Sucks....
I must apologize as I for one have been testing and using many of your posted plugins and have been very rude in the fact until now I haven't said "thank you"
I for one really do appreciate all the work you have put in to making these plugins, please keep up the good work - hopefully lack of comments/feedback is a sign that your work is very good and no one is having any problems :)
It is not a matter of saying Thank You..
It is more a matter of distribution based on the assumption that because nobody complained - it must be good..
We have had to correct things after distribution... Because they really did not work as intended..
Your testing and feedback of posted plugins is very important to the distribution of a reliable project..
It is not a matter of saying Thank You..
It is more a matter of distribution based on the assumption that because nobody complained - it must be good..
We have had to correct things after distribution... Because they really did not work as intended..
Your testing and feedback of posted plugins is very important to the distribution of a reliable project..
Okay, well haven't personally had any issues so hence no feedback and just thanks - can't give any more info if I haven't found a problem, but if I do I will
I tested it and it works for me without issues..
(Is positive feedback)
Hi All
HashTab is a Windows shell extension which adds a tab called File Hashes to the Windows Explorer file properties.
uses v6.0.0.34 and supports all major hash formats
based on original work by Olegpov
recommended placement: \Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\System Tools\Explorer Addons
HashTab_XPE.7z (993.71 kB - downloaded 28 times.)
Plugin Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28595#msg28595
Does XPE source its [AddFiles] from boot.wim or install.wim??
Does XPE source its [AddFiles] from boot.wim or install.wim??
I think it's from the install.wim
Need to Verify a Process....
I have a txt file in %Gtemp% that has a lot of "RegCopyKey" commands
Do I want to > Run,%GTemp%\RegCopyKey.txt < from within plugin ???
Not sure "RUN" is the correct way to process "RegCopyKey.txt"
Also anyone else having issue with sound when playing Youtube Video's with Firefox ESR
I have worked thru the Video Issue with Firefox Quantum but also have same sound issue....
Also do not have startup sound anymore with 1809...
No Problem with Google Chrome Playing Video's with sound
Need to Verify a Process....
For that, personally I use the Additions plugin with Edit converted PE registry.
Just need to add the RegCopyKey in opened Addreg.txt, save then use the small Play button.
Otherwise you can create a plugin with: HiveLoadALL > RegCopyKey > HiveUnLoadALL
For the sound, Here, it works correctly here at startup with 1809 64-bit.
No worries either to listen to my favorite music on Youtube with Firefox ESR 52.8.0 (64-bit)
But like you, I have no success with sound in the latest Firefox Quantum.
Would it be a x86 construction ?
using newest ESR (60.2.2) on x64 build with 1809
Have not tested Firefox on x86..
DirectX For XPE
Implemented in project - attachment removed
Hi James
I tested it and it works for me without issues.. :smile:
Thanks APT
If you keep this up I will have no choice but to switch to XPE.. :tongue:
If you keep this up I will have no choice but to switch to XPE.. :tongue:
It is a much Better project... It's Current, Faster, Simpler, easy to follow and a lot less macro code involved..
Plugins are understandable and easy to follow.. No loops, chutes or ladders..
And existing Plugins are easy to convert to New Faster Extraction Format...
Not sure why anyone would want to go back or stay with Old Ways..
It is not as robust as SE.... yet... at least not what I have been able to achieve on the SE side so far... It is getting very close though for me.. DX12 is big, VSS is important to me for certain reasons, I prefer Require_FileQ, to a separate text file for dependencies.. (Macro library makes this possible in SE ..Although a Require_FileX, would be great for boot.wim files needed)
I also prefer Start10, there are many nuances that have tied me to SE up to now... But your progress is making the gap become narrower and narrower... :thumbsup:
You may be the reason I switch :wink: Keep up the great work!
VSS will be ready for your testing in morning...
Although Looking at Require_FileQ in SE - it appears that because XPE uses WinRE - VSS is already present...
Start10 is possible - but ChrisR has Startisback as project default (Non-Plugin Option)
Not as Robust - You are the first to even request/require features
What are you using with setup.exe? install.wim's from windows setup media?
I have Not used that feature - but would assume that was the intention for coping the setup files..
Best for ChrisR to respond...
The trick I found is that you replace the Boot.wim within the Installation Media with our Custom PE Boot.wim
Regarding Requests. Should we make them here?
If yes.
1) .NET 3 features (for ShadowExplorer)
2) Bitlocker support
3) CMD Addons
Thank you for helping out.
Updated simplewall XPE* to v2.3.5 (14 October 2018)
Whats new:
added extra large icons view
use correct function for netevents subscription (win10rs4+)
fixed forced cleartype font style (issue #233)
fixed possible buffer overflow
rerwritten timer engine
cosmetic fixes
* Updated [AddFiles]
Updated simplewall XPE to v2.3.6 (16 October 2018)
Whats new:
added purgen submenu into tray menu
added more statusbar information
set extra large icons view by default
tray menu services counting bug
fixed app with overdue timer still enabled on profile load
fixed resetting some data on profile load
fixed timer resetting on profie load
fixed listview checkboxes
cosmetic fixes
fixed bugs
Regarding Requests.
1) .NET 3 features (for ShadowExplorer)
2) Bitlocker support
3) CMD Addons
Thank you for helping out.
1) Will Create Utility To Enable .Net Framework 3.5 in Install.wim
2) Bitlocker Plugin Created - Submitted For ChrisR To Review - Prior to Uploading For User Testing
3) On Current ToDo List
About Bitlocker, it is already included by default in winre.wim, as it is for vss or others
In the default base, I added bdeunlock.exe and fvenotify.exe to get the integration in Explorer.
It should be enough.
There's a screenshot here reply #19 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2421.msg26258#msg26258
For Addional Cmds, in addition to the default cmds in winre.wim, It is already added in the base:
But an additional component with the choice could be well, indeed.
To let you know, I'm busy for the moment with some trips and that until mid November.
Common Components_XPE.Script
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Don't understand when you write "Created & Not Needed"
Regardless i really appreciate you guys taking the time to work on them.
Never mind i see what you were referring to.
About Bitlocker, it is already included by default in winre.wim, as it is for vss or others
In the default base, I added bdeunlock.exe and fvenotify.exe to get the integration in Explorer.
It should be enough.
There's a screenshot here reply #19 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2421.msg26258#msg26258
For Addional Cmds, in addition to the default cmds in winre.wim, It is already added in the base:
But an additional component with the choice could be well, indeed.
To let you know, I'm busy for the moment with some trips and that until mid November.
The option should be on right clicking a hard drive? If yes i don't get it. it does not show up.
Check it out. New version after all this time. BgInfo v4.25
I have tried setting this up but not having any luck.
It is listed on website as v4.25 which is current version used by XPE Plugin...
But The website download is version 4.26
To update current XPE Plugin >
Delete Current ScriptFile Attachment (BGinfo.zip)
Plugin will download and encode Newest SetupFile
Or Add This To XPE Plugin - Interface
Update_Container_Button=U,1,8,540,1,14,14,Download,0,False,"__Update Plugin Program File"
Then You Just Hit "U" Button To Update The Setup File
.NetFramework 3.5 Extended Support XPE Plugin
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Hi James
.NetFramework 3.5 Extended Support XPE Plugin
I tested it and it works for me without issues.. :smile:
Thanks, APT
Regarding Requests. Should we make them here?
If yes.
1) .NET 3 features (for ShadowExplorer)
Thank you for helping out.
Feature Plugin Added - Please test with your App...
The option should be on right clicking a hard drive? If yes i don't get it. it does not show up.
If there is any doubt, BitLocker in PE is only for unlocking a drive, not to manage or lock a drive.
I just tested with 1809, also. It seems good here with the integration in explorer (double click or right click, unlock drive):
Adding NetFx3 Would Require Another Revision To Features/DotNet.Script
.NetFramework 3.5 Extended Support XPE Plugin
(Attachment Link)
\Win10XPE\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Components\ (Attachment Link)
You are awesome. Thank you so much.
The option should be on right clicking a hard drive? If yes i don't get it. it does not show up.
If there is any doubt, BitLocker in PE is only for unlocking a drive, not to manage or lock a drive.
I just tested with 1809, also. It seems good here with the integration in explorer (double click or right click, unlock drive):
(Attachment Link)
Thank you for clarifying.
So this might be a big favor to ask. Any way to get Win10XPE to use extracted wim files like in Win10PESE?
What would be the benefit of using extracted install.wim Files ???
What would be the benefit of using extracted install.wim Files ???
:smile: :smile: :smile:
I was just looking at that post wondering exactly the same thing
What would be the benefit of using extracted install.wim Files ???
Does it not make things work faster. if it does not have to mount the wim everytime?
So 2 things that are driving me crazy.
Explorer on the Taskbar. Change Theme. I cannot get them to go away
The below does not do anything
//LINK %Desktop%\Change Explorer Theme,%WinDir%\system32\hiderun.exe,%WinDir%\System32\SwitchTheme.cmd,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#174
What would be the benefit of using extracted install.wim Files ???
What would be benefit of making XPE like PESE ???
To Answer Both Questions: There Is No Benefit To the XPE Project...
The Project is What It is Today - From a Push to go forward with the Base Project
On the flipside - PESE can benefit A lot From XPE...
What would be the benefit of using extracted install.wim Files ???
Does it not make things work faster. if it does not have to mount the wim everytime?
Please compare the Build Times between PESE and XPE
What would be the benefit of using extracted install.wim Files ???
Does it not make things work faster. if it does not have to mount the wim everytime?
Please compare the Build Times between PESE and XPE
I am in no way trying to compare them. I was only asking if there was a benefit.
I love the simplicity of this project and appreciate the hard work you guys put in.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
The below does not do anything
I understand it may not be logical, but try, instead of remming out that line - remove it!
Hi Bigbadmoshe
The below does not do anything
I understand it may not be logical, but try, instead of remming out that line - remove it!
Thanks i will do that . i wanted to keep it for reference sake.
Using The "Edit pecmd.ini" Button will allow to create a custom version of pecmd.ini that will be used instead of Project version...
Removing/Deleting Your Custom pecmd.ini > \Win10XPE\Custom\Pecmdini\pecmd.ini < will revert back to using project version..
MS Visual C++ Runtime XPE Plugin
Allows You To Run Programs Created With Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2012/2013/2017
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Using The "Edit pecmd.ini" Button will allow to create a custom version of pecmd.ini that will be used instead of Project version...
Removing/Deleting Your Custom pecmd.ini > \Win10XPE\Custom\Pecmdini\pecmd.ini < will revert back to using project version..
(Attachment Link)
Familiar with that. using it for sometime. Thanks for the heads up.
Hi James
Using The "Edit pecmd.ini" Button will allow to create a custom version of pecmd.ini that will be used instead of Project version...
Well I know, if you delete the ...\Custom\Pecmdini\pecmd.ini
a new version is copied there, from ...\Projects\Include\x64\AdditionalFiles\Windows\System32\ when you bug the 'Edit Pecmd.ini' button
so if you rem out that line in ...AdditionalFiles\Windows\System32\pecmd.ini, it should take effect whichever ver is used
but it doesn't seem to...
If however, you remove the line in either, as you would expect, the pin's not there because it doesn't exist
What I don't understand is why the rem on that line doesn't work, I'm sure it used to! Maybe it never did!
I know swapping the pin no's still works ie 0 & 9
What I don't understand is why the rem on that line doesn't work, I'm sure it used to! Maybe it never did!
What does the pecmd.ini read while in target ??
What does the pecmd.ini read while in PE ??
As sometimes it could be the use of "TXTReplace"
Although a quick search did not find such use for Explorer.exe
Hi James
mmm, it's still odd to me, that the other rems of any LINK line work fine in that ini.
also, that if the rems in front of a pin line weren't recognised as a remark, I would expect the whole line to be invalid and ignored
whereas it actually is used and the rem's ignored
ps I guess JFX / ChrisR are the guys to ask, being two of the pintool creators, and by default very experienced with pecmd
RunScanner2 plugin running under Win10XPE - even if I specify a folder name for my start menu shortcut e.g. RegTool - The Remote Regedit entry seems to appear on start menu in a folder called just "s" instead?
Tried multiple build and same thing happens - any ideas please?
Windows Administrative Tools > Windows Memory Diagnostics - this appears on start menu but doesn't seem to work - when I click on link I get error "an error is preventing windows from checking for memory problems during startup....." - would be nice to have the feature working if possible? or if it can't work for whatever reason then maybe it doesn't need to appear on start menu?
Keep up the great work on Win10XPE - it really is appreciated and so useful to me
RunScanner2 plugin running under Win10XPE - even if I specify a folder name for my start menu shortcut
Start Menu Folder variable is missing - So Replace Line 68 with
If,%StartMenu_CheckBox%,Equal,True,AddShortcut,StartMenu,%StartMenuFolder_TextBox%,%SystemRoot%\System32\%ProgramEXE%,%ProgramTitle%,"/t 0 /sd /ac /m+ /y regedit.exe"
RunScanner2 plugin running under Win10XPE - even if I specify a folder name for my start menu shortcut
Start Menu Folder variable is missing - So Replace Line 68 with
If,%StartMenu_CheckBox%,Equal,True,AddShortcut,StartMenu,%StartMenuFolder_TextBox%,%SystemRoot%\System32\%ProgramEXE%,%ProgramTitle%,"/t 0 /sd /ac /m+ /y regedit.exe"
Thanks James - that works perfectly :)
MS Management Console Plugin (MMC)
Hi James
Can I please ask if this plugin is still relevant or needed? as it would appear computer management, disk management etc are already available in a standard build of XPE? or am I missing something
Simplewall v.2.3.6 WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) XPE Plugin
now finally featuring a Provide File option for ease of updating. :w00t:
Ahh Shoots Muggles,
I just finished an AutoUpdate Plugin for Simplewall...
You only need to change %ProgramVersion% variable in script
Then Hit "U" to Update Container file
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
I just finished an AutoUpdate Plugin for simplewall...
:lol: Go figure... that's what I get for waiting so long. I've been planning on updating the plugin for weeks but real life got in the way. It twas still lot's-a-fun and a great learning experience to play with your plugin creators!
PS - I Worked On It This Morning.. Went to Post and Seen Yours....
Hint: Plugin Creator = AUTO
(Auto Update Template Option)
The Difference Between "Provide Files" and "Download File" Options
[Provide Files]
You Have To Manually Provide Setup File
Via Enabling Checkbox, Else Container File Used
[Download File]
Will Automatically Download Newest Setup File
Via Enabling Checkbox, Else Container File Used
PS - I Worked On It This Morning.. Went to Post and Seen Yours....
All good stuff, thanks! :great:
I have an abandoned, half finished version from a couple of weeks ago that I was planning on doing more planning on how to best automate both the download and container update for both Vivaldi and simplewall. They both seem to suffer from nearly identical automated download hurdles that will most likely need some help from AHK for scraping for me to be able to tackle, so for now I went with the Provide File. My final goal dream is to avoid having to do a manual edit. I have hacked together a couple of web scrapers in the past for other projects that should make that somewhat simple, just need the time.
I Converted The Vivaldi Web Browser Plugins To Auto Update Plugins On 10/03/2018
Just Change %Vver% Variable in script and Hit "U" Button To Update Container File
Plugin(s) Moved To Topic - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
I Converted The Vivaldi Web Browser Plugins To Auto Update Plugins On 10/03/2018
That's Awesome, I just put this together to automate the download for simplewall, I'll play with the Vivaldi URL later and maybe between it all, we can come up with a dream come true :thumbsup:
runwait, wget https://github.com/henrypp/simplewall/releases/latest -O %A_Temp%\SW.txt,,hide
Loop, Read, %A_Temp%\SW.txt
if A_LoopReadLine contains -bin.zip`"
URL := A_LoopReadLine
StringReplace, URL, URL, <a href=`", https://github.com
StringSplit, token, URL, `"
URL := token1
MsgBox, % URL
which outputs the URL of the latest version, one wget line away:
Nice way to find the new version..
But, in doing so - we lose some control of testing New versions before user updates
At least now you can test - before posting a note about updating program version variable or new plugin script
We could also follow ATI Plugin by using Build TextBox ( I did try that method too - Did Not Like)
Nice way to find the new version..
But, in doing so - we lose some control of testing New versions before user updates
True, and who knows how long before the website changes and breaks the script. But anyway, this grabs the Vivaldi URL's:
runwait, wget https://vivaldi.com/download/ -O %A_Temp%\VB.txt,,hide
Loop, Read, %A_Temp%\VB.txt
if A_LoopReadLine contains x64.exe`"
URL64 := A_LoopReadLine
StringSplit, token, URL64, `"
URL64 := trim(token2)
StringReplace, URL32, URL64, .x64,
MsgBox, 32bit: %URL32%`n64bit: %URL64%
and outputs:
32bit: https://downloads.vivaldi.com/stable/Vivaldi.2.0.1309.42.exe
64bit: https://downloads.vivaldi.com/stable/Vivaldi.2.0.1309.42.x64.exe
Desktop Icons
How can I control (remove) the additional icons being created on desktop with Win10XPE e.g. Change Explorer Theme, Keyboard Layout, System Recovery, PENetwork, Command Prompt and Explorer?
I know I could probably edit a plugin to remove them, but perhaps an option on the Build Core GUI to choose which icons are shown perhaps?
Thank you
Use "Edit pecmd.ini" Button on Build Core and //Mark Out The Shortcut Line
Use "Edit pecmd.ini" Button on Build Core and //Mark Out The Shortcut Line
Fantastic - thanks James - didn't know about that - this build just gets better and better!
Use "Edit pecmd.ini" Button on Build Core and //Mark Out The Shortcut Line
That has worked for all the shortcuts I mentioned except "Change Explorer Theme" as for some reason that is already shown as commented out in pecmd.ini
That shortcut MarkOut Gets Replaced / Unmarked by Another Plugin
Removing that shortcut line from pecmd.ini - Will solve your current problem
That shortcut MarkOut Gets Replaced / Unmarked by Another Plugin
Removing that shortcut line from pecmd.ini - Will solve your current problem
Sorted - thanks James - that's another drink I owe you
Simplewall v.2.3.6 WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) XPE Plugin v5 Added ability to download latest version and update container option.
Thank you James for making this much easier than I thought :great:
Needed a slight adjustment to a hard coded test path. v5b is hard-coded to run from Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Network
Google Chrome plugin
Have checked boxes for "Pin To TaskBar" and "Pin To StartMenu" but they don't seem to work - any thoughts please
The google Shortcut are removed by autorun.cmd upon startup if they exist (they do not)
The invalid shortcuts are created when you launch Google Chrome...
They refer to the standard Program installation Directory.. ( We do not use)
To avoid this Maybe we should use Standard Installation Directory - which changes depending upon build type..
Which would effect $PE_Programs% Location
So it kinda just snowballs..
Needed a slight adjustment to a hard coded test path. v5b is hard-coded to run from Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Network
Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Network = %ScriptDir% > Which refers to Current Plugin Directory
The google Shortcut are removed by autorun.cmd upon startup if they exist (they do not)
The invalid shortcuts are created when you launch Google Chrome...
They refer to the standard Program installation Directory.. ( We do not use)
To avoid this Maybe we should use Standard Installation Directory - which changes depending upon build type..
Which would effect $PE_Programs% Location
So it kinda just snowballs..
Okay that makes sense - hopefully something can be done so that the in future the option of "pin to start" or "pin to taskbar" works for this and any other XPE plugins - as for some tools it is useful to have them "pinned"
I Pin Google to both starmenu and taskbar... No issue as it refer to program.exe...
If using Y Drive the Pin refers to startmenu program.lnk (which I believe APT said was an issue)
I Pin Google to both starmenu and taskbar... No issue as it refer to program.exe...
If using Y Drive the Pin refers to startmenu program.lnk (which I believe APT said was an issue)
Sorry confused now - so why does it not work for me when checking the two boxes in the plugin?
Simplewall v.2.3.6 WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) XPE Plugin v6 - Will now update version info if downloading latest option is selected wherever plugin is placed as long as it's under the MyPlugins\Apps dir.
it uses the same shortcut/pin process as all the other plugins...
Did you edit the plugin by chance??
Or maybe extract google plugin from current project download.
Not sure what else to tell ya...
it uses the same shortcut/pin process as all the other plugins...
Did you edit the plugin by chance??
Or maybe extract google plugin from current project download.
Not sure what else to tell ya...
No nothing has been changed - it is the plugin downloaded within the zip dated 2018-10-12 - I haven't altered anything, just building it with items checked as per screenshot. App works fine, just not pinned to start menu or taskbar
Now go into target/windows/system32/pecmd.ini
look at the pins on the bottom and see if google.exe is there...
note the ProgramFile location..
delete the pins...
Play google plugin Green Button
verify pins again in target pecmd.ini
TaskBar0=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome.exe||||||||
StartMenu1=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome.exe||||||||
Okay, this is what the pin section looks like after building XPE
StartMenu1=$Start_Menu\Programs\Network\Internet Explorer.lnk||||||||
TaskBar8=$Start_Menu\Programs\Network\Internet Explorer.lnk||||||||
I then deleted them as you said and press green play button in Google Chrome plugin and now it looks like this
Can't understand why yours is showing chrome.exe but mine shows chrome.lnk?
Also path is wrong as it is not \Programs\s\ it is Programs\Internet\ as I choose Internet as my Start Menu Folder for Google Chrome - so perhaps that is issue
If using Y Drive the Pin refers to startmenu program.lnk (which I believe APT said was an issue)
Mine is selected as RAM
Yours is USB
But just seen issue somehow you have an "S" for in the startmenu\program folder position...
But Mine to USB Results in "Network" and not "S" and that is without typing in a startmenu folder name
Tried manually amending the path in pecmd.ini after I ran build - so it had my chosen start menu name e.g. "Internet" rather than the "s" it had defaulted too
StartMenu1=$Start_Menu\Programs\Network\Internet Explorer.lnk||||||||
TaskBar8=$Start_Menu\Programs\Network\Internet Explorer.lnk||||||||
Then rebuilt my boot.wim and ISO - and created USB
I now get the pin for google chrome on start menu but still not on the taskbar
Very odd
change target -- pecmd.ini to use
TaskBar1=Y:\Programs\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome.exe||||||||
then select "create ISO" and hit "Create boot.win and ISO"
test that
change target -- pecmd.ini to use
TaskBar1=Y:\Programs\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome.exe||||||||
then select "create ISO" and hit "Create boot.win and ISO"
test that
No still doesn't show on TaskBar i'm afraid
Place Google Into Ram via the ScrollBox on Interface
Place Google Into Ram via the ScrollBox on Interface
If I do it in RAM then yes it works fine - but I want all my programs on USB ideally - so will just have to not have it pinned to taskbar for now
Out of interest other items pin to taskbar fine e.g. command prompt and explorer - so odd that chrome won't
they refer to "systemroot" which is in RAM....
they refer to "systemroot" which is in RAM....
good point - hadn't thought of that
hopefully someone will find fix so items not in RAM can be pinned as well
Thanks for helping
When you use USB (Y). Try this:
Change in your script the line :" If,%TaskBpin_CheckBox%,Equal,True "
You can use it in any script.
Hi Teik
Change in your script the line :" If,%TaskBpin_CheckBox%,Equal,True "
or just tick checkbox :thumbsup:
You can use it in any script.
You would also need to chk you weren't already using 'TaskBar7'
But if 'Pin to Taskbar' doesn't work in 'Run from USB', I can't see why this would work, anyway
regards APT
A few thing if you guys have time.
Is there an easy way to implement auto update for any script. Im looking for Crystal Disk info and HWinfo specifically. I can tear apart other scripts but i wanted to know if there is a simple way to do it?
Is there a way to add only internet option for the pe without adding IE. The windows ISO downloader tool won't work without IE. but maybe it will work with just internet options.
I cannot seem to get shadowexplorer to work even with vss on and .net 3. anyone have any ideas what to check?
Is there an easy way to implement auto update for any script. Im looking for Crystal Disk info and HWinfo specifically. I can tear apart other scripts but i wanted to know if there is a simple way to do it?
I Guess You Have Not Done Your Homework Either..
We also Have 4 Different Internet Browsers Available For XPE (3 Included In Project Download)
But Rather Then Use "ISO Downloader Tool" (Program.exe) Use This Internet Shortcut
Other than odd little cosmetic issues to sort e.g. pinning programs running from USB to start menu / task bar - as per previous posts - I now have Win10XPE working just as I want I think
So happy just made a donation!
Only thing I need to do is find a tool that will allow me to list all installed software on the host / offline system - as handy when repairing a non booting computer to be able to see equivalent to add/remove programs so I can see what was installed recently that could be cause of problems - any thoughts / ideas please?
Is there an easy way to implement auto update for any script. Im looking for Crystal Disk info and HWinfo specifically. I can tear apart other scripts but i wanted to know if there is a simple way to do it?
I Guess You Have Not Done Your Homework Either..
We also Have 4 Different Internet Browsers Available For XPE (3 Included In Project Download)
But Rather Then Use "ISO Downloader Tool" (Program.exe) Use This Internet Shortcut
Thanks for replying.
I know about that actually was using it. I'm sorry for being lazy :embarrassed:
The website does show links for win 7 but they don't actually work.
Vivaldi Web Browser standalone version for XPE
What's new in version 4:
- Added button to automagically check if a newer version is available and gives you the option to auto update your settings.
Sorted - thanks James - that's another drink I owe you
Thanks For The Donation
And I'll Have A PEPSI
Is there an easy way to implement auto update for any script. Im looking for Crystal Disk info and HWinfo specifically. I can tear apart other scripts but i wanted to know if there is a simple way to do it?
I Guess You Have Not Done Your Homework Either..
We also Have 4 Different Internet Browsers Available For XPE (3 Included In Project Download)
But Rather Then Use "ISO Downloader Tool" (Program.exe) Use This Internet Shortcut
Very good write up. Great examples to make it very simple.
Runscanner2 error
Having issue with runscanner plugin. When I click Remote Regedit on start menu I get following error message:-
regedit.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point CFSFolder_CreateEnum could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Windows\System32\Shell32.dll
Any ideas please - this is a clean download of Win10XPE with nothing changed at all
Hi dazza
Having issue with runscanner plugin. When I click Remote Regedit on start menu I get following error message:-
regedit.exe - Entry Point Not Found
well I'm not a runscanner user, but tried it for you, in a virtual window it opens a 'browse for windows installation' window
but in a booted usb scenario it just opens and closes with no errors displayed
not a lot of help to you but better than no feedback
regards APT
tested/built on 1809
If you can help out please feel free to spoon feed me or point me in a direction :w00t:
Shadow Explorer. Even with .net 3.5 and vss service running i cannot get it to load.
Is there any way to hide the screen when logging into admin mode?
Thank you again for your time and patience.
Is there any way to hide the screen when logging into admin mode?
Try: Build Core > More Options > Set "Ask to Switch to Administrator for" To "0"
If you can help out please feel free to spoon feed me or point me in a direction
Shadow Explorer. Even with .net 3.5 and vss service running i cannot get it to load.
Please Share Your Shadow Explorer Plugin For Testing
Try: Build Core > More Options > Set "Ask to Switch to Administrator for" To "0"
I did that. not working :(
Please Share Your Shadow Explorer Plugin For Testing
It's not mine. I tried the actual installer. and i tried a portable version. Bob.Omb's has it working in his PE.
Hi James,
Re your auto-update style plugins, love the simplicity :thumbsup:
Have you considered adding the code, to query the re-download or not, If that version already exists? when you hit the update button
If,QUESTION,That version SetupFile Already EXISTS - Do You Wish To Continue the Download,25,True,WebGet,http://www.xxx/setup.exe,%GTemp%\xxx\setup.exe
type thing
Regards APT
No I have not considered it before..
As a lot of existing plugin where off the cuff, after initial project release, with plugin creator development...
Hi James
Re: UltraIso_9_XPE plugin
Getting download error
(UltraISO_9_XPE_File.Script) Variable definition loop: [%SetupURL%=%SetupURL%=https://www.ezbsystems.com/dl1.php?file=uiso9_pe.exe]
when hitting 'little green arrow'
download url working fine - maybe aria2c prob?
ps win7pro client
Thanks APT - Found It...
Re-Download UltraISO File Container...
Hi James
can you chk post, you've replaced script in wrong place
cheers APT
Thanks again..
Third Time Is A Charm...
As they all started to look alike..
Hi James
maybe third time lucky, certainly works like a charm :smile: :smile:
confirmed download works without error :thumbsup:
thanks APT
Would Like To See Members Post Optional Plugins - Here to This Thread..
Good idea. Once I replace the need to have wget in your path for the simplewall and Vivaldi downloads to work, I'll upload them to the Optional Member Plugins forum. duh!
Only thing I need to do is find a tool that will allow me to list all installed software on the host / offline system - as handy when repairing a non booting computer to be able to see equivalent to add/remove programs so I can see what was installed recently that could be cause of problems - any thoughts / ideas please?
Couldn't find one - so wrote my own
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563)
Only thing I need to do is find a tool that will allow me to list all installed software on the host / offline system - as handy when repairing a non booting computer to be able to see equivalent to add/remove programs so I can see what was installed recently that could be cause of problems - any thoughts / ideas please?
Couldn't find one - so wrote my own
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563)
Awesome. Will test this asap.
Only Have 2.5 Categories' left to go..
Getting Close To The End now..
Only Have 2.5 Categories' left to go..
Getting Close To The End now..
Fantastic work - can't believe you have created so many great plugins :thumbsup:
Runscanner2 error
Having issue with runscanner plugin. When I click Remote Regedit on start menu I get following error message:-
regedit.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point CFSFolder_CreateEnum could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Windows\System32\Shell32.dll
Any ideas please - this is a clean download of Win10XPE with nothing changed at all
UPDATE: After further testing I have found that this error only seems to occur when my host computer is running Windows Server 2016 rather than Windows 10
If I boot into PE on host running Windows 10 then it works fine, but typically my initial testing was on an old laptop I had been running Server tests on
Would be nice if a solution could be found one day so we can use remote regedit functionality on Server OS's as well - but obviously a very low priority issue now I know it is okay on 10
Only thing I need to do is find a tool that will allow me to list all installed software on the host / offline system - as handy when repairing a non booting computer to be able to see equivalent to add/remove programs so I can see what was installed recently that could be cause of problems - any thoughts / ideas please?
Couldn't find one - so wrote my own
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563)
App not working not sure if the same error as others.
Only thing I need to do is find a tool that will allow me to list all installed software on the host / offline system - as handy when repairing a non booting computer to be able to see equivalent to add/remove programs so I can see what was installed recently that could be cause of problems - any thoughts / ideas please?
Couldn't find one - so wrote my own
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2608.msg28563#msg28563)
App not working not sure if the same error as others.
All errors reported so far were fixed and those who reported before it is now working for, if getting error then post (or pm me) error message and screenshots etc and then I can try and fix, also advise what host OS version is e.g. Windows 7/8/10, 32 or 64 bit etc
App not working not sure if the same error as others.
Here Is A link to His Current XPE Plugin
Hey, so I'm in the process of switching to 1809. I noticed that for some reason the taskbar is completely transparent, is this a bug or just something I missed?
It seems to be a problem with SIB and acrylic taskbar, better the plugins set blur or no transparency for now.
Yes, it is better with blur clear and without transparency
For 10XPE, I added them in Core plugin, in the additional options, Opaque (next to SIB skin) must be enabled
Core.script (http://theoven.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2596.0;attach=7244)
Just In Case Some Of You Missed The Transparency Fix for XPE - (Quoted Above)
I Added Option To "Select" IF Change Explorer Theme Shortcuts are created
Date - 2018.10.28 [attach=1]
PENetwork XPE Plugin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28697#msg28697)
Note: Option To Use Host's Wireless SSID Profile
PENetwork Will Automatically Connect To That SSID Profile
Although Takes About A Minute After SSID Profile Is Loaded
Where is ImDisk located in XPE project?
Hi bob.omb
Where is ImDisk located in XPE project?
If your talking about the script it's located at ...\Projects\Win10XPE\Features
The Options you find on Build Core are part of the "Features"
PENetwork XPE Plugin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28697#msg28697)
Note: Option To Use Host's Wireless SSID Profile
PENetwork Will Automatically Connect To That SSID Profile
Although Takes About A Minute After SSID Profile Is Loaded
One question @James
Is it possible to add a folder outside of boot.wim (in the root of the usb) where it can read and automatically connect the program to the Wi-Fi network? So you can easily include or delete the xml files without having to touch the program folder.
Thanks for all the great goodies. will test and get back.
The plugins that were listed that had autoupdate in them. does that mean it will check for new download each time?
You can do this already with PENetwork...
Wifi Tab > Preferred Networks > Import
The option to hide the taskbar works perfectly but I have a tablet where it is not comfortable. Windows 10 incorporates separately the possibility of including this function in tablet mode, since it reacts to the finger and the task bar appears. Is it possible to also add the function for tablet in this way to hide the taskbar?
I do not know if my English has been translated correctly. I put a visual image, so that it can be understood.
...Is it possible to also add the function for tablet in this way to hide the taskbar?
PENetwork XPE Plugin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28697#msg28697)
Note: Option To Use Host's Wireless SSID Profile
PENetwork Will Automatically Connect To That SSID Profile
Although Takes About A Minute After SSID Profile Is Loaded
One question @James
Is it possible to add a folder outside of boot.wim (in the root of the usb) where it can read and automatically connect the program to the Wi-Fi network? So you can easily include or delete the xml files without having to touch the program folder.
Edited Plugin - Wifi Profiles Now Follow Inside Program Folder
Hi James
re: PENetwork XPE Plugin
In the Interface section, HomePage_WebLabel is duplicated
and on lines 65 +88 you use, NoWarn which doesn't apply to DirCopy, only to File macro's
regards APT
Thanks APT
Fixed :thumbsup:
Is it possible to add the windows snipping tool and the cleanmanager to win10xpe?
Hi JohnC
please don't post comments/requests on the Win10XPE Optional Member Plugins thread it's for plugins only :thumbsup:
to update your plugin assuming you have macrium installed on your host you click on the small box with two dots adjacent to the home page link, I believe
regards APT
Is it possible to add the windows snipping tool and the cleanmanager to win10xpe?
Windows Snipping Tool is already include in Win10XPE if you check the Windows Apps button in Build Core
Thanks. I didn‘t see that :confused:
Macrium Reflect uses a file from the host installation to extract the needed files..
You have to have macrium installed on host..
plugin will auto update (if host files present) on first run..
from that point on - when there is a macrium update on host - just click small "U" on interface to update the plugin files..
Thanks. I‘ ve installed macrium. on my host, but there‘s no small box and i cant‘t find the two dots.
I use pe bakery to built the xpe iso, but the win10xpe looks the same.
Do i have to attach the packed files to the file script?
In my installation folder some files looks different to the packed folder in the files script.
Hi JohnC
there are a fair number of different macrium plugins about on this forum, can you give any info on where yours came from, or what version it is
You need all 3 Macrium Reflect Plugins in the same directory..
No Need For Update Button On First Run - looks For macrium Reflect Free in Default Installation directory
referenced macrium plugins at > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28602#msg28602
just processed the whole gambit of the auto update plugins listed in other topic..
Found one error... :embarrassed:
Much Thanks To Those Who Helped With Their Testing and Feedback..
Fixed.. :thumbsup:
I used this one [attach=1]
Hi JohnC
there are a fair number of different macrium plugins about on this forum, can you give any info on where yours came from, or what version it is
I used this one[attach=1]
I see the interest in macrium reflect
initial release of version v7.2.3811
with new PEBuilder using winre.wim
found the problem with v7.2.3811
they changed the file name on me
Macrium Reflect Free Update v3 Utility..
Edited because MR is currently using Home PE Files in Initial v7.2.3811 Free Release...
You need all 3 Macrium Reflect Plugins in the same directory..
(Attachment Link)
No Need For Update Button On First Run - looks For macrium Reflect Free in Default Installation directory
(Attachment Link)
referenced macrium plugins at > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28602#msg28602
I got it, but now i got this one
(Attachment Link)
I‘ ve installed macrium free on my host and build the rescue media with the neede waik files.
try update plugin again - I had missed something
it works now...
for how long we'll have to see...
As The free version was to have a different file - but guess they just bundled the Home files for now for initial release...
found the problem with v7.2.3811
they changed the file name on me
Macrium Reflect Free Update v3 Utility..
Edited because MR is currently using Home PE Files in Initial v7.2.3811 Free Release...
Yes,it works now
Thank You Sir..
Thank You Sir..
Sorry i thank you tooooooo :thumbsup: :grin:
I will tell you from prior testing with the Macrium Created Boot Media - there was a syntax error with "Winpeshl.ini"
it Reads
AppPath = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Macrium\launch.exe
it should read
AppPath=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Macrium\launch.exe
Although It Has No Effect When Used With XPE
The update works now, but i can‘t create the final iso now.
Create ISO Plugin - Selected In Left pane ??
Hi JohnC
The update works now, but i can‘t create the final iso now.
might need a bit more information than that!
did a vanilla build ever create an ISO?
Where does it stop etc etc
Ok I can give you more infos later. I‘ ve to go to work now.
Create ISO Plugin - Selected In Left pane ??
I did that, but the iso is not created. More infos soon.
Í‘ve to go to work now.
check your Build log after process...
You Getting "Build Successful" Message at end of build ??
ISO Will found in the programs base directory > \Win10XPE\Win10XPE_x64.ISO
BUT you also using PEBakery (I assume Same results - APT ?)
Hi James
BUT you also using PEBakery (I assume Same results - APT ?)
Yes, same for XPE run with the PEBakery builder
Sound Test Please --
XPE 2018-10-12
Source 1809
"Audio" the Only selection on Build Core
No "Apps" selected
Do You Get Startup Sound ?? Test Arch ??
I Do Not with 1809...
I Do with 1803...
Hi James
with 1809
"Sound" the Only selection on Build Core
with both Audio and System Event sounds checked in build core I get the broken sound, but definitely the startup sound
tested in a VM
not sure why my results vary...
Fresh download - just different sources...
Ram Build - Clean Boot To PE Media
Not VM
My bad - meant "Audio" Only
How can i change a shortcut icon. I know how to use the Pecmd.ini to link but cannot figure out how to change the shortcut icon
Thank you again and again.
you would have to use the full syntax of the AddShortcut Command within the Plugin
you would have to use the full syntax of the AddShortcut Command within the Plugin
What about non plugins. like if i want to manually add a link "LINK %Desktop%\Install & Repair Windows\Step 2 - Prepare Hard Drive For Install,%ProgramFiles%\WinNTSetup3_x64\Prep\PrepareDiskNT.cmd"
I want to change the icon for the cmd file.
LINK %Desktop%\Install & Repair Windows,%WinDir%\system32\hiderun.exe,%ProgramFiles%\WinNTSetup3_x64\Prep\PrepareDiskNT.cmd,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#47
Just kinda figured that the PrepareDisk.cmd is a Batch File and you may want it visible
LINK %Desktop%\Install & Repair Windows,%ProgramFiles%\WinNTSetup3_x64\Prep\PrepareDiskNT.cmd,,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#47
Hi All
5.01.1609 update available for Disk Genius
in file container (Disk Genius_XPE_File.Script) unhide with Level=0 to 5 to work within builder or just edit script outside
[Main]Description=Disk Genius Version 501609 File Container
in main plugin (Disk Genius_XPE.Script)
[Main]Description=Plugin Adds Disk Genius Version 501609
refresh scripts or project
run main plugin script via little green button to chk correct ver is downloaded
Updated Post With New Version
Also Changed Update Process - Just Need To Edit Main Plugin - "ProgramVer" Variable To Reflect New Program Version...
The "U" Button AutoUpdate will do the rest...
Hi James
Also Changed Update Process - Just Need To Edit Main Plugin - "ProgramVer" Variable To Reflect New Program Version...
The "U" Button AutoUpdate will do the rest...
that was quick! much better :thumbsup:
some are like that - others are not - depends on how far along I was in topic..
Hi James/ChrisR
there's an error in the ....Projects\Win10XPE\Features\ThemesColor.script
invalid binary data on line 120
should be
shows up when 'Windows Title Bars Color' is set to 8 in Build Core-More Options
regards APT
Date: 2018.11.03
check your Build log after process...
You Getting "Build Successful" Message at end of build ??
ISO Will found in the programs base directory > \Win10XPE\Win10XPE_x64.ISO
BUT you also using PEBakery (I assume Same results - APT ?)
Sorry that I will not contact you until now, I had a lot to do.
I get the following error message after the end of the building process.
The build process was successful, but a broken iso is generated (34kb).
I build with windows 10 1809 x64 as a source, build selection (RAM).
Hi JohnC
The build process was successful, but a broken iso is generated (34kb).
I had exactly that a few weeks ago, after loads of testing, in my case it ended up being a Macrium plugin causing it.
try deselecting drive related plugins and rerun project until you can identify the cause (assuming it's not something totally different)
regards APT
ps I remember it was very frustrating, I'd tried everything logical with no success
Why use - Win10XPE - c't-Edition
Also verify that there are files inside > C:\ctnotwin19\ISO_x64
Although log is showing a foldersize of 2.17GB
"C:\ctnotwin19\Win10XPE_x64.ISO" "C:\ctnotwin19\ISO_x64"], returned exit code [-1], took [0s]
So Verify you have - \Tools\mkisofs.exe
Or Try Current Release > Win10XPE (http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/download.php?loc=Win10X&httploc=win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/&file=Win10XPE_2018-10-12.7z&localdlc=Win10XPE_count.txt)
And then Drop "Projects" Folder into Current Directory
Why use - Win10XPE - c't-Edition
Also verify that there are files inside > C:\ctnotwin19\ISO_x64
Although log is showing a foldersize of 2.17GB
"C:\ctnotwin19\Win10XPE_x64.ISO" "C:\ctnotwin19\ISO_x64"], returned exit code [-1], took [0s]
So Verify you have - \Tools\mkisofs.exe
Hi James,
is there a diferrence betwenn the c‘t edition and the „oven edition“?
I thought the only differrence is that the c‘t edition is using pebakery to build the package.
I will test your suggestions and then let you know.
oh i forget to tell you that the problem occurs only when the macrium plugin is in the build, without the plugin
everything is fine.
Or Try Current Release > Win10XPE (http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/download.php?loc=Win10X&httploc=win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/&file=Win10XPE_2018-10-12.7z&localdlc=Win10XPE_count.txt)
And then Drop "Projects" Folder into Current Directory
Hi JohnC
oh i forget to tell you that the problem occurs only when the macrium plugin is in the build, without the plugin
everything is fine.
sounds like you had the same problem as me!
Hi JohnC
oh i forget to tell you that the problem occurs only when the macrium plugin is in the build, without the plugin
everything is fine.
sounds like you had the same problem as me!
Yes, I'm trying a few things out, but it looks like it's on the Macrium plugin.
Why use - Win10XPE - c't-Edition
Also verify that there are files inside > C:\ctnotwin19\ISO_x64
Although log is showing a foldersize of 2.17GB
"C:\ctnotwin19\Win10XPE_x64.ISO" "C:\ctnotwin19\ISO_x64"], returned exit code [-1], took [0s]
So Verify you have - \Tools\mkisofs.exe
Or Try Current Release > Win10XPE (http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/download.php?loc=Win10X&httploc=win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/&file=Win10XPE_2018-10-12.7z&localdlc=Win10XPE_count.txt)
And then Drop "Projects" Folder into Current Directory
Hi James,
all needed files are inside and on the right place.
I'm trying to reduce the x64 folder size by disabling some plugins.
LINK %Desktop%\Install & Repair Windows,%WinDir%\system32\hiderun.exe,%ProgramFiles%\WinNTSetup3_x64\Prep\PrepareDiskNT.cmd,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#47
Just kinda figured that the PrepareDisk.cmd is a Batch File and you may want it visible
LINK %Desktop%\Install & Repair Windows,%ProgramFiles%\WinNTSetup3_x64\Prep\PrepareDiskNT.cmd,,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#47
Thanks. will give it a try.
Regarding Anti Virus.
Avira does not let you choose where to scan. Same goes for Eset online scanner. and many other i have tried.
What do people use?
Hi All
7.5.1 update available for AOMIE Partition Assistant plugins
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28607#msg28607 std
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28608#msg28608 pro
and use Update container button
regards APT
ps even though the website says Pro available in 7.5.1 temporarily still downloading 7.5.0
Hello again.
2 Thing if anyone can help.
Has any one tried Stardock fences in PE and get it working?
any help with SFX Constructor or another solution to pack a program with good compression. I have tried SFX Constructor but having issues with it in PE.
Hello again.
2 Thing if anyone can help.
Here is the thing with asking for Help, it has been offered many times..
But without a response back, nobody knows if it solved your request..
To answer your questions -
"Stardock Fences" in PE - Not that I am Aware of..
"SFX Constructor" - Bob.omb is the one to ask - as it appears he uses it often
Hello again.
2 Thing if anyone can help.
Here is the thing with asking for Help, it has been offered many times..
But without a response back, nobody knows if it solved your request..
To answer your questions -
"Stardock Fences" in PE - Not that I am Aware of..
"SFX Constructor" - Bob.omb is the one to ask - as it appears he uses it often
Thank you for responding. You are 100% correct i do not reply if things are working. Its something i need to work on.
Again thanks for everything you guys really rock.
Resolved The Issue With Auto-Connect To Wireless Profile Delay In PENetwork
PENetwork Now Connects instantly To The Selected Wireless Profile...
I use this tool https://www.aioboot.com/en/ for USB booting etc.
When i try to integrate it i get a error. Now i understand that this is not your issue, i want to know if there is something in the creation of the iso that i can maybe change to test out what might work.
I already contacted the author but he has not replied.
Please let me know what i can do to help with this.
I do not have any logs to supply. I did try looking.
When i try to integrate it i get a error.
That tool is not something you would integrate into XPE
It is a Tool you would use to Create a Boot Menu on the USB to Boot the XPE ISO
When i try to integrate it i get a error.
That tool is not something you would integrate into XPE
It is a Tool you would use to Create a Boot Menu on the USB to Boot the XPE ISO
Sorry, guess I didn't explain myself.
I am not trying to intergate it into pe. I am using it to intergrate pe into a bootable drive like Easy2Boot.
I have used many other iso files and they don't have any errors. I am trying to see if there is a flag set on the iso creation process that might be causing it.
I suspect your other ISO's also use an .ini file
post a screen shot of files on root of AIO usb
I suspect your other ISO's also use an .ini file
post a screen shot of files on root of AIO usb
Hi, ChrisR
I 'm porting the WIN10XPE to WimBuilderUI's project.(core features done)
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2390.0 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2390.0)
- Windows Explorer(Support dark theme)
- DWM visual
- Compter Management
- Device Manager
- Disk Management
- Services
- Chinese IME(zh-CN, zh-TW)
- Korean IME(ko-KR)
I found 2 script codes are strange, are they typo, or purposive?
1). only comctl32.dll.mui use XX-XX @Explorer_AddFiles.txt
2). all catalog added by the first line in 17763 section@Catalog_AddFiles.txt
I converted like blow now.
call AddFiles
+ver >= 17763
; typo? this line make all catalog ?
+ver = 0
Does there is an option for disable the WGT.exe?
I have a PC, connect to Internet with proxy. WGT.exe can't download the Dism and ISO stuff,
so I can't make WIN10XPE run to get WIM.
(my host PC already have the dism.exe, and I can create ISO with Windows 10.ISO)
Or is there an option for setting proxy to make WGT.exe work.
:smile: Here is a little simple IME_Cmd.txt
:: Register IME dll and Load CTF Command Script for Korean IME, Chinese (CN|TW|HK) IME or Japanese IME
@Echo OFF
call :REGIST_IME_DLLS %SystemRoot%\System32
call :REGIST_IME_DLLS %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64
Start Ctfmon.exe
Goto :EOF
If Not Exist %1\Msutb.dll Goto :EOF
%1\Regsvr32.exe /S %1\Msutb.dll
%1\Regsvr32.exe /S %1\MsCtfMonitor.dll
For /F %%F In ('"Dir "%1\IME\*.dll" /B/O:N/S"') Do %1\Regsvr32.exe /S "%%F"
Hi All
Aomei Backupper 4.6 update now available for plugins
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28604#msg28604 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28604#msg28604) free
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28605#msg28605 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28605#msg28605) std
just use Update container button
change log https://www.backup-utility.com/changelog.html (https://www.backup-utility.com/changelog.html)
regards APT
Don't forget to update CheckVersion Variable within ABU plugin
Macruim Reflect also has a new release - again update container after Host Update
Hi All
RunTime plugin updated to v2 with all 2018.11 version apps and other minor changes
regards APT
Hi James
re: AOMIE Partition Assistant Pro Edition XPE Plugin
small mod needed for version 7.5.1 the setup file has changed for the Pro version
%SetupFile%=PAssist_pro.exe --> %SetupFile%=PAssistSetup.exe
+ one odd problem (maybe only my build, but consistent)
when I boot in VM, the desktop shortcut label is pro but it opens a std build, but all subsequent runs from the same shortcut give a pro version
- serial entered via interface :confused: can you see if this happens on your build after mod?
regards APT
Updated To Support 7.5.1
AOMIE Partition Assistant Pro (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28608#msg28608)
Hi James
thanks for the fix/workaround
I still get
+ one odd problem (maybe only my build, but consistent)
when I boot in VM, the desktop shortcut label is pro but it opens a std build, but all subsequent runs from the same shortcut give a pro version
do you not get this then? on the first program start?
I note with pro if you don't use a serial, you get the std version, maybe it's tied into when the cfg is read or something!
Figured that out last night.
But, sadly I selected the wrong script to attach.
version=2 (standard)
version=4 (Pro)
Workaround to keep compatible with pre 7.5.1
confirm AOMIE Partition Assistant Pro 7.5.1 back working as expected :thumbsup:
although, unable to find anything about cfg's version=anything/anywhere!
Hi Prz42
feedback for your plugin in Apps\Components\SnippingTool_XPE.Script
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29278#msg29278 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29278#msg29278)
working well, tested with BuilderSE and PEBakery builders using source 10.0.17763.1
thanks APT
Snipping tool is included in Base Project - "Windows Apps"
Although Good For Customization via registry
Snipping tool is included in Base Project
I must admit I had forgotten, although when I checked the one in the base project with source 10.0.17763.1,
I see there's a small change coming, which I hadn't seen before
Yes, which means we may need to use a different method for snipping tool in the future..
HI James
There is an update for VcRunTimes_XPE.script
microsoft visual c++ 2017 v14.16.27012
MS Visual C++ Runtime (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28507#msg28507)
Maybe you can help with this. Its not XPE but i really would like to get pebuilder to work.
I just update the script. will see if it fixed it.
[Error] Macro - Invalid Command [Require] (Require,File,GdiPlus.dll) (Line 55)
[Error] Macro - Invalid Command [Require_FileQ] (Require_FileQ,hhctrl.ocx) (Line 56)
[Error] Macro - Invalid Command [RunFrom] (If,Not,%Here%,Equal,Normal,RunFrom,%Here%) (Line 45)
[Error] ShellExecute - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at PEBakery.Core.Commands.CommandSystem.ShellExecute(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
at PEBakery.Core.Engine.ExecuteCommand(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
(ShellExecute,Hide,%Tools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%SetupFile%#$q -y -o#$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%#$q") (Line 71)
[Warning] Exit - 'MS Visual C++ Runtime' Container File Missing D:\Oven\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Components\VcRunTimes_XPE_File.script (If,Not,ExistFile,%ContainerFile%,Exit,"'%ScriptTitle%' Container File Missing %ContainerFile%") (Line 51)
[Warning] Echo - Build Stopped due to an Error. (Echo,"Build Stopped due to an Error.",Warn) (Line 326)
Hi All
Re Runtime_XPE_Software plugin
Just found out that the corruption that occurred either in compression to 7z or upload, had not only deleted part of the [main] section
which I redid and re-uploaded BUT
it had appended the missing bit to the bottom of the plugin, under the encoded bits, which I totally missed :sad: :embarrassed:
This meant the plugin worked in Win10XPE using BuilderSE but not PEBakery
Have Re-uploaded again, so link should now be correct, but underneath is the affected file to save you downloading the larger _File
apologies for any inconvenience
Hi Prz42
In your AOMEI_Backupper post
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29343#msg29343 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29343#msg29343)
your upload doesn't have the xxx_File.Script
Edit oops - apologies, I see it creates one, on running script, I hit Update button first! (and it errors out, if you do that)
so If you select pro or std it creates the appropriate version file container - very good
btw If you edit main plugin name to identify it (I added prz42 in name) it fails with naming mismatch - no problem just advice to testers
This sample code works x86 and x64 with both standard and Pro versions
I did not included driver files - just an idea..
But do agree compressing program files is a lot faster process then extract setup file with Innounp
Which for my PC takes about a Minute.........
Note: Progcache folder is a saved folder - Gtemp is removed every build
Innounp extract, %ProvideFile%,%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%
Then Compress,%Tapp%\*,%SetupFile%
Echo,"Copying %ScriptTitle% Program Files..."
Hi Prz42
In your AOMEI_Backupper post
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29343#msg29343 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29343#msg29343)
your upload doesn't have the xxx_File.Script
Edit oops - apologies, I see it creates one, on running script, I hit Update button first! (and it errors out, if you do that)
so If you select pro or std it creates the appropriate version file container - very good
btw If you edit main plugin name to identify it (I added prz42 in name) it fails with naming mismatch - no problem just advice to testers
I corrected the Update button. It is @ https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZfU6T7Z1oyBFfJflQFLxjHx6ymrcptbFHHX
I can't fiqure out how to fix the name change.
I was really just testing out a fall safe way of posting plugins that have container so end user could download one file and everything works.
Also incorporated the setup file being left behind as Lancelot suggested in previous post.
The plugin is more complex because of having the ability to use x86 file in x64 architecture.
Not all programs have that ability like macrium reflect. It uses 2 separate downloads times (Free, Home, Workstation, Server & Server Plus)
Why You delete unwanted files in Update Process and then compress
Then you extract files in main plugin and rename the files ??
Seems kinda redundant...
Also redundant is Free and Pro versions in same plugin
When Pro offers More Features - Who would select Free Version??
Also you have to update container to test New version - which is reason for checkversion
Also the second main reason for having two parts of a plugin is 99% of the time the Main Plugin will be revised
But the Container File may not be Effected... (ie Checkversion variable)
Using x86 files on x64 Build Not so difficult with just checkbox......
Edited ATI2019 XPE for build 14610 support
Found a Missing comma within Defraggler Plugin after df.exe in line 60
Hi John
thanks for the XPE plugins
with the updated HWinfo v5.92.3580 plugin can you update the version and history to reflect v2 to differentiate from initial ChrisR version 1, please
regards APT
with WinContig plugin seems to be small issue with Author=%UserName% on plugin interface and it defaults to german (understandable) but can you add lang selection? with edit of wincontig.ini via interface
I can see you can select lang within launched app - Optionen-Sprache
same minor issue with %UserName% in GPU.Z plugin interface
Hi John
thanks for the XPE plugins
with the updated HWinfo v5.92.3580 plugin can you update the version and history to reflect v2 to differentiate from initial ChrisR version 1, please
regards APT
with WinContig plugin seems to be small issue with Author=%UserName% on plugin interface and it defaults to german (understandable) but can you add lang selection? with edit of wincontig.ini via interface
I can see you can select lang within launched app - Optionen-Sprache
same minor issue with %UserName% in GPU.Z plugin interface
Thanks for your Feedback.
Sorry, i didn‘t think about that.
I wil try to fix these issusues.
Besides Mentioned above
a) To prevent UserName - Type in Author Name on Plugin Creator Interface (JohnC)
1) See an issue with not marking out unused sections of plugin
ie. If No Registry Setting Mark Out //Run,%ScriptFile%,Add_Registry
2) Most apps appear to be x86 without WoW64 Warning.
3) Most share Same Program.exe and Same SetupFile
Thus most likely x86 App - if used on x64 Build will Error without WoW64Basic support
4) FileContainers Do Not Display Correctly due to code before [main]
5) Also notice extra line break between sections ??
6) Might I suggest Download Option over Provide Files
Although I Prefer AUTO for Smaller Distribution without conflict
Once Corrected Please Update Current Plugin Post....
No need to Quote Full Post...
Hi James
I noticed that, so I did some checking, after extracting all John's files to a folder and checking them all, there was nothing wrong in main [section], copied them into Win10XPE and opened them in default BuilderSE and the corruption was present - not sure what was the cause :confused: but if you look at the same files in win explorer they look OK
Same Here - Maybe Using Different Editor and Copy/Paste ???
Do Not Know as have not seen before and extra line break not from Creator
Although Sadly that is 7 New User Plugin Uploads - that are not good
Hi James
opening same project with PEBakery, all the new apps display OK, closing it and reopen with BuilderSE (Win10XPE.exe) problem exists.
Once corrected via BuilderSE editor it's fine after multiple re-opening
There was a question about an attempt to Create Plugin Creator For PEBakery..
I know JohnC has used C'T Magazine's Spin-off version of XPE and with distributed PEBakery..
So Not Sure.. What is happening with Here..
Sorry about that. I‘ve testet my uploaded plugins only with the pebakery builder and there were no errors.
Can you delete my uploaded plugins please?
Sorry John, No Moderation..
But You Can Delete Attachment...
Special Care was taken with Plugin Creator (which has evolved over time) and XPE WinBuilder project to be PEBakery compatible...
Thus if Creating PEBakery Plugins - TYPE=PEBakery
As PEBakery Editor not backwards compatible...
And PEBakery is Topic in another forum board...
Are all 7 plugins broken?
The incorrect username can be fixed by myself, but only tomorrow.
As PEBakery Editor not backwards compatible...
see http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2651.msg29463#msg29463 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2651.msg29463#msg29463)
Are all 7 plugins broken?
The incorrect username can be fixed by myself, but only tomorrow.
None of the Plugins Work with XPE as released...
None of the Plugins where tested with XPE as released...
Again, PEBakery is another topic and has it's own Board....
@ JohnC
HWinfo is already a XPE project plugin
Your Other 6 Plugins where Edited For XPE Release
Are all 7 plugins broken?
Hi JohnC,
change your encode settings to Ascii (or ANSI) on the text editor you use. :wink:
Hi Lancelot
from what I can see from JohnC's original 7z files that I downloaded yesterday, they all seem to be encoded in ANSI already
Regards APT
Hi Lancelot
from what I can see from JohnC's original 7z files that I downloaded yesterday, they all seem to be encoded in ANSI already
Regards APT
HWInfo XPE-Plugin - System Information and Diagnostics
with hexeditor
See things before after [main]
I just re check with phone ;)
Open HWinfo_XPE_File with notepad
Change Encoding to ASCII or ANSI or ASCII/ANSI (depends on txt editor gui ..)
This should fix.
It is known since first day of PEBakery and LiveSystemPro , nothing new.
I am the one who ask developers of PEBakery and LiveSystemPro to support utf unicode etc. when they first start developing their builders. :wink:
Hi Lancelot
my apologies, you're correct, my haste in not checking them all
are indeed UTF-8-BOM encoded, the remaining ones in ANSI
Hi @all.
Thanks for the massive feedback.
I‘m not a programmer.
I did not realize that there are such problems between the builders. I just created the plugins with the XPE Packed Plugin Creator and most of them worked for me.
I did not think about the text coding.
My thought was that if the plugins work with pebakery, they will work with win10xpe as well.
I wil test this in the future.
My thought was that if the plugins work with pebakery, they will work with win10xpe as well.
It is opposite.
If XPEPlugins works with Win10XPE (and Plugins with BuilderSE) they should work with PEBakery !*
If not it is PEBakery bug or design trouble or options required or .....
whatever issue would be all about PEBakery, not related to Win10XPE or other projects around.
To keep on safe side, use Win10XPE.exe on Win10XPE. :great:
After Everything works fine with Win10XPE.exe on Win10XPE , you can test with PEBakery.
To keep on safe side, use Win10XPE.exe on Win10XPE. :great:
After Everything works fine with Win10XPE.exe on Win10XPE , you can test with PEBakery.
Thanks. Yes, I will do so in the future :thumbsup:
If you would Edit your XPE Plugin Posts attaching the edited plugins..
That would be great...
Hi Lancelot
my apologies, you're correct, my haste in not checking them all
are indeed UTF-8-BOM encoded, the remaining ones in ANSI
To have compatibility with a WinBuilder, PEBakery must not write UTF-8 BOM to new text files.
If it doesn't, then it is a PEBakery's bug. I am looking though the issue, and will report to the forum ASAP.
My thought was that if the plugins work with pebakery, they will work with win10xpe as well.
Disclaimer: I started the PEBakery builder.
PEBakery's additional features are usually disabled with compatibility options because they aren't available on WinBuilder.
But sometimes PEBakery can behave differently from WinBuilder, mostly due to my mistake.
Until PEBakery v1.0 release (where most of the bug will be squashed), it is safer to use WinBuilder for now.
Congrat for Win10XPE Optional Member Plugins (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29446;topicseen#msg29446) topic, great work :great:
I have a little time now and early next week, I'll try to update with a new package (Already started)
Fixed the ImgBurn FileCopy oversight...
After creating a group of x86 Packed Plugin..
I updated and verified the [PluginSetx64] Process
History Change on Both Creators - Date: 2018.11.30
New AOMEI Backupper_XPE Auto-Update plugin to avoid the very long innounp extraction.
On an empty container:
Backupper.exe is downloaded and extracted with Innounp @Listfiles (only the needed files)
Folders (Backupper, Drivers x64/x86) are reorganized and files with comma are renamed.
The folders are packed in 7z and encoded in the container file.
Then the process is classic same as the Packed plugins and it is really much faster.
It's just a little long the first time to load the container.
I put it here for not to disturb the other plugin with the same name. I'll let you look at James.
Thank you for your feedback :thumbsup:
New AOMEI Backupper_XPE Auto-Update plugin to avoid the very long innounp extraction.
On an empty container:
Backupper.exe is downloaded and extracted with Innounp @Listfiles (only the needed files)
Folders (Backupper, Drivers x64/x86) are reorganized and files with comma are renamed.
The folders are packed in 7z and encoded in the container file.
Then the process is classic same as the Packed plugins and it is really much faster.
It's just a little long the first time to load the container.
I put it here for not to disturb the other plugin with the same name. I'll let you look at James.
Hi ChrisR,
just for the record:
The logic you wrote already exists at PC Innounp ( Date:2017.02.25 ) 1.8 year ago.
James seems to be very busy and have a rush :
+ to delete "Lancelot" name and during "copy/paste" of "PC Innounp" to "XPE Innounp Plugin Creator" ("I")
(again missed reading a plugin carefully which happened before same with "PC Packed")
+ Be too busy to only delete "Lancelot" name to create on new xpeplugins !
+ or very big improvements ScrollBox_RunFromWhere -> RunFromWhere_ScrollBox (WOW, Something new = sarcasm )
+ and other similar "I" kind of things......
as a result James could not figure out such feature already available at the "PC Innounp" he converted.
maybe require a bit more improvement not checked since 1.8 year ..... was tested with epm but there is only 3 4 plugins for such thing (abp, emp etc.)
Anyway, In the end good idea is always good idea. :thumbsup:
I am not surprised you figure out same solution.
Above is just a record to history.
(well history can be deleted by others inside plugins but remains on web if not hidden behind topics. :wink: )
New AOMEI Backupper_XPE Auto-Update plugin to avoid the very long innounp extraction.
Thank you for your feedback :thumbsup:
Updated With Your Revisions
The "I" is to show Responsibility and Failure - so as not to Discredit anyone else
Hi Lancelot,
In any case, it is the first time I have used Extract @ListFiles with innounp.
Here with the large inno setup installer backupper.exe, it is a big time saver.
The plugin is in a way a mix between PC Packed and PC innounp.
Pack the folders, already prepared with only needed files, is also lighter 38,6 Mb vs 192 Mb
And a Big Time Saving for the following buildings :thumbsup:
Yes XPE packed, innounp are indeed derived from your work and your Nick-Name are written in Credit.
We continue with the things that work well :thumbsup:
With XPE macro, Attachments in container files for faster loading,...
For the other plugins, if the credit is missing, it is only because the plugin is (RE)created with PC Packed, without offending anyone.
Thanks for the update in Win10XPE Optional Member Plugins (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28604#msg28604) James :thumbsup:
The "I" is to show Responsibility and Failure - so as not to Discredit anyone else
Again wrong, we know you are not good with history
Never Was Good With History..
The "I" is the personality and behavior we know with "I" kind of people.
who never have a feeling of any responsibility and never admits failure, always discredits everyone with some fake excuses.
+ have an excuse to never be good with history (hide goal: I like to delete history)
Well all out of subject.
The Goal of previous post was already written:
Above is just a record to history.
(well history can be deleted by others inside plugins but remains on web if not hidden behind topics. :wink: )
I see you have no objection about the rest of the post and admit, for other goals open another topic.
Hi Lancelot,
In any case, it is the first time I have used Extract @ListFiles with innounp.
Here with the large inno setup installer backupper.exe, it is a big time saver.
I know It works very fast, even faster after some more adjustments.....
Only It is (and was) too hard to tutorial plugin creators to create plugins that way (the goal of Plugin Creators)
so I gave up after a Beta work leaving codes behind for advanced plugin authors.
In the end real benefit is with 3 4 plugins, which is better written by advanced plugin authors like you. :thumbsup:
normal users do not create PE everyday ;).
For the other plugins, if the credit is missing, it is only because the plugin is (RE)created with PC Packed, without offending anyone.
Well the reality is the opposite and out of the current subject.
It is not about missing credit, aim is to delete Lancelot name. :lol:
Giving example:
It is good slore do not delete author name (ChrisR) with a fake "conversion excuse" :wink:
reply 5 6 7 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2642.msg29235#msg29235
Joker-2013 do not delete ideas he got from (giving credits to Nikzzz and giving reference to original work )
people keep weblink references on utilities or webpages even links not work anymore. :wink:
Well, not something I expect from "I" kind of people, and
I do not post here for such expectation or discuss this thing.
As I wrote on my first post, I only post just for the record to history. :thumbsup:
It seems these days better to post for the record to history instead of only updating or adding new plugins.
And I like to respond your above quote, that is all.
Now back to working some other stuff, which will be copy/past/delete"Lancelot" later. :lol: :lol:
Hi ChrisR
re new AOMEI Backupper_XPE plugin, much better extraction time, thanks
as you know I already use Innounp @Listfiles in some of my plugins,
but you've shown me yet another way to create the 'filelist' to add to my options :smile::thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks, APT
New AOMEI Backupper_XPE Auto-Update plugin to avoid the very long innounp extraction.
On an empty container:
Backupper.exe is downloaded and extracted with Innounp @Listfiles (only the needed files)
Folders (Backupper, Drivers x64/x86) are reorganized and files with comma are renamed.
The folders are packed in 7z and encoded in the container file.
Hi ChrisR
I have to say I like it. It is just seamless and really fast.
Thanks for the great plugin. :thumbsup:
Hi Bigbadmoshe
re feedback for Dr.Web CureIT (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29855#msg29855)
thanks for your plugin, builds OK with BuilderSE on win7pro host (170Mb download file)
launches OK on host via Launch button, but for me, in a virtual boot scenario program fails to launch - still trying to ascertain why
since Launch.bmp doesn't exist in plugin, you could either add the bmp or change
Button_Launch_Program=Launch,1,8,10,141,119,25,Launch_Program,Launch.bmp,False,_Launch_Program_,False,"__Click Here To Launch Program"
Button_Launch_Program=Launch,1,8,10,141,119,25,Launch_Program,0,False,"__Click Here To Launch Program"
Hi Bigbadmoshe
re feedback for Dr.Web CureIT (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29855#msg29855)
thanks for your plugin, builds OK with BuilderSE on win7pro host (230Mb download file)
launches OK on host via Launch button, but for me, in a virtual boot scenario program fails to launch - still trying to ascertain why
since Launch.bmp doesn't exist in plugin, you could either add the bmp or change
Button_Launch_Program=Launch,1,8,10,141,119,25,Launch_Program,Launch.bmp,False,_Launch_Program_,False,"__Click Here To Launch Program"
Button_Launch_Program=Launch,1,8,10,141,119,25,Launch_Program,0,False,"__Click Here To Launch Program"
James fixed some issues. Will reup files.
I had the same issues actually running it in hyper-v. Sometimes it works sometimes not. On a physical machine it seems to work fine.
Hi bigbadmoshe
re Dr.Web CureIT (AutoUpdate) Plugin update
it might be me but I can't see a difference, did you re-up the corrected file?
i did. it shows like 0 or 1 downloads now.
2 where me and 1 before APT
Also teamviewerQS
you are extracting Installation file to target
Hi James
:smile:2 where me and 1 before APT
I understand, but not sure anyone else will :smile:
@ bigbadmoshe
still got syntax error on line 26 (launch.bmp)
line 28 now!
APT try this one
I assume you testing PEBakery
Dr. CureIT is 173MB Antivirus Scanner
I assume you testing PEBakery
Yes I always test in both
and Yes, that works
either adding the bmp or changing line to
Button_Launch_Program=Launch,1,8,10,141,119,25,Launch_Program,0,False,"__Click Here To Launch Program"
work, the latter also removing redundant code
Also teamviewerQS
you are extracting Installation file to target
Ill be honest. I just stole what you did for the cure it script. can you please explain?
So i tested TV and it did not actually extract the exe the exe is whole.
I actually use PEBakery for building but to create script i use winbuilder.
I assume you testing PEBakery
Yes I always test in both
and Yes, that works
either adding the bmp or changing line to
Button_Launch_Program=Launch,1,8,10,141,119,25,Launch_Program,0,False,"__Click Here To Launch Program"
work, the latter also removing redundant code
launch.bmp was added already...
But with PEBakery the redundant code on interface values has to be removed (which I did not do when first making adjustments for bigbadmoshe )
Now if bigbadmoshe would again update OMP topic with current upload here (we be good for XPE and PEBakery)
Once that is Done - I will remove attachment here..
A lot of this is from PESE to XPE conversion....
Both Plugin Creators Updated - Date: 2018.12.13
Write default icon to [EncodedFile-InterfaceEncoded] as well as [EncodedFile-AuthorEncoded] (PEBakery Compatibility)
[Interface] Image_Software > now uses Default Icon_Name or otherwise (PEBakery Compatibility)
Encoded [Folder] Now written at very end of each plugin
Host Boot Menu Option Plugin 2018.12.05 was Uploaded to match same in Project release 2018.12.08
Hi Bigbadmoshe,
A lot of this is from PESE to XPE conversion....
This is not about PESE or conversion trouble.
XPE plugin by James (KYHI) is originally Plugin Creator Packed (PC Packed) for all SE and Gena (and some others soon.... ) projects (written by me (Lancelot)).
(Plugin Creator Packed (PC Packed) http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=178.0 )
only James not only convert but also delete and replace lots of lines at "PC Packed" (and "Plugin Creator (Innounp)") without reading them carefully,
which cause troubles time to time. (so far this one is 3rd I could notice on public topics)
I am sure they will be fixed in time........
Being Author of Plugin Creator Packed,
I only want to mention, my plugin is not converted, (If converted there would be no such trouble)
It is half converted and half cut off, some lines replaced, Lancelot name deleted, all codes and tools from The Original PC Packed plugins, that is all.
Original plugins do not have such troubles with Launch button or image.
Just another info to history.
Update IrfanView (project plugin) to 4.52
until ChrisR has time to update project *** Now Done
IrfanView.7z - hosted by mega (https://mega.nz/#!jL43QKbC!KPPEwagL-_QR0fweOlHHhyjQZNYbE-mFy75l5hIdlaE)
extract files and place in \Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\MultiMedia
I agree - there have been several public posts of "XPE plugins" that have been manually converted from another project..
And not even tested with Released Version of XPE Project... But that is a matter out of my control...
Although I do try to help people fix any issues they may have with their manual conversion..
Reply To PM
How To Remove Recycle Bin From Desktop
I agree - there have been several public posts of "XPE plugins" that have been manually converted from another project..
And not even tested with Released Version of XPE Project... But that is a matter out of my control...
Although I do try to help people fix any issues they may have with their manual conversion..
It is an expected result.
another project..
This means working Plugins (Type=Plugin) of SE and Gena.
The "I" is to show Responsibility and Failure - so as not to Discredit anyone else
But that is a matter out of my control...
This is an excuse instead of Responsibility.
(something we are familiar with.)
Just another info to history.
Converting troubles will be fixed soon. :cheerleader: :magic:
Reply To PM
How To Remove Recycle Bin From Desktop
Thanks you so much! :great:
Teik, glad you found the Post helpful..
Teik, glad you found the Post helpful..
I didn't want to spam. Thanks you as well please keep on posting, I love those little tidbits.
If needed and to recall, as not All options can be integrated in the base project, it can eventually be done with the Additions plugin:
There was an update by ChrisR to Remote Desktop 2018.12.19
There was an update to Desktop Personalization - to allow Removing Recycle Bin From Desktop 2018.12.20
There was an update to ATI2019 following Prz42 ATI "volume_tracker" Registry 2018.12.21
There was an update to 7-Zip > Added CRC SHA Context Menu Option
Hi James
thanks for the notification of updates, sometimes when they are buried in the thread, you miss them if your not careful :thumbsup:
Thanks for the updates.
Quick info. for ChrisR
HotSwap! 6.2 Plugin http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30124#msg30124
WinBuilder Works fine.
On PEBuilder
[Error] Error - Syntax error (Line 59)
I did with compatibility and without.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
On PEBuilder
[Error] Error - Syntax error (Line 59)
I take it you mean PEBakery?
Hi Bigbadmoshe
On PEBuilder
[Error] Error - Syntax error (Line 59)
I take it you mean PEBakery?
Yes my bad.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
[Error] Error - Syntax error (Line 59)
TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\pecmd.ini,_SUB PostShell,"_SUB PostShell#$x#$x// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#$h31)#$xREGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#$h29#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\SysTray.exe#$x#$x// HotSwap! "Safely Remove Hardware" tray Icon#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\HotSwap!.exe"
:smile: I'm afraid above my pay grade, will leave that one to ChrisR or another clever person!
:smile: I'm afraid above my pay grade, will leave that one to ChrisR or another clever person!
I checked it as well. and it is above my pay grade as well. so we will leave it to the experts :)
I would like to make a plugin with the option to add custom files. IE simplewall and RDP plugins.
I cannot figure out how to do it. I have torn about both of those plugins but have not had any luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
Each one of your requests is already an optional plugin or feature..
So seems like you looking to redesign the wheel here...
You should only have to enable them on the builder to get what you are trying to accomplish, no? :confused:
Hi Bigbadmoshe
[Error] Error - Syntax error (Line 59)
TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\pecmd.ini,_SUB PostShell,"_SUB PostShell#$x#$x// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#$h31)#$xREGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#$h29#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\SysTray.exe#$x#$x// HotSwap! "Safely Remove Hardware" tray Icon#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\HotSwap!.exe"
:smile: I'm afraid above my pay grade, will leave that one to ChrisR or another clever person!
Check and see if the below removes the syntax error. The above line is correct. This may be a PEBakery bug, but it may need the below added quotes for syntax checker...
TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\pecmd.ini,"_SUB PostShell","_SUB PostShell#$x#$x// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#$h31)#$xREGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#$h29#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\SysTray.exe#$x#$x// HotSwap! "Safely Remove Hardware" tray Icon#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\HotSwap!.exe"
Each one of your requests is already an optional plugin or feature..
So seems like you looking to redesign the wheel here...
I do not want to rewrite their plugin.
I want to make a plugin for this app http://www.idesktop.me/. It is a neat little launcher. In order to make it useful you have to set it up and the files are stored in a folder called DAT (.xml and images etc.
I want to make it easier for other to have the base plugin and after they boot into PE and setup the program be able to copy to the custom folder.
Hope i am clear.
Does PEBakery describe Error??
As the Line does as it is suppose to
// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#31)
REGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#29
EXEC %WinDir%\System32\SysTray.exe
// HotSwap! "Safely Remove Hardware" tray Icon
EXEC %WinDir%\System32\HotSwap!.exe
So wondering if
Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon
Should be
Remove the "Safely Remove Hardware" Tray Icon
or visa versa
This may be one for IED as my guess is there is a symbol that Bakey does not like
Check and see if the below removes the syntax error. The above line is correct. This may be a PEBakery bug, but it may need the below added quotes for syntax checker...
TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\pecmd.ini,"_SUB PostShell","_SUB PostShell#$x#$x// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#$h31)#$xREGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#$h29#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\SysTray.exe#$x#$x// HotSwap! "Safely Remove Hardware" tray Icon#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\HotSwap!.exe"
No luck with latest nightly.
Yeah try James's idea, that would make more sense if the quote starts and stop but it still works....
TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\pecmd.ini,_SUB PostShell,"_SUB PostShell#$x#$x// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#$h31)#$xREGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#$h29#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\SysTray.exe#$x#$x// HotSwap! 'Safely Remove Hardware' tray Icon#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\HotSwap!.exe"
It is just a normal TXTReplace line. #$x is the same as the "Enter" key, it moves down to the next line, #$h is / and #$h29 makes 29 of them ////////////, everything else you should understand...
As far as the code itself goes this is syntax for pecmd.. no matter what is written here it should not produce any issues with PEBakery..
Hi bob
sorry for late response - been out
Yeah try James's idea, that would make more sense if the quote starts and stop but it still works....
TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\pecmd.ini,_SUB PostShell,"_SUB PostShell#$x#$x// Remove the 'Safely Remove Hardware' Tray Icon (default Services=#$h31)#$xREGI HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray\Services=#$h29#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\SysTray.exe#$x#$x// HotSwap! 'Safely Remove Hardware' tray Icon#$xEXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\HotSwap!.exe"
does resolve the syntax error shown by PEBakery :thumbsup:
I think you may need ied206's help with this one, that syntax is correct. Maybe PE Bakery doesnt like the escape chars or has a TXTReplace bug or something :confused:
Other than the exlamation points and the escape chars its no diff than other TXTReplace lines
does resolve the syntax error shown by PEBakery
I believe APT is stating that removing the inner quotes from text line resolved the issue with PEBakery...
phew, :lol: good (misread that I am bouncing around atm :embarrassed:)
Thanks to James for that one :thumbsup:
You were right.
Remote Desktop Connection - Updated 2018.12.24
RDC now works with Default SYSTEM Account and Optional ADMIN Account
Option To Use Either Registry Trick or Patched.dll to Get Windows Credentials if using ADMIN Account
Many, Many Thanks to Slore for His Testing and Feedback....
HotSwap! 6.2 Update
Removed inner "TxtReplace" Qoutes For PEBakery Compatibility
[attach=1] - Date: 2018.12.23
ChrisR will have to update Plugin Post
HotSwap! 6.2 Update
Removed inner "TxtReplace" Qoutes For PEBakery Compatibility
(Attachment Link) - Date: 2018.12.23
ChrisR will have to update Plugin Post
Thanks works great.
Update my plugin for Teamviewer QS http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29873#msg29873 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29873#msg29873)
Stole some things from James TeamViewer Plugin.
Thanks James. :thumbsup:
Stole Borrowed
Quick updates.
Simplewall Update to 2.3.12
Dr.Web CureIT 11.1.2 (25.12.2018)
Updated 7zip File Container to support v1806
18.06 2018-12-30
- The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased by 3-10%,
and there are minor changes in compression ratio.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- The bug in 7-Zip 18.02-18.05 was fixed: there was memory leak in xz decoder.
- 7-Zip 18.02-18.05 used only one CPU thread for bz2 archive creation.
Quick off the mark there James - only 1 day old ! :thumbsup:
Hi bigbadmoshe
thanks for your Wise Force Deleter XPE Plugin
if you run the executable via the Launch, as a test, it becomes persistent in the host rh context menu, even through host reboots.
If you don't wish this then rerun wisedeleter.exe via Launch and via its menu icon untick the 'Add to Context Menu item'
Hi bigbadmoshe
thanks for your Wise Force Deleter XPE Plugin
if you run the executable via the Launch, as a test, it becomes persistent in the host rh context menu, even through host reboots.
If you don't wish this then rerun wisedeleter.exe via Launch and via its menu icon untick the 'Add to Context Menu item'
It should open the folder. I guess I need to fix that line.
Hi bigbadmoshe
It should open the folder. I guess I need to fix that line.
- nothing to fix there :thumbsup:
it does open the folder, it's just a jfi - if you then run the executable, it gives you an addition to the host context menu, that you might not want
Hi bigbadmoshe
It should open the folder. I guess I need to fix that line.
- nothing to fix there :thumbsup:
it does open the folder, it's just a jfi - if you then run the executable, it gives you an addition to the host context menu, that you might not want
I have it installed on my system so i guess i did not realize.
hi APT
... it gives you an addition to the host context menu, that you might not want
+ WiseUnlock.sys or WiseUnlock64.sys in %SystemRoot% (depend on your host Architecture)
+ respective reg key
i remember this one, it make me crazy , i try it to extract it from WiseDeleter.exe but no luck... so i ended by added directly to the script :embarrassed:
Hi bigbadmoshe
it's better to add this :
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_Software\WiseCleaner\Wise Force Deleter",path,"%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\WiseCleaner\Wise Force Deleter","Product Name","Wise Force Deleter"
Hi cretino
thanks for your input :thumbsup:
before it gets pointed out, I realise that running the executable via launch doesn't always give the desired result, but is a good test, for checking functionality etc, especially with simpler apps.
I tried your reg settings, and it seems to work whilst app is running on host but as soon as you close the app, the context menu re-appears on host for me, requiring me to use app menu to remove context menu item.
I only originally pointed it out in case someone tried the exe via launch, during plugin testing and noticed later it was on the host - it doesn't cause any problem in the booted PE
but again thanks for your input
Yes it appears wiseunlock*.sys is present on host after Launch..
Also \AppData\Roaming\Wise Force Deleter\config.ini
Which contains exe option settings
Placing config.ini file in Program folder prevents HOST configuration
But Not wiseunlock*.sys being written to c/windows
File could be extracted as part of "Launch" Process
It seems like a bit much to delete an unlocked file.... You need to run services :confused:
Other than the size difference I would suggest the already made XPE UnlockIT plugin by James - http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28517#msg28517 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28517#msg28517)
It offers the same functionality without the requirements... (I don't mean to impede plugin development, but I am not sure if you are aware of existing plugins)
This is smaller so it definately wouldn't hurt to have it as an option...
I am in no way a developer/coder. So please any input is amazing.
cretino. Thanks. I only learned about that after dissecting other plugins. In the future I will use it.
Bob. I made this for the size as well as the fact I did not like the way unlockIT was working. IE. Very slow and did not seem to actually delete all the locked files.
I usually test the plug-in I make on my own builds to see that they work. I do not randomly upload whatever I fancy.
Again thank you all for feedback. I will use it to the best of my ability.
My question seems for to clarify the use of unlocker..
While in PE what Files are Locked ?
I would assume Files In Use in PE - so if that being true.
Why Need To Delete Files In Use while in PE?
Because Never Had Reason the Unlock OffLine Host Files to delete..
as I see it to be more of a Host [Launch] Tools rather then PE Tools
My question seems for to clarify the use of unlocker..
While in PE what Files are Locked ?
I would assume Files In Use in PE - so if that being true.
Why Need To Delete Files In Use while in PE?
Because Never Had Reason the Unlock OffLine Host Files to delete..
as I see it to be more of a Host [Launch] Tools rather then PE Tools
I had only one case so far. Windows was installed on a second hard drive that was not used any more. Main install was on a different hard drive. Many folders like system, program files would not delete. Tried with unlockIT and had no luck.
While in PE what Files are Locked ?
the more I think about it, I don't think I've had a scenario where just booting into a PE hasn't let me delete a locked file on a hard drive, not saying it couldn't happen, just not my experience
Some updates.
Simplewall New version 2.3.13
Everything New version
SimpleWall > change Plugin variable >%ProgramVersion%=2.3.13 > Hit Update Button
Everything > Unhide container > change container variable > %ContainerVer%= > Hit Little Green Play Button to Update
I missed replying earlier. Not to bring back to the locked file discussion but UnlockIT is rather good in my opinion.
For locked files I have had to use Emco Unlockit a TON of times in PE. And it has never NOT unlocked a file for me. The worst that has happened is that it asks me to reboot to delete the file.
I use the context menu entrys and just click delete and presto no problem. I have had trouble with the GUI but never with the context menu.
Hiberfile.sys is a perfect example. Sometimes you can erase it in PE and sometimes you cannot. But if its corrupted your machine wont start..
SimpleWall > change Plugin variable >%ProgramVersion%=2.3.13 > Hit Update Button
Everything > Unhide container > change container variable > %ContainerVer%= > Hit Little Green Play Button to Update
Thanks. I already figured that out.
Not to sound like I'm complaining, would it not have been better to make those plugins with a input field for version?
Does Kind of serve to notify others of method...
Yes a Program_Version_textbox can Be added - but was not implemented at the time
Does Kind of serve to notify others of method...
:) I thought I was the only one in the world...
How do you run pintool in XPE, when during boot does it execute and where from? RunOnce? PECMD?
James thank you for the recent scripts.
@bob.omb Pintool is called via pecmd. Written in pecmd.ini Postshell section, after Explorer.exe.
Recent Uploads
Media Transfer Protocol Support (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30805#msg30805)
Software Update Monitor Pro (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30712#msg30712)
MiniTool Partition Wizard Free/Pro 10.3 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30777#msg30777)
MiniTool Power Data Recovery 8.1 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30776#msg30776)
Windows Login Unlocker (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30375#msg30375)
SFC Scan Offline Repair (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30806#msg30806)
Recent Updates
VLC Media Player (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28659#msg28659) Program Version 3.06
Crystal Disk Info (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28639#msg28639) Program Version
Beyond Compare-4 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660) Program Version
Vivaldi WebBrowser (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28667#msg28667) Program Version 2.2.1388.37
GPU-Z (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30814#msg30814) Program Version 2.16
HWinfo (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30814#msg30814) Program Version v 6.00.3620
Thanks for the plugins and updates :thumbsup:
Noted that the free version of MiniTool Partition Wizard 10.3 does not work in WinPE,
when opening it displays the message: "Only registered version can be run un Windows PE Environment."
That's why I put the free version 9.0.1 in Win10XPE package.
I guess it must be good with the Pro version but I don't have any key to test it.
Good to know as I was testing with reg file
Thanks for the feedback...
they also have a pro-demo version - beside free
Just tested all version of MT Partition Wizard in PE - Every edition requires registered version
So Key File has to Be Present in Program Folder - to work in PE
Will Edit Post To Clearly State That fact
Using 1809 x64 with 128 Optional Plugins + All XPE Features = 6.18GB Target Folder > 2.60GB ISO
ShowKeyPlus (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28720#msg28720) Updated To Program Version 1.0.6919
Is there any way to make the temp folder redirect to RAM disk if its created?
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
For Windows Defender Offline, are you able to update definitions with that or are they static?
as long as you have internet connection...
definitions are actually updated and/or used from inside scanned Host OS
If,%ImDisk%,Equal,True, SET TEMP=B:\TEMP
This good?
If,%ImDiskVar%,Equal,True, Begin
If,%ImDiskResult%,Equal,True, Begin
You are all so awesome. will test.
had to do this.
If,%ImDisk%,Equal,True, Begin
you must of had Hive loaded already..
As %imDisk- Result-Variable% would not of mattered..
But anyway your "Had to do this" is based upon the context of your script..
i was using the additions section to add this. and kept on getting load errors as well as index
[Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_Default] From file: [%BaseDir%\Target_x64\Windows\System32\config\Default]: Unknown error
[Failed] List index out of bounds (4): [Exec,%ScriptAfer_FileBox%,Process]
A1) Hive was already loaded
A2) Iniread,%ProjectDir%\Script.Project,Features,ImDisk.Script,%ImDisk%
I have had a little feedback about > Windows Defender Offline
It appears it does not launch if Plugin set to "Run From USB" - so set plugin to "Run From Ram"
While testing I had changed %ProgramFolder% and it would not launch
SO, It appears the program.exe is looking for things to be in certain location(s)
Windows Defender Offline - is a feature of windows 10 - when triggered WinRE is launched and then runs the program.exe
If anyone else can also confirm USB/RAM results - I will set plugin to "Run From Ram" as the only default
Test works with RAM Option.
Thanks James :thumbsup:
I have had a little feedback about > Windows Defender Offline
It appears it does not launch if Plugin set to "Run From USB" - so set plugin to "Run From Ram"
While testing I had changed %ProgramFolder% and it would not launch
SO, It appears the program.exe is looking for things to be in certain location(s)
Windows Defender Offline - is a feature of windows 10 - when triggered WinRE is launched and then runs the program.exe
If anyone else can also confirm USB/RAM results - I will set plugin to "Run From Ram" as the only default
Firstly thank you for all the new add-ons.
I see that all of them check if the build is x64. Is this needed if there if the add-on has both 32 & 64 bit apps?
If yes. Even though you get a warning does it still process the script and add it.
Yes the check is needed - to set plugin to use x64 program version and settings..
Otherwise x86 would be the default program settings..
If yes. Even though you get a warning does it still process the script and add it.
I assume you referring to WOWSupport warning...
If app is x86/x64 the WOWsupport warning can be removed...
if app x86 only then on x64 build WOWSupport would be required and thus the warning..
Did you have such a case with a recent plugin???
hi James
If anyone else can also confirm USB/RAM results...
Test works with RAM Option ,with a disadvantage:
if your win10XPE is 32BIT and your Host OS iS 64BIT it will stop with this error:
the media you're attemping to run is 32-bit operating system and isnt compatible with the 64-bit operating system on this pc ... erroe code : 0x8004cc06
tested with MacBook Pro pc it give this error:
This app can't be started.
Error: Unable to detect a Windows system drive. This could be due to missing drivers, an encrypted drive, or a corrupted Windows installation.
Error Code: 0x8004cc01
Another Disadvantage I found while testing - is x64 Version does not list the x86 OS on Host...
Windows Defender Offline is clearly meant to be triggered by Host OS to Scan That Host OS..
When Windows Defender is launched from within PE it looks for installed Windows Versions
and then WDO Uses The Definition Files from that selected windows version to complete the scan..
Here Is Version 002
Removed "Run From USB" Option
Added "Prefer x86 Program Files On x64 WinPE Build"
MS Windows Defender Offline (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30884#msg30884)
Please Provide Additional Feedback..
I found this script not sure where. is it possible that we can get event log working in PE?
Title=Event Log
Description=Windows Event Log
// Run,%ScriptFile%,Add_Registry
TXTaddLine,%GTarget%\windows\system32\startEventLogger.cmd,"@echo off",Append
TXTaddLine,%GTarget%\windows\system32\startEventLogger.cmd,"reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT /f",Append
TXTaddLine,%GTarget%\windows\system32\startEventLogger.cmd,"net start eventlog",Append
TXTaddLine,%GTarget%\windows\system32\startEventLogger.cmd,"powershell -command #$qStart-Sleep -s 2#$q ",Append
TXTaddLine,%GTarget%\windows\system32\startEventLogger.cmd,"reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT",Append
TXTaddLine,%GTarget%\windows\system32\start.cmd,"call startEventLogger.cmd",Append
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510},Type,"Microsoft.EventViewer.SnapIn.EventViewerSnapIn, EventViewer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510},NameString,"Event Viewer"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510},Description,"Displays monitoring and troubleshooting messages from windows and other programs."
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}\NodeTypes\{33F2C345-BF11-41b6-90DA-4FB4963EA4E2},,"Classic Viewer Root Node"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog,Group,"Event Log"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog,ImagePath,"#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog,ObjectName,"NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\.NET Runtime",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\.NET Runtime",EventMessageFile,X:\Windows\system32\mscoree.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\.NET Runtime Optimization Service",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\.NET Runtime Optimization Service",EventMessageFile,X:\Windows\system32\mscoree.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Application Error",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\wer.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Application Error",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Application Error",CategoryMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\wer.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Application Error",CategoryCount,1
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Customer Experience Improvement Program",providerGuid,{A402FE09-DA6E-45F2-82AF-3CB37170EE0C}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Desktop Window Manager",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\dwm.exe
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Desktop Window Manager",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Group Policy",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\gpapi.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Group Policy",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General",ProviderGuid,{db00dfb6-29f9-4a9c-9b3b-1f4f9e7d9770}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\userenv.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service",ProviderGuid,{89b1e9f0-5aff-44a6-9b44-0a07a7ce5845}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\profsvc.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\MSDTC 2",providerGuid,{5D9E0020-3761-4f36-90C8-38CE6511BD12}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\MSDTC Client",providerGuid,{7A67066E-193F-4D3A-82D3-322FEE5259DE}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\MSDTC Client 2",providerGuid,{155CB334-3D7F-4ff1-B107-DF8AFC3C0363}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Process Exit Monitor",providerGuid,{FD771D53-8492-4057-8E35-8C02813AF49B}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Standard TCP/IP Port",ProviderGuid,{CAD2D809-03D9-4F46-9CF4-72AA4F04B6B9}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\vmtools,EventMessageFile,"X:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vmtoolsd.exe"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Windows Error Reporting",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\wer.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\Windows Error Reporting",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\WMI.NET Provider Extension",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Application\WMI.NET Provider Extension",EventMessageFile,X:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\EventLogMessages.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Internet Explorer",CustomSD,O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0x07;;;WD)S:(ML;;0x1;;;LW)
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security\ObjectNames,"ALPC Port",4464
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security\ObjectNames,"WMI Namespace",16896
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security Account Manager",ParameterMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\MsObjs.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security Account Manager\ObjectNames",SAM_ALIAS,5424
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security Account Manager\ObjectNames",SAM_DOMAIN,5392
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security Account Manager\ObjectNames",SAM_GROUP,5408
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security Account Manager\ObjectNames",SAM_SERVER,5376
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\Security\Security Account Manager\ObjectNames",SAM_USER,5440
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\System\Application Popup",EventMessageFile,#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\ntdll.dll
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\System\Application Popup",TypesSupported,7
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\services\eventlog\System\MSDTC Gateway",EventMessageFile,X:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\EventLogMessages.dll
Is it possible to do something like this?
Iniread,%ScriptDir%\MyPlugins\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_XPE.Script,%Q-Dir%
If,%Q-Dir%,Equal,True, Begin
It appears that is all registry setting.
Would also assume there are going to be a lot of missing files...
and your suggested check for Qdir is not valid either..
It appears that is all registry setting.
Would also assume there are going to be a lot of missing files...
and your suggested check for Qdir is not valid either..
Found a better way to check thanks.
I am not sure why but even after replacing the files i get this message on auto build.
If i do pack and build iso it works fine.
[Warning] Wimlib Packing boot.wim image file return : 47
[EchoExtended,"Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt]
I didn't encounter this error yet!
Error 47 corresponds to WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN or Failed to open a file.
Don't know, maybe try pausing in "Create ISO", just before capturing boot.wim
Echo,"Packing boot.wim image file, Be patient..."
//ShellExecute,Open,%GTools%\wimlib-imagex.exe,"capture #$q%GTarget%#$q #$q%GISO%\sources\boot.wim#$q #$q%ImageName%#$q #$q%ImageName%#$q --boot --flags=9 --compress=LZX --verbose"
If,%CompressMax_CheckBox%,Equal,True,ShellExecute,Open,cmd.exe,"/C Echo Packing boot.wim image file, Be patient...&Echo.&wimlib-imagex.exe capture #$q%GTarget%#$q #$q%GISO%\sources\boot.wim#$q #$q%ImageName%#$q #$q%ImageName%#$q --boot --flags=9 --compress=LZX --verbose",%GTools%
Else,ShellExecute,Open,cmd.exe,"/C Echo Packing boot.wim image file, Be patient...&Echo.&wimlib-imagex.exe capture #$q%GTarget%#$q #$q%GISO%\sources\boot.wim#$q #$q%ImageName%#$q #$q%ImageName%#$q --boot --flags=9 --compress=XPRESS --verbose",%GTools%
I didn't encounter this error yet!
neither do I.
On XPE case it seems 47 happens when packing
On SE case it seems 47 happens when extracting.
Is there a wimlib-imagex.exe errorlevel list ?
I didn't encounter this error yet!
neither do I.
On XPE case it seems 47 happens when packing
On SE case it seems 47 happens when extracting.
Is there a wimlib-imagex.exe errorlevel list ?
Wimlib Packing boot.wim image file return : 47
[EchoExtended,"Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt]
Run - Processing section: [MEchoExtended] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
[Parameter] with parameters: [Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.],[Warn],[],[MessageError],[],[Halt]
[Success] IF - [-] is equal to: [-] evaluated string: [If,#3-,Equal,-,Set,#3,1]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [#3] to: [1]
[Ignore] IF - [warn-] is not equal to: [-] evaluated string: [If,#2-,Equal,-,Loop,%API%,MEchoExtended_Echo_Loop,1,#3,#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8,#9]
[Success] ELSE - executing command: [Loop,%API%,MEchoExtended_Echo_LoopWarn,1,#3,#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8,#9]
Loop - Processing section: [MEchoExtended_Echo_LoopWarn] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
[Parameter] with parameters: [1],[1],[Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.],[Warn],[1],[MessageError],[],[Halt]
Iteration - Processing section: [MEchoExtended_Echo_LoopWarn] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
[Parameter] with parameters: [1] [Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.],[Warn],[1],[MessageError],[],[Halt]
[Warning] Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.
Iteration - Processed section [MEchoExtended_Echo_LoopWarn] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
Error: boot.wim image file was not properly packaged.
Run - Processed section [MEchoExtended] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
Run - Processing section: [CreateISO] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
[Echo,"Create ISO"]
[If,Not,ExistFile,%GISO%\sources\boot.wim,EchoExtended,"boot.wim image was not found in ISO\sources source folder.#$x#$xThe project must be built beforehand.",Warn,,Message,,Halt]
[TXTAddLine,%GISO%\CDUsb.y,"Flag File to mount CD/USB on drive Y:",Append]
Run - Processing section: [CheckISOBootFiles] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [%ISOBootFilesOK%]
[// In case of change of PressAnyKey_CheckBox]
Run - Processed section [CheckISOBootFiles] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [%ISOBootFilesOK%]
Run - Processing section: [CheckTargetBootFiles] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [%TargetBootFilesOK%]
Run - Processed section [CheckTargetBootFiles] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [%TargetBootFilesOK%]
Run - Processing section: [MFileDeleteQ] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
[Parameter] with parameters: [%BaseDir%\Win10XPE_x64.ISO]
[If,ExistFile,#1,Shellexecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C del /q /f #$q#1#$q&del /q /f /A:R /A:H /A:S /A:A #$q#1#$q"]
[If,Question,"The file could not be deleted.#$x#$x#1#$x#$xThe file is maybe opened ?#$xRetry ?",Set,%answer%,Yes]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [%answer%]
[If,ExistFile,#1,Shellexecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C del /q /f #$q#1#$q&del /q /f /A:R /A:H /A:S /A:A #$q#1#$q"]
[If,ExistFile,#1,EchoExtended,"Error: The file could not be deleted. #$x#$x#1#$x#$x The file is maybe opened ?#$xExit",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt]
[Else,EchoExtended,"Error: The file could not be deleted. #$x#$x#1#$x#$x The file is maybe opened ?#$xExit",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt]
[Else,EchoExtended,"Error: FileDeleteQ - missing parameter: File",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt]
Run - Processed section [MFileDeleteQ] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro.script]
Run - Processing section: [MakeISO] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
[echo,"Creating ISO: [%ISOFileName%] Folder size: %SizeFolder%"]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [Creating ISO: [%BaseDir%\Win10XPE_x64.ISO] Folder size: %SizeFolder%]
[//ShellExecute,Open,%GTools%\mkisofs.exe,"-iso-level 4 -udf -r -force-uppercase -duplicates-once -volid #$q%ProjectName%_%Architecture%#$q -hide boot.catalog -hide-udf boot.catalog -b #$qboot/etfsboot.com#$q -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-boot -b #$qefi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin#$q -o #$q%ISOFileName%#$q #$q%GISO%#$q",%GTools%]
[ShellExecute,Open,cmd.exe,"/C Echo Creating ISO: [%ISOFileName%] Folder size: %SizeFolder%, Be patient...&Echo.&mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -udf -r -force-uppercase -duplicates-once -volid #$q%ProjectName%_%Architecture%#$q -hide boot.catalog -hide-udf boot.catalog -b #$qboot/etfsboot.com#$q -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-boot -b #$qefi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin#$q -o #$q%ISOFileName%#$q #$q%GISO%#$q",%GTools%]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [/C Echo Creating ISO: [%BaseDir%\Win10XPE_x64.ISO] Folder size: %SizeFolder%, Be patient...&Echo.&mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -udf -r -force-uppercase -duplicates-once -volid #$qWin10XPE_x64#$q -hide boot.catalog -hide-udf boot.catalog -b #$qboot/etfsboot.com#$q -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-boot -b #$qefi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin#$q -o #$q%BaseDir%\Win10XPE_x64.ISO#$q #$q%BaseDir%\ISO_x64#$q]
[If,%ExitCode%,Equal,0,Echo,"mkisofs make ISO return : %ExitCode%"]
[Else,Echo,"mkisofs make ISO return : %ExitCode%",Warn]
[Echo,"ISO build size: %SizeISO%"]
[Warning] Reference to undefined variable: [ISO build size: %SizeISO%]
Run - Processed section [MakeISO] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
Run - Processed section [CreateISO] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
MiniTool Partition Wizard 11 is out.
Playing with it and there are changes. @James maybe this will help :)
I was able to get it to launch fine. And i added this "DirCopy,%Sapp%\diskspd,%Tapp%"
Echo,"Copying %ScriptTitle% Program Files..."
Echo,"Copying %ScriptTitle% Program Files..."
Another quick tip.
Remove startup folder for admin
EXEC !%WinDir%\System32\attrib.exe +s +h "X:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
MiniTool Partition Wizard 11 is out.
Playing with it and there are changes. @James maybe this will help :)
Thanks For The MiniTool Partition Wizard 11 Upgrade Notice...
Although I found a LOT more file revisions to MiniTool Partition Wizard 11.. Then Suggested..
Awaiting your release. :grin:
I've built a Win10XPE using Windows 10 1809 x64 media. Everything but the Backupper application works great. When launching Backupper, I get the following error:
Looking in the path indicated in the screenshot, I cannot don't see the vcomp.dll file.
There were no errors during the build process.
Has anyone else ran into this issue? How do I go about fixing this?
Small request.
Can we get winxshell to be more customized for xpe? Meaning instead of messing with manual editing can there be more options like the additional tab under core?
About %CDdrive%=X:(Y:)
%CDdrive% seems to be very little used. let me know for what need you use.
for now I have not added, if needed, it can be done easily with:
Code: [Select]
I am interested in messing around with this in xpe. I made a post about my issues with it and actually getting it to work with both e2b and aioboot.
Can you help me out with trying to get this to work with xpe?
I've built a Win10XPE using Windows 10 1809 x64 media. Everything but the Backupper application works great. When launching Backupper, I get the following error:
(Attachment Link)
Looking in the path indicated in the screenshot, I cannot don't see the vcomp.dll file.
There were no errors during the build process.
Has anyone else ran into this issue? How do I go about fixing this?
Have you tried manually copying the file in pe itself?
When launching Backupper, I get the following error:
Looking in the path indicated in the screenshot, I cannot don't see the vcomp.dll file.
Yes, Thanks, the plugin was made for Backupper v4.6.0 and there are some changes in v4.6.1
including vcomp.dll that becomes vcomp,2.dll for the 64-bit version
I made the corrections but I don't have time to test right now.
Use the little "u" button to update the container file then play it. Let me know
The updated Backupper plugin works! Thank you!
Hey guys, I'm interested in getting PhotoRec/TestDisk into my PE. I don't see the plugin in the member plugins list yet which got me thinking, is there a tutorial or some documentation on how a person would go about building their own plugin/script?
Thank you!
Very Quick Process in How To Guide...
But Creating Plugins Is Not As Simple As It Appears...
A Lot of Things To Look For and Consider During The Program Installation Process...
It all comes down to you spending a lot of time constantly Testing and gaining experience..
One more question.
I'm trying to pin a few apps to the start menu but nothing shows up. I tried checking off "Pin to start" for Backupper app and modifying the [PINTOOL] section from PECmd.ini:
StartMenu1=$Start_Menu\Programs\HD Tasks\AOMEI Backupper.lnk||||||||||||||||
What am I missing? How do I pin application shortcuts to the start menu?
Once again, many thanks.
Be sure you are using newest release - as there was a fix involving pintool
I'm using the latest build. So what actually is supposed to pin the shortcuts to start? Pintool? Or checking off "pin to start" for each app?
Pintool? Or checking off "pin to start" for each app?
Enable "Pin To Start" in each App
Then when PE is loaded Pintool does the pinning..
There is a limit of 10 Pins
and don't you still need 'Run from RAM' checked ? for pins
Well, I've checked off the "pin to start" for a number of applications and they are not getting pinned. Maybe I'll start from scratch again in case I screwed something up during the multiple builds.
To specify a bit, it is possible to pin a program of a usb key "Run From USB"
but for that, we have to go through one of the shortcuts (.lnk) previously created in desktop or in the start menu.
See Add_Pin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=37.msg206#msg206)
However, even based on a shortcut, I have no success in pinning from a network drive (eg: PXE server)
Except by copying an existing PIN shortcut in X:Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu(TaskBar)
and modifying manually the Target with the network path in its Properties.
By default Microsoft avoids being able to pin a program from a removable media to avoid problems with drives
"Pin To StartMenu" works fine here, I don't have any problems
I don't know for you radospy.
The syntax seems correct. You can take a look at the log created in X:\Windows\Temp
To test again, Run: "%WinDir%\System32\PinTool.exe -debug %Windir%\System32\Pecmd.ini"
The log will be in B:\Temp this time, following "ImDisk Ramdisk %Temp%=B:\Temp"
I am having success pinning across the network with a PXEServer on my end...
I am using
NET USE Y: \\%IPAddress%\WinPEData /user:PXE PXEBOOT > nul
PING -n 1 > nul
GOTO Verify
X:\Windows\system32\shortcuts.exe -f X:\Windows\System32\Win10PE.cfg
X:\Windows\system32\PinTool.exe -debug X:\Windows\System32\Win10PE.cfg
added to the end of autorun.cmd
No need to add a timer as the process does not proceed until CdUsb.Y is detected
Looks like I mangled something in the first attempt at building the PE and that's why pinning didn't work. I've started from scratch again and everything is working perfect now! Thanks for all your work.
Good news, but:
I re-tried again with a network drive on Z:, not a PXEServer
After editing pecmd.ini in relation to my programs on Z:
No problem with the shortcuts but I can't pin them, shortcuts or program directly. Also, I have no option available in context menu.
I'll have to try your PXEServer plugin, probably next week, to see if I have a better chance.
Thanks, happy to hear that it is now working.
Everything v1.4.1.932
Change version if you have the latest script
Good news, but:
I re-tried again with a network drive on Z:, not a PXEServer
After editing pecmd.ini in relation to my programs on Z:
No problem with the shortcuts but I can't pin them, shortcuts or program directly. Also, I have no option available in context menu.
I am using Start10, I think you use StartisBack? Maybe the difference?
Hi James
just for feedback Re: AOMEI Partition Assistant 8 Pro - seems to be working fine, tested to app launch in VM (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31131#msg31131)
Hi ChrisR! :thumbsup:
Some built-in applications show Abnormal display(white icon) of icons in StartMemu, I found before,
NOW I know it is the same issue as yours.
Hi Doberman! :thumbsup:
It Sounds good, Thanks :thumbsup:
I'll add it, I think in [attach=1]
Yes the check is needed - to set plugin to use x64 program version and settings..
Otherwise x86 would be the default program settings..
If yes. Even though you get a warning does it still process the script and add it.
I assume you referring to WOWSupport warning...
If app is x86/x64 the WOWsupport warning can be removed...
if app x86 only then on x64 build WOWSupport would be required and thus the warning..
Did you have such a case with a recent plugin???
These 3 programs. I am testing if i Block the line will it work or not.
You Need To Enable WoW64 Basic To Run Blue Screen View In A 64-Bit Build
You Need To Enable WoW64 Basic To Run WinContig In A 64-Bit Build
You Need To Enable WoW64 Basic To Run Windows Login Unlocker In A 64-Bit Build
YES, You Can Mark Out that Line or Delete That Line..
As all three programs have x64 program.exe
I will correct Upload..
Thanks For Your Feedback.
So i am trying to redirect all temp folders
If,%ImDisk%,Equal,True, Begin
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment",TEMP,B:\TEMP <----
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,"Tmp_System\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment",TMP,B:\TEMP <----
I get errors on both of the system ones.
RegWrite - Type: [0x2] Section [HKLM\Tmp_System\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key [TEMP]: B:\TEMP
RegWrite - Type: [0x2] Section [HKLM\Tmp_System\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key [TMP]: B:\TEMP
So this actually works. any idea why i get the error?
Reg Overwrite ??
I am using Start10, I think you use StartisBack? Maybe the difference?
Win10XPE use StartisBack by default and, Indeed, using Start10 makes the difference
With Start10, I am also able to pin a program to the Start Menu from a network drive
But not for the taskbar, it remains the same
I'm currently writing a XPE plugin for those who would like to use
Hi ChrisR, Bob.Omb
With Start10, I am also able to pin a program to the Start Menu from a network drive
But not for the taskbar, it remains the same
Thanks to clear that at last, I also update info to pin topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=37
I have been messing with shortcuts and have found that if you use link in pecmd.ini it works fine if you want to use an icon.
But in scripts they don't work.
Even in in the VSS Script
They all do not get a icon.
Hope i am being clear. Any suggestions?
For info, the Volume Shadow Copy Service or VSS is already included in winre.wim, you don't need an additional plugin
Otherwise for AddShortcut syntax, use the magic wand: MacroLibrary > AddShortcut > Syntax
Tested in code box
%TextBox_SMF%=System Tools
%TextBox_SCN%=Start VSS
It gives in pecmd.ini
LINK %Programs%\System Tools\Start VSS,%SystemRoot%\system32\start_vss.cmd,,%SystemRoot%\system32\filemgmt.dll#0
use the magic wand: MacroLibrary > AddShortcut > Syntax
Reminding old thing to avoid mixing end user mind:
Okay, let's go for XPEMacroLibrary for the next package
Hi James
there is an update available for Windows Login Unlocker
Thank You...
Joined and see updates - but never seem to find links
Windows Login Unlocker v1.3.0.3802 XPEPlugin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30375#msg30375)
The issue is not the shortcuts but the icons.
For example Offline SFC the icons does not get applied.
If i do it via PECMD it applies it fine.
For example Offline SFC the icons does not get applied.
For example Offline SFC the icons does not get applied.
Will check it out.
what about this "AddShortcut,Desktop,,%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd,Map Drives Backup,%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd,,%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll|149" The icon does not get applied i tried it with # as well.
Try removing extra Comma after (Parameters)
Try removing (Parameters) and extra Comma
Either way you have extra comma after (Parameters)
what about this "AddShortcut,Desktop,,%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd,Map Drives Backup,%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd,,%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll|149" The icon does not get applied i tried it with # as well.
You must respect the syntax taking into account each commas and use quotes when you have spaces (Path, Title...)
AddShortcut,Desktop,,"%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd","Map Drives Backup",,%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll|149
AddShortcut,StartMenu,Network,"%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd","Map Drives Backup",,%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll|149
AddShortcut,Desktop,,"%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd","Map Drives Backup",,%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll|149
AddShortcut,StartMenu,Network,"%WinDir%\Map Drives 2.cmd","Map Drives Backup",,%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll|149
Works. Thanks.
your icecream melts down at second line of file copy process
and your learning plugins are leaking all over the plugin topic...
I will also tell you that you are missing a required codec
vp8decoder.dll + vp8encoder.dll"
Quick heads up for PEBakery and MouseKeys_XPE.script
[1/1] Wrong CodeType [], Only alphabet, number and underscore can be used as CodeType (If,%MaximumSpeed_ScrollBox%,Equal,Medium,,Set,%MaximumSpeedValue%,184) (Line 49)
Removed Extra , that was after medium. It's working now.
Looking At MouseKey Plugin From Latest Release Package.
Such An Issue Was Not Found..
Looking At MouseKey Plugin From Latest Release Package.
Such An Issue Was Not Found..
Im pretty sure i did not mess with the code. Regardless thats what i had so just giving heads up if anyone uses PEBakery and finds the same issue.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
just checked last two XPE releases, neither have double comma in mousekey plugin for me
ps I primarily use PEBakery, so I guess I would have noticed
Hi Bigbadmoshe
just checked last two XPE releases, neither have double comma in mousekey plugin for me
ps I primarily use PEBakery, so I guess I would have noticed
It must be something on my side. o well.
I'm not sure why this is happening
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\XPEStartup.cmd.txt] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.cmd]: The directory name is invalid.
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\XPEStartup.ini.txt] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.ini]: The directory name is invalid.
If i do it manually it works but on auto build always get this.
What does Download_Level=2 mean ?
[%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.cmd]: The directory name is invalid.
Verify > [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64 < Exists
What does Download_Level=2 mean ?
Means the plugin is processed at a sub level
Dir exist if I do the plug-in manually it works fine.
I am also not having any luck with it actually working. All the files are there I changed my custom pecmd.ini but shortcuts not getting created and apps not launching.
hi AuraticTrance
Failed Downloading...
Aria2c return:1 - An unknown error occured.
Please Help...
this is due to the name of your folder ...
0b) Be sure your base folder is short, under "root\sub folder"
... (But > D:\Oven < Even Better for project, because shorter name length)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Introduction - Beginner questions
How To Guide For New Users...
C:\Oven\Support Win10XPE dev.url
C:\Oven\Win10XPE - How To Quick Start Guide.pdf
hi Bigbadmoshe
I'm not sure why this is happening
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\XPEStartup.cmd.txt] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.cmd]: The directory name is invalid.
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\XPEStartup.ini.txt] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO_x64\XPEStartup.ini]: The directory name is invalid.
If i do it manually it works but on auto build always get this.
try to hit Init Button ( Initialize global variables and interfaces values) ...
Hi cretino,
better use desired separate folder inside package ( \Win10XPE\ ) with Win10XPE project
I mean on your post:
Win10XPE fabricated incompatibility breaks availability of all projects under same main folder.
(tutorials, faq will be updated ..... brrrr ....)
With other words:
use a separate folder with Win10XPE,
as you already wrote in case of trouble better short, simple (ascii) and without space. eg. C:\Win10XPE :thumbsup:
ps: 3 months ago I had tested with spaced sub folder "C:\bla bla\Win10XPE" and working nice,
still it is always better to use a short, simple (ascii) and without space folder to avoid possible troubles like C:\Win10XPE :thumbsup:
I have used > D:\Win10XPE_2019-02-02 as a root path without issue
Although User Must complete one base build to populate Global Variables
The Dr Web download in question is 233 MB and was tested after report...
Using Latest PEBakery and have alway had this message
[Warning] Echo - Wimlib Cleanup and reduce Winre.wim return : -1 (Else,Echo,"Wimlib Cleanup and reduce Winre.wim return : %ExitCode%",Warn) (Line 802)
anyone have an idea?
this is due to the name of your folder ...
Thank you.. it works well now...
For Testing:
This is original from Bob.Omb. I just fixed it up a little and updated to latest version. I have personally tested it.
James please let me know if its good.
I did not test your version of DISM++
But did notice this > Type=CodeCheckerPlugin
That was a little utility I played with for no other reason then to see if it would work...
That was never intended to be a user method..
It has been depicted from the forum for a while now...
You should update your project to reflect what has been tested and released...
I have noticed you are posting error messages that can not be confirmed - even by looking back several releases...
I have noticed you are uploading plugins with a lot of copy and paste mistakes..
I have noticed that there are file process errors in those same plugins...
I have noticed that you PM me a lot and ask advise and then choose not to follow..
I have noticed that you call me by Name in the forum as if I am the only user testing XPE.
I have noticed that you clearly write Fixed by James on your plugin topic - for which I do Not Approve
As those (Fixes) were my suggested fixes to you to Fix and learn from..
Otherwise it seems to comes off ( to me anyway ) - Like your plugin has my seal of approval
I have also told you I can not fault you for trying to learn and try new things or otherwise figure out the process we all follow...
Now for my thoughts, I think you still have a lot to learn and you seem to be getting way ahead of yourself, based on you short experience with PE
I am not a hard nose and try to help everybody, but it also becomes a little annoying to me when I see the same type of posts..
As you seem to jump around a lot and start playing and experimenting with different things - when you have not mastered the most basic of things..
That is the reason I asked you via a PM Response to upload your plugin version to this discussion topic - So as other came help you as well...
The best I can suggest to you is - Do a clean update of the project and if desired my plugin pack.
Use the utilities provided and master the plugin creation process using those utilities.
Compressed (Packed) Files are the easiest to master..
But there is a catch (as I found with your screen recorder plugin)
You also have to follow the files - as it is not always just as simple as expanding the package or manually packing the programs folder from your host...
There are other thing to consider - drivers (driver pack) - registry entries - appdata entries - programdata entries - system files - program dependencies' - etc..
This is all homework you need to do and learn in order to master a reliable plugin for distribution..
This forum is not the best for feedback, but it is a source for a lot of project related downloads..
Anyway the rest is up to you...
Hi Bigbadmoshe,
I did not test your version of DISM++
But did notice this > Type=CodeCheckerPlugin
do not change Type=
change Author name
Author=Bigbadmoshe converted with CodeCheckerXPEPlugin
or whatever.
Type= value reserved for Type, such Type values you write will fail in some future....
Well use things provided with the project and available xpeplugins by mostly James. Life will be easier for you.
And so far it is a complete project and can be used for PE stuff, with a great set of xpeplugins.
Hi James,
not related to topic, but since you write here reply here :
edit: or partially related to topic.
That was a little utility I played with for no other reason then to see if it would work...
That was never intended to be a user method..
It has been depicted from the forum for a while now...
Well I am sure it did not work nicely but only partially.
That is the reason we do not put things to the public posts without getting ready enough. :wink: and other methods ....
I remember you were having a big fun time at those times, I am here before summer only because I very very accidentally see "converter" word on a post. :cool:
Anyway, learning requires experience and mistakes. :thumbsup:
Teaching things to users can be complicated ......
As far as I remember we also agree not to mix public mind by calling Win10XPE xpeplugins with the name given by you XPEplugin (Type=XPEPlugin)
Although we are at "Win10XPE Project General Discussions " topic, public miss topics and behave that way.
Years ago when I name current plugins with "Type=Plugin" name,
First idea was naming right,
Other idea is underlining they are compatible with only projects around here (at that times only Win7PESE and Gena),
Big Red Line from other Type= values at that times that clearly avoid public mix mind.
Since then you can see I only use plugin name on public posts.
With Circle development (means you are naturally going to same path),
follow the same steps to avoid public misunderstanding,
and I will be very happy not to fix end user mind on such future posts. :great:
I have noticed you are uploading plugins xpeplugins with a lot of copy and paste mistakes..
I have noticed that there are file process errors in those same plugins xpeplugins...
Otherwise it seems to comes off ( to me anyway ) - Like your xpeplugins has my seal of approval
That is the reason I asked you via a PM Response to upload your plugin xpeplugin version to this discussion topic
The best I can suggest to you is - Do a clean update of the project and if desired my plugin xpeplugin pack.
Use the utilities provided and master the plugin xpeplugin creation process using those utilities.
This is all homework you need to do and learn in order to master a reliable plugin xpeplugin for distribution..
I am going to drop the subject of PESE from XPE Forum.
Thanks to you all
If this post is in wrong place, please move. This is about a few errors using some of the newly posted XPE plugins for Win10XPE. The build doesn't error out, but when you are in PE, they have errors.
For the "WinContig" XPE plugin, when you go to launch it in PE, it gives the error that it can't load the language file from the Y drive, and then just defaults to Italian and you can't change it back to English. Here is the error:
For the "Macrorit Disk Scanner" XPE Plugin, when you attempt to launch it in PE, it gives this error, then the program never loads after clicking OK:
For the "Macrorit Partition Extender" XPE Plugin, when you attempt to launch it in PE, it gives this error, then the program never loads after clicking OK:
Is it something I am doing wrong? Have others tested launching these programs in PE or just to see if build fails?
For Wincontig Verify If Exist
I will reply to others in a bit...
Are You Using Writable Media (USB Stick) ??
As You are Using Build To USB which has to be writable media
From what I can seem to tell the programs are unable to write...
No sir, old school burn ISO to DVD.
For Wincontig Verify If Exist
I will reply to others in a bit...
It is "\WinContig_x64\Lang\WinContig_EN-US.lng"
No sir, old school burn ISO to DVD.
Use Writable media...
Or Select :Run ALL Programs From RAM" on Build Core - If Using CD/DVD
WinContig is JohnC's XPEPlugin
Sorry I Can Not Update His XPEPlugin Post..
So we end up with this sort of thing in forum posts...
But You Can Try My Edited Version
Re Macrorit Partition Extender
From what I can seem to tell the programs are unable to write...
maybe, I get a similar message with Run from USB, but fine from RAM (in a VM)
The program is a Portable Edition
So if not due to lack of writable media - then internal to program.exe
As no such folder(s) or file present in zip file as reported by error message..
You were correct, it was a write permissions issue. I set all 3 programs to run from RAM and they all 3 launch fine now.
Thanks for the help.
hi mbstech
you can use it with Run from USB ( I also use dvd :wink: ) , to around the problem of write permissions issue you can make something like this:
personally I prefer winrar ...
but you can follow bob.omb with FX Constructor 4.5 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2494.0)
Hi All
Also in a plugin like Macrorit Partition Extender O&O RegEditor, if you remove or rem out the lines
and example lines
it decreases the plugin build times dramatically for a small plugin, in this case for me
from 32secs - to 1 sec
Note: obviously, that is assuming they haven't had any additional files, added to those sections
what script you testing ???
As that is not the case for either "Macrorit" XPEPlugin I have uploaded
The Issue with WinContig was the use of > ProgramFolder_x64
Hi James
your right I quoted wrong plugin, i was testing with O&O RegEditor
but have found the same speed increase with other plugins, that dont require those sections to run
Dang, I usually Remove or mark out those...
But, I did not...
O&O Registry Editor (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31131#msg31131) - Fixed
hi all
another utility tested from nikzzzz...
Bypass Windows Password
hi all
another utility tested from nikzzzz...
Bypass Windows Password
The one james posted works amazing. have you seen this to work better?
Hi All
Also in a plugin like Macrorit Partition Extender O&O RegEditor, if you remove or rem out the lines
and example lines
it decreases the plugin build times dramatically for a small plugin, in this case for me
from 32secs - to 1 sec
Note: obviously, that is assuming they haven't had any additional files, added to those sections
Going to give this a try. thanks
Hi Bigbadmoshe
Going to give this a try. thanks
or just use James updated one http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg31502#msg31502 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg31502#msg31502)
Win10XPE XPEPlugin Creator(s) Updated - 2019.02.10 - v6
The Basic Template > Now includes option to encode empty container file - via SetupFile URL Link
The AutoUpdate Template > Now includes AutoBackup Feature
The Provide File Process has been reworked slightly - with option added to use provided file or container file
XPEPlugin Creator(s) (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28490#msg28490)
Hi Bigbadmoshe
Going to give this a try. thanks
or just use James updated one http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg31502#msg31502 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg31502#msg31502)
Was referring to removing add files part.
Was referring to removing add files part.
so was I :smile: the updated version had those lines removed :thumbsup:
Was referring to removing add files part.
so was I :smile: the updated version had those lines removed :thumbsup:
I did it again. Not writing clearly.
I meant for all add-ons.
Thanks @James for update.
Win10XPE XPEPlugin Creator(s) Updated - 2019.02.10 - v6
The Basic Template > Now includes option to encode empty container file - via SetupFile URL Link
The AutoUpdate Template > Now includes AutoBackup Feature
The Provide File Process has been reworked slightly - with option added to use provided file or container file
XPEPlugin Creator(s) (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28490#msg28490)
Small Fix for Batch Templates - 2018.10.11 - still v6
I have tried to make the code very simple to follow in XPEPlugins for New Users and have included pretty much all the code I use to make a reliable XPEPlugin..
Since not every XPEPlugin is the same and each may have different requirements - some of that code to run the process is marked out (//) by default..
There are also some processes that are active by default and if that process is not used then the code to run it to should be marked out (//)..
There are also some processes that require a little more experience for a New User to master..
System Required Files For Multi-Arch Program.exe(s) --> x86 & x64 --> Usually Found In /System32/
Use Process Monitor and Test With Base Build --> No Optional Files or Processes Selected on Build Core
Just Enable Process monitor and Your New XPEPlugin For testing
System Required Files For x86 Program.exe On x64 Build --> Usually Found In /SysWOW64/
Use Process Monitor and Test With Base Build --> No Optional Files or Processes Selected on Build Core
Just Enable Process monitor and Your New XPEPlugin For testing
Enable RegShot2 and Capture Registry Changes Before and After Installing Program
And then again Before and after launching Program - To Capture Program Settings..
So my suggestion is to use the Utilities Provided and just mark out // the code that runs the process
Wait - until all testing is complete - before removing the process..
Win10XPE XPEPlugin Creator(s) Updated - 2019.02.10 - v6
The Basic Template > Now includes option to encode empty container file - via SetupFile URL Link
The AutoUpdate Template > Now includes AutoBackup Feature
The Provide File Process has been reworked slightly - with option added to use provided file or container file
XPEPlugin Creator(s) (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28490#msg28490)
Small Fix for Batch Templates - 2018.10.11 - still v6
ChrisR has made some edits to the creation process and the code used..
Both Creators now 2019.02.11 - still v6 - to overwrite existing
Also Blue Screen View was also updated to remove unused AddFile processes..
Thanks to APT for the report...
BlueScreen View (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28725#msg28725)
RE: Sophos Virus Removal Tool - Win10 XPE Plugin
Best to be used as a lesson of what not to due...
This XPEPlugin Is Not Complete - Nor Ready For Distribution...
Please REMOVE Post > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31538#msg31538
I have another question about XPE building. Certain plugins require you to go to the internet to download them, VLC, MMPC-BE, McAfee Stinger.
When I run the build for the first time, it downloads all of those plugins, then as long as you don't delete them, it goes back and grabs the same exe on next build without having to go out and re-download all of those files each time.
However, McAfee Stinger still goes out and downloads a copy each time. I assume this is to get the latest version each time, but how do I stop that from going out each time?
It was by design as the exe is rather small..
But you could recreate a personal container file XPEPlugin using exe
Actually McAfee Stinger was a container file XPEPlugin - it was edit for Project
Windows Login Unlocker Updated To v1.4.0.4226
Windows Login Unlocker (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30375#msg30375)
Thanks To Cretino For Posting
Thanks To APT For Testing
ZD Screen Recorder (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31394#msg31394) and EasyBCD (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31413#msg31413)
Fixed The Cause Of Builder Crash Due To List Out of Bounds Error with this XPEPlugin
Clearly My Fault - Due To Misplaced "Not"
Fixed Forum Attachment and my posted Project AddOn Pack Link
Feedback for WinSCP & ZD Screen Recorder Plugin
WinSCP: Error with download
ZD Screen Recorder Plugin: Seems that it creates a new registry entry and the one you made is not read.
New one created.
The one from your script.
I kind of thought the code was machine specific
WinSCP: Error with download
The download link has a security feature...
WinSCP-5 XPE Plugin
WinSCP is a popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows, a powerful file manager that will improve your productivity.
It supports also Amazon S3, FTPS, SCP and WebDAV protocols. Power users can automate WinSCP using .NET assembly.
Note: Currently Testing A Secure Program File Download - Not Sure If and How Long
You may have to change the %SetupURL%=link
here are 2 different links from today
Due to forum attachment size limitation - the file container is empty
Thanks will test.
Out of memory: Encode,%ScriptFile%,Folder,%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%
Out of memory: Encode,%ScriptFile%,Folder,%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%
when i try to test newly created plugin...
Hi guys
What is the best tool to wipe SSD's from within PE and is there a plugin for it?
Quite happy if it does HDD as well as SSD, but want a tool that won't bugger up life of my SSD's when wiping them
hi dazza
you can try R-Wipe & Clean
- Support for SSD devices: the program correctly recognizes SSD devices and treats them accordingly to avoid their additional wear and tear.
tested x86 but not in basic build (may need other depensy...)
Thanks cretino - I will give it a try
AOMEI Partition Assistant - how do I resolve the download error
"Failed downloading http://www.aomeisoftware.com/download/pa/PAssist_Std.exe
Aria2c return: 22 - HTTP response header was bad or unexpected"
Thank you
Update: look like just it might be just a temporary cloudfare issue - so will keep trying :)
EDIT2 - seems two URL's in the plugin and second one is up (http://www2.aomeisoftware.com/download/pa/PAssist_Std.exe) - but still get above error when running plugin
Just tested Download Button
get same 22 error
but when click OK it continues to download setup file
Just tested Download Button
get same 22 error
but when click OK it continues to download setup file
If I click the download button it seems to download, but if I click the "play" button I get that error and it then doesn't build
hi dazza
tested & work fine
try to change:
in AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE_File.Script
hi dazza
tested & work fine
try to change:
in AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE_File.Script
yes I had tried that, but exactly same error - downloads if I click download button, but if I click play button to process the plugin then get same error
Log attached
If the Download Button works - the issue with play button is > during update container file..
the file container attachment is corrupt thus halting the build
I would not change [download] process
Swap the SetupURL in the container file
change setupurl to setupurl2
change setupurl2 to setupurl
and then hit "U" on main plugin
Use extract to verify All program files
update: originally changed %SetupURL% to %SetupURL2% in AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE.Script which didn't work as per my reply
Just tried changing it in AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE_File.Script and it seems to now download - will try a build and see how I get on
Confused as to why it doesn't automatically try second URL if first one fails
UPDATE: changing URL in other plugin fixed it for me and now build succesfully
Or Update/Replace [Download] process within Container file
\Win10XPE\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\HD Tasks\AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE_File.Script
If file exists in provide files (via [Download} process) - that file takes has priority over the container file...
If container file is empty - then [Update _Container] process > passes control to the container file [process]
If you update container file [download] process with code above it will use setupURL2 if setupURL fails
Thanks for replying James - changing it as I said in AOMEI Partition Assistant_XPE_File.Script to %SetupURL2% seemed to work fine and I am up and running
@ Cretino
Here is your "R-Wipe & Clean" XPEPlugin Using The XPE Utility
XPEPlugin Updated by Cretino
Hi, could someone perhaps give me some advice on the best way to add Parted Magic to the boot menu on my USB drive created by Win10XPE?
With Win10PESE and previous there was a plugin to do this
Thanks - and keep up the great work - really loving Win10XPE
I am thinking EasyBCD
Select > File > Select BCD Store --> Point to XPE Media BCD File(s)
Select > Add New Entry
I am thinking EasyBCD
Select > File > Select BCD Store --> Point to XPE Media BCD File(s)
Select > Add New Entry
You sir are a genius!! thanks so much James, did as you said, selected the pmagic iso I had copied to root, clicked Add and it works like a charm
so easy when you know how
Now with that done - If you ever Re-Create the XPE Boot.wim (add or remove program files from XPE)
You Just Need To Copy the New "Boot.wim" to the XPE Media /Sources/ Folder
hi James
@ Cretino
Here is your "R-Wipe & Clean" XPEPlugin Using The XPE Utility
no comment (the retouches of a master), thank you :thumbsup:
updated file in pprevious post ...
@ dazza
Parted Magic can deal with ssd but remember SSD can only be written to a limited number of times ...
@ dazza
Parted Magic can deal with ssd but remember SSD can only be written to a limited number of times ...
Hi cretino, yes I have been testing various solutions and I think parted magic is the best for me as it fully supports secure erase for SSD and NVME which none of the other tools seem to do - hence negating the risk of writing too many times to an SSD by wiping the "old fashioned" way
I get again the old error "Windows media player not installed properly and must be reinstalled" with the new MS Windows Media Player 003 plugin, x86 mode.
Version 002 works OK.
Please test 003 on x86 with
Else it is caused by an additional file I added
I have found it, this is the missing file:
Thank You..
Fixed on my end..
MS Windows Media Player (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28834#msg28834)
hi James
Thank You..
Fixed on my end..
MS Windows Media Player (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28834#msg28834)
tested & work :thumbsup:
Now one could use same [AddFiles] in PESE [FileList]
PESE [FileList]
Default name is [Require_FileList]
I wanted to bring up 2 issues that I have encountered recently.
In the build core section, under additional options, if you choose to change the computer name, there is a definite limit to the name length, not sure what it is, but if you use a name too long, your PE will crash upon boot saying that a "Critical Process Died" (took me quite a while of troubleshooting to figure that out, I thought it was a plugin causing it). See screenshot:
I am not sure what that limit is, or if it is fixable.
The second issue I have is with DiskGenius (and randomly other apps doing the same thing) during the build process, it always fails for this error:
(Genius_XPE.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\Disk Genius_x64\Disk Genius_x64\dos] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO\Programs\Disk Genius_x64]: Unknown error
What unknown error is causing this? This app is built into the project now, not a standalone plugin.
Thanks in advance.
James, I will work on those changes to my GImageX script later this week hopefully.
15 characters is the max name length
(Genius_XPE.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\Disk Genius_x64\Disk Genius_x64\dos] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO\Programs\Disk Genius_x64]: Unknown error
After Getting Error Message:
Verify Exists Directory > "\Win10XPE\Temp\Disk Genius_x64\Disk Genius_x64\dos"
Verify Exists Directory > "\Win10XPE\ISO\Programs\Disk Genius_x64"
15 characters is the max name length
Yes and the computer name cannot contain the following characters \ / : * ? " < > |
I added a Section to take only the first 15 chars and replace the special characters
With a Warning in the Log if the input Computer Name is changed
Thanks for repporting :thumbsup:
[attach=1] to be copied into \Projects\Win10XPE\Features folder
Hi mbstech
re Genius_XPE.Script
This app is built into the project now, not a standalone plugin.
are you sure?
anyway, just tested DiskGenius Ver 510653 with latest XPE and get no build errors
using link --> Disk Genius (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28628#msg28628)
15 characters is the max name length
Yes and the computer name cannot contain the following characters \ / : * ? " < > |
Thanks for info sandy ChrisR,
Pure Luck on my side, I was working on the relevant plugin. :magic:
Here is my feedback:
15 char Limitation only valid for
( I did not test separately )
I only made 15 characters and Special characters limitations to only these 2 values on my side.
Updated StartIsBack++ 2.8.2 23 February 2019
Not sure this was reported.
Regarding Beyond compare. The latest version for some reason does not work. BCompare- It gives extract errors.
You have to edit (so using same reference "BCompare-" in both Main XPEPlugin and XPE Container File
Hi Bigbadmoshe
As James says, but also do it from the current plugin
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660)
not from an earlier one, which would still give extraction errors
regards APT
Thanks. Did not think if that.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
As James says, but also do it from the current plugin
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660)
not from an earlier one, which would still give extraction errors
regards APT
Thanks. Did not think if that.
I uploaded a Better Way to address issue - Now will just need to update XPEPlugin %SetupURL% Download link
- As the New AutoUpdate Container File will import the XPEPlugin Variables
Download both attachments Beyond Compare-4 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660)
Consider it a Test Rollout
Hi James
thanks for the continuing development, of this plugin
working in PESE, but gives error in PEB
[Error] Error - Invalid optional argument or flag [] (If,ExistFile,%MainPlugin%,AddVariables,%MainPlugin%,Variables,"") (Line 27)
In Container File - This seems to work Too
appears to be working in both builders, thanks
Thank You -
That Helps Me Out With A Better Way Of Doing AutoUpdate XPEPlugins
Especially with XPEPlugins using %ProgramVer%
Revised XPEPlugin(s) - Program File Version & Update Via Interface
Beyond Compare-4 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28660#msg28660)
Disk Genius (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28628#msg28628)
CPU-Z * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28637#msg28637)
GPU-Z (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30814#msg30814)
HWinfo * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30814#msg30814)
HW Monitor (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31368#msg31368)
* Denotes > /Projects/MyPlugins/
Thanks for keeping real
(Genius_XPE.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\Disk Genius_x64\Disk Genius_x64\dos] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO\Programs\Disk Genius_x64]: Unknown error
After Getting Error Message:
Verify Exists Directory > "\Win10XPE\Temp\Disk Genius_x64\Disk Genius_x64\dos"
Verify Exists Directory > "\Win10XPE\ISO\Programs\Disk Genius_x64"
Here is what exists after that error message:
\Temp\Disk Genius_x64\DGEngSetup.exe - Nothing else in this folder and no "dos" folder.
\ISO\Program\Disk Genius_x64 - Directory exists but is empty.
This is probably an old version of DG script, I just downloaded the newest one and it works. Explanation below.
15 characters is the max name length
Yes and the computer name cannot contain the following characters \ / : * ? " < > |
I added a Section to take only the first 15 chars and replace the special characters
With a Warning in the Log if the input Computer Name is changed
Thanks for repporting :thumbsup:
(Attachment Link) to be copied into \Projects\Win10XPE\Features folder
Hi mbstech
re Genius_XPE.Script
This app is built into the project now, not a standalone plugin.
are you sure?
anyway, just tested DiskGenius Ver 510653 with latest XPE and get no build errors
using link --> Disk Genius (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28628#msg28628)
APT you are correct. Sorry about that, I got a bit confused apparently. When looking at the plugin list on the forum, I accidentally looked a "HD Tune" and seen it had the * at the end, which denotes it is included in the project. For some reason I had HD Tune on the mind when researching Disk Genius issue. I grabbed the newest files and it is working. Sorry for wasting your time on this confusion. Was a rough week last week.
Has anyone else seen this error when trying to launch Macrorit Disk Scanner program in PE? I have it set to run with RAM instead of USB.
I have noticed that if I browse to here: XPE\Temp\Macrorit Disk Sanner_x64\macrorit disk scanner_x64\DM.st
I can launch that with no issues and this D drive error doesn't happen.
In plugin Beyondcompare-4 section [Launch_Program] doesn't work because %HostOSArch% is empty, it has no value, neither x86 nor x64.
Start,,%ProgramEXE%,,%Tapp% ?????
In plugin Beyondcompare-4 section [Launch_Program] doesn't work because %HostOSArch% is empty, it has no value, neither x86 nor x64.
Hi Oscar,
It is by design, you must build once to get Launch buttons with multiarch xpeplugins work. :wink:
I see. Thank you.
I was aware of that issue, and it was by design, but it also has unintended consequences (although first report)
So, I have proposed a move of that process to ChrisR..
but it also has unintended consequences (although first report)
It should be expected consequences...
As being the inventor of "Launch" button on all plugins since only x86 times :
Not first report, It was reported 9 or more years ago before the current forum ...
Because of some idiots that always sabotage projects,
and some forum amigos at those times, which simply cause wasted time,
It took 3 years to solve that with step by step development
Technically, %SysType% (from Nightman times) and %OSArch% (after JFX or ChrisR) was variables of hostarch.
Later I develop %HostOSArch% for the Launch button and other things.
(not implemented to Win10XPE the way I designed, It was added like %SysType% or %OSArch%)
No failure report around since 7 years or more, and now again. :lol:
As I wrote before these are Expected results and there will be more.... :wink:
Just another short note to history, that is all. :turtle:
Thanks for the History Lesson...
History also shows XPE Processes being followed or duplicated...
So to Quote Myself for XPE History
I was aware of that issue, and it was by design, but it also has unintended consequences (although first report)
So, I have proposed a move of that process to ChrisR..
History also shows XPE Processes being followed or duplicated...
History also shows James follow and duplicate 100 or more plugins, delete others names with an excuse of Fabricated Incompatibility. :lol:
James like follow Win10PESESE other SE and Gena processs. :thumbsup: but with failures, and as written before there will be more. :cool:
So to Quote Myself for XPE History
:lol: very funny indeed. Knowing you for years I already know you like to hear yourself a lot.
Anyway, keeping short, what you all wrote after my Reply #731 is about other topics "Fabricated Incompatibility Win10XPE Discussion"
Launch buttons James duplicated have expected failure and written as a historical post, that is all. :thumbsup:
I love this conversation.
I think the conversation is disrespectfully and used in a manner to discredit Author.
XPE has been out almost a year - and we recently received the first report of a bug regarding Launch Button..
It was never considered a bug because you need to make a First Run to populate project and feature variables...
A fix has been proposed to the Author in regards to that Launch Button bug report...
That will fix the Launch Button bug - but it still would not populate the project and features variables...
That is how Feedback and troubleshooting 101 is used..
Verify the complaint...
Suggest a fix...
the rest in Authors Hands..
So the Fix for this non critical Launch Button issue has been addressed..
It is a simple fix - but yet then has been blown into what seems like a major problem.
Although not a concern to any other user for a year now..
I think the conversation is disrespectfully and used in a manner to discredit Author.
I believe you disrespectfully continue something already done with 3 + 2 total posts in a manner to discredit Author.
Enough to me following your disrespect on the current topic,
I follow my advice to avoid your disrespectful posts in a manner to discredit Author, and respond to you on other topic,
"Fabricated Incompatibility Win10XPE Discussion" Lancelot Reply 56 and 58 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2697.msg32027#msg32027
And a small reply to Bigbadmoshe reply 57 :thumbsup:
RE: Member Optional XPEPlugins:
Would Like To See Members Post Optional XPE Plugins - Here to This Thread..
If You Post A Plugin Here and Later Revise That Plugin - Please Revise Your Original Plugin Post..
Hopefully, We Can Keep The General Discussion To A Minimum - Better To Keep The Discussions On The General Discussion Topic..
UnLockIt XPE Plugin
unLockIt_XPE.7z - Hosted by Mega (https://mega.nz/#!zeoTiSBa!tnKfxTf2lXo2HCXyiSMLlCx2bpSzU5c-bgdfGVQ9JWQ)
Link did not work. :confused:
Windows Boot Genius - Your Ultimate Windows Boot Up Solution
Windows Boot Genius XPE Plugins.7z - Hosted by Mega (https://mega.nz/#!TTQwDAJQ!5OgWWWJcAsRgwZVu3eUGEpPbZEYJcktYPvLvvK4gBgs)
This link also did not work. :confused:
Thank You For the Report I'll Look into the issue
Please Use This Topic For Discussion and I will refer you to here > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2421.msg31553#msg31553
Quick heads up about latest 2 updates.
Using Latest PEBakery i get this error.
[Error] Error - Double-quote's number should be even (If,Not,%ComputerName%,Equal,%CustomComputerName_TextBox%,Echo,"The computer name has been changed to %ComputerName%, its max size is 15 chars and it must not contain special chars: \ / : * ? " < > |",Warn) (Line 98)
[Warning] Echo - Build Stopped due to an Error. (Echo,"Build Stopped due to an Error.",Warn) (Line 361)
I just manually fixed it and it was fine.
If anyone like to test betas.
simplewall Beta v.2.4.3 https://github.com/henrypp/simplewall/releases/download/v.2.4.3/simplewall-2.4.3-bin.zip
Hi Bigbadmoshe
Quick heads up about latest 2 updates.
Using Latest PEBakery i get this error.
OK can't find these, give us a clue
what updates/plugins/projects are we talking about?
APT Error Line In > \Win10XPE\Projects\Win10XPE\Features\CoreOptions.Script
Not sure warning
Hi Bigbadmoshe
Quick heads up about latest 2 updates.
Using Latest PEBakery i get this error.
OK can't find these, give us a clue
what updates/plugins/projects are we talking about?
If,Not,%ComputerName%,Equal,%CustomComputerName_TextBox%,Echo,"The computer name has been changed to %ComputerName%, its max size is 15 chars and it must not contain special chars: \ / : * ? " < > |",Warn
special chars: \ / : * ? " < > |"
as Moshe pointed > need to remove Quote mark from Special Chars
special chars: \ / : * ? < > |
Thanks @Bigbadmoshe @James
must remember to do two things - learn to read :smile: - was looking for string in core.script
and ensure all Features are visable in tree when I run a syntax check :thumbsup:
Hi Joshua
re FileZilla FTP Client plugin
in variables
%FileContainer%=%ScriptDir%\FileZilla FTP Client_XPE_File.Script
--> %FileContainer%=%ScriptDir%\FileZillaFTPClient_XPE_File.Script
if you rem out unnec ExtractSectionFiles,%ScriptFile%,AddFiles it will process much quicker (line64)
and for correct syntax you need to remove last comma on line 28Image01=fz3_win_main.jpg,1,5,145,35,250,199,
regards APT
Hi Joshua
re FileZilla FTP Client plugin
Version 2 is up.
Thanks APT
Quick heads up about latest 2 updates.
Thanks, done :thumbsup:
Package updated with the same date :embarrassed: (MD5=b038d66684654e14aaadcb082cf20a91)
If,Not,%ComputerName%,Equal,%CustomComputerName_TextBox%,Echo,"The computer name has been changed to %ComputerName%, its max size is 15 chars and it must not contain special chars: \ / : * ? " < > |",Warn
If,Not,%ComputerName%,Equal,%CustomComputerName_TextBox%,Echo,"The computer name has been changed to %ComputerName%, its max size is 15 chars and it must not contain special chars: \ / : * ? #$q < > |",Warn
I got this error in GoogleChrome_71.0.3578.98_XPE.script
(ShellExecute,Hide,%GTools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\Chrome.7z#$q -y -o#$q%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%#$q")
[Error] FileRename - [C:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] is a directory, not a file (FileRename,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\Chrome-bin,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%) (Line 43)
[Info] Exec - End of [Win10XPE\MyPlugins\Apps\Network\GoogleChrome_71.0.3578.98_XPE_File.Script]'s Section [Process] (Exec,%FileContainer%,Process)
[Info] Run - End of Section [Update_Container] (If,%SetupContainerSize%-,Equal,-,Run,%ScriptFile%,Update_Container)
[Info] If - End of CodeBlock (If,%SetupContainerSize%-,Equal,-,Run,%ScriptFile%,Update_Container)
[Info] Run - End of Section [Extract] (Run,%ScriptFile%,Extract)
[Info] End of Section [Process]
End of Script [Win10XPE\MyPlugins\Apps\Network\GoogleChrome_71.0.3578.98_XPE.script]
hi Joshua
[Error] FileRename - [C:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] is a directory, not a file (FileRename,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\Chrome-bin,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%) (Line 43)
this line is from GoogleChrome_71.0.3578.98_XPE_File.Script, tested on 86 and its ok but under x64 give this error ...
for me it give this error with 64bit :
FileRename - Failed to rename file: [%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] to:[%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Google Chrome] :Impossible de creer un fichier deja existant
i have deleted "ProgCache" and make another build and is ok for 64bit, strange ...
You Must be testing PEBakery
FileRename - Successfully renamed file: [%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] to:[%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Google Chrome]
FileRename - Successfully renamed file: [%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome-bin] to:[%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome_x64\Google Chrome_x64]
Success here too with both builders
If needed, FileRename can be replaced by DirMove, they do the same thing here
[Success] FileRename - Successfully renamed file: [%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] to:[%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Google Chrome]
[Success] FileRename - Successfully renamed file: [%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome-bin] to:[%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome_x64\Google Chrome_x64]
[Success] FileRename - Directory [E:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] moved to [E:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Google Chrome] (FileRename,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\Chrome-bin,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%)
[Success] FileRename - Directory [E:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome-bin] moved to [E:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome_x64\Google Chrome_x64] (FileRename,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\Chrome-bin,%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%)
I just noted that there may be a problem if the Process is interrupted before Encode
In the case where "ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome" folder already exist
[Failed] FileRename - Failed to rename file: [%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Chrome-bin] to:[%BaseDir%\ProgCache\Google Chrome\Google Chrome\Google Chrome] :Impossible de créer un fichier déjà existant
To prevent in GoogleChrome_71.0.3578.98_XPE_File.Script change:
Please keep "Win10XPE Optional Member XPE Plugins" thread only to post XPEPlugins
To inform or discuss, you can do it here or in a new topic.
Added download links for:
AdvancedIPScanner Version 2.5.3784.0
FileZilla FTP Client Version
Moved, thank you for your understanding :smile:
RE: FurMark
Were missing so i copied from host to \Custom\x64\AdditionalFiles\Windows\SysWOW64
and its working.
Fixed.. :thumbsup:
FurMark GPU Benchmark (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32087#msg32087)
Hi James
re PCI-Z - XPEPlugin
on initial run, line45 stops the container file plugin extraction
ps thanks for the plugin :thumbsup:
when I think about it, when you have an embedded file, you don't need that line at all, as, if not exist, it's extracted anyway
This is ragaarding My Dr.Web Anti Virus xpe plugin
I find it's not worth integrating it into a build as they update the version way to much, and it will not run if its not the latest version.
Fixed.. Following ChrisR
Google Chrome (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695)
Fixed.. Following APT
PCI-Z (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32150#msg32150)
HI Bigbadmoshe
...and it will not run if its not the latest version.
sure, i use kaspersky vrt ,eset scanner,...
Added language support
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32038#msg32038 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32038#msg32038)
Anyone working on a Acronis UniversalRestore plugin for Win10XPE?
Hi Joshua
Anyone working on a Acronis UniversalRestore plugin for Win10XPE?
Not I, - I've always happy to test Acronis plugins, as I know their popularity, but in real life terms I'm not an Acronis user
regards APT
Hi Joshua
You are free to create the XPEPlugin, But I want to offer a little feedback..
Your current Hosting of your XPEPlugins opens a webpage - with a save as of .mht
when you open the page the script is all run together and if saved as .txt then renamed to .script it is not readable by builder (at least for me anyway) I get error message as invalid 2:1
So they are pretty much not usable to me in current form...
If you use the current XPEPlugin Creator - version 7 - Date 2019.02.12
It will create a download if container file empty... Add the link to the SetupFile download after creating the XPEPlugin
Then when you are all done testing - you can delete the container file attachment and reduce the size of file container (to met forum attachment size limitations)
Then you can attach the XPEPlugin and File Container via the Forum...
You will notice that if you click on a forum attachment it will open as Script or it will give the option to save...
Also when testing for required file - deselect ALL Options, Features and XPEPlugins - to get just a Base Build with your XPEPlugin
What I noticed you did today was remove required files from a XPEPlugin because they where included in your Build - By that does not mean they are not required if the selections where different for another user..
So yes, some XPEPlugins will extract the same files as another App, but we must assume no other App was selected..
Also Note: When Testing "Acronis UniversalRestore" upon exit you are forced to reboot...
Download http://dl2.acronis.com/s/AcronisTrueImage2019_ur_en-US.msi
Extract AcronisTrueImage2019_ur_en-US.msi
Extract data1.cab
Extract _58176C3B8F0B8CEB7FEC49D3497C9A4B~ (x86 Files Folder)
Extract _BEAF855FDD6A1EF602C80C58E6555ECC~ (x64 Files Folder)
is it possible to use the yomi plugins within Win10XPE project?
I've tried this several times, but at compile I'm always getting errors like this: "Unable to create directory: CopyOrExpand,%Source_Sys%\#1,%Target_Sys%\#1"
Currently I'm using the download Option to add the yomi server and then select the project I need.
Then using the share-button on yomi I make the plugins visible below the Win10XPE project. Then klick I click on the big blue arrow, but when it reaches the shared plugins then always these error messages pops up.
Today I stumbled over this information:
Default XPE Project Variables
%Target_Prog%=%GTarget%\Program Files
%PE_Programs% -- is always used by new project as "Run From Ram" "Run From USB" scrollbox changes it's X Y value
%CDDrive% --> Not Used Or Defined
%ProgCache%=%BaseDir%\ProgCache --> For Downloaded or User Provided Files - Folder Not Deleted By Project Scripts
PESE To XPE Script Conversion Variables
%HostOSArch% -- If,%ProcessorType%,Equal,8664,Set,%HostOSArch%,x64
%SourceArch% change to %Architecture%
%ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder change to %GTemp%
%TargetLocalSettingsAppdata% change to %TargetAppdataLocal%
%TargetAppdata% change to %TargetAppdataRoaming%
%TargetAUAppdata% change to %TargetProgramData%
Call, Call comma must be removed --> Un-Supported Command
%Tools% change to %GTools%
%Target_Win% change to %GTarget_Win%
%Target_Sys% change to %GTarget_Sys%
Does this mean I have to rewrite the yomi script files in order to replace all the variables to their XPE ones?
Or am I doing something wrong?
Is there a simple way to integrate the yomi plugins?
Hi mayerflash
Does this mean I have to rewrite the yomi script files in order to replace all the variables to their XPE ones?
Yes, although it not always as simple as that, but give it a try, and then ask questions about any difficulties you may be having.
Is there a simple way to integrate the yomi plugins?
No, not in the way I believe you mean
What plugins are you wanting to use?
I'm especially interested in:
- DriveImage XML
- Truecrypt
- Veracrypt
- EASEUS Partition Master Home
DriveImage XML
is already available as part of the Runtime plugin
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29072#msg29072 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29072#msg29072)
WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues
This page exists only to help migrate existing data encrypted by TrueCrypt.
The development of TrueCrypt was ended in 5/2014 after Microsoft terminated support of Windows XP
Source > http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/
Also when testing for required file - deselect ALL Options, Features and XPEPlugins - to get just a Base Build with your XPEPlugin
What I noticed you did today was remove required files from a XPEPlugin because they where included in your Build - By that does not mean they are not required if the selections where different for another user..
So yes, some XPEPlugins will extract the same files as another App, but we must assume no other App was selected..
I already do that. :wink:
Thanks for your other hints. :thumbsup:
Hi mayerflash,
is it possible to use the yomi plugins within Win10XPE project?
Yes, they work nicely at home here. :thumbsup:
But for now not public, requires some work to get easy use by the public similar the way you wrote,
but I spend my low free time to improve Win10PESE and other plugin related things these days.
Later in future all plugins will work with Win10XPE. :thumbsup:
Today I stumbled over this information:
Does this mean I have to rewrite the yomi script files in order to replace all the variables to their XPE ones?
Another way around ( with Oscar words de facto a 360º turn ) there is XPE2PESE plugin by Oscar
(more correct XPEPlugin to Plugin converter)
Or wait for a long while, as I had written all plugins will work with Win10XPE in future. :thumbsup:
Or am I doing something wrong?
No. :thumbsup:
It is by design. :great:
Is there a simple way to integrate the yomi plugins?
As I wrote on current reply, they will work with Win10XPE out of box, but requires some time.
Since I mostly spend the low free time to improve Win10PESE and Improve Plugin related things,
Such thing not urgent on my side..
It is more fun to work on development related things when I find some free time. :cool:
Further better ask "Plugin" related questions out of "Win10XPE HomePage" section. :great:
I am sure you get "spam advertisement pm" after your 2 replies to the other topic
Yomi (General Plugins Collection) Reply 48 49 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=175.msg32305#msg32305
Advice: do not rely on info at pm advertisements :wink:
Sorry for that, these days some people we know pm project advertisement whoever post on a topic !
Life goes... :turtle:
Hi Joshua
Your current Hosting of your XPEPlugins opens a webpage - with a save as of .mht
when you open the page the script is all run together and if saved as .txt then renamed to .script it is not readable by builder (at least for me anyway) I get error message as invalid 2:1
So they are pretty much not usable to me in current form...
download change to .7z format :wink:
hi APT
re Bypass Windows Password
v 2019.3.7.0 IS OUT
Gui version updated...
download change to .7z format :wink:
Hi Cretino
re Bypass Windows Password
v 2019.3.7.0 IS OUT
thanks for heads up :thumbsup:
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31539#msg31539 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg31539#msg31539)
download change to .7z format :wink:
(Attachment Link)
No problem with Firefox. :confused:
What can i do?
Hi Joshua
download change to .7z format
as you say, works with no problem in Firefox (my default) :thumbsup:
but not in IE :confused: similar result as James
Hi Joshua
download change to .7z format
as you say, works with no problem in Firefox (my default) :thumbsup:
but not in IE :confused: similar result as James
I change to .zip format. Now it works. :grin:
Testet with IE, Firefox, Chrome
Hi Joshua
Hi Joshua
(Attachment Link)
(Attachment Link)
Thanks for your help. :thumbsup:
Hi Joshua
Both x86 and x64 Supported By Edits
Hi James
re FileZilla FTP
having a few probs with the SetupURL, seems to vary between dl1, dl2 and dl3 for x64
Thanks for pointing that the download link is not consistent, it also has a security feature..
So we have two options either Personally Host Container File or Integrate Provide File Option
Quick heads-up.
MiniTool Partition Wizard 11.0.1 has been released.
Hi James
re: Acronis Backup 12.5 - XPEPlugin - thanks for plugin
requirement for a File Container stopping plugin running
thanks APT
and whilst I can see that you offered setup files, poss warning on plugin that installer downloads are > 1GB plus
Thank You...
Updated Kingsoft WPS Office 2019 Beta - XPEPlugin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32505#msg32505) with File Associations
No Need To Re-Download Compressed Container File
@ Muggles
RE: NT6Repair GUI Version 3.9.2014.730 (c)SIW2
Mark Out or Remove The Follow lines In Each Section
@ Muggles
RE: NT6Repair GUI Version 3.9.2014.730 (c)SIW2
Mark Out or Remove The Follow lines In Each Section
Thank you for the kind reminder, I remember *now* seeing the posts regarding the slowdown that unused stuff causes. All fixed in v2! :thumbsup:
Kingsoft WPS Office 2019 Beta - XPEPlugin
By Member Request
Good work.
Works great for me. :smile: i am only missing language support before build. :wink:
You Need to Add the Language Pack Folder Downloaded in PE
Into the Current "Kingsoft WPS Office 2019_XPE_File.7z\AppData\Roaming\kingsoft\wps\addons\pool\win-i386\
It may also be helpful if you capture the registry changes before and after "Switching Language" as several setting regarding office change
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\SOFTWARE\Kingsoft\Office\6.0\Common\updateinfo,LastKsoActive,"2019-03-25 09:01:35"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\SOFTWARE\Kingsoft\Office\6.0\wpsoffice\Application Settings",RestartAppInfo,",2620"
Google Chrome (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) Updated To v73.0.3683.75
Thanks To Doberman For Prior Version Testing and Feedback...
Hi James
Google Chrome Updated To v73.0.3683.75
thanks - working fine for me -v73 seems quite quick and responsive :thumbsup:
Update for
Windows Login Unlocker 1.5
Windows Login Unlocker (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30375#msg30375) - Updated 2019.03.28
Thanks For The Reports
Hi All
please find WinPE.zip for Acronis 2019 bld.17750 at general post
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2661.msg32627#msg32627 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2661.msg32627#msg32627)
tested, working with XPE plugin with no file name changes, just Acronis Build number box = 17750
MS Edge Browser - XPEPlugin - x64Only
Chromium Based Edge Browser - Version Leaked
- It works really well to be still in a phase of development.
Would it be possible to add more configurations to the script? As with google chrome. (Start page, language, add favorites bar, etc ...)
To Test Your Additional Options - Follow Google
Since it was a leak, it was just a quick test in PE
Google Follows a Custom Made - Master Preferances
It contains Variables that are then populated by interface values
Which we still have to work on
Back from trip, offline
MMDevices Stereo Sound (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32604#msg32604) is a good option :thumbsup:
Does it seem better to you to do it automatically for 1809 and maybe next version, behind the Audio plugin ?
If appropriate, I can move the plugin in \Projects\Win10XPE\Features + hidden (level=0)
Then called from Audio.Script: If,%SourceBuild%,Equal,17763,Run,%ScriptDir%\MMDevices_Stereo_XPE.script,MMDevices1803
Or turn it in a reg file: If,%SourceBuild%,Equal,17763,RegImportFile,%ScriptDir%\MMDevices_Stereo.txt
It can also be done with an option added in Build Core, Options Tab
Or leave it as an standalone plugin in tweaks
what do you think about it?
Thanks for MS Edge chromium plugin :thumbsup:
testing Build 18434 (1903 ??) and Audio By Default is yet again 2 Speaker Stereo
just like prior 1803 - so seems to just effect 1809 for now
Also been updating All XPEPlugins with missing mui & mun files
Hi James
Aomei Backupper XPEplugin update available 4.62 --> 4.63
tested with main zip distribution version plugin
seems to be working fine with just %CheckVersion%= changed
https://www.backup-utility.com/changelog.html (https://www.backup-utility.com/changelog.html)
Thanks APT..
Also been updating All XPEPlugins with missing mui & mun files
It seems we misunderstood, I did it the other way by removing all mui and mun resources in the base
It seemed easier for me to write plugins like this and extracting the resources at the end
However, it doesn't really matter as long as the resources are there at the end :wink:
I still have a few things to finish and I'll share with you so we can be in sync :thumbsup:
Updated them all with M&M Files
No PENetwork Tray Icon
Updated them all with M&M Files
Sweet :thumbsup: That's a big bag of M&M's!!!
I'll take a full bag of M&M when your screen gets full, 14 are missing :icecream:
Remote Desktop Connection - has Bad icon..
Not all Apps have desktop shortcuts - or I missed placing them..
All XPE Plugins Have been updated in forum to include M&M Files....
The Project XPE Plugins Will Be Included In The Next Project Release...
Just Waiting On 1903 Retail Release to Make Any Final Adjustments To Project...
Hi oliverjia
re ATI plugin
Odd, the one I downloaded on the april 06 from
http://theoven.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=a05a9e331f4d321c050c05d8eb54731f&topic=2607.msg29376#msg29376 dated 2019.03.29
has those line still there, and still has today that I can see :confused:
Edit see James reply
Thanks APT for the info!
Yes, as James mentioned, I override the old AIT2019 script file with the "personal" version included in the plugin package. Anyway, I manually added these lines in the script and it worked OK.
the personal version works ok without those additional interface lines...
Microsoft - Chromium Based - Edge Browser
Official Insider Release
See Members Optional XPEPlugin "Index"
Source > https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/download/?platform=win10
Testing 18865 with the beta release of XPE and all seems ok...
New Update for Dism++ 10.1.1000.90B (2019-04-13)
Thank You..
DISM++ (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32817#msg32817) Update Posted..
Thank You..
DISM++ (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32817#msg32817) Update Posted..
Thanks for the Speedy Delivery
PCI-Z (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32150#msg32150) - revised To Download updated PCI-ID BaseFile
Thanks Nikky.....
Google Chrome * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) Updated v73.0.3683.103
ShowKeyPlus (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28720#msg28720) Updated to included Required VC Runtime Files for 10.0.18632
Actually the Files added to ShowKeyPlus are NetFX > File Requirements for 18362
Google Chrome * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) Updated v74.0.3729.108
AOMEI Partition Assistant 8.2 available and still running with AOMIE Partition Assistant - Multi Edition - XPE Plugin so I guess no major file changes (reg as Pro tested)
changelog and download links
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2661.msg33073#msg33073 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2661.msg33073#msg33073)
the 8.2 version std is d/l from http://www2.aomeisoftware.com/download/pa/PAssist_Std.exe (http://www2.aomeisoftware.com/download/pa/PAssist_Std.exe)
Thanks APT..
Had to swap URL's in both XPEPlugin & Container File to get version 8.2
Shadow Explorer Portable (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33077#msg33077) - Tested working on 10.0.17763 & 10.0.18632
Added Required Build Protections and Required NETFx2 Files
MS Net Framework 3.5 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28504#msg28504) - Updated Registry Files
hi James
asoft.net version detector needed to be updated (lastest is 19R1) in DotNET.script
thanks for Shadow Explorer its ok :thumbsup:
and thanks for MS Net Framework 3.5 now i can run systools pdf unloker :grin:
Thank You For Your Testing Feedback...
It means a lot for all the time I spend perfecting small things..
\Win10XPE\Projects\Win10XPE\Features\DotNET.script > Additional File Support & Updated Asoft .NET Detector
NetFx Setup Verification Tool - XPE Plugin
(Attachment Link) - Date: 2019.05.02
Hi James, if I try to play this plugin, I get this error: Run - Failed to find section [PluginSetx64] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Components\NetFx Setup Verifier_XPE.Script]
Can you check that please?
Fixed ...
Thank You...
hi James
updated for VcRunTimes XPE ( v14.20.27508.1)
Updated VCRuntime to 14.20 > See MOP Index
hi James
re AOMEI Partition Assistant 8.2
for Dynamic DiskManager (x64 ) needed to add ddmdrv.sys to SysWOW64 (ddmdrv.sys is 32.4KO)
I noticed that ampa.sys is 34.9 ko in SysWOW64
so i changed
tested and ok
Done !!
Thank You..
Sucks that he is stopping.
Here is the latest current version:
The function of prompts is redone in it and the definition of sleep mode works Attention: The project is closed ! I will not explain the reasons, there are many of them. Perhaps there will be new versions, but I will not post them in public. Only for myself, only for friends ...
Latest Version WLU_v1.5_18.05 https://usbtor.ru/dl.php?id=2324
Thank You..
O&O CheckDisk
Message,"Extracted files from o&o bluecon 16 setup.exe from ChkDsk.83F98F20_18CE_4161_A35A_FDEDFBD88532 This was missing-> "
[Error] [E] ShellExecute - The system cannot find the file specified (ShellExecute,Hide,%Tools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%SetupFile%#$q -y -o#$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%#$q") (Line 71)
Changed %Tools% --> %GTools% works now
hi Bigbadmoshe
updated scripts
Thank You ...
hi James
updated for VcRunTimes XPE ( v14.21.27702.2)
Updated - See XPEPlugin Index
USing latest 1903 ISO from Microsoft.
PEBakery getting:
[Warning] Echo - Wimlib Cleanup and reduce Winre.wim return : -1 (Else,Echo,"Wimlib Cleanup and reduce Winre.wim return : %ExitCode%",Warn) (Line 796)
Compared to using UUP release, Windows folder is 2.3 GB. On UUP its 1.4.
anyone have any ideas? build options i changed to not included extras.
Does anyone know if there is a built in tool that can lock the screen of the PE session? Trying to automate unattended deployment and would like to lock the screen while imaging scripts are run in the background.
Thank you.
ClearLock Screen Locker (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32946#msg32946)
hi James
re -JAVA JRE-8U211 For Windows-
thanks for the plugin
:thumbsup: :grin:
So can I assume the ChronoApp and zzcapture app require JAVA ??
So the Java XPEPlugin is a working AddOn ??
And just out of curiosity what was the build arch ??
Does anyone know if there is a built in tool that can lock the screen of the PE session? Trying to automate unattended deployment and would like to lock the screen while imaging scripts are run in the background.
Thank you.
Like james said http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32946#msg32946
hi James
So can I assume the ChronoApp and zzcapture app require JAVA ?
So the Java XPEPlugin is a working AddOn ??
yes , but may be "thefuse" can share some java apps to do more test ...
And just out of curiosity what was the build arch ??
tested on both x86 & 64 bit
for ZZScreenShooter on 64bit need networkexplorer.dll & opengl32.dll in syswow64 ...
Thank you for the feedback...
@James when you have the time.
MiniTools Partition has been updated to 11.4
I did quick check and found these files have been changed/added
already included in file copy process - except Powerdata*
already included in file copy process - except Powerdata*
Strange. The two power recovery files were not there?
v11.1 No - 11.4 Yes
v11.1 No - 11.4 Yes
Update -> See XPEPlugin Index
re "MiniTools Partition"
thanks for the plugin James :thumbsup:
I have added this to plugin
pScrollBox1="french |37|FR",1,4,21,179,96,21,"English |31|EN","french |37|FR","german |42|GE","japanese |59|JA"
pCheckBox1=ShowLoader,1,3,22,209,94,18,True,"__disable ShowLoader"
i have a question where i can find a doc about "StrFormat,SPLIT,%pScrollBox1%,|,2,%LangFile%" because in same script there is 4 or 5 instead of 2 ... (may be a stupid question!!?)
refer to firefox ESR
it uses 5 spaces
The url in the MiniTool Partition is old i have not been able to find the newer one. its downloading 11.01.
The clearlock plugin. If you set a password it hashes it, but when you try to unlock with the password use, it does not work. Any ideas?
hi James
thanks for help !, i forgot to tell you i changed this line in script:
@ Bigbadmoshe
The url in the MiniTool Partition is old
pw11-setup have version but partitionwizard.exe is
i have not been able to find the newer one...
Thanks Cretino,
Added Lang Scrollbox
I Fixed Typo
I disabled splash screen permanent
hi Bigbadmoshe
The clearlock plugin. If you set a password it hashes it, but when you try to unlock with the password use, it does not work. Any ideas?
I believe that ClearLock (encryption) here does not support Unicode.
Languages like Spanish, German, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Romanian, Hebrew....
from http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=621.0 Reply 14
Reply 16
I use Eng Win8 to make Win8PESE , now ClearLock works properly.
hi Bigbadmoshe
The clearlock plugin. If you set a password it hashes it, but when you try to unlock with the password use, it does not work. Any ideas?
I believe that ClearLock (encryption) here does not support Unicode.
Languages like Spanish, German, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Romanian, Hebrew....
from http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=621.0 Reply 14
Reply 16
I use Eng Win8 to make Win8PESE , now ClearLock works properly.
I'm using regular numbers. 12345.
I just set it 5o ask for password on execution and it seems to work.
I just tested Clearlock Screen Locker XPEPlugin using Win10-18632 EN-US as source
Using a Number Password works on both x86 and x64 Builds..
Hi, I cant get Norton Power Eraser to work.
When I start the application I get an error that newer version in needed.
I have updated the download link in Norton script to download newest version.
Still I get the same error that newer version is needed.
I tried to download and run application when booting Win10XPE on real machine and still error.
Download link Quickly Updated - Norton Power Eraser (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29540#msg29540)
Please Test and provide feedback
MSGame Pack For XPE (https://mega.nz/#!mCIDCQQC!ha2KQEjt6RGyCL2MBGAR0aeR6498xVkmVfSPn_cYsYs)
All Thanks To Cretino...
I started out as just adding a few file requirement to his game uploads...
Then I took it a lot further throughout the day...
Now Includes 8 Games...
What's new ‒ version 10.1.1000.100 (2019-06-07)
Thanks you so much.
Updated - See XPEPlugin index...
Forgot to add. Chrome has been updated to 75*
was just ready to upload...
was just ready to upload...
:) you are faster than a speeding bullet.
You keep me posted and I'll keep updating..
thanks, Bigbadmoshe
What's new ‒ version 10.1.1000.100 (2019-06-07)
1. Solve the bug, the ISO function can't create an ISO problem of more than 7.9GB (thanks to walking around the world is a monster).
2. Solve the bug, 14393 and other old versions of Win10 can not be normal InfusedApps does not delete the problem.
3. Resolve bugs that some network environments cannot automatically update.
4. Solve the bug and solve the 1903 platform NCleaner delivery optimization cache crash problem.
5. Improve the experience, adjust backup restore privileges to optional, and enhance Dism++ usability.
6. Other, wimgapi.dll is updated to Windows 10 17763.
7. Other, fully switch to VS2019 compilation.
Improved Java x86 and WoW64 Support...
Added Java x64 Support via x64 XPEPlugin...
See XPEPlugin Index...
RE: FastCopy
its also has been updated to 3.81
Errors with regard to context menu dll files. when you copy files and try to past with FastCopy it does not work.
And can you make the context menu as a submenu.
I Included screenshot.
Fast Copy (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33255#msg33255) Done...
Fixed Context Menu x64 Error
Added Sub-Menu Option
Updated v3.81
Acronis TrueImage Beta - XPE Plugin
Attachment removed
Currently Testing Windows Insider Preview 10.0.18917
No sure anyone else is, but so far XPE is looking good...
I know it is a :zzz: forum
where folks just :bounce: in and out
to :go_fish: for information
But without Active Members and Member Feedback
This Forum is :rip:
Currently Testing Windows Insider Preview 10.0.18917
No sure anyone else is, but so far XPE is looking good...
I know it is a :zzz: forum
where folks just :bounce: in and out
to :go_fish: for information
But without Active Members and Member Feedback
This Forum is :rip:
It has been very quiet lately, but I'm still around and checking new posts every day, just don't always need to login and post if all working okay - which with XPE it usually is, as it works so well :)
Does this help with your plugin @James?
already got it.
Process Explorer v16.25
Process Monitor v3.52
For Everyone else Autoruns Updated to v13.95
RE: dot11expert
Error attached image.
Where is Process Explorer XPEPlugin ?? Link Please...
I'll update Process Monitor
And Dot11Expert should already be extracting wlanapi.dll
Autoruns - already updated - see index
the updated version of Process Monitor only has 1 exe
which I believe is for x86
sorry wrong upload on Dot11Expert
Fixed.. see index
If I'm spamming let me know.
Q-dir updated. 7.5.8 Has auto update
HWInfo updated. 6.08. "
CrystalDiskInfo. 8.1.0 "
Nope, your doing fine...
A lot of Apps are Auto-Update via Program Version TextBox
CrystalDiskInfo - updated download link - see index
I have Ifranview updated - but can not upload to forum..
ver 3.82
Add non-exclusive open for Destination files option. (Copy/Move Option Settings).
I can make these but would rather you take care of XPE Plugins.
hi Bigbadmoshe
The latest version is 4.73b SSD dated April 22, 2019
More than 25 improvements
2019 - the program is still alive and better!
Half a year has passed since the beginning of the resumption of the Victoria project: a free program designed for diagnostics, research, speed testing and minor repair of hard drives (HDD), SSD drives, memory cards, and any other drives in the Windows operating system.
During this time, "Victoria" has been significantly improved, adapted to modern conditions, has acquired many new functions. But even more appeared new ideas to be realized.
hi Bigbadmoshe
The latest version is 4.73b SSD dated April 22, 2019
More than 25 improvements
2019 - the program is still alive and better!
Half a year has passed since the beginning of the resumption of the Victoria project: a free program designed for diagnostics, research, speed testing and minor repair of hard drives (HDD), SSD drives, memory cards, and any other drives in the Windows operating system.
During this time, "Victoria" has been significantly improved, adapted to modern conditions, has acquired many new functions. But even more appeared new ideas to be realized.
(Attachment Link)
I personally update my apps on my side.
I think it's better for James to maintain them. If this is not the best solution please let me know.
hi Bigbadmoshe
I think it's better for James to maintain them. ..
We all know the saying that A hand does not applaud alone ( at least two ) :wink:
I have no issue with updates or Apps by others..
Upload to a general topic and I'll edit Index Post..
This way we can make any needed adjustments, before Indexing the App
We already have Apps that members uploaded and then forgot about
I look at it this way MO XPEPlugin Index is our XPEPlugin Server....
Normally members would upload Apps to general Forum for Testing and feedback from others.
Then after any required adjustments where made to App.
Then it would be uploaded to server as a tested and known working App..
We have had to delete Apps from Topic as they where never tested and did not work...
These non-works App uploads - caused issues down the road - with error complaints and required a Mod to remove or correct Post..
(which is not easy - due to lack of MOD's -as I can not MOD members posts)
1) Use XPEPlugin Creator
2) Upload App to general forum for testing and feedback..
3) Make any suggested adjustments or changes >
4) Upload to MO XPEPlugins
5) Maintain your App and Post
Just my suggestions...
FastCopy Updated 3.82
see XPEPlugin Index
HCIDesign MemTest - XPE Plugin
[attach=1] - Date: 2019.06.23
[attach=2] - Date: 2019.06.23
I uploaded here because this App has a lot of Popup Messages within App
Due to it being free edition.. And not worth it to me..
RE: Dism++
Got this a few times when trying to Recovery -> Scan Health
Any ideas?
that does not appear to be a windows file...
That has to do with DISM++
also ScanHealth is an online command
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
restoreHealth is an offline command
Dism /Image:C:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
also ScanHealth is an online command
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
restoreHealth is an offline command
Dism /Image:C:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Thanks for that.
I'm lazy and love clicking buttons
hi James
updated for VcRunTimes XPE ( v14.22.27807.1)
links provided by abbodi86
See XPEPlugin Index
hi James
Currently Testing Windows Insider Preview 10.0.18917
No sure anyone else is, but so far XPE is looking good...
mmm not for admin mode, didnt passed the first screen ... ( for basic build is ok for now !!, tested with 18922.1)
Additional Required Files - \Win10XPE\Projects\Win10XPE\Features\Admin_AddFiles.txt
hi James
thank you ... :thumbsup:
hi James
Currently Testing Windows Insider Preview 10.0.18917
No sure anyone else is, but so far XPE is looking good...
mmm not for admin mode, didnt passed the first screen ... ( for basic build is ok for now !!, tested with 18922.1)
Can yo rename a Folder?
hi slore
Can yo rename a Folder?
do you mean any folder!!!! , if so yes , i tested with different location & i can rename any one (with & without administartor mode)
here the reg file for FolderTypes & FolderDescriptions (wind 10 18922.1 , if it can help)
CrystalDiskInfo 8.2.0
8.2.0 [2019/06/30]
Added Temperature Setting Dialog
Added SKhynix SSD support
Changed temperature threshold for SSD from 50°C to 60°C
Added Shizuku7thAnniversary theme [Shizuku Edition]
Changed default theme to Shizuku7thAnniversary [Shizuku Edition]
Built with Visual Studio 2019 Update 1
For everyone else.
Autoruns for Windows v13.96
Process Explorer v16.26
I am trying to get Startisback to not show Lock or Switch Account.
I changed the Registry setting and added the following lines to additional scripts. But its still showing. Does anyone have a solution?
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_Default\Software\StartIsBack\ShutdownChoices,"Shut down",2
Nope... Has always show those choices....
Testing Rainmeter. On Hyper-v not starting. closed the process and tried manually. I will try a physical machine and report back.
Update for MiniTool Partition Wizard
V11.5 (Jul. 3, 2019) Latest Upgrade!!
Add Italian and Korean.
Optimize Convert Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk feature.
Support BitLocker partition recovery.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qt_de,2.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x86\qt_de.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qt_en,1.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x86\qt_en.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qt_ja,2.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x86\qt_ja.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qtbase_de,2.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x86\qtbase_de.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qtbase_ja,2.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x86\qtbase_ja.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qtbase_zh,1.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x86\qtbase_zh.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qt_de,3.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x64\qt_de.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qt_en,2.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x64\qt_en.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qt_ja,3.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x64\qt_ja.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qtbase_de,3.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x64\qtbase_de.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qtbase_ja,3.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x64\qtbase_ja.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
[Failed] (PartitionWizard11_XPE.Script) CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\qtbase_zh,2.q_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\MiniTool Partition Wizard 11\x64\qtbase_zh.qm]: The system cannot find the file specified.
12 errors occured!
Updated.... See Index...
They keep messing with the language....
But they did fix Installer version to match program version...
Hi James
re Aomei Backupper v5.0.0.0
your updated script is working well and runs up fine in a VM
not tested for full backup as not an aomei user, but looks very promising - thanks
found 2 additional files
and several *,1.dll no longer present
HFS+ for Windows - XPE Plugin
HFS+ is one of the primary file systems of MacOS. If you work on Windows computer and need to read or write files from Drive formatted under macOS, you need HFS+ for Windows by Paragon Software.
Need MacOS Testers...
this one only took 2.5 hrs - chock that up to recent experaince
Need MacOS Testers...
James, pass it to me. I can test it on a HFS+ partition.
Not looking to have My Forum Distributed Scripts - Modified and Privately Hosted... :embarrassed:
They are Distributed openly in the forum to solicit feedback in regards to Testing, Bug Reports and Bug fixes..
Currently there appears to be "Build Model" (USB - RAM) Bug in LinuxFS for Windows
Just waiting on testing results
Not looking to have My Forum Distributed Scripts - Modified and Privately Hosted... :embarrassed:
Not sure if this refers to me. I am sorry if I did something not appropriately.
I am a newbie and not trying to take any credits from this forum.
There are a lot of things to learn (follow) from your forum as it has been established for years.
yes it was in reference to you in regards to LinuxFS for Windows
"We do not usually Auto-start every service for every program"
That is the reason it was uploaded as a TEST
The Dokan Service Bug you fixed was with one line of copied registry code
But in this case - it was needed to get program working...
You made personal modifications to a TEST and then linked to personal Cloud as a working App
Although others have found and confirmed a Build Model Bug - in which is easily solved...
Then you "LOL" about the VC14 and Auto-Update Feature > You removed....
Without understanding why those features where added into script....
Not looking to fault you and your apology is accepted - as you are new here..
As Co-Author of Win10XPE - We have certain Standards we follow to maintain an Exceptional Project..
And HFS+ Not ready for public testing... So currently testing privately...
Here is a Public Test Of Superfly's WinXPE Driver Integration...
Written in PowerShell - Requires PowerShell & .Net Framework
We are perfecting the Messaging and Process - But would like user to test the functions...
See XPE Plugin Thread for Test App
Dont know whats going on but i have the correct installer but i am getting these messages. i redownloaded the script 2 times.
I do not know..
Reset your Project from main interface and reselect your source
make New Build with MT11 Selected..
I assume there are certain variables that have to be reset..
Due to seeing - Target 64 - in your log
working OK for me x64
Here is a Public Test Of Superfly's WinXPE Driver Integration...
Written in PowerShell - Requires PowerShell & .Net Framework
We are perfecting the Messaging and Process - But would like user to test the functions...
Here are the two reports generated by the integration process...
You will notice Some drivers require a reboot - thus they are not usable after the fact and must be integrated into the build
Driver Integration Report
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: prnms009.Inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem0.inf
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: prnms001.Inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem1.inf
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: heci.inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem2.inf
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C3A&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&B0
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: LynxPointSystem.inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem3.inf
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C10&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_D4\3&11583659&0&E0
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C22&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FB
System reboot is needed to complete install operations!
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C1E&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_D4\3&11583659&0&E7
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C14&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_D4\3&11583659&0&E2
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
System reboot is needed to complete install operations!
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: HDXSGMA4.inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem4.inf
Driver package installed on device: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0899&SUBSYS_102805B7&REV_1000\4&A25F3A2&0&0001
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: ibtusb.inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem5.inf
Unable to install driver package: The installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance.
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 0
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: C0296217.inf
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem6.inf
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_675D&SUBSYS_2B221028&REV_00\4&519621C&0&0008
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: Netwbw02.INF
Driver package added successfully.
Published Name: oem7.inf
Driver package installed on device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_08B1&SUBSYS_40628086&REV_73\4&228C828A&0&00E7
Total driver packages: 1
Added driver packages: 1
Devcon Resetting Report
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1002\5&20B20516&0&0001: Restarted
ACPI\PNP0C01\1 : Restarted
USB\VID_413C&PID_2112&MI_00\6&2ADFD08C&0&0000 : Restarted
ACPI\PNP0C02\1 : Restarted
ACPI\PNP0C02\2 : Restarted
ACPI\PNP0000\4&61E5762&0 : Restarted
ACPI\INT3394\2&DABA3FF&0 : Restarted
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_1: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_2: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_3: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_4: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_5: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_6: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_7: Requires reboot
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_60_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)_I7-4770_CPU_@_3.40GHZ\_8: Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0C0B\0 : Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0C0B\1 : Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0C0B\2 : Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0C0B\3 : Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0C0B\4 : Requires reboot
STORAGE\VOLUME\_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_SD#MMC&REV_1.00#20100818841300000&2#{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}: Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E4-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#0000000EE7C00000: Restarted
USB\VID_8087&PID_8008\5&41084FC&0&1 : Restarted
ROOT\VOLMGR\0000 : Requires reboot
ROOT\BASICDISPLAY\0000 : Requires reboot
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E3-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#0000000000100000: Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E2-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#000000273C8C1000: Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C20&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&D8: Restarted
ACPI\THERMALZONE\TZ00 : Requires reboot
ACPI\THERMALZONE\TZ01 : Requires reboot
STORAGE\VOLUME\_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_SANDISK&PROD_CRUZER&REV_8.01#057273112A4149C4&0#{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}: Restarted
ACPI\PNP0C04\4&61E5762&0 : Restarted
USB\VID_413C&PID_2112&MI_01\6&2ADFD08C&0&0001 : Restarted
USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&1D8BB4BC&0 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C31&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&A0: Restarted
ACPI\PNP0103\0 : Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E2-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#00000000065F9A00: Restarted
ROOT\VDRVROOT\0000 : Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E2-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#0000004F3C300000: Restarted
ROOT\SPACEPORT\0000 : Requires reboot
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SANDISK&PROD_CRUZER&REV_8.01\057273112A4149C4&0: Restart failed
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C3A&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&B0: Restarted
ROOT\KDNIC\0000 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0C00&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_06\3&11583659&0&00: Restarted
ACPI\PNP0100\4&61E5762&0 : Restarted
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_SM/XD-PICTURE&REV_1.00\20100818841300000&1: Restart failed
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C10&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_D4\3&11583659&0&E0: Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_SM#XD-PICTURE&REV_1.00#20100818841300000&1#{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}: Restart failed
ACPI\INT0800\4&61E5762&0 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_675D&SUBSYS_2B221028&REV_00\4&519621C&0&0008: Requires reboot
ROOT\RAMDISK\0000 : Requires reboot
USB\VID_0781&PID_5406\057273112A4149C4 : Restart failed
RAMDISK\RAMVOLUME\{D9B257FC-684E-4DCB-AB79-03CFA2F6B750} : Requires reboot
ACPI\INT3F0D\4&61E5762&0 : Restarted
ROOT\UMBUS\0000 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C22&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FB: Restarted
ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 : Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0A08\0 : Requires reboot
USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&187F3776&0 : Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_M.S.#M.S.PRO#HG&REV_1.00#20100818841300000&3#{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}: Restarted
SCSI\DISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_SSD_850_PRO_512G\4&247D9772&0&010000: Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C44&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&F8: Requires reboot
PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AA90&SUBSYS_AA901028&REV_00\4&519621C&0&0108: Restarted
USB\VID_413C&PID_2112\5&2DD685F0&0&3 : Restarted
USB\VID_8087&PID_8000\5&D0663BF&0&1 : Restarted
ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0 : Requires reboot
HTREE\ROOT\0 : Restarted
ROOT\BASICRENDER\0000 : Requires reboot
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C1E&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_D4\3&11583659&0&E7: Restarted
USB\VID_0BDA&PID_0182\20100818841300000 : Restarted
SCSI\DISK&VEN_&PROD_ST1000DM003-1CH1\4&247D9772&0&020000 : Restarted
USB\VID_8087&PID_07DC\5&2DD685F0&0&13 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C02&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FA: Restarted
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_M.S./M.S.PRO/HG&REV_1.00\20100818841300000&3: Restarted
HID\VID_046D&PID_C063\6&137B22D7&0&0000 : Restarted
ACPI\FIXEDBUTTON\2&DABA3FF&0 : Requires reboot
ACPI\PNP0C02\10 : Restarted
ACPI\PNP0200\4&61E5762&0 : Restarted
HID\VID_413C&PID_2112&MI_01&COL01\7&1296A7FD&0&0000 : Restarted
ACPI\PNP0B00\4&61E5762&0 : Requires reboot
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E2-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#0000000000008000: Restarted
ACPI\PNP0C0C\AA : Requires reboot
SCSI\CDROM&VEN_TSSTCORP&PROD_DVD+-RW_SH-216CB\4&247D9772&0&030000: Restarted
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_SD/MMC&REV_1.00\20100818841300000&2: Restarted
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_COMPACT_FLASH&REV_1.00\20100818841300000&0: Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C2D&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&D0: Restarted
STORAGE\VOLUME\_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_GENERIC-&PROD_COMPACT_FLASH&REV_1.00#20100818841300000&0#{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}: Restarted
USB\VID_046D&PID_C063\5&2DD685F0&0&4 : Restarted
ACPI\PNP0C02\111 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C14&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_D4\3&11583659&0&E2: Restarted
HID\VID_413C&PID_2112&MI_00\7&2A5A3442&0&0000 : Restarted
HID\VID_413C&PID_2112&MI_01&COL02\7&1296A7FD&0&0001 : Restarted
ROOT\MSSMBIOS\0000 : Restarted
DISPLAY\DEL4072\5&78E5BED&0&UID258 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_0C\4&1BC7CABB&0&00E2: Restarted
ROOT\SYSTEM\0000 : Restarted
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0899&SUBSYS_102805B7&REV_1000\4&A25F3A2&0&0001: Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0C01&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_06\3&11583659&0&08: Requires reboot
STORAGE\VOLUME\{7A8420E4-A0DF-11E9-973D-806E6F6E6963}#0000000000100000: Restarted
USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&36DF2F0A&0&0 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C26&SUBSYS_05B71028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&E8: Restarted
SCSI\DISK&VEN_&PROD_TS128GMSA370\4&247D9772&0&050000 : Restarted
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_08B1&SUBSYS_40628086&REV_73\4&228C828A&0&00E7: Restarted
The 101 device(s) are ready to be restarted. To restart the devices, reboot the system.
Here is a Public Test Of Superfly's WinXPE Driver Integration...
Written in PowerShell - Requires PowerShell & .Net Framework
We are perfecting the Messaging and Process - But would like user to test the functions...
This Is The Final and Complete Process....
Searches For Matching Host OS Drivers
Exports Those Driver To Ram, Host, CDUsb or External Drive ( If "CDUsb.y" or "MyDrive.Tag" is Found )
Integrates The Exported Drivers Into WinPE
Re-Starts Drivers With Devcon
Generates Two Reports - Driver Integration Report - Devcon Resetting Report
Allows Clean-Up Of Drivers Folder and Reports
Final Revision of WinXPE Driver Integration App (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33871#msg33871)
I do not know..
Reset your Project from main interface and reselect your source
make New Build with MT11 Selected..
I assume there are certain variables that have to be reset..
Due to seeing - Target 64 - in your log
(Attachment Link)
It was a problem with innounp.exe i replaced it from zip and its working fine.
I recall the extraction problem now....
Do not remember it being MT11
But an App required innounp 0.49 to support innounp 6.2 setup files
I Just Made A Note on MO XPEPlugin Post
Thank You
Rainmeter dll issues
I Installed the regular version on my computer and all dll are fine.
I came to this because i was trying to get local IP but it would not work.
ERRO (17:39:15.263) illustro\Network\Network.ini - [MeasureIPLan]: Plugin: Unable to load "SysInfo" (error 193)
ERRO (17:39:51.615) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: ActionTimer.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.617) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: AdvancedCPU.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.618) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: AudioLevel.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.620) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: CoreTemp.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.621) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: FileView.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.623) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: FolderInfo.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.624) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: InputText.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.626) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: iTunesPlugin.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.627) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: PerfMon.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.628) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: PingPlugin.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.629) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: PowerPlugin.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.631) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: Process.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.632) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: QuotePlugin.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.634) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: ResMon.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.639) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: RunCommand.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.641) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: SpeedFanPlugin.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.642) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: SysInfo.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.643) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: UsageMonitor.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.644) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: WifiStatus.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.646) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: Win7AudioPlugin.dll
ERRO (17:39:51.648) : About Dialog - Incorrect bitness of plugin: WindowMessagePlugin.dll
hello Bigbadmoshe
I hope the solution is right, if I'm not mistaken what the local ip is showing you? it shows it in the rainmeter
External ip is the Internet? , local ip is a computer? :confused:
https://visualskins.com/tag/network/ <---- rainmeter network skins +show ip
It is true that it does not display the , internal ip external ip but shows it ok
hello Bigbadmoshe and James
it's probably a mistake. real powershell in win10xpe must be installed real PowerShell for windows, if I'm not mistaken, since it was already reported that when measuring network settings, the diameter of the skin was missing the installation of PowerShell for windows.
Sorry Moshe,
I do not understand what it is you are doing...
As you did not provide test your parameters
But by the looks of the Message - wrong Arch Plugin Dll's
Although just tested compressed x86 and x64 files on x64 Host and both work when Launched
hello james and moshe
hello James
I installed real powershell for windows xpe plugin script in builder .. skins rainmeter plugin network reported that by connection to powershell it is with the order of something wrong and I do not know what to do now, the skins rainmeter network reports as follows:
network skins Rainmeter X: \ Program Files \ Rainmeter \ Skins \ HMNmeter2
Network Meter Configuration
To configure your Network Meter and Wireless Meter gadgets, enter the names of the interfaces listed below
into the Network Meter Settings configuration. Up to three interfaces can be monitored simultaneously.
NOTE: If all interface options are left blank, the Network gadgets will monitor whichever network interface
is currently active, including virtual interfaces (e.g., VPN connections). This mode does not support
the case where multiple interfaces are in use simultaneously.
NOTE: The variant of Network Meter Pro and Wireless Meter Pro gadgets require the NetMonitor service to be
installed and running. NetMonitor provides more accurate network statistics than Rainmeter.
Interface Name = Name of the network interface (use this value)
Connection = Network connection name
Virtual = True if interface is virtual; False if the interface is physical
State = 0 = unknown, 1 = present, 2 = started, 3 = disabled
Type = 6 = ethernet, 71 = wireless, etc.
Get-WmiObject: Invalid namespace "root \ StandardCimv2"
At line: 1 char: 1
+ Get-WmiObject -Class MSFT_NetAdapter -Namespace root \ StandardCimv2 | ...
+++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo: InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-WmiObject], ManagementException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: GetWMIManagementException, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand
Press any key to continue. . .
:confused: :sad:
but the internal ip still does not display after installing the real powershell xpe for windows
Connection = Network connection name
would assume Network SSID
I am trying to learn some work from you guys and here is my first attempt to create plugins.
If you have time, please download them to test if they actually work.
1. FolderSizes provides compelling, graphical insight into how and where disk space is being used - locally and across the network.
2. Registry Workshop is an advanced registry editor. It is a perfect replacement for RegEdit and RegEdt32 which shipped with Windows.
Attaching files did not work in the previous post ?!
Here they are...
Attaching files did not work in the previous post ?!
Here they are...
Try using > attach=1 < wrapped in brackets [ ]
That should pull the local ip address. I tested the xpe plugin via launch and it does not show the local ip only 0.
I installed rainmeter on the same system and local ip shows. I tried replacing the dll from the install into the Rainmeter64.7z but its not extracting the rainmeter.exe for some reason.
It appears to me that you are trying to customize the App and the Uploaded XPE Plugin...
Which is not working out so good for you... And so as Not to confuse others
Create a "Test" directory inside MoPlugins/Apps/
Copy your revised version of rainmeter into MoPlugins/Apps/Test
Download the Rainmeter (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33736#msg33736) App and place in MoPlugins/Apps/Tweaks
Verify this is a working App on Both x86 and x64 for the general public...
Then Link To Me - your revisions from /Test - so as I can test and try to help figure out what is wrong...
Hi James
re Altap Salamander - XPE Plugin
thanks, seems to test fine on x64 for me, did note that it redownloads every time on hitting Launch button
assume not by design
regards APT
APT, our results are not the same...
Please verify container file size and encode after launch on x64 (11203kb)
Even with a clean download from forum - could not verify redownload of same setup file
will download depending on x86 or x64 - thus 2 setup file downloads to fill container
Hi James
yep it's 11,203KB
you are manually hitting the plugin 'Launch' button? - it happens every time for me
it is the same process used in every other App.
It should only download and encode the setup file upon first launch...
please find attached log for launch button
using PEB as builder for log, but happens with BSE as well
How do i pin programs to taskbar/startmenu? this was possible in PESE
I also don't want several icons on the desktop, like command prompt, change explorer theme, etc how do i rid those? this was surely possible in pese
please find attached log for launch button
using PEB as builder for log, but happens with BSE as well
I see this in LOG
Comment (//Set,%SetupContainerSize%,"")
that line should not be commented out........
and is not by default...
Also are you testing on x86 Host ???
Test by marking out line 138
How do i pin programs to taskbar/startmenu?
On almost every Interface there are > Pin To StartMenu and Pin To TaskBar < checkboxes
I also don't want several icons on the desktop, like command prompt, how do i rid those?
Build Core > Edit pecmd.ini < Button = mark out //Link to shortcut under _SUB Shortcuts
I also don't want several icons on the desktop, like change explorer theme
Build Core > Additional options
This Is XPE , Not PESE
Although Both Projects Require A Learning Curve - That You Must Navigate Through The Process To Learn
Hi James
re Altap Salamander - XPE Plugin
thanks, seems to test fine on x64 for me, did note that it redownloads every time on hitting Launch button
assume not by design
regards APT
Your LOG shows x86 as %HostOSArch% - which is used by Launch Process
the Update-Container was using Build %Architecture%
Thus x86 setup file did not exist for launch - but was instead constantly re downloading the x64 file...
Now that I see your Testing parameters = x86 Host OS - x64 Build
And see (Found) the issue within the XPE Plugin - there are most likely other App's with same issue..
Altap Salamander (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33937#msg33937)
How do i pin programs to taskbar/startmenu?
On almost every Interface there are > Pin To StartMenu and Pin To TaskBar < checkboxes
I also don't want several icons on the desktop, like command prompt, how do i rid those?
Build Core > Edit pecmd.ini < Button = mark out //Link to shortcut under _SUB Shortcuts
I also don't want several icons on the desktop, like change explorer theme
Build Core > Additional options
This Is XPE , Not PESE
Although Both Projects Require A Learning Curve - That You Must Navigate Through The Process To Learn
I still do not know how XPE differs from PESE. Does seem similar, but yet different.
OK, i was pretty blind to not see pin to task bar
but in the past, i had cmd.exe pins, device manager pins, disk management pins also.... how do i add these?
What's the best way to add manual registry, autostart batch scripts?
I also intend to write a autostartup script that would connect/setup a network share/drive, and run a cmd on the network share/drive... in PESE, i wrote a customstartup.cmd and write a .script to load it. How do you recommend doing it now?
Also -- how did you write the script to pin to taskbar? in windows 10, ive not been able to figure out how to custom pin to taskbar.
Can you make a make boot.wim script only? Basically i have no need for iso creation. Or better yet can you help me out with disabling the iso creation parts in create iso?
Edit "Create ISO"
add to [Interface]
WimOnly_CheckBox=,1,3,100,12,18,16,True,"__Pack and Create Boot.Wim Only..."
replace last line of [Process] with
You will now have a blank checkbox above "Create Boot.wim and ISO" Button - with a hover description
but in the past, i had cmd.exe pins, device manager pins, disk management pins also.... how do i add these?
What's the best way to add manual registry, autostart batch scripts?
I also intend to write a autostartup script that would connect/setup a network share/drive, and run a cmd on the network share/drive...
"XPE Startup"
Member Optional XPE Plugin
Personal XPE Plugin
It is all in there, already............
XPE Did Not and Does Not Live in the Past, it evolved from it...
Edit "Create ISO"
add to [Interface]
WimOnly_CheckBox=,1,3,100,12,18,16,True,"__Pack and Create Boot.Wim Only..."
replace last line of [Process] with
You will now have a blank checkbox above "Create Boot.wim and ISO" Button - with a hover description
Thanks so much
Hi James
re Altap Salamander - XPE Plugin
mmm... very strange
as you say
Your LOG shows x86 as %HostOSArch% - which is used by Launch Process
by both builders, however, my host OS is Win7x64, so haven't a clue why the misreporting, all the info plugins see it as x64
Anyway, with a fresh distro extraction into new dir and porting of MoPlugins - all is correct.
Commented out line (//Set,%SetupContainerSize%,"") my bad, left there accidentally whilst looking at prob.
pss just tried original structure,(just out of interest) with all app plugins deselected, and it still reports a x86 OS build ?
Replace > \Win10XPE\Projects\Win10XPE\script.project
as that is where the HostOSArch process lives
Also to verify on main Win10XPE Project interface
Hit Small Green Play Arrow and then edit and verify line 51
or a reset global variables I guess- thanks :thumbsup:
1. Does anyone have example format of Registry.txt custom registry files?
2. Also, does anybody know of any program where we could right click on the desktop and access a whole bunch of programs? than having need to go start > programs > ...
3. Is there a way to customize startisback or openshell, whatever startmenu program is used by default?
Answer 1) Examples
Answer 2)
No, not that I am aware of > use Desktop Shortcut
Answer 3)
or "Additions"
SIB++ is customized by registry values
Is there a way to stop pe from autoplaying as in when a hdd or usb is connected explorer auto opens it.
I'm sure you can, but would have to find where the setting is...
You using HotPlug App??
Also, you left me hanging on Rainmeter......
I'm sure you can, but would have to find where the setting is...
You using HotPlug App??
Also, you left me hanging on Rainmeter......
Using HotSwap
I have been busy. no time to mess with Rainmeter.
look at line 51
and test with set to 0
AOMEI Partition Assistant
Version 8.3 (July 17, 2019)
Optimized task list pane.
Optimized the interaction pattern in a restart mode.
Added: HOVER effect on disk list and disk panel.
Added: Ring display for disk and partition capacity
look at line 51
and test with set to 0
Thanks will try.
AOMEI Partition Assistant
Version 8.3 (July 17, 2019)
Optimized task list pane.
Optimized the interaction pattern in a restart mode.
Added: HOVER effect on disk list and disk panel.
Added: Ring display for disk and partition capacity
I did not notice any new files or errors with current App
Other then the need to change > %checkversion%=8.3.0
It appears to me that you are trying to customize the App and the Uploaded XPE Plugin...
Which is not working out so good for you... And so as Not to confuse others
Create a "Test" directory inside MoPlugins/Apps/
Copy your revised version of rainmeter into MoPlugins/Apps/Test
Download the Rainmeter (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33736#msg33736) App and place in MoPlugins/Apps/Tweaks
Verify this is a working App on Both x86 and x64 for the general public...
Then Link To Me - your revisions from /Test - so as I can test and try to help figure out what is wrong...
I have been able to get it working i only modified a few lines and attached a ini file.
Well Good For You....
And Thanks For Sharing Your Success With Everybody...
Again This Forum Is A Two-Way Street...
But I See You Are Only Going One Way...
hi James
I did not notice any new files or errors with current App
Other then the need to change > %checkversion%=8.3.0
yes only version
Version ++2.8.7 17 July 2019
Improved dynamic taskbar transparency
Fix Run as administrator missing from UWP desktop apps
Version 3.6 (2019.07.18)
Add support for persistent partitions [EXPERIMENTAL]
(Note: The above won't work with Ubuntu until Ubuntu bug #1489855 is properly fixed)
Add a mode to use VDS when partitioning/formatting (Alt-V) [EXPERIMENTAL]
Add full extraction support for efi.img (Solus)
Fix listing of potentially blocking processes
Fix NTFS not being selectable when using Grub4DOS
Fix download script not being launched when the user name contains a space
Fix translated messages potentially being truncated (e.g. Thai)
Fix progress bar report for screen readers (Accessibility issue)
Fix a regression where Windows format prompts would not be suppressed
Improve(?) Windows To Go support by following Microsoft's recommended partition order
Don't enumerate Windows Sandbox VHDs
Disable ISO mode when Manjaro ISOHybrids are being used
Update embedded GRUB to version 2.04
Download SIB Setup.exe > StartIsBackPlusPlus_setup.exe (https://s3.amazonaws.com/startisback/StartIsBackPlusPlus_setup.exe)
Place In \Win10XPE\Projects\Win10XPE\Features\
Download Rufus > rufus-3.6p.exe (https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/releases/download/v3.6/rufus-3.6p.exe)
Place In \Win10XPE\Projects\Tools\
Edit "Create ISO" Line 23 > rufus-3.6p.exe
Try using > attach=1 < wrapped in brackets [ ]
Thanks James. It works now.
I looked at both Apps and wonder why you
Download, Extract, FileCopy, Compress, Encode
then to process you extract compressed.7z and FileCopy
You can just download setup file, encode
Then extract and FileCopy to process
Also your Launch has extra \%Programfolder% on both Apps
And run from ram not needed in Launch
Also why remove "Run From USB"
Also, one follows our project format - the other does not
Otherwise, good work...
Although to me you over complicated things...
I like things simple and easy to follow..
Hi James
FSViewer, FolderSizes and Registry Workshop all working for me in a 64bit build
ps just for feedback
I took the liberty of cleaning up some of the comments posted in Win10XPE Optional Member XPE Plugins (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0)
It is good to keep it clean to browse this great collection of plugins :worship: :happy:
hi James
updated for VcRunTimes XPE ( v14.22.27821.0)
links provided by abbodi86
Thanks APT...
Thanks ChrisR...
Thanks Cretino...
I'll get it soon...
VC-Runtimes Updated - See index
Well Good For You....
And Thanks For Sharing Your Success With Everybody...
Again This Forum Is A Two-Way Street...
But I See You Are Only Going One Way...
Not sure what happened but i thought i replied.
I have no intention of excluding anyone. I just modify plugins for me. If you think i should upload ones that i have "Fixed" i will do so.
Please let me know if i should create a new topic like XPE Plugin Testing.
I look at it this way, you asked for help resolving an Issue with customizing an App..
Domen replied trying to help..
You asked me specifically to help...
You specifically pointed out errors in the App to me and asked for help...
And your next reply was you got it working...
Thus leaving us hanging....
I understand these are personal modifications and errors caused by those modifications
But you could of shared the working method or the customized App, here in this thread.
So others could learn and follow...
I Replaced all the dll files in Rainmeter\Plugins specifically for x64
I attached the attached Network file in the XPE Plugin and have it extracted as so.
If needed i can upload the whole script.
I am sorry about not replying to "Domen" again i have limited time to mess with these thing and i am very ADD. I did not find the issue had anything to do with Powershell.
Please forgive me anyone if i have offended you.
hey, moshe
with PowerShell is a problem because the menu also does not show the computer IP (internal IP) shows me only the internet ip from the ISP needs to be well connected with powershell .. and I can not even figure out what's wrong with the rainmeter skin network
you have to click on the right mouse button so you will see the menu on rainmeter skins so you will find yourself for this program
I took no offense and was just pleading my case with you...
Thank You For Sharing The Resolution To The Reported Issue...
My Results with Network Meter On Host
hello james
I also have the same skin,in the image I see that it also does not show Inernal ip is at 0 .. connected with powerhell functions
the external ip shows that it's OK and the internal ip is at 0 .. I also do not have the luck to figure out what's wrong with commands with powershell :confused: :sad:
hey, moshe
with PowerShell is a problem because the menu also does not show the computer IP (internal IP) shows me only the internet ip from the ISP needs to be well connected with powershell .. and I can not even figure out what's wrong with the rainmeter skin network
you have to click on the right mouse button so you will see the menu on rainmeter skins so you will find yourself for this program
I don't know what powershell has to do with it. The dll files were corrupt and needed to be replaced. Once I did that it was working fine.
Thanks James for checking my work and giving instructive feedback.
why you Download, Extract, FileCopy, Compress, Encode
then to process you extract compressed.7z and FileCopy
Some setup file contains more extra files than we need, so I just removed these files before compressing to reduce the size of 'Container' :)
Also your Launch has extra \%Programfolder% on both Apps
You are definitely rignt. We don't need to run from RAM in Launch and thank you for pointing out the extra %Programfolder%.
Also why remove "Run From USB"
I forgot this for sure. Thanks.
Some setup file contains more extra files than we need, so I just removed these files before compressing to reduce the size of 'Container'
With that Goal in mind...
Use Existing [Variables] %Setupfile% and %SetupURL%
Add to [Variables] %SetupFileDL%
download %SetupFileDL%,%SetupURL%
Extract %SetupFileDL%
DirDeleteQ or FiledeleteQ - to remove any unwanted directories or files > Thus No fileCopy to rename - So Normal [Filesx**] shall apply
Compress %SetupFile%
Now Normal [Extract] Process will apply
Now Normal [Process] File Copy will apply
In case of multi-arch files then normal [Filesx86] [Filesx64] will apply
And all [Variables] set - and easily edited by user if %SetupFileDL% or %SetupURL% change
without need to edit any process
I usually add all files to [Filesx86] & [Filesx64] and just Markout // Unwanted files ( So easy to Follow & compare later )
But that does not achieve the Goal of reduced container file size
Now lets look at another scenario > additional file added by OEM
Most unwanted (Removed) files will always be unwanted in PE
But with FileCopy as part of Update-Container then only existing files will be copied into %SetupFile%
By using Filedelete as part of update_container then any new file will be also compressed in %SetupFile%
Thus upon extraction of %SetupFile% any New File(s) will be present in Temp Folder - making is easy to compare with [Filesx**]
Like I Said - For Your First Attempt At Creating Apps - with a certain Goal in Mind
Great Work ...
Is there a way to make PECMD Logs saved in temp folder? like i have all TEMP Folders stored on RAMDISK
Pecmd does create log file...
so not sure what you asking...
Pecmd does create log file...
so not sure what you asking...
From PECMD.exe
LOGS│FORM │LOGS * [path to file] ┃
┃ │FUNC│ logging the results of each Command to verifythe configuration file. LOGS * cleans disk, freeing memory ┃
┃ ├──┼───────────────────────────────────────────── ─┨
┃ │PARA│ file path: that the log file name, including the path. * Real-time debugging mode, immediately brush to disk. LOGS% SystemRoot% \ PECMD.LOG ┃
So what you asking ???
How to save logs to another location ????
So what you asking ???
How to save logs to another location ????
Yes im not clear on how to move the location from system to TEMP.
Use Existing [Variables] %Setupfile% and %SetupURL%
Add to [Variables] %SetupFileDL%
download %SetupFileDL%,%SetupURL%
Extract %SetupFileDL%
DirDeleteQ or FiledeleteQ - to remove any unwanted directories or files > Thus No fileCopy to rename - So Normal [Filesx**] shall apply
Compress %SetupFile%
Agree, this would be a good way to go for my next app.
Now lets look at another scenario > additional file added by OEM
Most unwanted (Removed) files will always be unwanted in PE
But with FileCopy as part of Update-Container then only existing files will be copied into %SetupFile%
By using Filedelete as part of update_container then any new file will be also compressed in %SetupFile%
Good point! I will keep this in mind.
These are two more plugins for testing:
1. EaseUS MobiMover Free 4.9
2. PDF-XChange Viewer
The 7zip decompressing seems to be faster and easier to handle, so these scripts use inno unpack to extract files from exe, then repack the setup files in 7z format.
These are two more plugins for testing:
1. EaseUS MobiMover Free 4.9
2. PDF-XChange Viewer
Please review the Completed Script(s)
Both Scripts are missing elements and they require many Edits....
To help you with the Multi-Arch Update Process
If,%SetupContainerSize%-,Equal,-,EchoExtended,"ERROR - You Must Use The U Button To Update Container File - First",Warn,,Message,5,Exit
Echo,"Your Files Are Being Downloaded... Please Wait.."
If,Not,ExistFile,%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFileDL%,EchoExtended,"Error: %SetupFileDL% has not been downloaded.",Warn,,Message,5,Exit
Echo,"The Container Files Is Being Updated... Please Wait.."
ShellExecute,Hide,%GTools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFileDL%#$q -y -o#$q%ProvideFiles%#$q"
ShellExecute,Hide,%GTools%\innounp.exe, "-x -b -a -d#$q%ProvideFiles%#$q #$q%ProvideFiles%\PDFXVwer.exe#$q",%ProvideFiles%
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview,1.exe",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86\PDFXCview.exe
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview,2.exe",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64\PDFXCview.exe
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCviewAx,1.dll",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86\PDFXCviewAx.dll
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCviewAx,2.dll",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64\PDFXCviewAx.dll
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\resource.dat",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\resource.dat",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64
ShellExecute,Hide,"%GTools%\7z.exe","a -y -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -aoa -t7z #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%#$q #$q%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86\*#$q"
ShellExecute,Hide,"%GTools%\7z.exe","a -y -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -aoa -t7z #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFilex64%#$q #$q%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64\*#$q"
If,Not,ExistFile,%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%,EchoExtended,"Error: %SetupFile% has not been compressed.",Warn,,Message,5,Exit
If,Not,ExistFile,%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFilex64%,EchoExtended,"Error: %SetupFilex64% has not been compressed.",Warn,,Message,5,Exit
For the PDF App use the XPE Packed Plugin Creator
Add the [Update_Container] Process with innounp
Edit Warning in [Extract]
I did not Test Apps with Base Build (No Features or other Apps Selected)
To determine Require System Files or other Dependencies
Although noticed that process was also removed
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview,1.exe",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86\PDFXCview.exe
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview,2.exe",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64\PDFXCview.exe
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCviewAx,1.dll",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86\PDFXCviewAx.dll
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\PDFXCviewAx,2.dll",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64\PDFXCviewAx.dll
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\resource.dat",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86
FileCopy,"%ProvideFiles%\{app}\PDF Viewer\resource.dat",%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64
ShellExecute,Hide,"%GTools%\7z.exe","a -y -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -aoa -t7z #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%#$q #$q%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x86\*#$q"
ShellExecute,Hide,"%GTools%\7z.exe","a -y -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -aoa -t7z #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFilex64%#$q #$q%ProvideFiles%\%ProgramFolder%\x64\*#$q"
It is a bit faster (for decompressing) if we split setup-x86 and x64 separately as you suggested. However, the structure of PDFXCviewer is too simple so I combined both (x86 and x64) in one zip file.
I did not Test Apps with Base Build (No Features or other Apps Selected)
To determine Require System Files or other Dependencies
Although noticed that process was also removed
Some unnecessary files were removed, but still make sure the program can work without these removed files.
Regarding the dependencies, are you using 'Dependency Walker', 'CFF Explorer', 'EXE_Explorer', or something else to get the list of these files?
This is a hardest part that I cannot figure it out.
Although you do exclude additional language support and a plugin for firefox..
EaseUS MobiMover requires the interface and drivers of iTunes when transferring contents, thus it is not able to work when running on a Windows or Mac computer without the latest iTunes installed.
I use 3 programs consistently when creating Apps..
Process Monitor
What Changed
1) Download the App Installer
2) see if Installer is compressed by using 7zip to open archive
3) Create a Base Build of XPE To Ram (No Feature Options and only those 3 Apps)
3a) if Installer or Installer Archive has .msi extension - add MSI support
3b) if x64 Build - Add WOW64 Basic Support
4) Boot XPE
4a) Run What Changed > X: > Take first snapshot
4b) Run RegShot2 - Take First Shot > Whole Registry
5) Run App Installer but do not allow launch of App - If No Error continue - else - may need to add NetFX4 or other support to build
5a) Take second snapshot with What Changed - report in program folder what changed - snapshot2.txt
5b) Take second shot with Regshot2 - desktop folder - reg-redo.txt
5c) Save Both txt Files for later use....
6) Run Process Monitor > there are 4 selected (blue) Icons in top pane - deselect all but File Cabinet
6a) Under the "Result" Header - find a "Name Not Found"
6b) Right click on 'Name Not Found" - then Include "Name Not Found"
Now Process monitor is filtered to look only for files that are not found
7) Launch the App and navigate around in the App - leave App Minimized or open...
8) Go into Process monitor - Under "Process Name" Header find the program.exe - right click Include "Program.exe"
Now Procmon filtered to find only files not found by program exe...
You can create other filters as well (not going to get into that now)
But you are generally looking for System32 and Syswow64 files
right click file name > Copy > Paste to New Txt Document, then save..
With those 3 saved txt files and a compare of the extracted files - you should be able to create a reliable App...
I have spent from a few minutes to a few DAYS creating and testing an App...
It takes time to learn, test, edit, re-test and test again with a different Arch build...
That is the challenge and the enjoyment for me..
Hope This helps...
Thanks James.
This is a huge work and I could not imagine how much time it takes for you guys to finish every single project.
I will try to exploit Procmon to learn something from there.
By the way, I attach a PDF file of James' hints.
Hi James
In your Plugin creators (and I guess subsequent plugins)
and minor cosmetic with
Is the first line required as the 'OpenDir' macro creates dir, if not existing, by default?
regards and thanks for your endless forum support
your BE is not correct - the shouldn't is correct...
as the variables are stacked against each other..
as far as the other it is a double positive, but ...
Thanks James.
This is a huge work and I could not imagine how much time it takes for you guys to finish every single project.
I will try to exploit Procmon to learn something from there.
By the way, I attach a PDF file of James' hints.
Very Good.. And looks very readable...
now with that in mind - can you recreate the HOW TO
with the first 8 posts of this > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2569.0
then merge the Procmon post at end...
Reason being current HOW TO included in project is blurry
Also, can the forum info be edited out (ie screenname etc, upper left corner)
your BE is not correct - the shouldn't is correct...
as the variables are stacked against each other..
:smile: I bow to your superior wisdom!
Thanks James.
This is a huge work and I could not imagine how much time it takes for you guys to finish every single project.
I will try to exploit Procmon to learn something from there.
By the way, I attach a PDF file of James' hints.
Very Good.. And looks very readable...
now with that in mind - can you recreate the HOW TO
with the first 8 posts of this > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2569.0
then merge the Procmon post at end...
Reason being current HOW TO included in project is blurry
Also, can the forum info be edited out (ie screenname etc, upper left corner)
I GOT It....
The Win10XPE project requires a local Win10 ISO source file and from this forum I learned of the https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php website as one place to download the required Win10 ISO. I was wondering and thus ask the forum members if that website is the only source that will work the Win10XPE project or are other there other sites that can be used as ISO source? Also, could I just use the ISO produced by the Windows 10 media creation tool? Thank you to all.
Also, could I just use the ISO produced by the Windows 10 media creation tool?
The media creation tool downloads the ISO with an Install.ESD
We Need the Install.wim thus the link provided
We Need the Install.wim thus the link provided
Thank you, James. As always, a concise, understandable answer. Having read about ESD file a while back, I should have remembered.
18945 w/ Admin - Just for Fun & Games
Can you share the wallpaper.cant seem to find it.
here is the wallpaper > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2722.msg33725#msg33725
here is the wallpaper > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2722.msg33725#msg33725
I GOT It....
Thanks James for updating the XPE HOW TO.
I followed your instruction and practiced with DiskFrag App.
I could get the list of dependent dll files after 3 tests.
Here is the whole process that I was trying to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAS_KsU6EGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAS_KsU6EGM)
Is there any other way that we can get this list of dll in one test?
You did that fast.... And made it look easy...
But as you see there are times that after loading some dependencies' - that there are now others....
always better to recheck again anywaylll
Gotta give you an A+ for that...
now I see a few things.. you added all stated name not found files - OK
then your ran extract to get required files - OK
then you copied into system folder - ok
Now that you have all the files listed in App
Use > Utilities/ Check Target Sys Files
point to your app and hit launch
target directory will show all available system files , mui and mum files..
as you may have included file locations not found in wim
that target directory will give you an accurate assessment of the Add_Files
Needless to say - You Seem To Have Mastered Process Monitor - (a lot better then I)...
Notes From a Distribution Stand point...
1) With the Base Project x86 Apps will have more SysWOW64 file requirements.
As the Base System32 files are different then the Base SysWOW64 File
So test for files in both x86 and x64 Builds - as your [AddFiles] and [AddFiles6432] lists may be different depending on Build Arch..
2) in your video I see several Apps included in Build - these Additional Apps MAY have already included a file that is required by your new App
so to minimize the chase of that - do not include any additional Apps or Features...
This will insure that no matter the App selection - your New App will run without any dependencies found in other Apps..
3) when you have a language code > \Windows\System32\en-us\glu32.dll.mui
change the language code to ??-?? > \Windows\System32\??-??\glu32.dll.mui
so as to support other languages...
Notes From a Distribution Stand point...
1) With the Base Project x86 Apps will have more SysWOW64 file requirements.
As the Base System32 files are different then the Base SysWOW64 File
So test for files in both x86 and x64 Builds - as your [AddFiles] and [AddFiles6432] lists may be different depending on Build Arch..
2) in your video I see several Apps included in Build - these Additional Apps MAY have already included a file that is required by your new App
so to minimize the chase of that - do not include any additional Apps or Features...
This will insure that no matter the App selection - your New App will run without any dependencies found in other Apps..
3) when you have a language code > \Windows\System32\en-us\glu32.dll.mui
change the language code to ??-?? > \Windows\System32\??-??\glu32.dll.mui
so as to support other languages...
Thanks for giving further instruction. From the x64 build, I replace sysWOW64 by system32 and generate a list of dll files for x86.
But I will try all these 3 steps to study the suitable way to get a right list of dlls.
Hi James,
To test a system for tolerance to thermal events I use HWMonitor (reads system temps) and HeavyLoad (stresses the system). I was happy to find that HWMonitor was already available in the Win10XPE project. So I tried to add HeavyLoad (https://www.jam-software.com/heavyload/changes.shtml) to my build of Win10XPE. HeavyLoad seems to run as a standalone executable similar to HWMonitor so adding it shouldn't have been a problem. After adding it and running it from within Win10XPE, it would not run because it's dialog box stated a requirement for opengl32.dll and glu32.dll. In a normally running Win10 OS these two dll's are found in windows\system32 folder. However, they do not seem to be included in the respective folders of the Win10XPE project. Is there any reason for this? Is it a limitation of Win10XPE? Being a newbie at this, maybe I'm missing a step. I was hoping that you could be of help on this or maybe you know of another way to stress a system that is already available in Win10XPE. Thank you.
hi ffrags
add it to the script, no limitation no reason ....
Hi cretino,
add it to the script, no limitation no reason ....
Which script do you refer to? Being a newbie I have not developed to the point of creating professional script and container files for any app. I was just going to add the executable to my build and add shortcuts via the XPEstartup plugin as I have done for a couple of other standalone executables.
Via "Additions" "Add Files & Folders"
Enable "additions" Checkbox
Enable "Add Files & Folders" checkbox on interface
Use "edit" to add files to script
Thank you to both of you.
I guess I still have much to learn. I followed the instructions given and confirmed that the required dll's and mui's were copied to the correct folder. And still when executing the heavyload.exe program it says it doesn't find the opengl32.dll and the glu32.dll. Must be something about this program that doesn't allow it to be a true standalone executable and I do not know how to examine the program's initialization to see what it really needs. Nevertheless, thank you to both of you again because I did learn a little bit more today.
Use "edit" to add files to script
As you did not state that the App was x86 on a X64 build
As you did not state that the App was x86 on a X64 build
:smile: :grin: :thumbsup:
That did the trick. It works now. I should have been specific as to my build. But how did you know!!
Thank you again.
because adding the System32 did not work...
so by process of elimination it was x86 requiring SysWOW64 files...
I downloaded HeavyLoad and I'm creating an App as we speak...
Awesome. I hope someday to achieve your level of expertise. Learning a little every day.
Here you go >
All Thanks to ffrags For The :idea:
:embarrassed: Aw, shucks. Not me.
All thanks to James from me for this one and certainly thanks from the many others here for the many other plugins you have produced. Just awesome.
Google Chrome 76.0.3809.87 contains a number of fixes and improvements
Hi James
Although I Need Someone With A GetDataBack Simple Registration Code to Capture a Registry Value - to complete..
done :sad:
Yeah, It has to be an Actual GDB Simple Key
Due to the fact the keys work retroactive
so in your case just select GDB-NT
Hi James
hadn't tried your GDB-Pro plugin -works fine for me :thumbsup:
has made me wonder if it's worth having a RunTime multi-app plugin at all, what with RunTime retiring a number of their apps.
GDB and DriveImage XML seems to be the most used, maybe we should just have two separate plugins
hadn't tried your GDB-Pro plugin - works fine for me :thumbsup:
having tried your GDB-Pro plugin... Thank You For Your Feedback...
Due to GDB-Pro and the way it uses other keys to register - it made it a little difficult to use License.txt
So your Runtime App should be just Fine with those included Apps and txt file...
Mozilla Firefox 68.0.1 fixing the sound issue on WinPE.
Need someone to integrate the GUI interface for version and language support.
Tested on VM with both x86 and x64 builds.
2) in your video I see several Apps included in Build - these Additional Apps MAY have already included a file that is required by your new App
so to minimize the chase of that - do not include any additional Apps or Features...
This will insure that no matter the App selection - your New App will run without any dependencies found in other Apps..
The shortcut of some portable apps are created on desktop for convenience, I did not integrate them into the WIM build. So not many system files were included in the WinPE.
Use > Utilities/ Check Target Sys Files
point to your app and hit launch
target directory will show all available system files , mui and mum files..
as you may have included file locations not found in wim
that target directory will give you an accurate assessment of the Add_Files
This is a really good trick. I was not aware of it.
Need someone to integrate the GUI interface for version and language support.
That you for your "Sound Fix" - I was able to determine that we have 2 options...
In you script when Firefox Launches in PE it write it's own User Profile - so the sound works.. but no custom setting..
We usually write Preferences and custom Setting via the App Interface to a default user profile -
so in order to write settings to a profile - we now need to include the default user profile directories...
Got a few more test to do - but I think I have it working with Interface setting....
* StartIsBack++
Version ++2.8.8 4 August 2019
Fix Custom folders list lost after 1903 upgrade
@ James
thanks for GetDataBack Pro Data Recovery - XPE Plugin
Do you have an Actual "GetDataBack Simple" key to test with ????
Also you can just download SIB++ and then replace
Mozilla Firefox 68.0.1 fixing the sound issue on WinPE.
Need someone to integrate the GUI interface for version and language support.
We do not use a container file with Firefox
Thank for figuring out the sound issue with FF Quantum - which has been dormant in XPE since v52
We do not use a container file with Firefox
Thank for figuring out the sound issue with FF Quantum - which has been dormant in XPE since v52
No problems, James.
Thanks for integrating the sound fix into the original FF Plugin.
I tested your plugin on x64 arch and it works as expected.
PS: We can change Macro.script (line 313) to have a nicer download echo:
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #2 Please Wait...
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #$q#2#$q Please Wait...
Google Chrome 76.0.3809.87 contains a number of fixes and improvements
Updated chrome - 76.0.3809.100 - see index
PS: We can change Macro.script (line 313) to have a nicer download echo:
Thanks for the suggestion... I will Leave that decision up to ChrisR as Project Author...
But you can test anyway you see fit...
hi James
Do you have an Actual "GetDataBack Simple" key to test with ????
no , I did the opposite i take the necessary files and reg following your script from my italien colleague pc ... (it's like a pandora's box :grin: )
hi James
Error Message:Interactive Login Failed to initialize with Windows Insider Preview 10.0.18956
after 34 test , now is ok with basic build , need more test with admin mode and i need :sleepsofa:
Been testing myself since I seen your post this morning...
Currently can only confirm the reported error using 10.0.18956 and system account
Using Admin is locks up at admin rollover phase..
So if you got a basic build to boot after 34 builds - then you did pretty good...
Now the question is - what you change or add to get it to boot ??
+ver > 18950
hi James
what you change or add to get it to boot ??
I added all missing files from sys32 , teste ok, then started delete files by block of letter (added one), until g*.* then GameInput.dll
(I wonder if what everyone is doing or there is another simple method that I do not know...)
@ slore
if you answered yesterday you will avoid this fatigue :undecided:
Thank You Both - For Your Efforts and Support.....
GameInput - really one would have to ask what that name would imply regards to login...
Unless that the meaning for Interactive
My method of failure was to compare system32 files from older version to newest version
Found 11 New System32 Files and added just them - also found 2 Files where removed in Newer Version
One of them (Not That It Mattered) was LoginTask.exe
if you answered yesterday you will avoid this fatigue
Some people report to WimBuilder2, I know this issue after 10.0.18956 released.
But I can build a LITE one with WimBuilder2(an 100+ MB WIN10 PE(WinXShell based)).
After some tests(feature options composition), so I found out that disable DWM, it also fixed this issue with Explorer shell, Admin logon, IME issue.
If you asked in WimBuilder2 topic, I will answer you what I know.
but in this WINXPE topic, you can't remove the DWM Component,
because ChrisR made Explorer+DWM+Search+ ... in ONE,
so I can't comment until this issue be fixed.
I got the fixed just while you testing yesterday.
tasklist /m
dwm.exe 624 ntdll.dll, KERNEL32.DLL, KERNELBASE.dll,
apphelp.dll, ucrtbase.dll, advapi32.dll,
msvcrt.dll, sechost.dll, RPCRT4.dll,
gdi32.dll, win32u.dll, gdi32full.dll,
msvcp_win.dll, USER32.dll, combase.dll,
udwm.dll, cfgmgr32.dll, dxgi.dll,
CoreMessaging.dll, WS2_32.dll,
CoreUIComponents.dll, SHCORE.dll,
dwmcore.dll, dwmredir.dll, ntmarta.dll,
kernel.appcore.dll, wintypes.dll,
bcryptPrimitives.dll, powrprof.dll,
d2d1.dll, dcomp.dll, D3DCOMPILER_47.dll,
CRYPTSP.dll, d3d11.dll, IMM32.DLL,
UMPDC.dll, uxtheme.dll, dwmghost.dll,
dwmapi.dll, avrt.dll, ism.dll, bcrypt.dll,
NInput.dll, clbcatq.dll,
twinapi.appcore.dll, gameinput.dll,
WindowsCodecs.dll, UIAnimation.dll,
DispBroker.Desktop.dll, mscms.dll,
USERENV.dll, ColorAdapterClient.dll,
ActXPrxy.dll, DispBroker.dll,
Windows.Graphics.dll, wtsapi32.dll,
WINSTA.dll, d3d10warp.dll, dxcore.dll,
XmlLite.dll, Cabinet.dll, TextShaping.dll,
Well, I found out lots of 19Hx, 20Hx's new added files is in this list.
This will be the direction for next releases. :undecided:
IF YOU want to avoid this fatigue
You just wait and watch WimBuilder2's develop branch,
there will be 0day fixs, if not, wait for a weekend. :w00t:
I don't think we should follow the Windows update every time for Windows PE,
Unless we know there will be new for PE.
I added all missing files from sys32 , teste ok, then started delete files by block of letter (added one), until g*.* then GameInput.dll
(I wonder if what everyone is doing or there is another simple method that I do not know...)
:thumbsup: I appreciated you, testing and fix it, shared it to others.
If you didn't do this, some others must do it.
We share to each other to void fatigue. (but you got it faster :)
GameInput - really one would have to ask what that name would imply regards to login...
as I stated, it regards to DWM. DWM involves lots of things.
My method of failure was to compare system32 files from older version to newest version
Yes, I also did like this(*.dll).
rem ==========update filesystem==========
call AddFiles %0 :end_files
goto :end_files
But this file is added in v1903, but build PE with v1903 works fine, so we missed it.
You do not realize how much the experience of Yourself and ChrisR ( working around with windows ) has helped others..
This Forum is a Great Place To learn and Gain Knowledge (for those who are willing to learn and try)
With that said.
I have seen you post "Tasklist /m" several times and it just dawned on me you use cmd...
So for the sake of others > on a running OS > open cmd prompt
tasklist /m > %userprofile%\desktop\tasklist.txt
Thank You
interesting :thumbsup:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/tasklist (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/tasklist)
open up an App and then run tasklist - I kind of like list option better
tasklist /m /fo list > %userprofile%\desktop\tasklist.txt
You can also filter the output....
You can say a useful "Process Monitor"
I have win10home 1903.
I tried latest winxpe. I kept default keyboard, format and timezone as Host.
When booting iso, I correct local time. But date format is MM/dd/yyyy which is not same as host which has dd/MM/yyyy.
What to do to get host date format?
I saw one more problem.
Location based or host based timezone is set. But date format is set as US date format. How to get host date format?
What are you using for a Source language - en-US ??
You could also boot XPE > Go Into Control Panel > Region
Launch RegShot2 - Take First Shot > Whole Registry
Change "Region" Settings
Take Second RegShot > Whole Registry
Convert *reg.redo.txt using "Reg Convert PE" via "Create ISO" Interface
Write Registry Settings into "Additions"
Hi James
Is line 578 of the core script meant to be for x86 ?
Yes - that very much does appear to be correct - should be x86...
So Noted.....
I will upload corrected version to index...
I had a hard time getting that attachment to display properly....
First feedback, to Auto Install Extensions (uBlock) with Firefox Quantum, you have to put them in the \distribution\extensions folder now
It seems also that activate.js is not necessary to enable the Add-Ons
Echo,"Add uBlock Add-Ons..."
Neah, it works just fine in the profile
I sent you my FF-Q test...
Fixed registry and Setting...
Still trying to overcome some bothersome things - maybe you can get a bead on
First feedback, to Auto Install Extensions (uBlock) with Firefox Quantum, you have to put them in the \distribution\extensions folder now
It seems also that activate.js is not necessary to enable the Add-Ons
Neah, it works just fine in the profile
it works with both solutions, all roads lead to Rome :wink:
A small advantage for the \distribution\extensions folder, it is easier to update Extensions or add some with Run From USB.
Based on your test plugin, with the registry,... :thumbsup: I made some other changes, prefs, dependencies, that I sent you.
It looks pretty good with both Run From RAM and Run From USB, 2 profiles required for that.
Uploaded Mozilla Firefox Quantum * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28509#msg28509) with all the latest enhancements
Thanks To Everybody who provided feedback and support for this App
Updated Latest Google Chrome App to Include "User Data" Profile Import
Updated MS Edge XPE Plugin Creator's Included "User Data" Profile Import and Added Registry Enhancements
See XPE App Plugin Index...
Uploaded Mozilla Firefox Quantum * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28509#msg28509) with all the latest enhancements
Thanks To Everybody who provided feedback and support for this App
Good to have an alternative to the chromium-based browser
I'll add it to the next package with also the updated Latest Google Chrome :thumbsup:
Uploaded Mozilla Firefox Quantum * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28509#msg28509) with all the latest enhancements
Thanks To Everybody who provided feedback and support for this App
The updated plugin works very well with all options you have optimized and added to :)
There is an issue, in general, with FF Quantum: It takes so long to close the application (30-60s).
Seems that the issue just appeared in FF Quantum. I tried a few times to figure it out what we need to disable in the config file, but no success.
Note: This issue does not trigger in the Linux version.
Has anyone noticed that XPE(1809) x86+x64 is online immediately via RJ45, WITHOUT starting PEnetwork.
I have not gone back to prior builds yet (1709), to see if I get the same results.
But I do have the same results on multiple machines, running both %archs% in v1809.
Try this:
As soon as XPE boots to desktop, open a .cmd, and ping yahoo.com, or TheOven.org.
Then type ipconfig /all
you should have IPv4, IPv6, and shares. <-- I Have not tested if shares actually work....
Now Open Any Browser, You should be online....
My Builds:
x86 and x64 are nearly identical, except for a few problem plugins, not related to Network..
I do have Network Additions checked, PeNetwork is in build, but no autostart.
Also enabled= Adobe Flash, Mozilla Quantum, Java, Putty, Simplewall, Teamviewer, Tftpd64-4, WinSCP.
In Build Core\Full Winre.wim with light WinSxS <-- Selected
Use Full Win 10 Software hive <-- Selected
Patch DrvInst <-- Selected
All 5 other boxes are checked.
Can anyone confirm or deny and/or shed some light on this.
Hi James
re Adobe Reader XI - XPE Plugin
Thanks for the plugin, certainly opens pdf's no probs, but the tools menu seems to have a problem in opening
but the tools menu seems to have a problem in opening
Not on a x86 Build...
It Needed a little more WOW for x64 Build...
Fixed... And Thank You For The Feedback..
confirm fixed on my x64 build :thumbsup:
On a side note, it was also interesting for me, as I was wondering about RegAddBoot in XPE, when I looked at that plugin conversion earlier. Can see in the chm how it was used in PESE etc, but didn't know how to cope with it in XPE
* UltraISO Premium Edition (August 29, 2019)
+) Improved writing disk image feature, can create bootable flash drive from more ISO images including Ubuntu 19.04, Fedora 30 and Manjaro Linux (grub2)
+) Supports creating bootable non-Removable USB disk (Samsung T3/T5)
*) Can choose ISO images manually for RAW mode on writing disk image
*) Fixed a bug with handling some RockRidge volume
*) Some minor improvements and bug fixes
for APT ...
Hi cretino
thanks for the heads up, tho I already see the retail ver uiso97pes.exe :smile: :thumbsup:
I added Mozilla Firefox Quantum ESR (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg34551#msg34551)
It is based on Mozilla Firefox Quantum_XPE.script
and on Mikka's configuration with mozilla.cfg and policies.json without the need for pre-created profiles :thumbsup:
Firefox Quantum ESR is used because some policies are only available in the Enterprise version
bookmarks.html is placed in the setup folder, next to Firefox.exe with Auto Import and Export feature, ...
Hi ChrisR
re Mozilla Firefox Quantum ESR - XPE Plugin
many thanks for the plugin :thumbsup:
small error shows in PEB stops build
[1/1] Command [TXTReplace] must have [3] arguments (If,%AddSearchBar_CheckBox%,Equal,True,TXTReplace,%Policies%"#$qSearchBar#$q: #$qunified#$q#$c","#$qSearchBar#$q: #$qseparate#$q#$c") (Line 428)
I believe missing comma after %Policies%
also in the download string https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-esr-next-latest-ssl&os=%FirefoxArch%&lang=%Language%
it doesn't seem to like 'os and 'lang' - see dosbox on downloading
1.Its crucial to log in as admin to use some apps like TeamViewer.
I am surprised that even after enabling Switch to Admin option in Build Core, I am not directly logged in as admin. Instead I get a chance, at start, to select 'Yes / No' for 5-10 seconds, failing which I am logged in as a non admin.( No is selected as the default answer! ).
Then I will get back the chance to login as Admin only on the next boot i.e. no way to login as Admin from within the boot.
( To switch to Admin by default, I have configured the selection time as 0 seconds & Assigned the answer 'NO' to 'CALL ADMIN' )
2.Why I am not getting the option to Edit & Revise my posts ?
Thanks & Regards. ...
thanks for the quick feedback
small error shows in PEB stops build
[1/1] Command [TXTReplace] must have [3] arguments (If,%AddSearchBar_CheckBox%,Equal,True,TXTReplace,%Policies%"#$qSearchBar#$q: #$qunified#$q#$c","#$qSearchBar#$q: #$qseparate#$q#$c") (Line 428)
I believe missing comma after %Policies%
Yes, thanks, I have updated the in Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Plugins / Mozilla Firefox Quantum ESR - XPE Plugin (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg34551#msg34551) with:
If,%AddSearchBar_CheckBox%,Equal,True,TXTReplace,%Policies%,"#$qSearchBar#$q: #$qunified#$q#$c","#$qSearchBar#$q: #$qseparate#$q#$c"
also in the download string https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-esr-next-latest-ssl&os=%FirefoxArch%&lang=%Language%
it doesn't seem to like 'os and 'lang' - see dosbox on downloading
Yes, I had already seen and corrected. In cmd:
Echo Downloading https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-esr-next-latest-ssl&os=%FirefoxArch%&lang=%Language% Please Wait...
is interpreted as 3 commands with & as separator
I fixed it in Macro.script by using "StrFormat,REPLACE,#2,&,^&,#4" and used #4 for the Echo. It gives
Echo Downloading https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-esr-next-latest-ssl^&os=%FirefoxArch%^&lang=%Language% Please Wait...
Edit: Macro.script updated, #3 is already used: StrFormat,REPLACE,#2,&,^&,#3 => StrFormat,REPLACE,#2,&,^&,#4
@ChrisR- thanks for your quick response - all tests fine for me :thumbsup:
@LittlePro - you can edit your posts after the 10th one
regards APT
Hi LittlePro
( To switch to Admin by default, I have configured the selection time as 0 seconds & Assigned the answer 'NO' to 'CALL ADMIN' )
To always switch to Admin without the Yes/No question, configured the selection time as 0 seconds is enough, do it in Build Core, Additional Options
Please, do not write comments or feedbacks in Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Plugins (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg34554#msg34554)
This topic is only used to shared Optional Member XPE Plugins, it must remain clean.
I clean it up from time to time there so your comments will be lost.
(Re)Write your comments, feedbacks here, this is the right place :thumbsup:
hi ChrisR
tested Mozilla Firefox Quantum ESR - XPE Plugin ( thank you)
I fixed it in Macro.script by using "StrFormat,REPLACE,#2,&,^&,#4" and used #4 for the Echo. It gives
Tested the FFQ-ESR and everything is good. Regarding to the Echo, we can put quotes around url:
PS: We can change Macro.script (line 313) to have a nicer download echo:
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #2 Please Wait...
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #$q#2#$q Please Wait...
Hi APT & ChrisR,
1.Thanks for the quick & prompt response!
2.DISM++ Plugin : DISM++ latest versions have a little bug. They are missing the icon for the functionality of Activation Backup. I followed one of my seniors to just add ActiveBackup an empty folder to the DISM++ extracted folder & it was all well.
Here I found that the plugin for DISM++ depends on the download from the official site. Since the original source is buggy the plugin here is also buggy.
3.AOMEI Partition Assistant Plugin : There is a little strange thing with this plugin ( though not alarming! ). When I boot into the PE & launch this plugin / app, the graphical look changes as if i have switched from Normal to Safe Mode ( not that bad as Safe Mode though! ) & the look come back to normal only on next boot!
Thanks & Regards. ...
Regarding to the Echo, we can put quotes around url:
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #$q#2#$q Please Wait...
Yes I'll take it :thumbsup: the quotes are displayed but it's safer and really easier than managing all characters to be escaped
If you would, please enable FSCapture App, and attach pic of your (SafeMode) appearance with PA..
Here I do not get a different looking App Interface..
Although I use Ram Build 0 so not sure why would be any different with USB Build
Yes I'll take it :thumbsup: the quotes are displayed but it's safer and really easier than managing all characters to be escaped
Yep, it's quick and easy :smile:
3.AOMEI Partition Assistant Plugin : There is a little strange thing with this plugin ( though not alarming! ). When I boot into the PE & launch this plugin / app, the graphical look changes as if i have switched from Normal to Safe Mode ( not that bad as Safe Mode though! ) & the look come back to normal only on next boot!
AMPA will check the shortcut name on the desktop and will refresh it with a different name if needed.
I'm not sure the following will help your case: Try to avoid renaming the shortcut
(Insert right below line #69:)
Set,%ProgramTitle%,%ProgramTitle% %EditionKey_ScrollBox% Edition %AppVersion%
@James: It seems that AMPA has changed the ampa driver reg:
Echo,"Writing Registry Values"
I fail to see the correlation between the Shortcut name and the launch of the program.exe
I see the desktop shortcut being remaned.. So to follow renaming - insert at line 95 Set,%AppVersion%,""
Set,%ProgramTitle%,%ProgramTitle% %EditionKey_ScrollBox% Edition %AppVersion%
Thanks James for the correction.
By the way, I post a python script to convert inno setup script into CopyR command used in Winbuilder.
https://github.com/texervn/WinBuilder-Addons/blob/master/InnoSetup/parse_inno.py (https://github.com/texervn/WinBuilder-Addons/blob/master/InnoSetup/parse_inno.py)
Just in case someone wants to use it...
Hello everyone
i want rename file ( _63865D8BEEAB43EC84DE4C25E9D7CA10 ) to AppIco.ico
try it with
but didnt work
any doc for this commande !!
* edit
get it work with
hi ChrisR
re "Mozilla Firefox Quantum ESR - XPE Plugin"
the program crash ( closes on its own ) when ddownload something
* edit
sorry, i make a fresh build without yandex script and is ok, only the open download folder not work
If you would, please enable FSCapture App, and attach pic of your (SafeMode) appearance with PA..
Here I do not get a different looking App Interface..
Although I use Ram Build 0 so not sure why would be any different with USB Build
Sorry for the delay.
To say again : Things seem to work quite fine with AOMEI PA & Others And its not a serious problem at all!
But of course : The Desktop & ICON looks change a little after launching the app till the next boot.
The advice to insert those lines @ 95th made no changes.
The two snaps Before & After :
Thanks & Regards. ...
Are you integrating your display driver ????
as your display is changed and you lost the System Tray...
I see the desktop shortcut being remaned.. So to follow renaming - insert at line 95 Set,%AppVersion%,""
Set,%ProgramTitle%,%ProgramTitle% %EditionKey_ScrollBox% Edition %AppVersion%
Not sure where I got line 95 from - was on laptop...
Insert at line 84
I have an interesting problem to solve: several of them, in fact My plan is to use Win10 XPE to build boot DVDs for network troubleshooting. We have a mix of gear on the network, and sometimes need a Linux box, and other times a Windows box. So, came to the idea of diskless laptops with multiple boot DVDs, so I don't need 2 or more laptops, just boot the OS our engineer needs in the field.
The first problem, is some of the gear needs a specific certificate and extension installed: know I can pre-install multiple browsers via XPE scripts, but any tips on adding additional files and app settings ??
Second problem is a requirement on some boxes, for older versions of Java. The current XPE list shows the most current Java, but is there an archive of older versions, or do I have to roll it myself ??
but any tips on adding additional files and app settings ??
Adding Windows System Files - is pretty easy ..
App Settings - depend on the App - most are either via a Registry Entry or via Configuration file(s)
The current XPE list shows the most current Java, but is there an archive of older versions, or do I have to roll it myself ??
Java support is rather new... Although you may be able to adapt current script to an Older Version...
But would have to ask is not the Newer Version backwards compatible ??
On Java, the short answer is finicky ancient equipment which hasn't been recapitalized in god knows how long. . . but will try. Experimenting on the home box this weekend. . .
Are you integrating your display driver ????
as your display is changed and you lost the System Tray...
I did nothing with the drivers.
But I have switchable graphics on the laptop i.e. two graphic cards : Intel on board & AMD one. Could that be ?
2. Insert at line 84 :
Set,%ProgramTitle%,%ProgramTitle% %EditionKey_ScrollBox% Edition %AppVersion%
I will give this a try & Report.
Thanks & Regards. ...
Few Updates
Crystal Disk 8.3.0
Process Explorer v16.30
Q-Dir 7.78
New in version 7.78 // 2 September 2019
Bug-Fix and improvements in: Forward and back-navigation and keep selection
Improvements in: Start with last setting, no lost the File-Explorer setting
Improvements in: keep folder grouping or disable it
August 8th 2019
Please check the Latest version of Victoria
Crystal Disk was updated - see App Index
the other three - just use the small "U" update button
one admendment
Crystal Disk was updated - see App Index
the other three - just use the small "U" update button
one admendment
Thanks i am just letting everyone know :)
I was having a hard time with program version and didn't realize i didn't need the whole url. Thanks for pointing that out.
I use screen recording to capture the Aria2c redirects during the download process...
I have seen aria2c log files created with other programs - have not found those logs with XPE
So I just record the download window
I use screen recording to capture the Aria2c redirects during the download process...
I have seen aria2c log files created with other programs - have not found those logs with XPE
So I just record the download window
It was actually one of those moments that you slap your forehead.
The version is 476b i was using 4.76b and going nuts trying to figure out why the url was not working. :( :)
to insure that the DOT is not used when inputting the Program Version
Replace the Line in Update_Container
That will remove the DOT's between the Numbers - if user inputs with Dots = 0000
Then update your current MOP post and link me to that updated post and I'll Index it..
And just to add Info - the current line used and "Marked Out" by default with Plugin Creator
will replace with 0_0_0_0
StartIsBack++ 2.8.9
Version ++2.8.9 5 September 2019
Fix taskbar not hiding on 1903 when closing Start menu in fullscreen apps
Mozilla Firefox Quantum ESR - XPE Plugin
needed with win10 18975
* Rufus 3.7
Version 3.7 (2019.09.09)
Finalize persistent partition support for Debian and Ubuntu:
Debian with persistence should work out of the box with any recent Debian Live ISO.
Ubuntu with persistence should also work IF using a post 2019.08.01 ISO (such as daily-live).
Note that, because of bug #1489855, trying to use persistence with Ubuntu ISOs that were released before August 2019 will only result in rescue mode during boot - You have been warned!
Other distros may work with persistence as long as they use a Debian-like or Ubuntu-like method, and, in the case of Ubuntu-like, if they use casper with the #1489855 bugfix.
Add cheat mode (Alt) to switch between percent/speed/ETA on some operations [EXPERIMENTAL]
Report SuperSpeed+ devices in the log (Come on USB-IF, just add "Ludicrous Speed" already!)
Fix UI checkboxes (Extended label, Fixes for old BIOSes) being cleared on START
Fix Can't mount GUID volume regression when creating Windows To Go drives
Fix Volume label is invalid error with empty labels on Windows 7
Fix stale progress bar during standalone ext2/ext3 formatting
Fix an extraction failure with R-Drive Image bootable ISOs
Disable ISO mode for Pop!_OS
Other cosmetic and internal improvements
Thanks cretino,
By reading the dependencies for FFQ, even if seen in procmon, not sure for cldapi.dll (Cloud API user mode) or AppxSip.dll
Is it possible for you to either make a new thread or just comment in general about updated scripts?
As the Official Update Notification Manager
Where is Victoria ??
As the Official Update Notification Manager
Where is Victoria ??
Playing dirty :)
I actually don't know where to go from here. I updated the original post.
I think a new thread with updates should be made. I did not want to create yet another thread.
I updated the original post.
When I have the Time - I will go look for it then...
Playing dirty :)
This is not about me - It is about others contributing to maintain this Project and Forum..
Playing dirty :)
This is not about me - It is about others contributing to maintain this Project and Forum..
Please i was just messing. Don't take most of the things i say seriously.
I am trying to participate and contribute as much as i can.
Hi James
WhatChanged plugin gives error in PEB due to extract line58 %Tools% --> %GTools%
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28662#msg28662 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28662#msg28662)
Been like that since beginning of time...
Thanks APT
Thanks cretino,
By reading the dependencies for FFQ, even if seen in procmon, not sure for cldapi.dll (Cloud API user mode) or AppxSip.dll
with TaskFlowDataEngine.dll & Windows.UI.FileExplorer.dll ,Mozilla_Firefox_Quantum_ESR_XPE.script is ok ( with win10 18975 )
but i I noticed that with FlashPlayer , VcRunTimes & (EsdSip.dll,wshext.dll,wshext.dll.mui ) Mozilla Firefox Quantum is more stable and do not plant ...
* AppxSip.dll,cldapi.dll came out when i try to see why the open download folder do not work ...
Thanks cretino for your extensive tests :thumbsup:
I follow you, I add the 2 dlls
I have not tested with FlashPlayer, html5 is enough for me
I just noticed that there are some dlls like cldapi.dll or edgegdi.dll that we often see in procmon
It seems to work as well without the 1st one and the 2nd does not even exist in the Windows 10 source
Hi ChrisR
Why do the GoogleChrome_76.xx and GoogleChrome_75.xx plugins download and encode both x64 and x86 source files irrespective of build arch? Is it intentional?
regards APT
yes it is intentional for Google Chrome..
Hi James, APT,
Yes it is intentional, however
It could possibly be with the parameter %Architecture% or %HostOSArch% transmitted to Extract, Update_Container and XPE_File
With small changes in GoogleChrome_xxx_XPE_File.Script (If,#1,Equal,x64,Begin...)
and with master_preferences and chrome.VisualElementsManifest.xml in another folder, Pref
It's your plugin, let me know what you think, I can update the package if you wish with also latest Win10XPE - How To Quick Start Guide.PDF (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg29418#msg29418) inside.
If it works - I am Fine with it...
As I have pretty much fazed out using AUTO XPEPlugins anyway...
The whole process can be moved from File.script to script
and then encode setupfile depending on demand
Also there was a small update to AOMIE Partition Assistant * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28607#msg28607)
Updated Google Chrome * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) to Version 77.0.3865.75
Moved Encoding Process to Main Script --> Setup File(s) will Now > Download, Process and Encode < Based upon Demand
Encoded "container File.script" into Main Script --> Extracted only if "container File.script" does not exist - thus will Prevent over write of existing encoded container File
Another way, it's fine here :thumbsup:
Updated Google Chrome * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) to Version 77.0.3865.75
Moved Encoding Process to Main Script --> Setup File(s) will Now > Download, Process and Encode < Based upon Demand
Encoded "container File.script" into Main Script --> Extracted only if "container File.script" does not exist - thus will Prevent over write of existing encoded container File
Thanks James for the update to ver. 77.
I like the idea to include the file container in the script file. This is a good idea to just include one script file for an app as the container file will be generated during the processing...
We can write a small section like:
Write ini file containing:
Title=Blah Blah
Description=Blah Blah -- File Container
so we can update easily without encoding the container file when editing the script file.
Is there any way to use WB to parse xml file to get auto update link when a new version comes:
Yes, Both are possible..
I like the idea to include the file container in the script file
I've always thought single file distribution was a good idea, where possible.
I think Prz42 did it a while back, in his AOMEI Backupper Stand & Pro v5 plugin for a different project
We chose to get away from Single File Distribution - Due to Program Cache...
As at First the Apps where packed into Container Files....
Now we Distribute Self-Encoding Apps to reduce the Package Size...
And to allow the Apps to be small enough to post in this Forum...
I chose to use the Encode Method with Google
Because it is a Project App and the script name includes the program version
Since some people overwrite the existing project with the new release - this prevent having to Re-Download the Google Container (with same program version) due to an overwrite..
Other Non-Encoded New Release Apps will then Download the Newest Program Version for that App if overwritten....
I consider this to be a Forced App Update along with the New Project Release...
There was a lot of thought put into this project in regards to the Number of Macro's, Variables, Processes, Methods, Format and Appearance (aka Project Standards)...
Because of these Project Standards everything is a constant repetition --> That is what makes this Project Very New User Friendly, by being Easier To Follow and Learn...
So there are reasons behind what others may see as a more logical approach...
mmm... I'm not really sure, what makes you think that any of us are in any doubt of what you're saying.
Just voicing my opinion to recent comments and like wise processes...
We chose to get away from Single File Distribution - Due to Program Cache...
As at First the Apps where packed into Container Files....
Now we Distribute Self-Encoding Apps to reduce the Package Size...
And to allow the Apps to be small enough to post in this Forum...
@James: I also agree to not include the (big?) program files into the script file. The program files should be packed and encoded into the container which resides on users' hard drive.
What I said earlier was that: We do not need to attach the container file to this forum. Instead, we will write a section in the script file to generate this container file (if not exists) and then encode the program files into the recently generated container.
However, there is still a problem when some apps requires to include additional files which may be large and it is not suitable to add them to the script file.
PS: I am still trying to figure it out the way to include all features of Python by using your suggested registry entries. I will try to download everything online and control the whole process by using one script file. I will post the result when it is done :)
What I said earlier was that: We do not need to attach the container file to this forum.
And I gave my reasons why I do not (encode or write) the container file into the main script..
This Also Allows User's to open the "script" - without the need to download or extract them..
Thus it allows users to compare reversions (without overwriting existing script) and allows us to force Program Updates upon Project Release
Which is similar to the "Download" & "Compare" Buttons or "(Exact and Secure)" in PESE
Thanks James for the explanation.
I got your point.
In the case of Python (which you know I clearly looked at) they offer an embedded version - ie Portable - I would assume...
That should be enough for you to meet your goal as the CORE Program...
The Full Installer uses a MSI Launcher - so unless the extraction can be figured out - there is but two options..
1) Would be to Self-Host the container file (Due to Forum Size Limitations)
2) Host a download link to the Compressed Program (thus container file can be uploaded into Forum)
Note: In some cases we do not even use an encoded container file - we just use the compressed file as the container
Microsoft created free Python for Beginners course series
In the case of Python (which you know I clearly looked at) they offer an embedded version - ie Portable - I would assume...
Definitely, that embedded version is good enough to run the Core of Python.
The Python plugin script is done with some features added:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/texervn/WinBuilder-Addons/master/Plugins/Python3_XPE.script (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/texervn/WinBuilder-Addons/master/Plugins/Python3_XPE.script)
In this script:
pip.exe is rebuilt by using WinPE prefix, likewise for wheel.exe, easy_install.exe
Native tcl/tk Python idle editor is added
Optional: EditPlus is also included as a simple editor for Python. Use Tools>Python3 to run a .py script.
Win10 XPE STIG lockdown: Anybody tried it, and if so, any advice ???
I have the latest 1908 .ISO from Microsoft, and the latest GPO object from DISA.MIL
Win10 XPE STIG lockdown: Anybody tried it, and if so, any advice ???
I have the latest 1908 .ISO from Microsoft, and the latest GPO object from DISA.MIL
Mind me asking. 1908 is insider build?
Rented fingers. The May 2019 release .ISO, 1902, maybe ? I'm walking my way through this from zero. I need to produce a boot DVD with drivers, certain apps, and a lockdown, for use as a diskless maintenance system. Already have the Linux boot disk made, but some applications are only available under Windows. . .
Rented fingers. The May 2019 release .ISO, 1902, maybe ? I'm walking my way through this from zero. I need to produce a boot DVD with drivers, certain apps, and a lockdown, for use as a diskless maintenance system. Already have the Linux boot disk made, but some applications are only available under Windows. . .
1903 is latest from what I know. I was curious if there was a newer release.
no newer Retail Release - but newest preview release
supported (works) ...
Clover - XPE Tweaks Plugin
Clover (v3.3.8.8081 x86) Brings Chrome-Style Tabs to Windows Explorer
:great: :great:
Clover - XPE Plugin ...
:thumbsup: :hi:
I just downloaded the latest Win10XPE package dated 09/20/2019 and Windows v1903 ISO for the source. Before carrying forward personalizations from my previous build, I ran the Win10XPE package as downloaded and booted the resultant flash drive to confirm a functional starting point. I found that the booted flash drive desktop showed a Recycle Bin on the desktop that was not empty. It contained identity-v and identity-h files. I assume these are leftovers from ChrisR's build before he uploaded the latest package. So I have 2 questions.
As I proceed with bringing forward my previous build personalizations, is there any way to empty the recycle bin before creating the ISO that will be burned to flash drive?
Also, if I want to stay with my previous build using the Win10XPE package from 03/14/2019, can I use the Windows v1903 ISO for the source instead of the v1809 source I have been using?
Those are left over files you deleted from Host HDD while in WinPE Session....
Boot into WinPE - empty Bin- Reboot into WinPE
they should be gone...
Given the date, your package from 03/14/2019 should not be compatble with Windows v1903 ISO. They was not yet released at that time.
In general, it is always better to use the last packet and then adapt it with your own changes
I figured as Much...
"Download" does not like Win10XPE being a SubFolder
As I was Testing %BaseDir% if project extracted as a subfolder...
For which %BaseDir% will result showing Win10XPE as subfolder
PS.. Your Mailbox is Full....
Error only exists if Base Win10XPE Folder is in a SubFolder
ie \Win10XPE_2019-09-20\Win10XPE
PS: your mailbox is full - so can not reply...
My box is really too small, I emptied it all out.
Does anyone reproduce the problem with "Download" ?
I tried to reproduce the situation but I don't have any trouble with Download here
I downloaded Win10XPE_2019-09-20.7z in E:\Temp folder and extracted in E:\Temp\Win10XPE_2019-09-20 folder
So %BaseDir%=E:\Temp\Win10XPE_2019-09-20\Win10XPE
Without selecting windows 10 ISO, I ran VLC media Player, the VLC-3.0.8 archive has been successfully downloaded
I then selected Win10 1903 x64 ISO and built without any problems for downloads
When reading the Download macro I also don't see any relation with a Win10XPE subdirectory
No idea why you have this anomaly. Error 1 = An unknown error occurred.
For the moment, I haven't had any problems with aria2c yet, it just works fine :thumbsup:
Was able to confirm your tests as both working with subfolders...
was also able to confirm reason or Error = Sub Folder Name with a Space
"H:\New folder\Win10XPE\Win10XPE.exe"
Was playing around and testing yesterday with a New App...
This Method Will Allow Us To Include A Small Utility With Each New Project Release To Allow The Download Of Additional Apps
Thus Keeping The Release As Small As Possible, And Yet Allowing User's A Choice..
Test with New Release Extraction - Place File in utilities
Please Test and Provide Feedback..
Thank You..
Was able to confirm your tests as both working with subfolders...
was also able to confirm reason or Error = Sub Folder Name with a Space
"H:\New folder\Win10XPE\Win10XPE.exe"
I'm surprised I didn't catch it earlier, but I confirm the bug
The quotes are well written except for the aria2c call, correction:
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #$q#2#$q Please Wait... &%GTools%\aria2c.exe -x16 -s16 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false -d#$q#8#$q -o#$q#9#$q #$q#2#$q"
ShellExecute,#7,cmd.exe,"/c Echo Downloading #$q#2#$q Please Wait... &#$q%GTools%\aria2c.exe#$q -x16 -s16 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false -d#$q#8#$q -o#$q#9#$q #$q#2#$q"
It was not an Error on anyone's part
It was a Typo....
We do not make Errors - the Keyboard does...
Probably not the keyboard's fault either, I suspect the mouse that would have eaten the cables, well that's what the Ukrainians said :lol:
Hi James
re MegaCmd_XPE.Script
tried on a fresh project quickly, all appeared to work fine (just defaults as it came)
btw. noticed FlashPlayer_XPE. script missing some double quotes on ends of lines 134 and 141
Guys thanks for all the hard work.
Was playing around and testing yesterday with a New App...
Test with New Release Extraction - Place File in utilities
Works fine for me, even with a space in the path :wink:
Only, It would be probably good to add a confirmation that existing plugins will be overwritten
Nice work and thank you for making me discover MEGAcmd :thumbsup:
btw. noticed FlashPlayer_XPE. script missing some double quotes on ends of lines 134 and 141
As with iniwrite double quotes are used with text that contains spaces...
Not the case there.. But would not hurt either to add them...
Is It causing error PEB ??
Only, It would be probably good to add a confirmation that existing plugins will be overwritten
I'll add a General Note to interface - as it would be hard to confirm each App in MoPlugins
If you will add - confirmation before extraction in [Download] process...
"Existing Scripts Will Be OverWritten" confirm
if yes, extract...
I will follow you as new to me..
Got it......
Is It causing error PEB ??
it does
Around the Variable ??
for some reason on the posted one it's lines 135 and 142 you have opening quotes "Adobe x64...
edit:the line diff is due to line 70 added - If,ExistDir, etc
Not really easy for a confirmation, with Mega we don't know the names of the files, plugins downloaded
It can be written on the interface or possibly done at the beginning of the Process with something like
If,Question,"WARNING: Downloaded Plugins That Already Exist Will Be Overwritten#$x#$x Continue ?",10,True,Set,%answer%,Yes
If,%answer%,Equal,No,Exit,"Process Stopped by User"
or with any good idea you have :thumbsup:
In case the WB process is stopped by the user, the MEGAcmdServer.exe process remains active
However, it is not really annoying. To be compared with the launch of MegaCmd Server and its stop at each download
As you feel it
I did it this way...
If,Not,ExistFile,%ProvideFiles%\%AppFile%,EchoExtended,"The %AppFile% Was Not Found or Was Not Downloaded.",Warn,,Message,3
Else,If,QUESTION,"Existing Scripts Will Be OverWritten!!#$xDo You Want To Continue ??",10,False,ShellExecute,Hide,%GTools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%ProvideFiles%\%AppFile%#$q -y -o#$q%AppLoc%#$q"
Tested with download file present and not present...
Thus script will continue to next either way..
Thanks APT...
Adobe Shockwave Flash Player NPAPI (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33288#msg33288) Fixed..
I did it this way...
I'll also note - that the current MEGA downloads are synchronized with my Host PC
The only issue I have is if MEGA file updated - the Link Changes...
Even with revision history on...
The only issue I have is if MEGA file updated - the Link Changes...
I can see that becoming a 'pain in the proverbial' for you, maybe you could have a link to the latest updated Megafile MegaCmd_XPE.Script (dated)
from the index page
FolderSizes the script has %ProgramFolderT%=F893173 For some reason it is now 2192FE7
Did you not check for updates...
FolderSizes (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg34067#msg34067)
The Provider Updated Software and changed subfolder name...
just looked guess they changed it again...
I was going to say it's
%ProgramFolderT%=6178DE3 in the latest one I've got but James beat me to it, but your right it's now 2192FE7, I guess it's one of those that will change every update
I used the new Mega script.
I used the new Mega script.
Sorry I did not see an Update Notification from the Update Manager
Anyway, I changed the process to allow (Require) user to input Subfolder...
FolderSizes (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg34067#msg34067) Fixed........
I used the new Mega script.
Sorry I did not see an Update Notification from the Update Manager
Anyway, I changed the process to allow (Require) user to input Subfolder...
FolderSizes (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg34067#msg34067) Fixed........
Update manager. We have that here? ;)
Update manager. We have that here? ;)
well, not an effective one - yet :smile: I think James your subtleties, fell on deaf ears
They hover to gather information..
relying on the work of others...
and leave without a trace....
I updated the script for a user in another forum and two days later the oem updated the release..
Hard to keep up with is all...
So we rely on other forum members...
Or user must figure it out themselves -
Because "there is no spoon" big enough to feed everybody's demand
We also had a MOP Clean Up today..
We removed 2 New User Comments Posts
We removed 1 recent upload.
The upload was removed for two reasons
1) it was not a XPE App
2) it was not the work of the person making the upload
Those are left over files you deleted from Host HDD while in WinPE Session....
Boot into WinPE - empty Bin- Reboot into WinPE
they should be gone...
Hi James,
Sorry for my delay in following up with the query I posted the other day. Once again you are correct in your response. I just wanted to thank you for your assistance and expertise. It is much appreciated. Indeed, I learn from all your posts as I slowly become more familiar with the ins and outs of the Win10XPE project.
Thank You...
RE: The upload. It works for me in XPE Hence the reason for upload. I will make a new one that is specifically for XPE and upload here for testing :)
For Testing. Could not get autoupdate to work yet.
A simple, easy to use, GUI for Windows DISM. Only suitable for users who want to (only) capture-append-apply or mount-commit-unmount images.
DismGuiLite is a simple easy-to-use GUI for the Windows DISM.EXE program.
DismGuiLite provides a GUI only to :
- Capture-Append-Apply images to/from a WIM file
- Mount-commit-unmount the images in a WIM file (needs Windows 8 and above)
DismGuiLite allows the user to select and use a DISM.EXE other than the one in system32.
DismGuiLite allows the user to create and use images from directories (rather than only from drives).
Source for above Post...
EZPathCopy is a context menu extension to copy file names and paths to the clipboard.
EZPathCopy is a program/context-menu extension allows you to copy the following to the clipboard :
- File name
- File name without extension
- Path of the file
- Filename Extension
- Short (8.3) file name
- Parent folder name
- Parent folder path.
Much better...
Hello, Running Win10XPE with the latest ISO file (1903 build 18362) gives me the error:
List index out of bounds (-1): [Run,%scriptfile%,OpenCmdHere]
How can I fix it?
I was not able to reproduce your Error...
Your LOG shows two registry lines failing and halting the build...
Other then that you seem to be OK with the variables...
My suggestion would be to Allow a Windows Defender Exception ( and any other A/V software) on the "D:\Win10XPE" Folder
Copy the download project to D:\
Use 7zip and "Extract Here"
Thus overwriting Existing Files...
Download ISO using the Techbench link on Main Project Opening Interface
Mount Downloaded ISO and copy contents of ISO to a Folder (in your current case > D:\Win10) Better ( D:\Win10ISO-x64 )
Select that folder as your "Source" and test with the Default Project Setting...
I know you did this before, but need to make sure nothing is corrupted...
Please let us know how you make out...
just downloaded Win10_1903_V2_EnglishInternational_x64.iso and used with Win10XPE_2019-09-20.7z
can confirm as James says builds without error and boots fine in VM, although mine is x64_en-GB not x64_en-US
I was not able to reproduce your Error...
Your LOG shows two registry lines failing and halting the build...
Other then that you seem to be OK with the variables...
My suggestion would be to Allow a Windows Defender Exception ( and any other A/V software) on the "D:\Win10XPE" Folder
Copy the download project to D:\
Use 7zip and "Extract Here"
Thus overwriting Existing Files...
Download ISO using the Techbench link on Main Project Opening Interface
Mount Downloaded ISO and copy contents of ISO to a Folder (in your current case > D:\Win10) Better ( D:\Win10ISO-x64 )
Select that folder as your "Source" and test with the Default Project Setting...
I know you did this before, but need to make sure nothing is corrupted...
Please let us know how you make out...
This is what I did before your reply: Extract with WinRar, use the Windows 10 1903 X64 V1 iso (build < 18362 from microsoft website)
What I did after your reply: Extract again with 7z command line, use Windows 10 1903 32 bit V2 (build 18362) from Techbench (I am sure that the way I downloaded the X64 is the same with Techbench)
And the result doesn't change.
Total procedure: youtu . be/3Ziw0XHmzSU
(please remove the space at the dot!)
I have tested the 1809 Oct X32 version and the error is still there. I hope the problem will be watched and fixed. There might be something with the builder tool.
I have retested the 1809 Oct X32 version and the error's do not occur for me.
are you using the project from the Win10XPE_2019-09-20.7z distribution file?
I have retested the 1809 Oct X32 version and the error's do not occur for me.
are you using the project from the Win10XPE_2019-09-20.7z distribution file?
Yeb, I use the latest version. Everything is all default.
Here is the support log file (1809 Oct version).
I don't know either how you can get that, really weird :confused:
It's really pure standard without anything particular in the code.
What I can say is that we would have a lot of feedbacks if there was a bug at this level, all the constructions would be affected.
Other question, how do you get %HostOS%=Win7 in the last log and not in the 1st one, this variable is not used in the project!
To see, try with PEBackery, build and then share Database\PEBakeryLog.db file, compressed in 7z
Download latest PEBackery Nightly here: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/ied206/PEBakery/artifacts/nightly.zip?branch=develop
Extract PEBakeryLauncher.exe et Binary folder at the root, select the Windows 10 source and builds
I don't know either how you can get that, really weird :confused:
It's really pure standard without anything particular in the code.
What I can say is that we would have a lot of feedbacks if there was a bug at this level, all the constructions would be affected.
Other question, how do you get %HostOS%=Win7 in the last log and not in the 1st one, this variable is not used in the project!
To see, try with PEBackery, build and then share Database\PEBakeryLog.db file, compressed in 7z
Download latest PEBackery Nightly here: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/ied206/PEBakery/artifacts/nightly.zip?branch=develop
Extract PEBakeryLauncher.exe et Binary folder at the root, select the Windows 10 source and builds
I have Windows 7 and 10 dual boot. Because the error happens in Windows 10, I try both to test, and error is the same.
Here is the error I get from running Nighty (I saw it informed an error about downloading MPC and then it stopped with this log)
To see, try with PEBackery, build and then share Database\PEBakeryLog.db file, compressed in 7z
Download latest PEBackery Nightly here: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/ied206/PEBakery/artifacts/nightly.zip?branch=develop
Extract PEBakeryLauncher.exe et Binary folder at the root, select the Windows 10 source and builds
Sorry I missed the file in Database folder.
(Is there any way to edit the post?)
Hi ntd252
you may edit your posts after or on the 10th one
dont forget in PEBakery to go to settings tab, and in compatibility, set to all selected for Win10XPE
just temp deselect MPC-BE plugin for this test
btw MPC that like yours, was failing download for me earlier, now appears to work
Hi ntd252
you may edit your posts after or on the 10th one
dont forget in PEBakery to go to settings tab, and in compatibility, set to all selected for Win10XPE
just temp deselect MPC-BE plugin for this test
btw MPC that like yours, was failing download for me earlier, now appears to work
Uncheck MPC, the process goes a bit further, but finally still gets error, probably about bootmgr :(.
PE Bakery is not giving error at config.... which is good,,
please replace existing MPC script with this one
and test again
PE Bakery is not giving error at config.... which is good,,
please replace existing MPC script with this one
and test again
Thank you, MPC script still fail this time, but even unchecking it, there's still error on the procedure of creating ISO, about invalid command, as you can see from my log at reply #1201 :(
(dont know why [img] doesn't show the photo)
delete folder > win10xpe/progcache/MPC-BE
and then just hit little Green Play on top of interface
delete folder > win10xpe/progcache/MPC-BE
and then just hit little Green Play on top of interface
What is the little green play button? Nighty just has black and white color. Do you mean Win10XPE builder? It also doesn't run anything.
Hitting Build on PEBakery again, there's a error box appear, but the program continues to download MPC in CMD interface.
Or course the process isn't successful at final stage. https://imgur.com/AYZgoKF
Hi ntd252
I can replicate your CreateISO build error in the latest PEBakery nightly build, so there appears to be a code regression in that particular build, which will need to be resolved.
out of interest, if you run the project, (with either james revision of MPC or just untick old one) via the win10xpe.exe does it still give the original error (List index out of bounds (-1) ) or does it complete?
the first url fails and it might not of fallen over to the second url...
the script should exit if setup file not present.. it should not continue to [extract]
so I would think the download is corrupt as the error is a filecopy error after [extract]..
And yes I to can confirm PEB error with Create ISO
It appears not to be picking up the command variable #1 on line 269
Hi ntd252
If you wished to continue testing the problem with PEBakery
here's a link to the last nightly which doesn't give that CreateISO error
link removed
regards APT
edit fixed use latest nightly
Hi James
with your last MPC plugin mod, it fails to d/l from kent.dl.sourceforge.net url but now rolls onto the url2 and works fine,
Hi ntd252
If you wished to continue testing the problem with PEBakery
here's a link to the last nightly which doesn't give that CreateISO error
http://pc.cd/hrC7 (http://pc.cd/hrC7)
regards APT
To test this build, I extract the Win10XPE again, uncheck some unnecessary apps for the speed when testing to build, the core remains default. I also replace the old MPC script file with the one James gives me.
With this build, it fail when I Select Windows 10 source folder.
So I close PEBakery, open XPE and Select windows 10 source folder (1809 X32 Oct version)
Then close XPE, Open PEBakery again and hit Build. Finally the process succeeds.
Then I close XPE, open XPE builder again, and it still fails at "list index out of bound".
I'm surprised the ISO file is a bit large, 725 MB with many apps unchecked (I just thought it only around 300-400MB).
Modifying the project a bit (check AOMEI software, it's stuck at downloading step for a while, Task manager tells that the downloading usage is zero, so PEBakery just stays there with nothing to continue.
I also noticed during your posted video - that the WIAK tools download hung for a while too...
Hi ntd252
With this build, it fail when I Select Windows 10 source folder.
fiddling in the dark here a bit, but the only way i can replicate this error is if, in PEBakery,on bugging the 'Select W10 source folder' button I dont have the Settings, Compatibilty options set to 'all on' for Win10XPE and saved, also note the message to delete project temp files on changing compatibilty options
Be nice if xpe included a Projects\Win10XPE\PEBakeryCompat.ini file. Here is the one that works for me:
Hi sandy
Be nice if xpe included a Projects\Win10XPE\PEBakeryCompat.ini file
moved reply to a PEBakery thread
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2949.msg34962#msg34962 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2949.msg34962#msg34962)
Getting the following error when I try to download the Win10XPE file.
Win10PESE works just fine. Just wanted to send out the friendly warning... seeing if someone can tell me why this one is throwing up flags like that.
Thank You - we are already aware that the zip throws a virus warning - usually via windows defender
Please refer to this post > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2710.0 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2710.0)
You will need to allow a Windows Defender "Exception" for the Win10XPE Folder I would suggest the same exception for any A/V software, in order to allow the program exe's to run without being blocked....
Thank You - we are already aware that the zip throws a virus warning - usually via windows defender
Please refer to this post > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2710.0 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2710.0)
You will need to allow a Windows Defender "Exception" for the Win10XPE Folder I would suggest the same exception for any A/V software, in order to allow the program exe's to run without being blocked....
Found the appropriate settings and have adjusted for this.
Mega Optional Apps Download Utility - Updated 2019.10.31
See index
Aomei Partition Assistant Version 8.5 (October 31, 2019)
need UpgradeShow.dll :wink:
AOMIE Partition Assistant * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28607#msg28607) Updated to support version 8.5
I have been having good luck building Win10XPE ISO over the past year or so, but with the 0920build, although the building process appears to be normal without any error message, when boot to the desktop, all the desktop icons and programs are not shown. Also the drives including internal HDD, USB drives are not populated in File Explorer, i.e., not recognized by the RE.
Not sure if anyone else has the same problem with buiild 0920?
recently with windows 10 19013.1 explorer reload when clicking on the taskbar ( sometimes is crashing ...)
i can't understand why until i read Tihiy response
Disable StartIsBack taskbar jump list
tested and ok (hope it will be fixed soon on next ver ...)
in 0920 Release Pintool was replaced...
Delete any Custom PEcmd.ini > ":\Win10XPE\Custom\Pecmdini\pecmd.ini"
I have no Pecmdini.in file in \Custom folder. Still not sure why this happens.
Im trying to get this to work and having issue i am stumped. Need the Master plugin makers help please.
I was able to get it to work but shortcuts were not working.
I checked many other plugins but im not sure whats wrong.
SwiftSearch Searches NTFS volumes almost instantly
SwiftSearch is a lightweight program whose purpose is to help you quickly find the files you need on your Windows machine without ever requiring you to index your drives.
Most search utilities that achieve similar speeds do so by indexing drives while the computer is idle, but because idleness detection is so difficult to get right, in practice they end up slowing down the whole system just to speed up search. SwiftSearch works differently: given administrator privileges, it completely bypasses the file system (only NTFS supported) and reads the file table directly every time, which speeds up search by many orders of magnitude. Typically searches yield full results in ~10 seconds or less, a significant speedup for many users.
As a bonus, this program also supports path-based search (for example, you can search for "*Program*\Windows*"), regular expressions (just start the search name with '>' character), and full directory sizes. Its goal is to be simple, swift, and intuitive to use.
Im trying to get this to work and having issue i am stumped. Need the Master plugin makers help please.
I Edited your App, Your "ProgramExe" was wrong and changes based on Arch.
Edited PluginSet to swap ProgramExe if x64
I adjusted Image Size to Fit Better - 250-300 pixels wide - Recommended
Added default program icon to container file (should of been FIRST clue you did something wrong)
Adjusted [Update_Container] to Auto Download Both Arch ProgramExe's / SetupFile's
Compare My Edits To Your Existing App - to Understand What You Missed (Overlooked)
Otherwise You Did Good....
And Thank You For Posting Your App Here First, Rather then XPE App Index...
That way you can get some Feedback and Improve..
I Edited your App, Your "ProgramExe" was wrong and changes based on Arch.
Edited PluginSet to swap ProgramExe if x64
I actually had this correct before i uploaded. I was messing around trying to figure out why the shortcuts were not being created. Thanks for pointing it out anyways (always good to know what's the correct way)
I used the xpe packed plugin tool but it could not find the icon.
You also had an extra "ProgramFolder" this is because you where downloading and encoding the ProgramExe's Directly..
Thus not using the 7zip extraction code which is creating the second ProgramFolder...
Best way I found for cases where ProgramExe(s) is Directly Downloaded (Program.exe)
Is to download them and then compress them with 7zip.. (Program.7z)
Then used Packed Creator and point to Compressed Program.7z for Both Arch(s)
Input x86 Program.exe and create...
Then Edit Variable to included ProgramExex64
Then Edit Variables from 7z to Exe
Remove 7zip Extraction Line & Second ProgramFolder from existing code ( change %ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder% to %ProgramFolder% )
Use the "Launch" Button to verify your edits > It should open the folder containing the Program.exe
If not then re-check your edits
Once verified - run the small green play button and verify the Target/programfolder contains the program.exe
You also had an extra "ProgramFolder" this is because you where downloading and encoding the ProgramExe's Directly..
Thus not using the 7zip extraction code which is creating the second ProgramFolder...
Best way I found for cases where ProgramExe(s) is Directly Downloaded (Program.exe)
Is to download them and then compress them with 7zip.. (Program.7z)
Then used Packed Creator and point to Compressed Program.7z for Both Arch(s)
Input x86 Program.exe and create...
Then Edit Variable to included ProgramExex64
Then Edit Variables from 7z to Exe
Remove 7zip Extraction Line & Second ProgramFolder from existing code ( change %ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder% to %ProgramFolder% )
Use the "Launch" Button to verify your edits > It should open the folder containing the Program.exe
If not then re-check your edits
Once verified - run the small green play button and verify the Target/programfolder contains the program.exe
Thanks for the help
RE: MegaPlugin
Folders seem to be not in correct location
Fixed 2019.11.07 - forgot a subfolder.. :embarrassed:
Also added a download protection
Hi All,
Unable to download ''XPE Add-On Package'' with ''Mega Optional Apps Download''. Serious problem.
Thanks & Regards. ...
Hi All,
Unable to download ''XPE Add-On Package'' with ''Mega Optional Apps Download''. Serious problem.
Thanks & Regards. ...
Sorry for the botheration! The latest ''Mega script'' is doing good.
Thanks & Regards. ...
Hi All,
I made Win10XPE_x64 Iso with all well in logs. I wrote it to a pen drive with Rufus ( UEFI+GPT). It boots all well but it does not include / show any app / desktop shortcut for the apps which are Run from USB. USB pen drive is also not shown/listed in This PC folder / window either. But DiskGenius can see the pen drive & also shows all the apps run from USB, from within the boot!
Please help.
Thanks & Regards. ...
I wrote it to a pen drive with Rufus ( UEFI+GPT)
* it does not include / show any app / desktop shortcut for the apps which are Run from USB.
USB pen drive is also not shown/listed in This PC folder
STOP using RUFUS to create multi-partition GPT USB's
@James : Thanks for the response but the same problem continues!
1. I initiated the disk afresh ( Diskpart > List disk > Select disk # > Clean > create partition primary > format quick fs=fat32 ). Then I extracted the ISO to it.
2. The pen drive shows as offline from within the boot. Is it ok ?
3. I try USB7ice & will confirm.
Thanks & Regards. ...
4. Same Problem with USB7ice.
5. I booted in the pen drive & made the pen drive online by Diskpart, from within the boot. Then it showed in the This PC folder. The desktop shortcuts did not come up but browsing to pen drive & launching apps from there worked.
6. Originally, This PC folder showed only three drives : X: ( Boot ), B: ( RamDisk) & DVD drive ( empty )
7. Originally, List Disk shows two disks : Internal hard disk & the Pen drive ( Both as Offline )
8. Originally, In the Disk Management window, Both show as offline & next to them an exclamation mark which tells : Administrator has made so! Problem with the log in as admin ?
9. Enabling Patch Controller.dll, will make any difference ?
10. I have enabled Switch to Admin & Ask to Switch to Administrator for 0 sec in the Build Core section. I did not use Patch Controller.dll. I have dropped Remote Desktop which was selected by default.
(Extra Question : Enabling Patch Controller.dll will help me switch between users smoothly ? )
Thanks & Regards. ...
@Vineet Garg
This is the same issue I reported a few days back.
I think there is a bug in the 0920 build of Win10XPE script. I tried many different methods to create the ISO but same issue persists.
Best bet is to wait for the next release and see how it goes. Most of the previous WinXPE versions has no such issue and I've been having good luck making boot USBs until build 0920
X64 Build - 19018.1 Preview Release as Source
ISO created - Then used USB7ice to write to my USB
Booted from USB - Open File Expoler - X , Y present
By any chance are either of you Integrating Host drivers into XPE Build ???
I have now tested using 19018 x64 as source - as Build to Ram and Build to USB
With admin account and with default System account
With host drivers integrated and without
I can not seem to reproduce your reported issues...
There is an issue with SIB++ refreshing when click on open program taskbar icons, this is solved when you disable taskbar jumplist
The only other Build Change was the implication of the "custom computer name" and the related system changes that accrue... I did not test...
If integrating Host Drivers - VERIFY the Arch of drivers in the custom drivers folder match the arch of build...
exported drivers should read as x86 or amd64 in the driver name...
Thanks James - no I did not integrate any host driver. Everything was left on default except that I enabled MS. Net4 and VC++.
Repeated 4 times and still the same issue
What arch ? what source ? Build type - ram or usb ?? Host OS ?? Host OS arch?? boot method uefi or legacy ??
Post Pic of ISO contents...
After Mounting ISO - Select & copy all contents of ISO to a Fat32 Formatted USB - using windows drag & drop
USB should boot UEFI w/secure boot off & MBR Legacy if the USB Partition is marked active..
[how to set active partition]
list disk
select disk # (# being disk number assigned to USB)
list partition
select partition 1
Note: I have never used RUFUS and only tested USB7ice today
Have always used windows drag&drop method
@James & @oliverjia : Thanks to both of you for the help & info.
1. New Macro.script is out. I will try that soon.
2. I am using untouched & final M$ Win 10 1903 V1 English x64.Iso
3. No integrating host drivers.
4. I also enabled M$ Net 4 & VC++ ( All : 8,9, 10,11,12,14 )
5. I will try to uncheck Switch to Admin
6. Rufus has problems with UEFI+GPT when the biggest file ( Normally Install.wim ! ) is bigger than 4GB. The 1903 version i used, was said to be successfully written by rufus, to make UEFI+GPT without any prompt. But as the Install.wim was greater than 4GB, the installation media did not work accurately! ( Surprisingly, Rufus logs reported Install.wim as 4GB size & did not pick NTFS automatically, So the problem is obvious!)
(a) The 1903 version was having Install.wim just under 4GB.
(b) Rufus automatically switches to & leaves no other option but 'NTFS' with 'UEFI + GPT' when the biggest file is larger than 4GB. but to boot in that media you will need to disable secure boot. Once the Installation or repair is over, Secure Boot can be enabled again.
Thanks & Regards. ...
UPDATE : All fresh attempt with default settings, blues continue!
Hi All,
Now I did it as it was never there on my pc. All default settings, default apps & without any ''Mega'' material & its doing all good!
Next : I will try customization & report.
UPDATE : I did customization very moderately but the blues are back! ( Second log attached )
Thanks & Regards. ...
Rufus was updated from 3.6p to 3.7 in the 2019.09.18 Project Release
And was then updated from 3.7 to 3.8p in the 2019.09.20 Project Release
UPDATE : I did customization very moderately but the blues are back! ( Second log attached )
The log shows 3 warnings...
Aomie BU and PA version out of Date...
And NotePad++ needs a dependency...
NONE of them should prevent ISO creation or Booting...
Notepad++ was not installed
Aomie Was...
Hi James,
Thanks for the response.
1. Rufus is not an issue here still I have kept it aside.
2. My heart says something to do with Switch to Admin and / or HD Tasks app(s). I will try & report in the evening.
( I have not customized anything largely. I respected the basic frame & structure. I have added some extra apps / options which are supported for the project by default & I have proper reasoning for the changes to work )
Thanks & Regards. ...
Thank You for your continued Testing.. It will be interesting to see the conclusion of your results...
Google Chrome * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) Updated 78.0.3904.97
Hi, very interested in the work you guys do here. Some really good work comes from this place! I did want to let you know, a lot of the PXE plugins do not work. I'm assuming download links change over time and what not. I was wondering if there is a future idea to consolidate all these plugins into a download server kinda like in PESE? I like using PXE cause its easier and cleaner but end up remaking a lot of my plugins. What can we expect in the future?
To answer your question APT Sr. Chef yes I can post some of the plugins that are not working. As well as some of the plugins I remade.
You Can Report Any Non Working Apps Here...
It would be more helpful to others - rather then saying some are not working.
I do not Index some of the Member Optional Apps, as not all are reliable..
Like you said some work, some do not... It all depends...
So it is up to you to test a verify on your own any download..
And that is the reason some work and some do not..
Problem is we do not have control or any moderation over the XPE Topic
Yet I fail to find what was fixed....
A lot of the plugins fail to download right away during build. 2 big ones that I use a lot and have issues with are Power Data Recovery and MBAM. Dism++ was another to fail downloading. As well as GSmart control, Firefox, TestDisk.
I apologize, I did not mean to sound unappreciative or anything. I am just trying to help.
Hi All,
Installed the Paragon 15 plugin and while it functions, the desktop icon is broken and the label is "PHDM" instead of something more descriptive. Also, when pinned to the taskbar the icon is broken and when pinned to the Start menu the icon is broken and the program title is the beginning of what looks like a description of the Paragon app. I have the script placed as described below.
Any thoughts on correcting these issues?
Win10XPE and Win10XPE in PEBakery
Paragon Hard Disk Manager
copy to \HD Tasks\Imaging\Paragon (suggestion only)
Note: Requires you to create PHDM64.7z and/or PHDM.7z (depending on ARCH) from all the files and folders WITHIN the program folder, either
C:\Program Files\Paragon Software\Hard Disk Manager15\program\ from locally installed program OR
\BOOT.WIM\Programs\Paragon Software\program\ from the ISO
PHDM15_XPE.Script (90.58 kB - downloaded 34 times.)
Plugin moved to topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28594#msg28594
A lot of the plugins fail to download right away during build. 2 big ones that I use a lot and have issues with are Power Data Recovery and MBAM. Dism++ was another to fail downloading. As well as GSmart control, Firefox, TestDisk.
We copy Release Package to C:\ or D:\ then right click extract here - thus you get D:\Win10XPE as the Base Folder.
Most of the Apps are Downloaded on First Run..
There is a How To Guide and most of the Apps depend on your Internet to download the program files..
My Project folder is 20GB - No way we distribute that as a Package - thus you must be able to Download - so not an error with the Apps..
Also If you download the Mega Optional Apps script from the very bottom of the index
There is a small fix to address download issues cause by the Base Directory having Spaces in the folder name..
The XPE Project Update is checked by default...
Hi 0mikeyj0
Installed the Paragon 15 plugin and while it functions, the desktop icon is broken and the label is "PHDM" instead of something more descriptive. Also, when pinned to the taskbar the icon is broken and when pinned to the Start menu the icon is broken and the program title is the beginning of what looks like a description of the Paragon app.
Yes, the program launch exe explauncher.exe does not contain an icon so you need to edit it with Resource Hacker and add one yourself if needed, then replace the explauncher.exe in your PHDM64.7z or PHDM.7z with the correct arch modded one.
If you want a pre-done one I've uploaded one here for you
updated icon (https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZWTIQkZakdHb1TKll8MpAuwlzNbbk7CqXPV)
The shortcut title PHDM is as I wanted it but you should be able to change it by changing the Add_Shortcut section to something like
If,%Desktop_CheckBox%,Equal,True,AddShortcut,Desktop,,,"Paragon HDM15"
If,%StartMenu_CheckBox%,Equal,True,AddShortcut,StartMenu,%StartMenuFolder_TextBox%,,"Paragon HDM15"
If,%StartMpin_CheckBox%,Equal,True,AddPin,StartMenu,,,"Paragon HDM15"
If,%TaskBpin_CheckBox%,Equal,True,AddPin,TaskBar,,,"Paragon HDM15"
you can change "Paragon HDM15" to anything between the double quotes, but keep the rest exactly as shown
for pin to Taskbar shortcuts you need to have Run from RAM selected
regards APT
Thx APT!
If notepad++ is added regular notepad does not work.
I cannot find the reason for this as i dont see any registry keys added.
NotePad++ has it's own program folder & has no register entries...
The Notepad in XPE is actually Notepad2 which replaces MS Notepad
From here > "\Win10XPE\Projects\Include\x64\AdditionalFiles\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe"
NotePad++ has it's own program folder & has no register entries...
The Notepad in XPE is actually Notepad2 which replaces MS Notepad
From here > "\Win10XPE\Projects\Include\x64\AdditionalFiles\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe"
I understand that. But every time if notepad++ is added i get that message. try to open a text doc or search for notepad and try to open it.
Sorry, I do Not Know How YOU Got To That Point or that Error..
Extract Default Project and MoPlugins & start a NEW Test...
Notepad++ & Notepad2 side by side
I get the same result as James, also if I add .txt to associations of notepad++ I get RHClick 'open with' on txt as well
regards APT
I am having a few problems with my setup on this computer even clean build on different drive gives me issues with PEBakery.
i have ran tests on a VM and everything seems fine.
Anyone have any suggestion what i can do to check where issues are?
Use WinBuilder to build it first. If the problem is gone , feedback to PEBakery team.
Not everyone use it, they can't help you with different way to confirm / reproduce the problem.
If the WinBuilder is also failed , send your build log, and show your minimum options for the problem.
So i figured out the notepad++ issue.
still would love PEBakery working i have a ticket in github but its an issue specific to me only. will have to reinstall windows.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
So i figured out the notepad++ issue.
which out of interest was ?
I'm using
source 10.0.18362.418 x64 en-GB
notePad++ v002 of 2019.11.07 using 7.81
notepad2x64 std from accessories
using PEBakery beta6 bld20191114 (all compat.options on)
or Win10XPE.exe (BuilderSE v82)
txt files open with Notepad2 or Notepad++ or even with both apps simultaneously
I was using something in extra script to try and use notepad++ instead of notepad. I removed it and it works.
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe" /v "Debugger" /t REG_SZ /d "\"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\" -notepadStyleCmdline -z" /f
Not like this of course.
Basically a Self Inflected Issue that led to a Project Error Report...
Basically a Self Inflected Issue that led to a Project Error Report...
You know me so well :)
I suspected...
Bulk Rename Utility - XPE
What happened to the x64 Program.exe ???
Why No Homepage ?? or Update Download ???
OEM has Portable version...
Launching manual locked up XPE..
Its not ready for distribution
Bulk Rename Utility - XPE
What happened to the x64 Program.exe ???
Why No Homepage ?? or Update Download ???
OEM has Portable version...
Launching manual locked up XPE..
Its not ready for distribution
Ok, I'm starting to get the Picture... Sorry...
I never had any lock-ups of Winbuilder launching external applications with this method before....
Here's the new plugin.
same issue with JellyBean.... Test using Innounp Creator... Although I assume you using PEBakery interface, based upon appearance
What happen to tweaks Visual Effects - Merged organized edited for distribution - then nothing
same issue with JellyBean.... Test using Innounp Creator... Although I assume you using PEBakery interface, based upon appearance
What happen to tweaks Visual Effects - Merged organized edited for distribution - then nothing
Here's the new plugin.
Today I tested the Mega download options (XPE addon package) on Win10XPE_Build_07202019 - the same problem of program disappearing and fail to access any hard drives under PE desktop. Win10XPE_Build_20190720 used to have no problem at all back then in the summer when I ran it.
I also tested the newest Win10XPE_Build_20191120 with the XPE addon package in Mega download plugin - the same problem. However, on a clean Winbuilder run using the default included scripts (without any Mega download plugin) everything works.
So it appears the problem is with certain Mega download plugin(s), which can break the XPE structure. Hard to believe so. However, I don't see other possible reasons based on my test.
Hi James,
Thanks for the response.
1. Rufus is not an issue here still I have kept it aside.
2. My heart says something to do with Switch to Admin and / or HD Tasks app(s). I will try & report in the evening.
( I have not customized anything largely. I respected the basic frame & structure. I have added some extra apps / options which are supported for the project by default & I have proper reasoning for the changes to work )
Thanks & Regards. ...
I just looked at Add-on Pack MoPlugins.7z synced to my desktop 11/07/2019 1.32pm
There are 5 Apps (wrongly) enabled by default....
DISABLE System Tools/Write Protect Tool
Please Test again
Thanks in Advance for your feedback....
That report is EXACTLY how that tool works....
Although I am not sure how or why I have it enabled ....
Tweaks & Visual Effects
Win10XPE Registry Tweaks & Visual Effects.
Very Good...
Re: Bulk Rename Utility - XPE
I noticed Launch removed - but Update download works...
Somewhere you are getting stuck figuring out the processes ??
The download when extracted has 3 sub-folders >
You need files from each sub-folder >
FileCopy,%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%\All\Bulk Rename Utility.ini,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%
Also Note when creating App you should include Sub-folder as part of program.exe
Since this exe is inside a 32-bit subfolder then the program.exe for creator is "32-bit\Bulk Rename Utility.exe "
Then Edit out Sub-folder(s) after creation..
Add weblink to App > HomePage_WebLabel
Add SetupURL
from interface editor select image (do not remove) load new image - resize to fit...
Let's see how this works out for you...
Well I did it that way because it was following exactly the makers setup process, only the 32-bit or 64-bit executable is needed all other files are optionnal as per setup instructions.
For 64-bit versions for Windows
1) Extract all the files from the 64-bit folder to a folder.
2) Extract all the files from the "All" folder to the SAME folder (optional)
For 32-bit versions for Windows
1) Extract all the files from the 32-bit folder to a folder
2) Extract all the files from the "All" folder to the SAME folder (optional)
So I copied all files from the ALL directory and the right build Arch Executable to the program folder.
Also Note when creating App you should include Sub-folder as part of program.exe
Since this exe is inside a 32-bit subfolder then the program.exe for creator is "32-bit\Bulk Rename Utility.exe "
Then Edit out Sub-folder(s) after creation..
Not sure I understand that part correctly. If you go to the Bulk Rename Utility folder after running the plugin this is what the plugin install.
I'll check it out tomorrow.
Here is what I come up with...
Would be nice to see script name more descriptive
Also, you did not answer if you are using PEBakery as Builder..
The reason I ask - is because your scripts contain code not common to using WinBuilder
And launching pdf file - does not display pdf reader - yet task manager shows pdf file is open and in use
No, I don't use Bakery... Not sure if I should take it as a compliment :) No, really the Uncommon code you find comes from my keyboard loll. I use the project Win10XPE_2019-11-20 that have Packed Creator V10 And Inno Creator V9 and the old WinBuilder help file. And I create all the commands I need to get the job done in the created plugins. Like for example in the Bulk Rename Utility plugin instead of cherry picking files one by one I simply renamed the all folder Bulk Rename Utility copied that folder to the target_prog and added the right Arch exe.
So instead of
FileCopy,%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder%\All\Bulk Rename Utility.ini,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%
I just
When I tried to use something like "32-bit\Bulk Rename Utility.exe" with previous release, I was getting an error message from Creator that was basically saying not to do this... So I never Did.
I'm starting to think there is something with your pdf viewer installation, because I have no problem here with the Start command on my stations.
Start,,"%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\Insert document name here.whatever",,"%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%"
And also didn't have any using ShellExecute...
ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C #$q%GTemp\%ProgramFolder%\Insert document name here.whatever#$q","%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%"
At this point there is no really other way that are known to me to do that. And I don't understand why they would crash on your rig... I Build on 7pro x64. And I did use the Mega update tool before building a Vanilla XPE Project for development. I favour the ShellExecute command because it is the most powerful one. And I agree on the naming comment. I'll be more descriptive in the future... So trying your code now.
And launching pdf file - does not display pdf reader - yet task manager shows pdf file is open and in use
Windows 8.1 x64 Host w/Adobe Reader DC
Let's see if you still can't open the PDF :(
I can in win10 - not win8.1
even removed and reinstalled adobe reader dc
See, that is the issue I face with distribution Apps..
Results Vary.... So how do you handle it so as not to get error reports ???
Keep the Manual Launch ?
Allow "Launch" Button to Open Temp Program Folder for user to select pdf or exe ??
Allow "Launch" Button to run Program.exe ???
Remove "Launch Manual" to prevent possible error report ????
With "Launch Manual" you are calling a Process that relies on Host to Open PDF
Well I would say Kill them, it's not really needed, anyway the plugins them selves works very good ! That's the important thing.
Update: Victoria HDD 5.20 (November 27, 2019)
Update: Victoria HDD 5.20 (November 27, 2019)
Not working Here. Plain XPE build. Do I need something special ?
[attach=1] [attach=2]
it can not properly read the 2 Non-English character Help Folder names..
When Building to Y - the ISO does not contain those folders
Yes I know, just have to remove the non iso chars from directories and file names... It`s not that the problem. the problem is the error next to it. Victoria crashes at startup. the earlier version was running but displaying incorrect chars as well... this has never worked in XPE for me but in PESE no problems.
this has never worked in XPE for me but in PESE no problems.
So what is different ?? either some file or setting ??
At this point it`s not far enough to read it`s settings file, if I delete it it does not get re-created on running Victoria. I found A couple missing files and added them but still a no go. I deleted the Language folder and I got an error message saying that the page file was too small to complete the operation.
Anyway I`m not sure if I can have confidence in.... A Russian hard disk diagnostic utility that loads DHCPSVC.dll, DNSAPI.dll, IESHIMS.DLL, Wininet.dll and Rasman.dll :confused: Why in the world would a program like that load these if there is no web related functions in the software. Victoria uses dial-up to connect to hard disks or what ??? I`m afraid I can`t use that anymore. loll.
ATI 2020 update 2 WinPE version is launching and backing up a whole OS disk OK, no problem, when running from a Win10XPE boot USB. But when a restore is attempted, the whole ATI GUI crashed when it was trying to lock volumes before restore, specifically the "Y" volume, which is the USB volume. Never happened with ATI2019 under Win10XPE. Possibly a bug with ATI itself. Anyone has this issue as well?
The Win10XPE was built on a LTSC2019 X64 host, using Win10 x64 build 1909 ISO as source
From what I can tell - things changed from 2019 to 2020 versions...
Acronis OEM Boot Media has always been created - All In RAM...
And from my recent test the volume being restored was locked...
And after the successful restore it was unlocked and visible in file explorer..
So the way I see it you have several options available to you...
Test 2020 to RAM or use 2019
Hi oliverjia
Never happened with ATI2019 under Win10XPE.
I have a license for ATI2019 and have had it in my build of Win10XPE. I can tell you with all certainty that ATI2019 would properly complete a backup process but crash during the restore process if within the plugin it is set to run from USB. I found out on my own that the way to get ATI2019 working fully and not crashing during restore was to set it to run from RAM.
@James and @ffrags
Thanks a lot to both of you! Apparently my memory does not serve me well enough - I probably restored before also with IFW which is also in my XPE build instead of ATI 2019. I'll follow your advice to rebuild my XPE with the RAM option for ATI2020 or 2019.
:great: :thumbsup:
Edit: confirmed ATI restore function works well only when it was set to Run from RAM option in the plugin in WinBuilder. James, would you please communicate with ChrisR about this potential issue, and set the default option in ATI plugin to be "Run from RAM"? This way ATI will be fully working without the need to manually set it to Run from RAM.
Thanks a lot again James and ffrags for your input!
I can in win10 - not win8.1
even removed and reinstalled adobe reader dc
See, that is the issue I face with distribution Apps..
Results Vary.... So how do you handle it so as not to get error reports ???
Keep the Manual Launch ?
Allow "Launch" Button to Open Temp Program Folder for user to select pdf or exe ??
Allow "Launch" Button to run Program.exe ???
Remove "Launch Manual" to prevent possible error report ????
With "Launch Manual" you are calling a Process that relies on Host to Open PDF
I updated the links there http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg35453#msg35453
Hi. I work in repairs and server set ups. Ive noticed on a few client machines that XPE will boot to a black screen. I test my builds on my laptop and it boots fine. Just have the issue on some client machines. The funny thing is, PESE will boot any machine without an issue. Although its built on 1809, it still seems more stable than XPE. I like the slimness and easy building that XPE has but honestly I cant boot it on anything. I've rebuilt, tried a vanilla build etc... No luck. I guess I'm going back to PESE and would love to see that one updated to 1909 as well.
Thanks for your feedback and contributions to the above mentioned Projects..
It seems the effort of many member contributions has made you a profit doing repairs and server set ups....
In the future maybe, member contributions here, can address the issues you posted about so you can be more productive and profitable at work..
I like the slimness and easy building that XPE has but honestly I cant boot it on anything.
:sad: What a pity on the project.
be Simple, User-Friendly And to be as Fast as Possible. BUT the built PE can't boot.
XPE will boot to a black screen.
I've rebuilt, tried a vanilla build etc...No luck.
Firstly, do confirm on the black screen, maybe just the explorer.exe can't startup.
try CTRL+ALT+DEL, the taskmgr.exe shows? Can you run explorer.exe? Or rebuild with WinXShell.exe.
Secondly, do confirm for the boot.wim.
Replace the XPE one to PE SE's ISO and try to boot.
Thirdly, build with only basic feature(only explorer.exe), Would it boot?
if XPE is not, dir /b /s , or wimlib to get the file list, if there are missing files,
try to add them to XPE's boot.wim, and try again.
If it still not working, replace the Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM hive to try, then SOFTWARE hive, then both SYSTEM, SOFTWARE ...
Hi ChrisR
re Basic Build - XPE Plugin
thanks for the plugin -minor observation, maybe better defaulted to Selected - False
Yes and done :thumbsup:
Very Good...
Now I do not have to de-select my default Apps in order to get a test Build...
The 3 Apps I used the most for testing are Process Monitor, Regshot2 & WhatChanged..
Update > MiniTool Partition Wizard 11 - Support for v11.6 (http://theoven.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2607.0;attach=10551)
Update > MiniTool Partition Wizard 11 - Support for v11.6 (http://theoven.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2607.0;attach=10547)
getting errors when running in PE only registered versions. I even raplced MFH PEK INI files.
Guess there was a little more to the update then the link..
Should Be Fixed Now..
I even raplced MFH PEK INI files.
Hi James
re: MiniTool Partition Wizard 11.6 plugin update
thanks, seems to run fine on a booted usb drive for me
Joy To The World...
Joy To The World...
Bro, you are the man! Confirmed PW 11.6 works fine also on my USB.
Also, thanks for your modification changing Run from USB to Run from RAM for Acronis. This way it always works :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :great: :great:
Joy To The World Had A Hidden Meaning.....
Media Transfer Protocol Support
Printer Support
Figured Out What Was Missing In XPE To Get The Support....
Driver Reg....
edit - Well Maybe Not Solved
actually printer support seems to kill Device support
and no devices are shown w/basic build
OK, so it just took like forever and a day to Install the Devices...
I added Full Software & Network Addition to get PnP & function discovery
[attach=1] [attach=2]
Joy To The World Had A Hidden Meaning.....
Media Transfer Protocol Support
Figured Out What Was Missing In XPE To Get The Support....
Driver Reg....
very nice from you :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bravo: ( I’ve been bothering my head for months about this ..)
So - I can assume MPT Support Now Working ????
So - I can assume MPT Support Now Working ????
for me yes love it ... thank you (tested also with the other phone & ok )
i will see if ican do the same thing with rnds ... (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2390.msg34916#msg34916)
i will see if ican do the same thing with rnds
Just a matter where to add it , as part of network or MPT support ???
currently test as part of network... Where you think better ???
//- The Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (RNDIS) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol used mostly on top of USB.
//- It provides a virtual Ethernet link to most versions of the Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD operating systems.
Echo,"Register #1 Driver..."
very fast wawww
i was to ask you about this
If,-#1,Equal,-,EchoExtended,"Error: RegAddDriver - Missing Parameter: Driver File Name ",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt
Echo,"Register #1 Driver..."
will test it now ...
Just a matter where to add it , as part of network or MPT support ???
I'm currently testing as part of network... Where you think better ???
Just a matter where to add it , as part of network or MPT support ???
I'm currently testing as part of network... Where you think better ???
im testing with mpt support , but it's better if its part of network .
Network Additions......
Is where I currently have it - as part of Future Project Release....
hi james
mmm missed same thing ...
try with Network Additions - without Full Software...
Then try with Network Additions with Full Software...
And thank you for the feedback and testing it really does help progress things..
hi James
try with Network Additions - without Full Software...
Then try with Network Additions with Full Software...
ssame thing ... :confused:
but i notised that with "wpd file system driver " the usb key now showing in mobile devices :grin:
Testing Update 2019.12.15
Media Transfer Protocol Support (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg30805#msg30805)
Printer Support (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28500#msg28500)
Thanks To Those Who Choose To Provide Feedback....
Slore, Thanks For All Your Work, which was priceless...
Cretino, see if this helps with your driver issue - else right click driver and lets me know why the X
APT, see if this loads PrintQueue faster
Oscar, it was the thought that counts..
Note - Test with "Full Software Hive" and "Network Additions" to achieve best results
Hi James
APT, see if this loads PrintQueue faster
seems about the same to me, but thanks for all your work
also as Oscar was saying in a way
'print to pdf' should be allowing you to save a pdf, not a .prn (in some circumstances you cannot just do a rename)
but is allowing me to add a working third party printer with no problems (apart from the long initialisation wait for any added device)
with Full Software and both MPT & Printer Support - 2 minutes..
[attach=1] [attach=2]
DsmSvc - service downloads realistic icons and device updates
with Full Software and both MPT (media transfer protocol?) & Printer Support after 2 minutes seaching Devices and Printers dialog stops with cero devices found.
According to Device Manager Microsoft Print to PDF and XPS Document Writer cannot be installed because "Windows found drivers for your device but an error occurred during the installation: The driver cannot be installed because it is either not digitially signed or not signed in the appropriate manner".
I have not a true printer attached.
Not sure what a cero device is...
Printqueue.inf is what seems to be required to load PDF and XPS printer driver
And from what I can tell by exporting Host drivers..
Prnms001.Inf for XPS & Prnms009.Inf for PDF > both of which are included in \Windows\System32\spool\tools\
So question > you referred another to index as working before - has that changed for you since latest update ?
As files did not change - I just preloaded drivers with drvload.exe
Although, I had no interest in Printer Support...
It kind of became a mission to support, because the proof of concept was there...
At this point, after other comments, I will leave future Printer Support up to the public...
My only other suggestion would be to test support for one, without the other...
thinking about it for a second...
what I Do Not have on my test PC > is a modem....
Which would seem to relate to Fax Printer...
Which for me during my testing > the Fax Printer is the last device to pop up...
Not sure what a cero device is...
I believe it was probably meant to read 'zero devices found'
Which would seem to relate to Fax Printer...
installed with prnms002.inf - which I thought was totally obsolete but was just reading it's having a comebck !
Just wanted to add a few test results... I tested with a physical printer, an EPSON WP4525. Interesting thing is, that it adds 2 USB Devices to Explorer, as soon as I connect it. However, after loading the proper driver in device manager I was able to print from chrome, notepad, softmaker office.
I had no luck with my andoid devices an the MTP support. it looks like something is still missing. I used Win10 1903, full software option. Just let me know plz if I can run more tests, or if any other components or settings are required.
Just want to say Thanks again to everybody working on this amazing project.
Prnms002.inf is included in extraction process from install.wim
Thanks for your feedback... At least you can now print to something... Which is a positive sign of progress...
There was a report earlier by Cretino about a driver missing or drive issue when using MTP Support...
I believe his driver issue is caused by the Addition of "Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (RNDIS)" Support which was recently included within MTP Support....
Although I do Thank everybody for their testing results feedback, for me this Printer Issue is closed, I will no longer be working on, developing or testing this feature..
Although if "Zero Devices Found" was the meaning..
User must Verify a Network connection...
Because using "Full Software Hive " Requires "Network Additions" in XPE to get a Network Connection..
As I believe the Device Install & Device Setup Manager "Service" require an internet connection to download
for "Missing Drivers" in "Device Manager" user can right click then choose "update driver software"
I usually use the "Browse My Computer for driver software" then point to
":\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository" on Host OS with "Working Driver"
Then I figure out which driver.inf was required by selecting the driver properties...
Then export & integrate that driver into next build
Not sure what a cero device is...
So question > you referred another to index as working before - has that changed for you since latest update ?
I mean zero, none devices.
Nothing has changed, Before it was partially working, I was and I am able to print only to .prn, no matter what printer I choose. It is the default behaviour of Windows when printers do not exist or they are wrongly installed, or Print to file (x) is marked.
My test was a save as a *.prn file as well...
Hi Jon
maybe, you should be making this statement/request under Win10XPE Project General Discussions to get a response, as it appears to be a XPEPlugin your referring to
Actually it would appear by the XPE error message - that he is using the AdobeReaderXI Plugin which he has already confirmed (the Post #20 Attachment) as working with PESE
Yes, from the error message it looks like your correct
hi James
* rndis
... driver missing or drive issue when using MTP Support...
not the driver but the service , i look in pe & i cant find usbrndis6 service , i added but still no luk
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\ControlSet001\Services\usbrndis6,DisplayName,"@netrndis.inf,#$pusbrndis6.Service.DispName#$p;USB RNDIS6 Adapter"
Test with "Full Software Hive" and "Network Additions"
Try Short Version
a search of my current host and registry > did not reveal any usbrndis6* files or settings...
Try exporting & integrating driver from host into build..
Hi James
...did not reveal any usbrndis6* files or settings...
its under \Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netrndis.inf_x86_3cc32b83febf9c6a &\System32\Drivers
i will check the other service ...
one questions
why if i add this key
i cnat find it under pe ???
the service is looking for
problem is usb80236.sys is not in system32/drivers
Manually copy the sys from repository to drivers
RE: Printer Support
Updated autorun process to delay the loading of printqueue.inf to help unknown device issue in Device manager..
Default Printers will appear in Device Manager after 2 Minutes 15 Seconds..
Enabling "Full Software Hive" is Not Required..
Print To PDF - defaults to .PRN File Extension - Which is Readable with a PDF Reader..
problem is usb80236.sys is not in system32/drivers
added to driver with reg & updated sys to support phone ...
:thumbup: :clap: :yahoo: :celebrate: :cheerleader: :magic:
Very Good..
If you could share the process ?
My Host Win10 OS _ Does Not even acknowledge my phone being plugged in
Hi James
tested on another pc and ok :grin:
now wiht : \Custom\x86\Drivers & mtp script work, but without driver non, missed key :confused:
i have added this to Mtp_RegDrivers
Hi James
A-BU v5.5 seems ok
for me both url's still downloading 5.3 ?
fixed index..
Re: AOMEI Partition Assistant v8.6
The registration uses a verification process and does not hold on re-launch of program, even after successful registration ...
So you must keep re-entering the product key... The Standard Edition works just fine, without cfg.ini
My guess is the issue is with this version as the results are the same on Host as in PE...
Download links for testing
//- v8.5
//-- latest version
Currently I would suggest using 8.5 if you have a non-standard key
Index Noted..
My Host Win10 OS _ Does Not even acknowledge my phone being plugged in
mmm,whats the name of your phone ??
after integring the samsung drivers i i understand why rndis didnt work ...
test without samsung driver & nothing inside ...\Custom\x86\Drivers
:w00t: :clap: :rolf: :yahoo: :celebrate: :magic:
tested without network additions & full software hive and work too :thumbsup:
I am IT technician by trade I love this tool but recently I forked over 300 big ones for the server plus edition of macrium reflect and was wondering how I would integrate it
since I can't edit replying
so apparently simply overwriting the macrium free version with files from my licensed version as well as the licence file works
if anybody knows a nicer method let me know
we use the PE Files for MR...
they are extracted for the "WAIKFILES15*.exe" file found on Host...
The Server Edition would extract them from the "WAIKFILES*.exe" of a different name...
I would then have to assume you copied the Host Files in replacement of PE files..
Also I am not aware of a license "File" by rather a "Register Key" - so help me out there....
stores the license data
much like arconis as long as marcium is licensed on the host os any rescue media is also inherited
but literally all I did was copy the program files from my installed copy to \iso after building
I Did not use the marcium rescue media as a source I used the core program directory which *should not* work at all but it does
the main advantage over the free version is the ability to use the redeploy tool /Consolidate image tool
I can extract the pe version from the macirum generated rescue media but they are functionally identical
is there a plugin that lets me specify a folder to include a application from and then walks me though importing the required registry keys/short cuts I have a anouther tool thats paid only but I do not have the installer but I Have moved it from machine to machine before by copying the program files/registery keys and starting it with a batch file lol
I used the core program directory which *should not* work at all but it does
Yes that has always working in that manner... Yet now used due to size and the extra features on host not needed in PE...
And You are using the Registry Value.
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package
is updated to 14.24.28127.4
Thanks Cretino...
two things
1. is there any way to enable hyper-V in windows pe ?
2. I am getting a weird diskmount issue with my UASP external drive dock occasionally the device just hangs up and I am unable to mount drives except by running diskpart automount scrub
and then manually mounting the drive with diskpart assign
so far only limited to one machine I have really needed this for could very well be a chipset issue (is there a good way to roll in the intel chipset driver package and let it self configure ? )
When you say mount/unmounts I assume via Device Eject...
My Testing showed that > Once ejected the device Must be removed to reset process...
The Device will be found again once plugged back in....
Yet, I was just using simple usb flash drive
You can export that Intel Chipset Driver & Integrate that Driver Into build via Build Core Main Interface
To all the people on this wonderful forum I want to give you all my sincerest wishes for a long healthy and prosperous life.
And special thanks to ChrisR for this wonderful Win10XPE project and to James for his add-ons, assistance, and teachings.
Happy New Year!!!
The Topic you posted to is not for discussions - So I will Quote and Respond Here in General Discussions
The scripts I am referring to are the:
Thanks again.
This is my first post here... I was wondering if the dependency for this plugin would be completed or picked up by anyone. When running this plugin, it looks for another script named vcruntimes_XPE.script. I see that that script has been removed (or at least the attachment). Can't use this script or the AppleFS script to mount APFS or HFS+ volumes on a Macbook.
Thanks in advance.
Debonairone :embarrassed:
(or DB-one for short...)
The builder is looking for MS Visual C++ Runtime (https://mega.nz/#!bGhTjKzY!qB4Z_1wS4v-mvNgUk9NZ6blh6N-rUwNa4DxVMdJwSCk)
Which you would download and then extract into "\Win10XPE\Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\Components\VcRunTimes_XPE.script"
It is also available as an optional download via Utilities/Mega Optional Apps Download
RE: Current Discussion on Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Plugins Topic
Please, Keep Any Discussion or Comments Off This Topic -> Make Your Comments in The General Discussion Topic..
I don 't know the requirement of the other scrips you are using, but VCRuntime can be found here. http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28489#msg28489 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28489#msg28489) direct link to scrip https://mega.nz/#!bGhTjKzY!qB4Z_1wS4v-mvNgUk9NZ6blh6N-rUwNa4DxVMdJwSCk (https://mega.nz/#!bGhTjKzY!qB4Z_1wS4v-mvNgUk9NZ6blh6N-rUwNa4DxVMdJwSCk)
hth !
Besides the Question was already answered above in correct discussion topic...
And the problem with posting MEGA links is they break when updated...
Thus Index is Updated to remain consistent...
So please post links to Index rather then Mega...
Thank You..
Created a new sub-category in > Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Index / xPC Host Tools
Referencing Apps that are useful on Host when Launched..
BUT, with only some usefulness in WinPE...
Some have useful features in WinPE - others do not...
Created a new sub-category in > Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Index / xPC Host Tools
Referencing Apps that are useful on Host when Launched..
BUT, with only some usefulness in WinPE...
Some have useful features in WinPE - others do not...
I just tried adding the Nirsoft Plugin, and I get:
[Script] NirLauncher
[Failed] Run - Failed to find section [PluginSetx64] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\System Tools\NirLauncher_XPE.Script]
[Warning] Halt
[Done] Finished processing script: NirLauncher
Please, Keep Any Discussion or Comments Off That Topic -
Otherwise Thanks for the Report...
By Editing / Removing / Deleting Line #47
Wireshark - XPE Plugin
Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level
(Attachment Link) - Date: 2020.01.21
(Attachment Link) - Date: 2020.01.21
Hi, James
Just to let you know that Wireshark Requires network Packet capture services to function properly, without it Hardware adapters won't be found, It also needs a special driver mode to use Wifi cards. The NPCD also adds multiple supplementary Bindings in network adapters and hundreds, if not thousands of filters in the Network stack... In addition to be able to switch the adapter to promiscuous mode. Those are needed for operation. And can't be restored from registry because they are proper to the machines networks configurations... The only way I know to workaround this is to install the NPCD directly in live PE before launching Wireshark. See my Wireshark Plugin. http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2983.msg35500#msg35500 Check out NPCAP0.9986
Also I don't how many people are touched by the repetitive download failure the software suffers for already a month now. I had to encode it manually into the plugin to force it to use my downloaded version to try it... Maybe a provide file could help on this one... Btw Thanks for the Nirlauch util... Cheers!.
re-directed - as I was not aware of a prior wireshark post ...
I am not aware of any changed made to or effecting "Download" other then the addition of Console Logging....
I have not suffered from 'Download" failures..
re-directed - as I was not aware of a prior post...
I am not aware of any changed made to or effecting "Download" other then the addition of Console Logging....
I have not suffered from 'Download" failures..
There is something where I live tough, because I tried to d/l wireshark from couples of place and it fails more than 3/4 of the time some time it goes up to 99% then fails... it manage to work after many tries...
Loll I think I understand What you mean It's not the Download Command that fails... It's the download ITSELF
@ Malok,
you would be better served if you created 1 XPE topic regarding your Apps...
Thus they all be in one topic and easy to find & follow - rather then getting lost in forum 1 app at a time...
( Malok's XPE Apps ) Just a suggestion..
For those who have not noticed..
Google Chrome Updated..
Aomie Partition Assistant Updated to work with Newest Release
DriverEasy updated to fix extraction error...
See index..
Enjoy !
Google Chrome * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695) Updated 80.0.3987.87
Well since the advent of Multi-Partition Support on Windows 10 for Removable Devices (USB's)
The latest crazy is creating a Multi-Partition USB with XPE
First create a single Fat32 Active Partition on the USB Device (Large enough to support the XPE Media Files)
Then partition the remainder of the USB as a second NTFS Partition... (To Support Files Greater than 4GB)
Then add a Flag to the NTFS partition (CDUsb.u)
Then edit Pecmd.ini > _SUB PreShell Section to include
// LetterSwap
EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /auto /SetLetter Y:\CDUsb.y /Log %Temp%\LetterSwap.log
EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /auto /SetLetter U:\CDUsb.u /Log %Temp%\LetterSwap.log
The NTFS Partition should now be set as Drive Letter U
And you can now add shortcuts via Pecmd.ini to your files on the NTFS Partition
Hi, James
In the second line key /auto is not necessary, and log only for debugging.
I would recommend
// LetterSwap
EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /auto /bootdrive y:
EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /SetLetter U:\CDUsb.u
Symantec Norton Ghost 12 > Added to Index
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package
is updated to 14.25.28508.3
MiniTool Partition Wizard is updated to 12
DISKGENIUS updated to
Here is My Shared "Win10XPE-Backup" Folder on MEGA
All Up-To-Date
Here is My Shared "Win10XPE-Backup" Folder on MEGA
thanks James
Here is My Shared "Win10XPE-Backup" Folder on MEGA
All Up-To-Date
Thanks bro, this is pure gold :great: :great:
BTW, ChrisR has disappeared from here - his most recent logon record is back in December 2019. Hope he wouldn't abandon this great project. Anyone has further info that can be shared here?
Not much for him to do - other then to update a few Apps in the Release.. (Easily done by User)
Although I did find 2 Bugs that he can help figure out....
Not much for him to do - other then to update a few Apps in the Release.. (Easily done by User)
Although I did find 2 Bugs that he can help figure out....
Thanks bro for the info :thumbsup:
Hope ChrisR will show up again, fully recharged and implement support for Windows 10 20H1 now that it's officially released Built 19041.207
What support is needed - to support the Release ???
Please provide your testing results...
Yes, I meant adding the support for the new release.
I'm currently running LTSC 2019, and have yet downloaded the new release. I saw it was released on other forums so just curious :tongue:
Please provide your testing results...
In the second line key /auto is not necessary, and log only for debugging.
I would recommend
// LetterSwap
EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /auto /bootdrive y:
EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /SetLetter U:\CDUsb.u
we opted for the SetLetter switch over the BootDrive switch
Due to users booting Multi-Partition Drives.. And it also has had no effect on normal booting
If the Boot files are on Partition 1 and Win10XPE on Partition 2 - the Win10XPE Partition was not being assigned Y = Because the Media was booting from Partition 1
Same when Booting the Win10XPE ISO - the Y drive letter assignment did not work - due to Bootdrive mismatch
So although not the "recommended" way - it is the way that fixed 2 issues and it has not had any adverse effects..
Also I find the LetterSwap /switches - but not a switch use definition
20H1(2004) is not officially released. MS announced that 2004.207 build will be the release version. Only way to get it currently is via building it yourself using UUP downloads or by being a windows insider in the slow ring or release preview ring. Official iso are not available at MSDN downloads yet.
The 2004.207 version built from UUP downloads works fine for me with win10xpe.
As Does Latest Preview Release
DISKGENIUS updated to
as reported by cretino
just for info
Disk Genius XPEPlugin still working fine - just change update box to and hit U
Please provide your testing results...
Sorry meant to say have not yet downloaded it, but it appears now someone else already tested it and the results appears positive :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Hi James,
I have downloaded the latest Notepad++ plugins and the build fails to download the npp.7.8.1.bin.7z file from their website. I can copy the URL and download the file, so I am not sure which part of the script is failing.
I get a download error and then after the download times out, I receive another error. Both are typed out below:
Error 1 (in a command prompt window):
Downloading "http://download.notepad-plus-plus.org/repository/7.x/7.8.1/npp.7.8.1.bin.7z" Please Wait...
04/29 06:44:41 [NOTICE] Downloading 1 item(s)
[#a1b477 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B]
Error 2 (in a gui program window):
Failed Downloading http://download.notepad-plus-plus.org/repository/7.x/7.8.1/npp.7.8.1.bin.7z
Aria2c Return: 3221225786 -
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Using GitHub Links
Newest Program version - 7.8.6
PCI-Z - verified works - use "U" Button
NirLauncher verified works - new version 1.23.19
Hi James,
Sorry for posting in the wrong topic, understand the rules now.
I have built a new VM and installed a clean copy of the base Win10XPE project and added only these problem plugins.
I still receive all the same errors when building these plugins.
For Notepad++ - how do I change to using the Github links (edit a script file)?
Using the "U" button on any of these plugins fails in the same way as previously.
Is there a way I can download the files required by these plugins and place them in the ProgCache folder, and have the plugins proceed to build the project?
Many thanks for all your help.
I assume you are able to download other Apps OK ??
Here are the links to the Forum Downloads
NotePad++ (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg33188#msg33188)
Edited links to Github
PCI-Z (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg32150#msg32150)
Edited to keep ProgCache
NirLauncher (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg36428#msg36428)
Changed Program Version to 1.23.19
I just again tested each on "Host" PC
Other then that - somebody else will have to help verify the download...
Hi James
just redownloaded the 3 plugins in question just as a test, all 3 run and download respective files without probs for me
regards APT
ps only tried on x64 build
Thanks APT...
Thanks James for the new plugins! Thanks APK for testing.
I did clear the Project\Temp directory & the ProgCache directories first.
I still receive an error when using the U function for the PCI-Z plugin, with this error in the log:
[Warning] Exit - Failed Downloading http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids.gz Aria2c Return: 1 - An unknown error occurred. (If,#6,Equal,Exit,Exit,#1) (Line 439)
If I run the Launch button I receive the following error:
[Error] ExtractFile - Encoded file [Folder\pci.ids.gz] not found in script [C:\Documents\PEBakery-nightly\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\Tweaks\PCI-Z_XPE_File.Script]. (ExtractFile,%FileContainer%,Folder,%PCIBase%,%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%) (Line 84)
Thanks for your patience and any help is greatly appreciated!
test Download directly via browser
You are also running from within Personal "Documents" Folder
It is recommended to use (in your case) C:\PEBakery
you will need to allow a Windows Defender "Exception" for the C:\PEBakery folder ( I would suggest the same exception for any A/V software) in order to allow the program exe's to run without being blocked....
I do not test with PEBakery for compatibility - APT usually does ...
I am able to download that file correctly on my VM, sorry to not mention that earlier.
The PCI-Z script does download the "PCI-Zx64.zip" file to C:\Documents\PEBakery-nightly\ProgCache\PCI-Z_x64\
It appears the extract of the downloaded file is failing.
Is there a way to to extract the file to the correct location and modify the script to not do the download/extract portion, just the build portion?
If x64 then 2 files should have been Downloaded and should be present...................
then those files are encoded into script...
Your System is failing to download the .gz file or failing to encode it.
or in temp
The only App that needed a Fix was - Notepad++
The other 2 where edited to HELP you troubleshoot a system problem...
I can see by the Path & Location - you did not follow How To Instructions...
Hi James
just redownloaded the 3 plugins in question just as a test, all 3 run and download respective files without probs for me
Yes, you are correct, tested with BuilderSE (Win10XPE.exe) and PEBakery 0.97 beta7 (bld 20200419) builders
Hi James and APT,
I have created a new Win10XPE project at the root of C: and excluded it from Windows Defender.
The build still fails to one of the two files or to extract the "pci-ids.gz" file.
I manually put the "pci.ids.gz" in this folder C:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\PCI-Z. I hit the green play button on the PCI-Z plugin and get this error in the log:
ExtractFile - Failed to expand file: [pci.ids.gz] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\PCI-Z_x64]
The "pci-ids.gz" is failing to be automatically extracted by the script. Is the syntax incorrect in the script?
I can manually extract the file just fine.
I followed the instructions to update the "PCI-Z_XPE_File.Script" with the newest "pci.ids" file I downloaded manually.
If it is not easily fixable (it is beyond my current skill level), I will put the "PCI-Z.exe" and the "pci.ids" files in a folder on the desktop for my build.
Thanks as always.
Hi strongbad75
I manually put the "pci.ids.gz" in this folder C:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\PCI-Z
I don't manually d/l anything, just run the initial plugin or hit U but the pci.ids.gz and PCI-Zx64.zip files are in ... \ProgCache\PCI-Z_x64 on my dir structure
ps on x64 build
so when you hit the U button the files are d/l to the ProgCache dir and encoded into the PCI-Z_XPE_File.script, when you run the plugin those files are extracted from that scriptfile to the %GTemp%\%ProgramFolder% and processed from there into %GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramFolder% and onwards to the TargetFolder. This should happen automatically on the initial plugin run, or if you hit U button for update etc
I am using a 1909 x64 EDU machine with that version as the source for my builds.
I understand that I should not need to download any of these files manually, I did this because the green play button and the "U" button fail to work as expected.
I do understand how the script extracts and copies files to their appropriate locations, the download script and the extract scripts fail to work on any of my systems.
Sorry if this was not clear earlier.
I manually put the "pci.ids.gz" in this folder C:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\PCI-Z
so did you try putting the file manually in folder C:\Win10XPE\ProgCache\PCI-Z_x64
ps make sure your 'manually placed file' isn't being auto-deleted by the plugin script
I have attached the Encoded PCI-Z App..
attachment removed
Many thanks James!
Your encoded file and script work perfectly.
Thanks for all your hard work and patience will my questions.
RE: Check Flash 1.17.0
This program can be very dangerous with the dull person, be careful. After performing full erasing or write/read test with pardidion or device all data will lost forever! Author does not responsible for usage of this software.
Using Win10XPE project in WinBuilder, I created a WinPE10 b17763 x64.
I then modified it heavily to suit my needs (added some required files, registry mods).
These modifications are not available in WinBuilder with this project, so I had to do them manually.
Boots perfectly in UEFI and Legacy modes.
In the attached screenshot, you can see a DivX Pro HEVC encoding of a UHD clip running in the WinPE10.
Working great!!
Thanks ChrisR and everyone else who contributed to this project. :thumbsup:
I then modified it heavily to suit my needs (added some required files, registry mods).
These modifications are not available in WinBuilder with this project, so I had to do them manually.
I still have two minor issues, though:
1. The UserPreferencesMask registry value (located in HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\) always gets reset to 9E 1E 07 80 12 00 00 00.
I want the value to be 90 12 03 80 10 00 00 00, which means no window shadow, no slide effects and no fading effects.
So first I modified the NTUSER.DAT and DEFAULT hives so that this value is 90 12 03 80 10 00 00 00. Didn't help.
Then I added an EXEC command in PECMD.ini to change the value during bootup. I checked the PECMD log file, and the command does indeed run, but that still did not help.
The value seems to automatically get changed to 9E 1E 07 80 12 00 00 00 once WinPE10 boots to the desktop, so all the effects are still activated.
Of course, after boot-up I can remove all the effects using the Windows UI and it works, but I would like it to be without intervention.
Any idea what causes this value to change, or where to change it so it stays permanent the way I want?
2. Is there a way to have the "normal" input language indicator, in the taskbar next to the clock, or even just the ALT+SHIFT combo working? If so, which files and registry settings need to be added?
Using the "Keyboard Layout" shortcut is OK, but it doesn't work seamlessly to change between input locales using the default ALT+SHIFT combo. I mean, after switching the input language to type, I must close the app I'm typing with, re-open it and then I can type with the 2nd input language. Not very convenient.
EDIT: CTRL+SHIFT seems to work to change between the selected language and en-US, but not all the time...
Like I said, those are minor issues, but would be great to perfect my Win10PE WIM file.
The UserPreferencesMask registry value is reset when loading at the default because checking its validity, but you can set the desired parameters when booting via the API, example (https://usbtor.ru/viewtopic.php?p=74596#74596).
Try My Plugin to Configure User Preference settings.
Thanks Nikzzzz and malok,
I don't use AutiIt, so I'll try malok's plugin script.
I'll report shortly.
Good news - The two minor issues I reported earlier are now SOLVED!!
Malok's plugin works, and now all the slide/fade effects are OFF be default, like I wanted.
In addition, I managed to get the ALT+SHIFT key combo for switching between keyboard input languages working (The 2nd language I added is Hebrew - hex code 040d).
Attached is the REG file I created for this purpose, so if anyone is interested, download it and change the 2nd language to your preference/locale.
You can even add a 3rd input language if you'd like.
You won't see the selected language (Input Indicator) in the taskbar, but the ALT+SHIFT key combo will work.
You won't see the selected language in the taskbar, but the ALT+SHIFT key combo will work.
Try adding
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Keyboard Layouts\0000040d]
"Layout Display Name"=hex(2):40,00,25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,\
"Layout File"="KBDHEB.DLL"
"Layout Text"="Hebrew"
Try adding
nikzzzz, this key already exists.
Good news - The two minor issues I reported earlier are now SOLVED!!
Malok's plugin works, and now all the slide/fade effects are OFF be default, like I wanted.
In addition, I managed to get the ALT+SHIFT key combo for switching between keyboard input languages working (The 2nd language I added is Hebrew - hex code 040d).
Attached is the REG file I created for this purpose, so if anyone is interested, download it and change the 2nd language to your preference/locale.
You can even add a 3rd input language if you'd like.
You won't see the selected language in the taskbar, but the ALT+SHIFT key combo will work.
Going to play with this. just by the way the onscreen keyboard starting working 100% for me so its easy to use hebrew via that program.
Hi BigBadMoshe,
I'm now working on getting the language bar on the taskbar to show the currently selected input language.
In Windows 10, MS refers to it as "Input Indicator", in the Settings app.
I already have a few registry settings to play with...
Hi BigBadMoshe,
I'm now working on getting the language bar on the taskbar to show the currently selected input language.
In Windows 10, MS refers to it as "Input Indicator", in the Settings app.
I already have a few registry settings to play with...
Awesome. keeping an eye out.
I already found a few pieces of this puzzle.
Again - the "UserPreferencesMask" located in HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop (NTUSER.DAT, DEFAULT hives).
Malok is going to have to update his script.
On Win10 b17763 or newer, it turns out that if you go to Settings > Time & Language > Language > Spelling, typing & keyboard settings > Advanced keyboard settings:
When there is more than one input typing language (a 2nd input language added by the user),
If "Use the desktop language bar when it's available" is UNCHECKED, the value of the 12th bit mask is 0 - the default (it's the 48th bit in Binary).
The currently active input language is shown using the new modern 3-letter scheme: ENG, HEB, RUS, etc…
It is displayed next to the clock.
If "Use the desktop language bar when it's available" is CHECKED, the value of the 12th bit mask changes to 1.
The currently active input language is shown using the old Win7 style 2-letter scheme: EN, HE, RU, etc…
It is displayed after all the taskbar icons.
See the attached screenshot for a visual explanation. I hope it makes sense...
Here's another piece in this puzzle:
;ShowStatus 3 means Language Bar is set to "Hidden".
;ShowStatus 4 means Language Bar is set to "Docked in the Taskbar"
See attached screenshot.
So even after the above changes, the Input Indicator in the taskbar still doesn't show up. :confused: :confused: :confused:
I ran procmon64 on both a regular Win10 b17763 x64 installation, and WinPE10 b17763 x64. No dice...
The Input Indicator control in the Settings app remains a mystery as to what value it changes in the registry.
I don't really mind, though, as I can quickly switch between keyboard input langs with ALT+SHIFT.
The On-screen keyboard is indeed an indicator as to which input language you're currently on, but it covers a large part of the screen, so not really convenient as the small indicator in the taskbar - like in a regular Win10 installation.
Maybe someone else has an idea...
For the Russian language I use my keyboard layout indicator (https://usbtor.ru/viewtopic.php?t=1838), imxo, I like it more than the standard from Microsoft.
Although it only supports three languages, it is not difficult to add additional languages, this is done simply by editing resources.
If you're interested, I can describe the process of adding their language and localization software.
Thanks for the KeybX app.
If others would like to use the app, here are a few pointers:
1. To use KeybX_x64.exe, KeybX.cfg must be renamed to KeybX_x64.cfg
2. The contents of the KeybX_x64.cfg file must be modified to your own set of languages.
3. KeybX_x64.exe must be modified with ResHacker to replace the language IDs and icons.
Not very straight-forward, but it kinda works.
There are a few issues with it:
1. The changes made by KeybX stay even after the app is closed. Why?
2. The Russian language was automatically added to my input language list, yet it does not show-up in the "Text services and Input Languages" window. Strange...I had to reboot to remove it.
3. The "Ibeam" mouse cursor got changed and cannot be changed back (via the Mouse Properties window) to the way it was before I launched KeybX. Also strange...
I had to reset my mouse cursors from the registry.
Anyway, nikzzzz, I would still like to use Windows' own built-in input indicator... if I ever manage to get it to show on WinPE10.
The plugin is only modifying the initial Usermask used for window to create a new profile.
Can you elaborate a bit on what corrections are needed pls
Here as amended version based on your comments.
Here as amended version based on your comments.
i tried to use with config with hebrew but its still only russian and english.
;The choice of supported languages are listed with a comma.
;0409 - English (optional)
;040d - Hebrew
;Exit hotkey
;Show cursor - indicator
;Type 0 - as a flag, 1.2 - as text
;Show icon - tray indicator
;Type 0 - as a flag, 1.2 - as text
This version of the Russian, Hebrew, it is not included.
To add it, you must add resources, such as using ResHacker.
If you look at the screenshot I attached a few posts before, you can see that the 12th hex bit can be a zero (0) or one (1). In Binary, counting from 0, it's the 47th bit.
It works only when there is more than one input language. Normally, most users have both en-US and their own locale as input langs.
0 - New modern style 3-char input indicator (ENG, RUS, etc...). This is the default in Windows 10.
1 - Old Win7 style 2-char input indicator (EN, RU, etc...). This enables the language bar, which can also be undocked from the taskbar.
In your script, there isn't an option to control this behavior. That's why I said that the script should be updated to support this option (another checkbox).
Of course, first we need to find the required registry values to enable displaying the input indicator. I still haven't found a way to do this (and that's why nikzzzz proposed to use his own app).
Hi ericgl,
What I see on your previous post picture comes from
"Tweak Visual Effects" Plugin
( Components\Tweaks\"Tweak Tweak Visual Effects")
which contains some of UserPreferencesMask
Since UserPreferencesMask is very special where values change by other features (eg. "Tweak Mouse" Plugin, IME Plugins ...)
I gather all UserPreferencesMask values on a separate plugin
Components\Twekas\"Tweak UserPreferencesMask"
Counting bits left-to-right and right-to-left changes the result on posts on topics,
On plugin, I count left-to-right (opposite to normal math digits) (starting with 0) which gives correct results on computer.
12 bit there I wrote:
"12 Fade or slide ToolTips into view (Tool tip fade) -11"
which means 11 bit has interaction with 11 bit
"11 Tool tip animation -12"
Maybe what you are looking for is bit 40 found by ied206
"40 IME Toolbar"
I do not know the meaning of all UserPreferencesMask values, after bit 18 only 21 22 38 40 found
If you find the meaning of other values, It will be nice to add to "Tweak UserPreferencesMask"
"Tweak UserPreferencesMask" Plugin or any other plugin has no compatibility with Win10XPE,
I am only interested in figuring out other UserPreferencesMask values.
Can you open a topic for KeybX on another section,
Using Win10XPE project in WinBuilder, I created a WinPE10 b17763 x64.
I then modified it heavily to suit my needs (added some required files, registry mods).
These modifications are not available in WinBuilder with this project, so I had to do them manually.
Boots perfectly in UEFI and Legacy modes.
In the attached screenshot, you can see a DivX Pro HEVC encoding of a UHD clip running in the WinPE10.
Working great!!
Thanks ChrisR and everyone else who contributed to this project. :thumbsup:
Hi ericgl,
...I am only interested in figuring out other UserPreferencesMask values.
Hi Lancelot,
If I find more information regarding UserPreferencesMask values, I will keep you posted.
Cheers :thumbsup:
...Maybe what you are looking for is bit 40 found by ied206
"40 IME Toolbar"
When I said 12th bit, I meant the 12th bit in hex (as appears in the registry).
In Binary, it's the 48th bit. if you count from 0, then it's bit 47:
1st QWORD (4 bytes)
b 10010000 00010010 00000011 10000000 =h 90 12 03 80
No fades, no slides, no shadow under windows, no shadow under mouse pointer
2nd QWORD (4 bytes)
b 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 =h 10 00 00 00
In Win10, when displaying the Input Indicator, use modern 3-char lang abbreviation (ENG, RUS, DEU)
b 00010000 00000001 00000000 00000000 =h 10 01 00 00
In Win10, when displaying the Input Indicator, use Win7 style 2-char lang abbreviation (EN, RU, DE)
I hope now it's more clear.
I have also created an Excel sheet for easy Hex value calculation especially for UserPreferencesMask. If you're interested, I can attach it for you to download.
Hi ericgl,
To avoid going away from topic title,
I replied to your old topic (in which "Tweak UserPreferencesMask" Plugin created)
Lancelot Reply 20 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1544.msg37457#msg37457
Sure hope you all can figure this all out this discussion.. So eventually someone can actually try to follow some development process...
Hi James
not sure if reported before but Free Download Manager plugin is more consistent if it uses %GTools% on lines 78/79 esp for PEBakery
regards APT
Hi nic-mediocre
re http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg37593#msg37593 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg37593#msg37593)
to save you time searching, you will be able to edit your posts after the tenth one
btw, not tested, but was just looking why your base app plugin scriptfile was so large, you seem to have comctl32.dll encoded into it and doesn't appear to be used
We need a MOP cleanup....
Here is a Fixed version of a recent upload..
A new topic to discuss:
Is there a plugin to enable the built-in Disk Defragmenter utility of Windows 10?
It's very handy for optimizing and performing TRIM on SSD media.
Of course, one can use the command line utility, by adding defrag.exe + en-US mui.
However, having the GUI version would be nice...unless it requires too many files to be added to WinPE10, and extra services running.
There is also the option of using a 3rd party app.
Defraggler is OK, but I somewhat doubt its capability to actually TRIM an SSD.
WinContig is also kind of lacking as a complete HDD/SSD defragment and optimization tool.
IObit Smart Defrag Pro seems to do a decent job for both HDDs and SSDs, but fails to recognize an external SSD drive (connected via USB) as an SSD.
Any suggestion would be very welcome.
Hello. I have problem with sound after using new veriosn of windows pese buiilder with windows 10 x64 verions 1709 and 1809.
Like few moths ago i used older verion of windows pese builder with windows 10 x64 1709 and it works great, I just had one issue with no sound if firefox.
Please tell me if any one else had this problem also.
Hi Agraham,
you are on wrong topic & section
correct section: Win10PE SE HomePage http://theoven.org/index.php?board=36.0
see recent audio-related topics there
+ It may be about changes after 1709 or with the latest firefox, see also new plugin Lancelot reply 30 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3103.msg37487#msg37487
Further, see you on correct topic (new or existing) or section
Hi All,
I have moved my project to the root of the data drive and VLC fails to download (same issues as Notepad++ and PCI-Z) from my earlier posts.
Any help is much appreciated.
PCI-Z website is gone.....
VLC is program version 3.0.10
Dism++ has not changed......
Hi James
PCI-Z website is gone.....
still available at
https://www.pci-z.com/#download (https://www.pci-z.com/#download)
This has been my results lately - although current MegaCmd has the file encoded - due to being inconsistent
Hi James
very odd - seems consistently OK for me in latest firefox
Hi James/All,
I appreciate the work on the Nvidia Video drivers and am wondering what folks are using for AMD Video drivers?
My Build is 1909 based, until 2004 has been out a bit more.
I added the default Adrenaline drivers and it increased my build size 50%!
Not surprising, as the driver folder is 1.2GB.
Any trimmed driver folders or hints would be helpful.
No ability to choose custom location to scan.
Testing XPE Add On Hitman Pro
Finds malware. Destroys malware. Doesn’t apologize.
You’ve been infected. Well, not you, but your computer has. It’s slow. It’s acting funny. You need a no-nonsense malware cleaner to get your computer back up to speed. We have just the thing.
https://www.hitmanpro.com/en-us/hmp.aspx (https://www.hitmanpro.com/en-us/hmp.aspx)
https://mega.nz/file/x3wx3TJY#vuj_-cMn4KEt5g9uFSfaYo7b8aYuQ2_r2k0llatp7UI (https://mega.nz/file/x3wx3TJY#vuj_-cMn4KEt5g9uFSfaYo7b8aYuQ2_r2k0llatp7UI)
Hi James
re EaseUS Partition Master 14
I believe you need to define %Tapp% - line50
ps since %Tapp% only used once, maybe full path preferable
Line 50 defines SourceApp
Line 52 defines TargetApp x86
Line 59 defines TargetApp x64
The TargetApp Compressed Files are being processed correctly......
Hi James
plugin XPEPlugin fails for me with
DirMove - Failed to move directory [%Tapp%\Drivers] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\Windows\System32]: Unknown error
but if I use DirCopy,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%\Drivers\*,%Gtarget_Sys%
it works
Thank You - you are correct %Tapp% was not defined in that process...
I was looking at File.script -
The corrected way > DirMove,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%\Drivers,%Gtarget_Sys%
Thank You - you are correct %Tapp% was not defined in that process...
no probs - more to the point, thanks for the plugin XPEPlugin :thumbsup:
Latest Windows 2004 2 Issues found
Mousekeys is not the icon in the system tray. trying to find out what is.
Mouse keys & Macrium Reflect Starter.exe taskbar shortcut. If i create a shortcut to reflect.exe it works fine. (i even used latest SIB++)
Basic build without administrator login and both Mouse keys and macrium is fine. If administrator enabled. See below
PS. I GOT THE LANGUAGE INDICATOR WORKING :thumbsup: :grin: :great: :w00t:
Latest Windows 2004 ...
PS. I GOT THE LANGUAGE INDICATOR WORKING :thumbsup: :grin: :great: :w00t:
So does it show up automatically when WinPE10 is booted, or like me - you must execute ctfmon.exe after boot-up ?
So does it show up automatically when WinPE10 is booted, or like me - you must execute ctfmon.exe after boot-up ?
I am not sure WTF is going on because i had TXTReplace,%GTarget_Sys%\Pecmd.ini,"//EXEC #$pWinDir#$p\System32\ctfmon.exe","EXEC -su #$pWinDir#$p\System32\ctfmon.exe"
blocked and it was working with basic build. After i started to add apps etc it had to be run manually. so i tested by manually runing and it shows. I readded the line and all is good.
PS. Only after using Latest Win 10 2004 ISO.
How to add language indicator to the project ?
Moshe, I can not verify your issue with Macruim (reflectstarter.exe) - verify your taskbar pin & that program.exe exists
Although with mouse keys - I get proper tray icon - with Red X
No matter System or admin account - testing with 2004 x64
No ability to choose custom location to scan.
Testing XPE Add On Hitman Pro
Correct.. I edited the script yesterday to allow the download of the EXE - and added required system files - but found it only scans the Host OS Drive...
So good as Host Tool, but not good in PE
Moshe, I can not verify your issue with Macruim (reflectstarter.exe) - verify your taskbar pin & that program.exe exists
Although with mouse keys - I get proper tray icon - with Red X
No matter System or admin account - testing with 2004 x64
Tested with bare bones config. I manually had to add shortcut to point to reflect.exe mouskeys never showed up.
I don't know weather to say just drop it unless others have similar issues.
I'm on 2004 build and mess around with my system. It's possible things are screwy on my side.
how to fix this
DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\AOMEI Partition Assistant\AOMEI Partition Assistant\x64\lang] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO\Programs\AOMEI Partition Assistant]: Unknown error
working with windows10 v2004
sadas, verify both directories exist
thanks it fixed
how to add language indicator ?
how to add language indicator ?
Trying to piece all the things together - based on feedback already given (as I do not use secondary language)
as we know it is just registry setting and starting an exe
thanks it fixed
how to add language indicator ?
Look at this post http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3138.new;topicseen#new
how to add language indicator ?
Trying to piece all the things together - based on feedback already given (as I do not use secondary language)
thanks for your support
how to remove change explorer theme from the project ?
how to remove change explorer theme from the project ?
how to remove change explorer theme from the project ?
thanks for support
International Language Bar
Finished & Done....
International Language Bar
Finished & Done....
Without adding all these files language bar not showing up. (i did not test what files exactly)
I have a newly revised REG file if you want, but it basically contains the same registry settings as in James' "International Language Bar" script (sans the other languages).
Do note that I also edited my PECMD.ini file so that ctfmon.exe is executed in the "PostShell" sub section to make the Input Indicator show-up automatically after boot-up.
I have a newly revised REG file if you want, but it basically contains the same registry settings as in James' "International Language Bar" script (sans the other languages).
Do note that I also edited my PECMD.ini file so that ctfmon.exe is executed in the "PostShell" sub section to make the Input Indicator show-up automatically after boot-up.
James plugin is working fine with adding those files. Sure he will fix it.
@James another thing is. Its showing text in task bar like windows 7 even though i un-selected it.
Run a Basic Build - without any features & Apps... save "target" folder as "TargetBase"
Now run same Basic build including ILB and compare System Files in "Target" & "TargetBase"
As it seem the results vary and so does the feedback.........
I took the Registry Snapshot while in PE and captured the registry settings while Applying Region settings..
I took a tasklist of the files used by ctfmon.exe when running..
I can create the command in _PostShell to run after _LoadShell
But I can not change the command location in an already distributed "Project" - so I have to use what already exists world wide...
A "Basic Build" allows just "Base" Files - with out User Modifications ("Additions") ... Now some may have a Custom Pecmd.ini which I can not control...
A basic Build also allows testing with everybody on the same page... But what I found was about 8 line of registry code needed in Tmp_Default (User)
and no required system files other then NLS and keyboard files.. And as pictured I get Text..
Moshe. these are the file (from your list) that are not included in "Base"
Moshe. these are the file (from your list) that are not included in "Base"
correct. i used the plugin without any addition and it did not show up. so i used additions with those files and it working.
Thank You...
I will add those files (should not hurt anything) & add an option to run command _PostShell
That should solve both reported issues...
I couldn't get it to display at all, until I added the extra files and followed ericgl's suggestion to edit my PECMD.ini file so that ctfmon.exe is executed in the "PostShell" sub section
so James I think you're wise to follow
Thanks Guys for your feedback - it helps...
also, not sure MTFFuzzyDS.dll and MTFFuzzyDS.dll.mui are required, seems to work fine without them
you can markout [AddFiles] with a semi-colon ;
to test reduced system file requirements - as I required none - but App needs to work for all...
I will continue to follow feedback - to be sure - before reducing files,
for me, I've narrowed it down to
Those could be the minimum required files.
I haven't tested all combinations. But I do remember that during my "investigation", the MTFFuzzyDS.dll file was used by the ctfmon.exe process... :undecided:
I guess it might not actually be required to display the Input Indicator, but it does serve some other purpose.
Anyway, at less than 200KB, it doesn't hurt to be included in the WIM file.
Those could be the minimum required files.
sure, as James was saying, seems different for different people, just reporting what allows me to display and change between different kbds
MTF related files...
One of the options within the language bar is "correction" so wonder if have something to do with that
based upon seeing "MTFspellcheckDS.dll"
Hi James
couple of edits req on latest MegaCmd_XPE.script
you have two HomePage_WebLabel in interface section and section [Custom_IconPack_XPE] --> [CustomIconPack_XPE] or ScriptFile name on line 105
Thanks APT..
Where is the latest MegaCmd_XPE.script ?
I don't see it on yomi.cwcodes.net . Is there another scripts download page?
Hi ericgl
goto the Win10XPE Optional Member XPE Apps -->page1 Index page
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28489#msg28489 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28489#msg28489)
and you'll find the link if you scroll down to Mega Optional Apps Download
ps you won't find any XPEPlugins on yomi.cwcodes.net
Updated Google Chrome v83.0.4103.97 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28695#msg28695)
Hi James
re EASEUS_PartitionMaster_XPE
i'm having to revert to FileCopy,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%\Drivers\*,%Gtarget_Sys%
as started to get a build stopped by error
Error DirMove - Cannot create 'T:\XPE2\Target\Windows\System32\Drivers' because a file or directory with the same name already exists. (DirMove,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%\Drivers,%Gtarget_Sys%) (Line 50)
is there a specific reason you elected to use DirMove, or is it just your preference
As written earlier many many times,
It will be nice you people (regular users: James, Apt ... ) use "XPEPlugin" on your replies
and topic titles eg.
Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Plugins
Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App XPEPlugins
This will avoid some of the troubles based on a misunderstanding because of not using terminology "XPEPlugin" created. :wink:
Hi Lancelot
It will be nice you people (regular users: James, Apt ... ) use "XPEPlugin" on your replies
indeed I believe we do try to do exactly that, and whilst the page title you quote has plugin in its title, it is a two-year-old page, from I believe, before you made your preferences clear, which as I said we already attempt to comply with :thumbsup: and also in the first four lines clearly uses the term XPEPlugin 6 times :thumbsup:
Thanks, APT.
I didn't even know that the "Optional Member XPE App Plugins" page existed until now.
Bookmarked! :thumbsup:
Thanks, APT.
No probs ericgl,
Maybe we can get the title altered from Win10XPE Optional Member XPE App Plugins to Win10XPE Optional Member XPEPlugins
or maybe Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's :smile: thanks James :smile:
it is a two-year-old page,
Probably I am writing same since ~ two years :lol:
in the first four lines clearly uses the term XPEPlugin 6 times :thumbsup:
As I wrote it is about what you regular users do on your replies
some examples from the last week
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg37853#msg37853 Thanks for the plugin
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg37851#msg37851 plugin fails for me
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2931.msg37711#msg37711 that's where I went to find the plugin to test the update
Also I had already wrote folder names should be changed maybe ~2 years or more a little less ago !!!!!!
This should be a simple task with a simple update ! 2 years is enough time to update and fix such simple things.
Overall, I ask this because I do not want to reply and spend time because of that reason on xpeplugin related things,
I am already fine with Plugins, Patches and LSP scripts ...
If you guys pay attention and do related things accordingly (like I did since 2 years, or better say 10 years),
It will be good for all (all= end users, forum, regular users.....). :thumbsup:
To Lancelot
Well, apologies for those three examples, I obviously need to be more careful.
I guess the term 'To err is human, to forgive devine' springs to mind, for my part I will be more punctilious :thumbsup:
not only your "human" error, + following replies do not encourage you to fix your error (and error repeatedly continues... )+ and \MoPlugins\ \MyPlugins\ .....
I hope we can get rid of related troubles (like recent ... ) with paying some small attention to current section "xpe" side :wink:
APT I assume the Issue is with PEBakery ??
I Move the Directory - as it is compressed along with the Program Files - but needs to moved to System32....
I will adjust to copy drivers - then delete drivers folder from program files..
The things we have to do to keep the peace... :tongue:
Hi James
I assume the Issue is with PEBakery ??
indeed :smile:
The things we have to do to keep the peace... :tongue:
The things we have to do with post gamers... :tongue:
Fixed APT...
Hi James
I will adjust to copy drivers - then delete drivers folder from program files..
Hi James
re EASEUS_PartitionMaster_XPE
confirming working with PEBakery as builder, and strangely, now finding attached drives in VM, whereas before it launched, but couldn't find a drive - just thought it was an odd VM thing
Cool Beans...
Can someone update the Sumatra PDF Plugin to the latest Version 3.2.
Can someone update the Sumatra PDF Plugin to the latest Version 3.2.
existing XPEPlugin updated to 3.2
https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZlK9OkZQeoJ0wogwEywDhCtMa5D0SocgcOk (https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZlK9OkZQeoJ0wogwEywDhCtMa5D0SocgcOk)
although James may wish to add a Download and update function
Release Notes (https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/docs/Version-history.html)
Updated SumatraPDF * (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28517#msg28517)
Hi James
re Clover - XPEPlugin
needs last comma of line 23 removed to keep PEB happy :thumbsup:
@Lancelot http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2421.msg38180#msg38180
I see. Sorry, I hope this thread should be the relevant place for it? On my side when I try to look for the plugins (XPEPlugin) all the servers I get the error "None of the selected servers could be accessed. Perhaps you need to define Proxy access." I am unsure of whether I need to use a proxy or not at this point. And shouldn't it detect local proxy by default?
Below is the screenshot for it. I am not that good with proxies. I tried with localhost:8080 and but still got the same issue. Unless that's not what I am supposed to be using.
- Also, I need a little advise on something. Is there a possibility to use the resultant winpe.wim as a live version of itself and switch back to a PE edition on whim? One way I thought of was to create a VHD using the wim file and boot through that. But creating that every time might not be a viable option. I am just wondering if it's possible to switch from pe to live and vice versa. This should help resolve in cases which might need you to restart the windows (one such issue I had was with Medicat some time ago, if you remember it a little).
@Lancelot http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2421.msg38180#msg38180
I see. Sorry, I hope this thread should be the relevant place for it?
since you already wrote previosly:
Ahh, hmm but I am using the Win10XPE progect though not the Win10SE one.
you are at correct section Project World » Win10XPE HomePage » :thumbsup:
As usual, I leave responding to your other questions to others in the current section. :great:
On my side when I try to look for the plugins (XPEPlugin) all the servers I get the error "None of the selected servers could be accessed. Perhaps you need to define Proxy access." I am unsure of whether I need to use a proxy or not at this point. And shouldn't it detect local proxy by default?
Oh welps, just saw that the big bad download button in the XPE project doesn't work and isn't supposed to. I guess I only need to download the plugins from the xpeplugin thread then.
Aside from that, any guesses on this next part perhaps?
- Also, I need a little advise on something. Is there a possibility to use the resultant winpe.wim as a live version of itself and switch back to a PE edition on whim? I am just wondering if it's possible to switch from pe to live and vice versa.
Win10XPE Apps > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.0
Win10XPE Live > http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3152.0
Just to add a little info for others Win10XPE does not use the "Download" Button
Actually hitting the "Download" Button Only brings up an empty page - there are no servers even to select (None)
So any confusion is not within the Win10XPE Project Release
Somehow the reported server issue is about options that do not exist...
Just to add a little info for others Win10XPE does not use the "Download" Button
Actually hitting the "Download" Button Only brings up an empty page - there are no servers even to select (None)
So any confusion is not within the Win10XPE Project Release
Somehow the reported server issue is about options that do not exist...
If there is that "very big" -"Download" Button- at Win10XPE Project Release as default, it naturally causes confusion.
Disable -"Download" Button- option from Win10XPE Project Release as default to prevent such things.
eg. like I did with Azin since the first Azin Release. :whistling:
As written recently
I am sure "others" will one day do related things to avoid such confusion on their side,
and at last, we will not need to reply with corrections again and again and again...
I will be very happy with not write to "Win10XPE" section for that reason again and again and again...
The things we have to do to keep the peace... :tongue:
Both are good suggestions to address certain issues as they have seemed to crop up...
But the Release is 6 months old and ChrisR has not been around to address such things from a distribution stand point...
And I will admit I do not know how to "Disable" Button... So I will have to leave it up to somebody else to offer help in doing so...
So I will have to leave it up to somebody else to offer help in doing so...
Do your part, and instruct new users use correct terminology instead of "ignore"
Update related topic titles and posts with name given "xpeplugin"
Along with some of most used of your xpeplugins UI titles description and interface
This will prevent confusions from end users who have ability to read and understand.
I did same things for plugins 10 years ago, just follow foot steps like you did with other stuff for xpeplugins.
About Right-Top Downloads:
You can also update or add a xpeplugin to check and disable setting
If,%Fixed%,Equal,1,Echo,"WinXPE - Download not supported - setting disabled and button removed after builder restart",Warn
Or you can ignore to do anything with a usual reason to keep this at hand to produce excuse for post games.
In addition maybe you get bored and like me reply on this subject again and again and again...
The things we have to do to keep the peace... :tongue: :lol:
Found Simple Solution > DisableNetwork=True
Found Simple Solution > DisableNetwork=True
:thumbsup: Great job. I was wondering whether I should step up in case there was going to be some sort of conflict between you and Lance, although I admit that it was my mistake to ask such questions without checking the forum first. Hopefully disabling the network does not cause any other issues with the builder and lancelot would be happy too with the temporary fix.
Now, aside from that I saw that you mentioned two links to me. One of which redirected to the general XPEplugin page (XPE Apps) and other was a thread which was similar to my question as to in regards of booting the winpe as live/flat boot. I could see that I might need to make some changes to some files if I am to get it to boot properly through the VHD perhaps. But, other than that I am curious as to why you pointed me out to the XPE Apps page James? The only thing that caught my interest there which adhered to my own interests somewhat or to my query was "RamDisk Partition Boot Menu Option" as per my understanding. Unless I am mistaken and you wanted to point to something else entirely. Is that the case, James? I am asking this because I couldn't find any documentation/description to it.
Unless I am mistaken and you wanted to point to something else entirely.
I must admit I thought he was pointing out where to download XPEPlugins
"RamDisk Partition Boot Menu Option" allows you to Boot Win10XPE from a Local System Partition rather then USB...
"Host Boot Menu Option" allows you to Boot Win10XPE from the Win10XPE working directory... (Only works properly with "Run All Programs From RAM" selected)
Found Simple Solution > DisableNetwork=True
Sure, that is all written before,
as written in detail on my previous reply, question is, you use "simple solutions" on your part to avoid confusion
or not and like to continue with confusions to produce (fabricate) excuses ....
Life, "To be, or not to be"
The things we have to do to keep the peace... :tongue:
Sorry I still do not see a posted solution in your previous reply
Sorry I still do not see a posted solution in your previous reply
Do your part
So I will have to leave it up to somebody else to offer help in doing so...
Do your part, and instruct new users use correct terminology instead of "ignore"
Update related topic titles and posts with name given "xpeplugin"
Along with some of most used of your xpeplugins UI titles description and interface
This will prevent confusions from end users who have ability to read and understand.
I did same things for plugins 10 years ago, just follow foot steps like you did with other stuff for xpeplugins.
About Right-Top Downloads:
You can also update or add a xpeplugin to check and disable setting
If,%Fixed%,Equal,1,Echo,"WinXPE - Download not supported - setting disabled and button removed after builder restart",Warn
Or you can ignore to do anything with a usual reason to keep this at hand to produce excuse for post games.
In addition maybe you get bored and like me reply on this subject again and again and again...
The things we have to do to keep the peace... :tongue: :lol:
Well, you can write an excuse "I still do not see " to ignore as explained in detail before if you can see. :wink:
I already found and posted a solution
I already found and posted a solution
I see you do not read or you like not to understand to intentionally ignore,
to keep open gates for future posts with same confusions with new users on the same subjects again and again.
Fine to me, I already did my part. You do not need to produce fake responds, this already ended till the next same things again and again, the way you prefer.
Is there a way to refresh the programs icon and all in case there's a chance that partition letter swapping to Y fails for any reason? Assuming that it works fine sometimes and sometimes it just fails. So, at the times it fails, and the WinPE is already booted, I don't see the entries in the start menu. But, if I were to correct that partition letter and swap it to Y myself, is there a way to refresh the entries inside the start menu? (I think the desktop shortcuts and taskbar shortcuts work fine since the entries/shortcuts are already present there, and all it needs is for the file to be present in the correct location. But the same can't be said about the start menu shortcuts which get created only after it swaps the letter to Y correctly right after it boots)
P.S. this is simply a question, I am just thinking about some stuff, and deciding on the best course of action to take in creating my WinPE. I'll later start a thread/post somewhere regarding some of the goals/questions I might have, but clarifying this will help me in narrowing down how to progress and be clear in my questions later in the thread.
Testing CrystalDiskMark
https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskmark/ (https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskmark/)
[attach=2] Update 7/7/20 Fixed Typo in script
Testing XpdfReader
The Xpdf open source project includes a PDF viewer along with a collection of command line tools which perform various functions on PDF files
Testing STDU Viewer
Lightest PDF viewer i have found at 9.4 MB
@James Maybe you can figure out how to get it to be default software, i am having the hardest time with this app.
http://www.stdutility.com/stduviewer.html (http://www.stdutility.com/stduviewer.html)
[attach=2] Updated the ability to choose association 7/8/20
I can't seem to get windows photo viewer to work. I see the option to open with but it does nothing. double clicking on phototes does nothing as well.
I do see that \Windows\System32\mspaint.exe is added but nothing about photo viewer.
Sorry Moshe, But I could Not Verify Your Report..
Super strange. So I'll run a basic build no additions and see what happens.
I assume you where able to resolve issue with SIB v2.9.1 ??
I assume you where able to resolve issue with SIB v2.9.1 ??
Yes, thank you for reminding me. It Solved the issue.
Hi All,
I am interested in having Win10XPE act as a Remote Desktop server (so I can remote from another machine into the booted WinPE environment).
We have labs that use Windows PE booting to reimage machines and it would be great to be able to check on progress.
Has anyone made this work?
I am interested in having Win10XPE act as a Remote Desktop server (so I can remote from another machine into the booted WinPE environment).
Has anyone made this work?
If you are use RS5 as the source, the WimBuilder2's RE:WIN10XPE has the great feature since last year.
you can try to port the Z:\WimBuilder2\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\Remote Desktop\TermService.bat to XPEPlugin for this project.
Maybe someone has done this work, they may show you.
For 19H1 and later, WimBuilder2 has done, but the feature patch doesn't release in public(needs to clear request to improve PE project to get point for exchanging).
YOU can use WimBuilder2 to create a Windows 10 PE which one has the origin Windows features:
- Remote Desktop Service (2019-06-29)
I believe that Components "Remote Desktop" & "Remote Terminal" already exist in Win10XPE Project..
I believe that Components "Remote Desktop" & "Remote Terminal" already exist in Win10XPE Project..
Well, you are the master of WIN10XPE, I don't use it for a long time as it has no update for while.
You know well than me, why not you point to the position where the option is directly?
strongbad75 asked the question, so I thought it doesn't exist yet,
you should put it in right, let people know it easily.
Testing Digital Launch Theme
Please remove post.
Hi Bigbadmoshe
:smile: I haven't a clue what your post is saying, can you elaborate?
edit: thanks, I will have a look
Testing STDU Viewer
Testing CrystalDiskMark
@James waiting on your almighty approval :)
You need my approval for what ?? I have not tested....
You need my approval for what ?? I have not tested....
To post to add-ons :)
I maintain the Optional Applications that are Distributed with the release via a MEGA Download...
As Before it was that topic.. So the Applications posted to Topic no longer matter...
But if your Application has any issue - then I'm sure it will be my fault....
You could also create your own thread - so as to post and get feedback with open discussion about your Applications..
It would also help you & others in the learning process - without the post or discussion getting lost in the General Topic..
I maintain the Optional Applications that are Distributed with the release via a MEGA Download...
As Before it was that topic.. So the Applications posted to Topic no longer matter...
But if your Application has any issue - then I'm sure it will be my fault....
I have tested them fully and they work in pe with no issues.
You could also create your own thread - so as to post and get feedback with open discussion about your Applications
Great idea but it will get lost in all the threads. Can someone Pin it?
Hi James,
I tried using your mega.nz download link, but it no longer works.
Can you repost that link?
Any chance you can post the Remote Desktop Terminal plugin?
Many thanks.
Should be available in the Utilities\ of new release...
Actually it is failing - although have not figured out why, yet...
2020.07.04 Add-on > https://mega.nz/file/TXpBgK5S#1h-IfUKNtwBUetxw_C4e3DnhrenqDoesXIo6M3uwhN8
Thanks James.
I am using the 7.8.20 build downloaded yesterday.
I found the RemoteTerminal script in Apps\Components.
It does enable the RDP radio button and start the Remote Desktop Services.
I enabled NLA via two registry entries.
I also noticed that there were not Remote Desktop exceptions in the firewall.
Adding the RDP firewall exceptions for all networks, did not allow inbound RDP to function.
netstat -an
does not show port 3389 listening as I would expect.
Let me know your thoughts on what to check.
A Networking User - I am not.. so you will have to rely on others for direction
I have searched in all the places i know but cannot find the location where accessibility, Accessories, startup and windows administrator tools. Is being added to the start menu on SIB.
What i found in pecmd.ini i changed but other parts i can't find.
Any help is appreciated.
the system shortcuts are in winre.wim or install.
wim directly. They are not created in pecmd.ini.
the system shortcuts are in winre.wim or install.
wim directly. They are not created in pecmd.ini.
So I would have to manually remove them via pecme.ini.
HI Win10XPE Project Moderators
I love this project and especially the plugin creator, I have 2 Queries one is where can I get the latest plugin creator script, and I want one feature to be enabled in y copy of project ow can I achieve I have tried registry value but it did not wor in the same way as when we boot the disk and choose the option. please suggest seeing the screenshot below.
one more small request how can I pin snipping tool to the taskbar.
Hi vibhu
where can I get the latest plugin creator script
you can get them from either
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28490#msg28490 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28490#msg28490)
or by ensuring you use the latest full base project Win10XPE (183 MB) 2020-07-08 from
http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/index.php (http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/index.php)
Hi All,
I am trying to add the "WinXPE Driver Integration" plugin and receive this error in the log when building:
Exec - Failed to find section [Process] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\Components\MSPowerShell_XPE.script]
I do not have the \Projects\MoPlugins folder, as I do not currently use any of these plugins.
I have NetFx4 checkbox & the PowerShell Core plugin selected. I have downloaded the new version of this script and I receive the same error.
Any suggestions?
Hi strongbad75
WinXPE Driver Integration XPEPlugin uses the powershell.exe and calls for the MSPowerShell XPEPlugin to run, and is complaining it's not there!
so create the folder structure %BaseDir%\Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\Components and copy the MSPowerShell XPEPlugin to it, you will find it here
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28503#msg28503 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28503#msg28503)
Hi qbit4
thanks for uploading your XnView-win-full XPEPlugin.
it initially shows two errors that need attention
2 syntax error detected at [Win10XPE\Apps\Office\XnView-win-full_XPE.Script]
[1/2] Invalid RegWrite Syntax (RegWrite,HKCU,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\.bmp,SendTo,XnView.bmp,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramExe%#$q#$s#$q#$p1#$q") (Line 171)
[2/2] Cannot parse section [Create_CMD_config] : [Begin] must be matched with [End] (If,Not,ExistFile,%cmd_config%,Begin) (Line 201)
second one obvious but applies to your other vers as well
regards APT
Thanks APT, that worked. I do get a PowerShell error at the beginning of the script, though it appears to extract drivers & integrate them.
If anyone has thoughts on the error and how to correct it, please let me know.
I will try this plugin on a few more machines and post if I run into further problems.
Search For Matching OS Drivers
Join-Path : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.
At X:\Windows\System32\WinPE_Driver_Integration.ps1:74 char:48
+ if($USBDrive -ne '') {$SaveToList += Join-Path $USBDrive -ChildPath "
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Join-Path], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.JoinPathCommand
Hi strongbad75
WinXPE Driver Integration XPEPlugin uses the powershell.exe and calls for the MSPowerShell XPEPlugin to run, and is complaining it's not there!
so create the folder structure %BaseDir%\Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\Components and copy the MSPowerShell XPEPlugin to it, you will find it here
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28503#msg28503 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28503#msg28503)
It is looking for a MyDrive.tag as noted on interface
I just got this error and im not sure what the issue is.
I have a seperate folder with XPE for testing and i dont get the same issue.
From PEBakery
[Error] Exec - [D:\Oven\Custom\RunAfter.script] does not have section [Process] (If,ExistFile,%ScriptAfer_FileBox%,Exec,%ScriptAfer_FileBox%,Process) (Line 145)
From WinBuilder
IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\Custom\RunAfter.script] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,%ScriptAfer_FileBox%,Exec,%ScriptAfer_FileBox%,Process]
Exec - Processing section: [Process] From file: [%BaseDir%\Custom\RunAfter.script]
Exec - Failed to find section [Process] in file: [%BaseDir%\Custom\RunAfter.script]
Hey Guys,
the Creator of Wiztree Free has changed the SetupUrl for the Portable Version since Version 3.3.4.
Old: https:// antibody-software.com/files/wiztree_%ProgramVer%_portable.zip
New: https:// wiztreefree.com/files/wiztree_%ProgramVer%_portable.zip
Hi andyger1991
thanks for reporting
Hi there! :thumbsup:
Am I supposed to post my Win10XPE questions and comments to this thread? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I just recently successfully built my first "vanilla" "out of the box" Win10XPE Project. :great:
I've forgotten almost everything I learned last time I was using Winbuilder back in the "Old Days" of WinXP and Win7, so I'm reaching out for help! :thumbsup: :grin: :tongue:
Blessings & Best Wishes ALL Win10XPE Fans! :great: :thumbsup: :w00t: :smile:
TG (Old Fart) :lol: :grin: :great: :thumbsup:
The registry section in the NSudo script seem to be incorrect.
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.System\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudo.exe#$q -U:S -P:E #$q#$q#$p1#$q#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudo.exe#$q -U:T -P:E #$q#$q#$p1#$q#$q"
The exe file should be NSudoLC.exe or NSudoLG.exe.
And I think the double double-quotes should be a single double-quote.
This is what I use, converted from the NSudo_Launcher_Installer_AIO.
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.System,,"Run As System"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.System\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:S #$qC:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe#$q #$q-Command#$q #$qif((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & '#$p1'#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.System.EnableAllPrivileges,,"Run As System (Enable All Privileges)"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.System.EnableAllPrivileges\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:S -P:E #$qC:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe#$q #$q-Command#$q #$qif((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & '#$p1'#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller,,"Run As TrustedInstaller"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:T #$qC:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe#$q #$q-Command#$q #$qif((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & '#$p1'#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller.EnableAllPrivileges,,"Run As TrustedInstaller (Enable All Privileges)"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Classes\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\NSudo\Shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller.EnableAllPrivileges\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:T -P:E #$qC:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe#$q #$q-Command#$q #$qif((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & '#$p1'#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.System,,"Run As System"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.System\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:S -ShowWindowMode=Hide cmd /c start #$qNSudo.ContextMenu.Launcher#$q #$q#$p1#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.System.EnableAllPrivileges,,"Run As System (Enable All Privileges)"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.System.EnableAllPrivileges\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:S -P:E -ShowWindowMode=Hide cmd /c start #$qNSudo.ContextMenu.Launcher#$q #$q#$p1#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller,,"Run As TrustedInstaller"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:T -ShowWindowMode=Hide cmd /c start #$qNSudo.ContextMenu.Launcher#$q #$q#$p1#$q"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller.EnableAllPrivileges,,"Run As TrustedInstaller (Enable All Privileges)"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller.EnableAllPrivileges\command,,"#$q%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\NSudoLG.exe#$q -U:T -P:E -ShowWindowMode=Hide cmd /c start #$qNSudo.ContextMenu.Launcher#$q #$q#$p1#$q"
Some of it is unnecessary like python and vbs.
Is there a firadisk or svbus plugin for Win10XPE ?
I got Win10XPE booting from a VHD (via botmgr).
I would like to boot the VHD from g4d, like I boot my other VHDs.
EDIT : Worked around this prob.
Added reg entries. And used 'Include drivers' in XPE.
Works OK. Booted from memory via g4d.
when i run macrium reflect, icons become white icons and it is impossible to run programs from these icons - error
(http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1601326074/ac0e17df/31774587_s.jpg) (http://vfl.ru/fotos/ac0e17df31774587.html)
it is fixed only by restarting the explorer in the task manager
Hi anQS
when i run macrium reflect, icons become white icons and it is impossible to run programs from these icons - error
(http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1601326074/ac0e17df/31774587_s.jpg) (http://vfl.ru/fotos/ac0e17df31774587.html)
it is fixed only by restarting the explorer in the task manager
It doesn't happen on my builds, so you need to give more info on the issue, eg Is it using the latest XPE distribution - Win10XPE_2019-11-20.7z if not what are you using, I can see your using 2004 and the macrium bld no. Is it always the same icons affected or is it random? etc,etc - maybe submit a build log, not for any errors but all the additional info it gives. just 7z the log and attach to your post.
Is it using the latest XPE distribution - Win10XPE_2019-11-20.7z if not what are you using
N.B. Latest Win10XPE build is actually dated 2020-09-28 - http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/
Is it using the latest XPE distribution - Win10XPE_2019-11-20.7z if not what are you using
N.B. Latest Win10XPE build is actually dated 2020-09-28 - http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/
sorry, your correct - just a typo type mistake, I'm actually using it :thumbsup:
xpe distribution- Win10XPE_2020-09-28, source- 19041_264, but i found the reason- it was on Enterprise source, my host system-PRO, when i build xpe on PRO source - all OK with macrium and icons.
the program stopped working, error http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1602844957/2a8e6878/31958454.png
nothing has changed in the system, distribution kit 19041_264, on which there were no problems with creating Win10XPE.
Hi anQS
it would help if you posted your error log, instead of a snippit, save your log as an html file and 7zip it, then attach to your post.
Are you sure an exception to you Win10XPE folder has been made in your A/V?
Hi anQS
it would help if you posted your error log, instead of a snippit, save your log as an html file and 7zip it, then attach to your post.
Are you sure an exception to you Win10XPE folder has been made in your A/V?
All partition with Win10XPE_2020-09-28 folder in AV exceptions, when creating a new project, I will make the correct log file.
Hi anQS
save your log as an html file and 7zip it
Hi anQS
there appears to be a problem with gwt.exe downloading the x64 files to the project tools dir at the moment. It should only affect new first runs of the project. Hopefully just a temporary glitch.
You may be able to overcome it meanwhile by copying the ....\Projects\Tools\x64 folder and it's sub directories from your original build to this one if you have it.
* confirm it does work if you can manually copy over these files/folder from a previous/A.N.other build :thumbsup:
* confirm it does work if you can manually copy over these files/folder from a previous/A.N.other build :thumbsup:
dont work in actual version, also dont work in 10XPE version- december 2019 (others version i have not found)
dont work in actual version, also dont work in 10XPE version- december 2019 (others version i have not found)
strange, works every time for me, do you get the same error or different.
so the x64 dir you copy has 3 subfolders and 32 files -Yes?
also out of interest is the x86 dir fully populated with 3 folders and 32 files?
everything started working when I transferred the contents of the folder \Projects\Tools\x86 after an error without leaving the program in \Projects\Tools\x64 and ran again "Create ISO".
everything started working when I transferred the contents of the folder \Projects\Tools\x86 after an error without leaving the program in \Projects\Tools\x64 and ran again "Create ISO".
The files in x86 are all different versions to x64, so not sure what happens when you try to boot
* appears to be only the BCDBoot files failing to be 'imported ' to the ...\Win10XPE\Projects\Tools\ADK_6\amd64 directory
im having the same issue, but i dont have an old version to copy the folders from. would someone be able to link them? Thanks.
Hi 3rik
I'm happy to be corrected, but I believe we are not allowed to distribute MS files. I'm hoping that JFX can resolve this issue, presumably caused by some change at MS re the ADK.
I guess you could try d/l the whole Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 and get the files that way, but it's very big, for only 10Mb worth of files we need, which is why we use JFX's great tool (GWT) to do it.
If you d/l and install full ADK, the files are in something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\BCDBoot\
In the projects the d/l only happens once on the initial project run, subsequently using the already downloaded files, so anyone using any of the projects for the first time will get this error, we will just have to be patient.
Unless others have a bright idea :thumbsup:
Ah alright
For now i tried copying the BcdBoot folder from the x86 folder, and it did boot, and things seemed to work fine (havent tested everything but i assume that issues with bcdboot with happen at bootup)
Hopefully it gets fixed soon :smile:
Question unrelated to the issue i had;
Custom apps install to the "Programs" folder at the root of the iso and not to the boot.wim file. Im using this as a replacement for windows recovery (winre.wim) and i cant figure out a way to get it to use stuff in that programs folder, it only loads whats inside the .wim. Is it possible to install everything to the boot.wim file itself instead of external folders?
Thanks :)
Question unrelated to the issue i had;
Custom apps install to the "Programs" folder at the root of the iso and not to the boot.wim file. Im using this as a replacement for windows recovery (winre.wim) and i cant figure out a way to get it to use stuff in that programs folder, it only loads whats inside the .wim. Is it possible to install everything to the boot.wim file itself instead of external folders?
Thanks :)
Depending on what you mean by Custom Apps
On the Build Core-Main Interface check 'Run ALL Programs From RAM' box
to clarify my earlier post
after you run the project and get that error, you find that the path ...\Projects\Tools\x64 is empty
you need to copy/move the 2 folders in ...\Win10XPE\Projects\Tools\ADK_6 (DISM & Oscdimg) to ...\Projects\Tools\x64
these are 2 of the 3 folders it should d/l and does before the failure
then in ...\Projects\Tools\x64 create the third missing folder BCDBoot. Then copy to it the 3 missing files bcdboot.exe bcdedit.exe and bootsect.exe from your other x64 source, if available. These are different from the similar named ones in the x86 dir.
When the project finds those required files in the x86 & x64 dir it will no longer attemp to d/l the ADK bit and should progress past that point.
Bearing in mind this was only a temp solution until problem resolved one way or another.
(About the apps on ram thing) Ohhh yeah thanks so much! I should have been able to figure that out myself lol
Also, its been fine for me without copying the two folders from ADK_6 to x64, i only copied the BcdBoot folder over. No errors and everything seems ok within WinPE.
Not sure if im breaking something i havent noticed by not copying them though
downloaded Windows ADK for Windows 10, version 2004, replaced files - creation win10xpe, loading, work in it - all OK.
APT - thanks!
(About the apps on ram thing) Ohhh yeah thanks so much! I should have been able to figure that out myself lol
no probs :thumbsup:
you could have also checked each apps 'Run From Ram' individually
Hello James,
I am from Germany and I am very interested in your
Macrium Reflect 7 Multi-Edition XPE Plugin
or / and
Macrium Reflect 7 Home XPE Plugin
I am using Version 7.2 (last Build) of the Free Edition, but will buy the Home or Workstation Edition the next days.
Is it possible to share these XPE PlugIns with me or give me a download link?
Cheers and thanks in advance,
Hi Alex1976
Unfortunately, James doesn't post here anymore, but I will endeavor to get an answer for you.
Oooh, great :)
Thank you very much!!!
Acronis TrueImage 2021 now uses the Lang Code and no longer the lang ID to set the user interface language
In Acronis_TrueImage_2021_XPE.script, we need to change
@richard hurn
from: richard hurn on Today at 03:14:18 PM
in the win10xpe download, once extracted the directoy for projects includes at file
that scans as a TROJAN
Joes Sandbox also lists this as a malicious file
the win10xpe installer / builder fails to run without this file
Hi Richard
GWT.exe is only one of half a dozen files that regularly throw up these false positives in our projects.
this has been happening for years, we can only assure you they are False Positives. If you had looked through the forum posts you would find many new user reports of this each year, which is why we recommend making an exception to the project folder in your A/V. as always, if your not happy - don't use the projects.
in the win10xpe download, once extracted the directoy for projects includes at file
that scans as a TROJAN
Joes Sandbox also lists this as a malicious file
the win10xpe installer / builder fails to run without this file
GWT.exe is a good example to show the inconsistency of some Antivirus software.
30 engines detected this file as positive, including Bitdefender, McAfee, Microsoft,...
GWT.exe is an executable compressed with the well known tool UPX: The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
Homepage https://upx.github.io
https://github.com/upx/upx/releases/download/v3.96/upx-3.96-win32.zip (458Kb)
https://github.com/upx/upx/releases/download/v3.96/upx-3.96-win64.zip (458Kb)
If we decompress GWT.exe
upx.exe -d "E:\Win10XPE\Projects\Tools\GWT.exe"
9 engines detected this file now. There is no more alarm for Bitdefender, McAfee, Microsoft,...
We can conclude that it is either a False Positive or a False Negative, after decompression. They are wrong in one case or the other :mad:
Their work is not satisfactory, they should do better
Here they are wrong about GWT.exe upxed, False Positive.
I will put GWT.exe uncompressed in the next update, to reduce false alarms.
+, I submitted GWT for malware analysis to Microsoft security, here is the result:
Submission details Refresh
Submission ID: f9856c80-ec67-47d8-a5a6-b288ecaeaaf4
Status: Completed
Submitted by: xxxxxx@gmail.com
Submitted: Dec 7, 2020 10:52:10
User Opinion: Incorrect detection
Analyst comments:
We have removed the detection. Please follow the steps below to clear cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.
1. Open command prompt as administrator and change directory to c:\Program Files\Windows Defender
2. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
3. Run "MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate"
Alternatively, the latest definition is available for download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/definitions
Thank you for contacting Microsoft.
Click here for more information
Thank You for that information and the info on UPX.