Topic: Win10XPE Project  (Read 141358 times)

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #740 on: June 03, 2020, 01:51:52 PM »
  • Location: Israel
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  • Posts: 444
The "Home Edition" is not present - Use >
Else, Disable "Network Additions"

Im using that. Thanks.

Interesting. so whats the downside of enabling "Network Additions"

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #741 on: June 03, 2020, 02:04:11 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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What Builder are you using ??
Where is this error message coming from ?? > As Network Additions does not have 400+ lines

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #742 on: June 03, 2020, 02:05:34 PM »
  • Location: Israel
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PEBakery. I think i tried with wimbuilder as well.

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #743 on: June 03, 2020, 02:22:07 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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ISO from adguard link provided

Also what Language is your "Host" OS ??
If Hebrew then it seems you should be using the Secondary Language ISO as source
If my understanding from what Lancelot wrote is correct - (I do not use secondary language)
the primary language is taken from Host and the secondary language is from source...
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 02:23:02 PM by James »

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #744 on: June 03, 2020, 02:27:35 PM »
  • Location: Israel
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  • Posts: 444
Also what Language is your "Host" OS ??
If Hebrew then it seems you should be using the Secondary Language ISO as source
If my understanding from what Lancelot wrote is correct - (I do not use secondary language)
the primary language is taken from Host and the secondary language is from source...

Host is english.

Intresting again i did not know that so  i will use a hebrew source dvd and check it out. Ihave both iso's already thanks

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #745 on: June 03, 2020, 02:44:29 PM »


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PEBakery. I think i tried with wimbuilder as well.

mine is building without error with Winbuilder or PEBakery

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #746 on: June 03, 2020, 02:50:50 PM »
  • Location: Israel
  • Date Registered: Dec 2017
  • Posts: 444
PEBakery. I think i tried with wimbuilder as well.

mine is building without error with Winbuilder or PEBakery

Only having issues with official iso from Microsoft

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #747 on: June 03, 2020, 02:57:25 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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If my understanding from what Lancelot wrote is correct - (I do not use secondary language)
the primary language is taken from Host and the secondary language is from source...
no, I did not write anything like that. -> wrong

ps: + you and I do not use a secondary keyboard in real life  :wink: which I had written elsewhere .....

further up to design about projects .... which is out of current topic subject so I leave now. Only came by to respond above that is all.

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #748 on: June 03, 2020, 05:53:13 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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Well if anybody Actually knows how to Add a secondary language to the WinPE build - your Insight would be helpful to others....
I know you can Add Language Packs On Demand on a Host OS and add language packs via the use of ADK to WinPE...

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #749 on: June 03, 2020, 07:21:44 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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I have already posted a REG file to enable en-US (hex code 0409) and he-IL (hex code 040D) as input languages by default, and switching between them is easy: Left ALT+SHIFT or WIN+SPACE .
To save you the trouble, the REG file is attached here to this post inside a 7z archive.

--------- EDIT------------
If you're going to use this REG file as-is, you need to do the following steps:
1. Extract the WinPE10 registry hives (NTUSER.DAT, DEFAULT, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM) from the WIM file to a temp folder, along with the REG file I have provided.
2. Copy the following text to a BAT file, save it and place it inside the temp folder, then run it (you can name it to something like Update_Reg_Hives.bat):
Code: [Select]
@echo off
::mode con: cols=130 lines=42
set RunPath=%~dp0
set RunPath=%RunPath:~0,-1%
echo RunPath is set to %RunPath%
set "line==============================================================="

echo Loading 4 hives...
echo %line%
reg load HKLM\DFLT_PE %RunPath%\DEFAULT 1>NUL
reg load HKLM\USER_PE %RunPath%\NTUSER.DAT 1>NUL
reg load HKLM\SW_PE %RunPath%\SOFTWARE 1>NUL
reg load HKLM\SYS_PE %RunPath%\SYSTEM

echo Add Hebrew as 2nd keyboard input language
REM ::echo %line%
reg import "WinPE10_bXXXXX_Add_Hebrew_as_2nd_keyboard_input_lang-DFLT_USER_SYS.reg"
 color 4F

echo %line%
echo Unloading all 4 hives...
reg unload HKLM\DFLT_PE 1>NUL
reg unload HKLM\USER_PE 1>NUL
reg unload HKLM\SYS_PE 1>NUL
reg unload HKLM\SW_PE

echo Cleaning Registry left-overs (BLF, regtrans-ms, LOG1, LOG2)
echo %line%
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.LOG1
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.LOG2
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.blf 2>NUL
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.regtrans-ms 2>NUL

 color 0A
 echo Done. No Problems detected.
pause >nul

3. Add the updated registry hives back into the WIM file, overwriting the existing hives.
4. Optimize the WIM file to reduce its size. You can do this with DISM or WimLib-ImageX.
    I have created a BAT file that uses WimLib-ImageX (You can name it Optimize_WIM.bat). Let's assume your WIM file is named boot.wim:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
mode con: cols=90 lines=15
set WIMFILE=boot
WimLib-ImageX export %~dp0%WIMFILE%.wim 1 %~dp0%WIMFILE%_NEW.wim --boot
if exist %~dp0%WIMFILE%_NEW.wim (
 del /f /q %~dp0%WIMFILE%.wim
 ren %~dp0%WIMFILE%_NEW.wim %WIMFILE%.wim
 echo Original %WIMFILE%.wim deleted, and new %WIMFILE%.wim renamed!
 color 0A
) ELSE (
 color 0C
 echo ERROR! New WIM file was not created!!
--------- END OF EDIT ------------

To force the input indicator to show-up in the taskbar, you must also make sure that PECMD.ini executes ctfmon.exe:
Code: [Select]
EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe

In addition, build 19041 requires adding the following files to the WinPE10 WIM file (in Windows\System32\):
C_1258.NLS [Hebrew National Language Support file]
MTFFuzzyDS.dll + en-US mui
Windows.Web.dll + en-US mui
Winlangdb.dll + en-US mui

*If you add any of the above files to your WinPE10 WIM, don't forget to re-optimize the WIM file.

NOTE  - not related to the above (I saw that APT mention this):
I have downloaded Win10 b19041.264 en-US ClientBusiness VOL x64 ESD file directly from Microsoft's server, and converted to ISO with install.wim for convenience.
In this source ISO, which includes Enterprise and Pro SKUs, inside Windows\System32\drivers, there are:

There is no mrxsmb10.sys file, because SMB v1 is no longer supported - it has been superseded by SMB v2:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 10:08:29 PM by ericgl »

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #750 on: June 04, 2020, 05:21:46 AM »
  • Location: Israel
  • Date Registered: Dec 2017
  • Posts: 444
I have already posted a REG file to enable en-US (hex code 0409) and he-IL (hex code 040D) as input languages by default, and switching between them is easy: Left ALT+SHIFT or WIN+SPACE .
To save you the trouble, the REG file is attached here to this post inside a 7z archive.

--------- EDIT------------
If you're going to use this REG file as-is, you need to do the following steps:
1. Extract the WinPE10 registry hives (NTUSER.DAT, DEFAULT, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM) from the WIM file to a temp folder, along with the REG file I have provided.
2. Copy the following text to a BAT file, save it and place it inside the temp folder, then run it (you can name it to something like Update_Reg_Hives.bat):
Code: [Select]
@echo off
::mode con: cols=130 lines=42
set RunPath=%~dp0
set RunPath=%RunPath:~0,-1%
echo RunPath is set to %RunPath%
set "line==============================================================="

echo Loading 4 hives...
echo %line%
reg load HKLM\DFLT_PE %RunPath%\DEFAULT 1>NUL
reg load HKLM\USER_PE %RunPath%\NTUSER.DAT 1>NUL
reg load HKLM\SW_PE %RunPath%\SOFTWARE 1>NUL
reg load HKLM\SYS_PE %RunPath%\SYSTEM

echo Add Hebrew as 2nd keyboard input language
REM ::echo %line%
reg import "WinPE10_bXXXXX_Add_Hebrew_as_2nd_keyboard_input_lang-DFLT_USER_SYS.reg"
 color 4F

echo %line%
echo Unloading all 4 hives...
reg unload HKLM\DFLT_PE 1>NUL
reg unload HKLM\USER_PE 1>NUL
reg unload HKLM\SYS_PE 1>NUL
reg unload HKLM\SW_PE

echo Cleaning Registry left-overs (BLF, regtrans-ms, LOG1, LOG2)
echo %line%
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.LOG1
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.LOG2
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.blf 2>NUL
DEL /F /Q /AHS %RunPath%\*.regtrans-ms 2>NUL

 color 0A
 echo Done. No Problems detected.
pause >nul

3. Add the updated registry hives back into the WIM file, overwriting the existing hives.
4. Optimize the WIM file to reduce its size. You can do this with DISM or WimLib-ImageX.
    I have created a BAT file that uses WimLib-ImageX (You can name it Optimize_WIM.bat). Let's assume your WIM file is named boot.wim:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
mode con: cols=90 lines=15
set WIMFILE=boot
WimLib-ImageX export %~dp0%WIMFILE%.wim 1 %~dp0%WIMFILE%_NEW.wim --boot
if exist %~dp0%WIMFILE%_NEW.wim (
 del /f /q %~dp0%WIMFILE%.wim
 ren %~dp0%WIMFILE%_NEW.wim %WIMFILE%.wim
 echo Original %WIMFILE%.wim deleted, and new %WIMFILE%.wim renamed!
 color 0A
) ELSE (
 color 0C
 echo ERROR! New WIM file was not created!!
--------- END OF EDIT ------------

To force the input indicator to show-up in the taskbar, you must also make sure that PECMD.ini executes ctfmon.exe:
Code: [Select]
EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe

In addition, build 19041 requires adding the following files to the WinPE10 WIM file (in Windows\System32\):
C_1258.NLS [Hebrew National Language Support file]
MTFFuzzyDS.dll + en-US mui
Windows.Web.dll + en-US mui
Winlangdb.dll + en-US mui

*If you add any of the above files to your WinPE10 WIM, don't forget to re-optimize the WIM file.

NOTE  - not related to the above (I saw that APT mention this):
I have downloaded Win10 b19041.264 en-US ClientBusiness VOL x64 ESD file directly from Microsoft's server, and converted to ISO with install.wim for convenience.
In this source ISO, which includes Enterprise and Pro SKUs, inside Windows\System32\drivers, there are:

There is no mrxsmb10.sys file, because SMB v1 is no longer supported - it has been superseded by SMB v2:

Dude you are thourough af. i will try this and see what happens.

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #751 on: June 22, 2020, 06:46:14 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Jan 2020
  • Posts: 13
Which servers are active to download plugins from in the Downloads Center? I ticked them all but it still gives me error. Unless all the servers are debunked now and the only place to download the plugins from is from the board, here.

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #752 on: June 22, 2020, 06:56:53 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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Hi Raex-D
Which servers are active to download plugins from in the Downloads Center? I ticked them all but it still gives me error. Unless all the servers are debunked now and the only place to download the plugins from is from the board, here.
I believe from what you ask, you should be directing your question to one of the Win10PE SE threads/sections

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #753 on: June 24, 2020, 02:24:12 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Jan 2020
  • Posts: 13
Ahh, hmm but I am using the Win10XPE progect though not the Win10SE one.

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #754 on: June 24, 2020, 03:06:55 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi Raex-D

no Plugin related things on current section of the Forum

and All Plugin servers are active and working nicely. (not debunked)

use correct terminology (I guess you mean xpeplugin) to avoid confusions  :wink:

I am sure "others" will one day do related things to avoid such confusion on their side,
 and at last, we will not need to reply with corrections again and again and again...

The things we have to do to keep the peace...  :whistling:

« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 04:11:04 AM by Lancelot »

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #755 on: July 06, 2020, 01:10:17 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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Win10XPE_2020-07-04 Update

Updated Support for Windows 10 > 19041 (2004) (Thanks Slore)
Updated Support for Windows 10 > Preview Release 20150 (Thanks Centrino)
Updated GWT.exe (Thanks JFX)
Updated SIB v2.9.1
Updated DrvInstPatch.exe (Thanks JFX)
Updated Basic Build > to include 7zip & Regshot2
Updated Build Core > Removed "Network Additions" Requirement when using Full Software Hive
Updated Admin.script > fixed Desktop wallpaper fading to Black Desktop Screen with Administrator Account
Updated Audio.script  > Fixed Microphone (Thanks NoelBlanc) & added additional support files
Updated Explorer_AddFiles.txt > Files to support Network Fix & Additional Support Files
Updated IE11.script > Additional Support Files
Updated Network.script > Removed Full Software Hive Requirement
Updated Network_AddFiles.txt > Additional Support files
Updated StartIsBack.script > User Profile Picture Support

Application Updates >
Removed "\PowerShell-6_XPE.Script"
Replaced with > "\PowerShell_Core_XPE.Script" using ScrollBox
Updated Project Applications > As Required

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #756 on: July 06, 2020, 02:13:27 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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thanks James  :thumbsup:

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #757 on: July 06, 2020, 02:28:13 PM »
  • Location: Israel
  • Date Registered: Dec 2017
  • Posts: 444
As always thanks for the amazing work

Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #758 on: July 06, 2020, 02:44:08 PM »


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Re: Win10XPE Project
« Reply #759 on: July 06, 2020, 03:12:32 PM »


  • Chef
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hi James

thank you   :grin:
testing ...


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