You will need to use Win8Embedded FBWF.sys in your Win10XPE
Yes but it does not support mklink
BTW @someone, you can use the registry to redirect most paths outside of the WIM including desktop/documents/pictures/videos/downloads etc
It appears @someone is trying to figure out why it isn't working in Win10PESE or XPE - the reason for this is because it has not been supported since Win8PE - Which is why using a Win8Embedded fbwf.sys instead of the Win10 fbwf.sys from the install media will solve the problem...
@Lancelot, yes an option to add a custom(Win8Embedded) fbwf.sys would be useful..
I very much hope I will have time this weekend to help with this, I got called into an emergency at work last night (All night ) and have to go back in now
Could you adapt this script for Win10XPE? To be able to prove it.
Thank you so much @Lancelot. I wiil try it now.
Hi all,Just updated 2 - Shell & Configwith "Provide Custom fbwf.sys" button....\x86\fbwf.sys...\x64\fbwf.sysPs:Bob.Omb mentioned Win8Embedded has fbwf.sys version