The Oven

Plugin World => General Plugins => Plugins => Topic started by: KYHI on September 17, 2015, 03:40:08 PM

Title: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 17, 2015, 03:40:08 PM
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Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 17, 2015, 03:44:54 PM
Aomei Partition Assistant

Standard Version - Script Revision  4

Professional Version - Script Revision 4 = Fully Functional
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 17, 2015, 03:48:40 PM
AOMEI Backupper

Standard Version - Script Revision  14

Professional Version - Script Revision 4 = Fully Functional
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 17, 2015, 03:57:53 PM

Version 3.1 - Script Revision 1

Lancelot has the Updated SumatraPDF version on Gena Server

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 17, 2015, 09:20:03 PM
I just download the edits to the MPC-HC script

and here is how it's been coded.

Add Lav Filters = If, not, true, delete (since they are already present in Folder)

Fixed the confusion by editing to

Remove lav Filters = If, true, delete (since you are actually removing them from folder)

Because when you ADD you increase in size and when you REMOVE you decrease in size
Seems logical to the average joe..

MPC-HC Script = Script Revision 15

Lancelot has newest script version 16 on Gena and Win81SE Server

ChrisR likes script version 6 - because it is only 17mb in size compared to the 30mb size of version 16
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 18, 2015, 12:40:10 PM
WinRAR File Compression Utility

WinRAR 520 script version 2

Attachment removed for personal use
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 18, 2015, 12:46:25 PM
WinRAR 521 script version 1

Attachment removed for personal use
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 18, 2015, 12:47:29 PM
WinRAR 530B4 script version 1

Attachment removed for personal use
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 18, 2015, 12:52:06 PM
Chris Created Start10 Plugin script version 2

added Start10 - Start Menu Button Options

Start10 Script version 3

ChrisR Updated Start10 version 4

This is Work in progress.. as there appears to be non existant links between start10 and OS

Start10 revision 5 = right side of menu testing and sorting of reg entries

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 19, 2015, 11:14:41 AM

Spend this morning following your plugins, here you go:

updated plugin on all servers,

well it was all about reverse logic of Prz42/Mark

Code: [Select]
CheckBox_LAV="Add LAV Filters",1,3,155,278,130,18,True
Code: [Select]
CheckBox_LAV="Remove LAV Filters",1,3,155,278,130,18,True

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Prz42/Mark coding was not wrong this time  :cool:
Practically nothing change, besides I agree with you, using "Remove LAV Filters" logic looks better  :thumbsup:

Well, If you had asked for only above 2 changes, it would be updated very quickly by now.....

As I wrote, plugin on servers
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 19, 2015, 11:18:26 AM
About WinRAR plugins,
Thanks for them,


remove them, or remove rarreg.key from them,
on this forum we do NOT do such distributions,
if we did, we would be distributing ready .iso builds  :wink:

Also, there is already WinRAR plugin by Galapo, available at Yomi

which has enough options to use WinRAR on builds  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 19, 2015, 11:21:11 AM

I asked you several times to check Sumatra plugin on Gena server,
you seem not yet, from your plugin I see no additional things...

Well this is your personal plugin.   :thumbsup:
 On our side, we consider to keep things tidy on servers  :great:

I will update Sumatra plugin on Gena to other servers later, Saturday  :grin:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 19, 2015, 11:26:25 AM

Thanks for them, I put them to Yomi server with verrrry small additions,
tzres.dll not required on Gena,
and I put version md5 info of downloaded files,

In future, If you continue updating from AOMEI_Backupper plugin from Yomi server,
I can easly follow your updates and put them to server,
so everybody will be up to date  :thumbsup:

btw, there is no box etc. on Pro plugin to register  :wink:


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 19, 2015, 11:34:55 AM
Thanks for

well, as you wrote inside plugins "Initial ATI Plugin Used",
than you miss "Improved things after Initial"  :lol:
And it is not good for an admin to check things again, time time time.....

I put all Acronis TI plugins to Gena Server,
renamed your plugins in a way that they are seen first in the list,

Here are list of changes I made
Code: [Select]
History006a=Lancelot changed source location %GlobalTemplates%\Acronis\BartPE\2016\ --> %GlobalTemplates%\Acronis\TrueImage_x64\BartPE\2016\ (There are other Acronis products ;))
History006b=Lancelot removed license key (illegal) // Attached "Acronis TrueImage 2015_License" plugin for personal use
History006=Lancelot fixed writing registry from textbox // Minor Adjustments to upload/download servers easly

AND cosmetics things
you can not provide acronis files unless acronis company gave you have permission to distribute files,
I removed link from interface,
you also must fix you attachments above, well you can attach plugins from Gena server as the initial ones  :wink:

Instead I put weblink to this topic so anyone can contact you about this plugins  :thumbsup:

CTRL+F TrueImage

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 19, 2015, 03:34:17 PM
2015-09-19 changed since 2015-09-18
History005=Kyhi Interface reg varibles, sorted startmenu and taskber entries and info

Code: [Select]
//-- Information
// Group 0=ThisPC 1=ConnectTo 2=Controlpanel 3=DefaultPrograms 4=DevicesPrinters 5=Documents 6=Games 7=HelpSupport
// Group 8=Homegroup 9=Music 10=Network 11=PersonalFolder 12=Pictures 13=RecordedTV 14=Run 15=AdminTools 16=Videos
// Group 18=RecentItems 19=Favorites 20=Downloads 21=UniversalApps 96=Settings
// Group,0=DoNotShow 1=ShowAsLink 2=ShowAsMenu

// Not rewritten for Start10, the setting remains Start8\Start8.ini
//-- Start10 extra entries below and does not use added Start8 Group1 or Group7 entries above for history
//-- Sorted all reg entries above and below
//-- "1Right,20" has no effect as "ItemCount" controls minimum menu height and 1Right changes as RightSideMenu Items added
//- Apply a texture or with a background image to the background of the Menu
//ex: RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8,BackgroundImage,"X:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg"
//ex: RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8,FullUITexture,1
//- Apply a texture to the taskbar
//ex: RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8,TaskbarImage,"X:\Program Files\Stardock\Start10\TaskbarTextures\Carbon Fibre_x2.png"
//ex: RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8,TaskbarImage,"X:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg"
//- Start Button
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 19, 2015, 04:01:02 PM
Start8/10 User Interface Additions used for testing purposes

Code: [Select]
//--  Interface Addition For Testing Start8/10 StartMenu
Group0="This PC",1,14,440,10,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",2
Group2="Control Panel",1,14,580,10,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
Group3="Default Programs",1,14,440,85,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group4="Devices & Printers",1,14,580,85,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group5=Documents,1,14,440,160,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group6=Games,1,14,580,160,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group8="Home Group",1,14,440,235,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group9=Music,1,14,580,235,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group10=Network,1,14,440,310,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
Group11="Personal Folder",1,14,580,310,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",2
Group12=Pictures,1,14,440,385,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group13="Recorded TV",1,14,580,385,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group14=Run,1,14,440,460,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
Group15="Admin Tools",1,14,580,460,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
Group16=Videos,1,14,440,535,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group18="Recent Items",1,14,580,535,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
Group19=Favorites,1,14,440,610,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
Group20=Downloads,1,14,580,610,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",1
//-- Start10 only
Group21="Universial Apps",1,14,440,685,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group96=Settings,1,14,580,685,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
//-- Start8 only
Group1="Connect To",1,14,440,760,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0
Group7="Help & Support",1,14,580,760,100,70,"Don't Show","Show as link","Show as Menu",0

//interface menu selection redirect // non-workig item block when Group2 Menu selected
// Right Menu Items

Was on this PC for 24hrs striaght yesterday testing Start8 and Start10 = got 2hr nap this morning

Made a few registry changes in Start8 = works good on Win8.1SE but still an issue on Win10SE Build

Start8 Registry Changes
Code: [Select]
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8,Image,"X:\Program files\Stardock\Start8\StartButtons\biohazard.png"


Also just a side note on my host Win10 Start10 v1.00 would not allow right click to open taskbar icons or re-open new..
Have same issue in Win10PE
Issue appears to have been fix by version 1.01
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 19, 2015, 08:15:49 PM

I don't know anything about Start10,

so far reading, an idea (if suits !)

an add on plugin to "Start10" plugin
with name, probably something like that

Or may idea is totally wrong since I don't know Start10, only sharing :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 20, 2015, 11:51:36 AM
Basically what it comes down to is
Start8 offers more working right side menu selections within a Win10pe build
Start10 offers more customization of the start menu (appearance) but has less working right side menu selections on a Win10PE build

Neither Start8 or Start10 work fully - for which it appear the call from Start* to the User Folders is not the User Folder themselves, but to the Folders in the Library (which are not present in build)

History002=Kyhi - Updated Right side for working Start Menu Entries on Win8.1 and Win10

Start8 - script revision 2
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 03:42:52 AM
Notepad script revision 10
History010 - Added File Type Associations to Registry

MSWordPad script revision 6
History006 - Added File Type Associations to Registry

Actually found wordpad associations by chance, while working on Notepad..
Using TextFile the .txt file type associated to Wordpad
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 03:46:43 AM
Start10 script revision 5

History005 - tested for working Interface reg variables, sorted startmenu and taskbar entries and info

Best conclusion from all the above testing on current Win10PE project..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 21, 2015, 01:48:30 PM

I feel better you open a topic at Win10PESE section
for Start10 ... 8 ;) like, "Start10 KYHI"

Check NotePad and WordPad plugins on Gena server:
Gena\Components\Core\1 System\Accessories\Notepad
Gena\Components\Core\1 System\Accessories\WordPad

I just updated them.

See if it fits all ok on Win10PESE  :smile:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 04:14:52 PM
tested notepad v32 on win10 build and host (although host no matter)
.script did not associate properly

tested Wordpad v19 on win10 build and host

1) My bad Typo = .doxc  correct to .docx
2) .docx opens > name.docx in wordpad
but does not read contains of file - opens file as blank
same as it has before..
So may be version ChrisR uses on win10 build or a missing required file
But will also state, that the target version of wordpad will not open on host win8.1 OS..
So assume Win10 version of wordpad used by script for win10pe build..

will test on win8.1se build same .docx file
Same issue with .script and .docx on win8.1 build

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: APT on September 21, 2015, 04:37:13 PM
Hi Lancelot 
with ref to post #13
to avoid any confusion
on the gena project index, the version numbers of
Acronis TrueImage Home 2015 and 2016 do not match the script versions
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 05:05:41 PM
2016 has history007= and script revision 008
2015 has history006 and script revision 007

1 up  both
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: APT on September 21, 2015, 05:17:48 PM
but on the project index their both on v6
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 21, 2015, 05:22:24 PM

Eagle Eyes  :detective:

I know,
With very limited  time, this cosmetic missing will  be improved in far future  :thumbsup:

We have new hot upload, that makes admins life easier,
 Hot update update file to all servers automatically,
  with all md5/version etc.
   so you can nicely download with any utility...
Currently hot update does not  update index.html,
 Nothing critical, only updated version etc.not match,
  index.html download links always valid :thumbsup:

Time to time index.html updated with conventional way ;)
 Within a year, I guess all uploads to server will be through hot update, slowly improving  :great:

 :cheers: :turtle:


APT means index page

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 21, 2015, 05:35:33 PM
Hi Kyhi,

For very minor fixes (ex: typos, server adjustments, etc.) I don't write history notes,

To avoid any download version confusions, version increased automatically, so end user always get latest.  :thumbsup:

Sadly we currently don't have major.minor.sub.subsub version,
Which would be very helpful.
For a long while more,
Only major  :wink:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 06:47:47 PM
Nor do I - typo upload = sorry > but same version..

.doxc still opens .docx file

Just my bad - typo = your typo.. lol
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 21, 2015, 07:39:55 PM

Just came home and check index html,
 It is possible to improve with some days of work  :thumbsup:
   but requires some heavy time (lots of tests to get stable and publish. )

My summer time is over, so I postpone this cosmetic improvment to next vacation,
 added to my "never ending and getting longer" to do list  :great:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 21, 2015, 07:41:16 PM

updated wordpad  :thumbsup:
also updated notepad with minor line changes  :thumbsup:

Let me know if all ok on win10PESE, or any other improvment   :great:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: APT on September 21, 2015, 10:06:06 PM

Just came home and check index html,
 It is possible to improve with some days of work  :thumbsup:
   but requires some heavy time (lots of tests to get stable and publish. )

My summer time is over, so I postpone this cosmetic improvment to next vacation,
 added to my "never ending and getting longer" to do list  :great:


Hi Lancelot
I can fully understand your time restraints, I'm already sure we all owe You and ChrisR and all the main contributors,
a massive thanks and great respect for the many endless hours of private time you guys already devote to these projects  :cheers: :clap: :clap:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on September 21, 2015, 10:15:59 PM
Hi Kyhi,

About Start10,
The new look with the wallpaper as menu texture is fine :thumbsup: It might be good to have it as an option, for those who liked less
Code: [Select]
WTexture_CheckBox="Wallpaper Menu Texture",1,3,8,130,149,18,True

I just found out for Favorites, by default, it uses MS Edge Favorites and not IE favorites (Setting > Configure > Advanced)
Code: [Select]
// Favorites 0=Internet Explorer, 1=Ms Edge

For the displayed items, I'm not sure that Admin Tools or Recent are really useful.
Perhaps it is good to leave the choice for the main options behind an Advanced/Basic buttons (visible/hide).

For Notepad and Wordpad, that's OK for the new associations  :thumbsup:
but for the existing, what is the reason for change (.inf, .txt, .ini, .log / .doxc, .odt, .rtf) ?
In wordpad plugin, we can add OpcServices.dll dependency. It is required to save as docx


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 10:43:53 PM
but for the existing, what is the reason for change (.inf, .txt, .ini, .log / .doxc, .odt, .rtf) ?

You seen the changes I posted - lance working with existing - I assume that directed at him ??

// .doxc was a typo - > .docx

In wordpad plugin, we can add OpcServices.dll dependency. It is required to save as docx
Wordpad opens ,docx but does not read, opens document as blank

Let me know if all ok on win10PESE, or any other improvment   :great:
lancelot - yes Notepad v33 now opens .script in win10pe

The new look with the wallpaper as menu texture is fine :thumbsup: It might be good to have it as an option, for those who liked less

I have a user interface - not included into script - have to test favorites MENU would not fly out = have to use edge..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 21, 2015, 11:41:31 PM
Start10 Revision 5b > 2015-09-21

Testing Complete - Revisions as suggested by ChrisR - User Interface Added

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on September 22, 2015, 12:06:42 PM
revision 5c, :
I added a button "More options/Basic options" to display or not the additional options. And an option for "Allocate room for [Numbox] large icons"


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 22, 2015, 12:29:08 PM
revision 5c, :
I added a button "More options/Basic options" to display or not the additional options

 Done..  :handshake:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on September 22, 2015, 12:30:10 PM
In wordpad plugin, we can add OpcServices.dll dependency. It is required to save as docx
Wordpad opens ,docx but does not read, opens document as blank
I don't get it ! the default association for .doxc, .odt, .rtf seems ok here !
It is good, however for,.doc, .wri, .v4w, wpc, .jw  :thumbsup:
otherwise, OpcServices.dll is not related with associations, it is only needed to save as docx.

Let me know if all ok on win10PESE, or any other improvment   :great:
Seems fine indeed for sharing v33 with SE projects (Web2=...)  :cool:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 22, 2015, 12:35:08 PM
Open a .docx file an see..
I think my file is created from MS word 2010

Here the File name opens in wordpad - but the page is blank..  Opens file as if new .docx

Here is a my test PartyDrinks.docx file

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on September 22, 2015, 12:40:03 PM
Done..  :handshake:
on server :cheers:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on September 22, 2015, 01:08:40 PM
Here the File name opens in wordpad - but the page is blank..  Opens file as if new .docx

Here is a my test .docx file [Party Drink]
Same here whatever the association docxfile or textfile
by adding OpcServices.dll, with both asso, i can choose my Party drink, it will be a sex on the beach with 2 ice cubes  :lol:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 22, 2015, 01:42:05 PM
by adding OpcServices.dll, with both asso
So a needed .dll ? Yes??

You Fix ??
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 22, 2015, 01:49:32 PM
Tested > IE_Favorites_url.script revision11 on Win10PE Project

Works with Classicshell and Start8/10 - by adding internet links to StartMenu > Favorites

Have not tested opening - Win10 Host - MSEdge local favorites

History011a=Kyhi - Title Name change, wording only - tested on win10pe project - still adds favorites to startmenu > favorites - Start8/10 classicshell

recommend script change >
Code: [Select]
Title=Internet Favorites

pCheckBox2="Copy Internet Favorites from Project Folder",1,3,131,188,135,30,True
Shellexecute_GlobalDirectory_Button="Open Project Folder",1,8,138,219,115,36,Shellexecuteglobaldirectory,_Shellexecuteglobaldirectory_,False

Add to win10pe project server
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 22, 2015, 08:43:10 PM

updated IE_Favorites_url plugin on all servers

also updated Notepad & Wordpad plugins with syncronisation and some more enhancements,
so now Gena and SE have same Notepad & Wordpad plugins, easier to maintain  :smile:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 22, 2015, 08:44:46 PM
Same here whatever the association docxfile or textfile
by adding OpcServices.dll, with both asso, i can choose my Party drink, it will be a sex on the beach with 2 ice cubes  :lol:

without OpcServices.dll .txt opened nicely, not .docx  :wink:
anyway, I put OpcServices.dll to WordPad plugin with a note  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 24, 2015, 05:51:47 PM
Network.script >  current revision 31  (on Win10 server)

Lines 198 and 202 need to be changed...

from >  ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Reg,Network.7z,%ProjectTemp%\Network

To >  ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Reg,Network8.7z,%ProjectTemp%\Network

or change the attachment
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on September 24, 2015, 10:33:11 PM
Thanks  :thumbsup:
Fortunately, for now , the Network plugin in Win10Pese is not yet synchronized with Win8Pese.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 25, 2015, 03:18:26 AM
well then you can say, i am testing network v31 on Win8.1SE - and it seems to work for me..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 25, 2015, 03:30:22 PM
Aomie Partition Assistant

Aomei Released New version 5.8 yesterday

The only change is within the .exe and script(s) needs new tested Hash (I think lancelot added the MD5 Check, maybe not)

PAssist_Pro > MD5 = FBFCF0257C7764E631EF5B593A1651A3

PAssist_Std > MD5 = 9C84F6BF7F803177479D709A61ED2BE1
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 26, 2015, 03:42:23 PM
(I think lancelot added the MD5 Check, maybe not)
I did not ;)

I wrote MD5 to history notes, and added new ones from your post,
 updated to Yomi server without version +  :great:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 27, 2015, 06:48:58 PM
Classic Shell Current Script Revision 18

History019a=Kyhi - added option for seperate startmenu user account picture (No longer dependant upon 1-copyfiles script)
History019b=Kyhi - removed option to convert user.png to user.bmp - no longer required as Classic Shell supports both file types
History019c=Kyhi - added option for full display of startmenu & added desktop shortcut to restart classic shell
History019d=Kyhi - removed wimpe exit cmd and used classicshell shutdown commandbox
History019e=Kyhi - changed custom default startbutton and default user.png picture
History020=Kyhi - tested cpmpatibilty on Win8.1SE and Win10PESE > did not remove un-needed attachments, although no longer used

Renamed to ClassicShell_KyhiTest.script for purpose of testing my revisions.. A lot of changes to current v18 script to revision 20

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 28, 2015, 02:05:54 PM
Classic shell does not always show the user account picture.. User account picture disabled in skin options menu
I compared the menu settings.xml(s) with and without the user account picture enabled - no difference in .xml(s)
I compared the registry file(s)  with and without the user account picture enabled - no difference in registry

The option to show user account picture - is a "Skin" Settings option

Note: Classic Shell starts right up on Win8.1SE and is slow to start up on win10PE

Also Note: the Pins in Finals\ 1-Pins.script all Pin to taskbar in Win8.1SE, But not all in Win10PE

Another note:
Command Prompt Shortcut being created in System Tools StartMenu Folder - by default - no matter what on Win10PE...
Anyone know by what script ??
I'll find it sooner or later..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 28, 2015, 08:05:03 PM

Small tips:

Code: [Select]


Code: [Select]

ps: Call

when writing multiple history notes, end with a numeric without letter

Chris probably busy with life, so do I now, we may not respond quickly as in summer time  :wink:

See you
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on September 28, 2015, 09:32:11 PM
Code: [Select]

copied from 1-copyfile script
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on September 28, 2015, 09:44:07 PM
copied from 1-copyfile script

Sure  :thumbsup:
we don't have time to update all plugins at once, we slowly :turtle: update them during plugin updates when we notice.  :wink:

ps: I was the one years ago who first time put "Open Dir" buttons to plugins  :wink: with above syntax,
 evolution continues within the limits of free time,  there are over 1000 plugins on servers  :cool:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 01, 2015, 02:00:08 AM
 FastStone Capture

Version 8.3 has screen record feature..

Found this little gem as an example in PC-Packed - and never thought twice about it..
Until I decided to launch the program, to see what it was..
And WOW, as someone who spends a lot of time in forums - Forget the snipping tool and steps recorder....
The FastStone Capture v8.3 program is the CAT's Meow - Read History Notes

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 01, 2015, 12:09:07 PM
Thanks KYHI,

(and thanks to SmashCube  :wink: )
sadly FastStone Capture is shareware after 0.5 ...

I put a plugin to Yomi as a "Provide Files" kind plugin, and added some more dependencies for video record.
 Well my favorite feature on screen capture software is having "Capture Scrolling Window" ;)
  (since initial versions of SnagIT , but for a long while FastStone Capture smaller/portable -> nicer  :cool: )

CTRL+F : FastStone Capture -->

See You
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 01, 2015, 04:58:52 PM
Is it possible to get a RadioGroup box that goes side ways ?

option   O  O  O  O

Also, got tired of writing test builds to USB..
Created 2GB HDD partition and added WinPESE Boot.wim to Host Boot file using EasyBCD
Now it writes to HDD in seconds.. Restart Host PC - select WinPESE from Bootmenu
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 01, 2015, 07:23:47 PM
Is it possible to get a RadioGroup box that goes side ways ?

option   O  O  O  O
use RadioButtonS for that goal  :thumbsup:

Also, got tired of writing test builds to USB..
Created 2GB HDD partition and added WinPESE Boot.wim to Host Boot file using EasyBCD
Now it writes to HDD in seconds.. Restart Host PC - select WinPESE from Bootmenu
You can improve "Copy to USB-Device" plugins, I don't know them much..
If you do so, Open topic for your modified "Copy to USB-Device" plugins,
 and also "ClassicShell_KyhiTest"
   so when Chris find time, he can check and add to projects.  :thumbsup:
    Currently too many Win10PESE Developments running around  :wink:


You can test with a Virtual Plugin if you use a seperate HDD (UFD, well fast usb3-ufd beter ),
 "VMware Emulation" plugin have some options but not tested on a seperate HDD, maybe an improvment required on plugin...
 "VirtualBox Emulation" plugin for now don't have any option to test on a seperate HDD, besides it has "External hdd" option which can be used similarly.

Still, You can manually get "VMware" and "VirtualBox" run a seperate hdd easly to test  :wink:
 I had done this in very past to test bootable usb  :thumbsup:
   Well Some Years ago I had used a seperate old hdd to get tests faster.  :wink:

Well in final, real tests always required.  :great:

Have fun  :xmas-beer:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 05, 2015, 04:15:59 AM
History043=Kyhi - Moved line400 > create Custom Folder > to copy files script - interface change - added checkbox option to backup project

History094=Kyhi - moved to here > create custom folder < from preconfig - changed filebox to open dir button..

History089=Kyhi - moved to here > create custom folder < from preconfig - changed filebox to open dir button..

ChrisR Updated All....
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 05, 2015, 09:46:21 AM
Since, I had time to waste I thought I would try a little something..
The Program does not launch in PE - I copied the x86 files from host OS to winpe

It was an experiment and maybe someone else want to play with it too..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 09, 2015, 01:29:38 AM
History009=Kyhi combined 2015/2016 > renamed to ATI WinPEx64 > Program-source based on installed version > if no prior install=default 2016 > hide langauge, still need proper values > changed OpenDir method to current code > used pbutton-import to get installed version > removed wow6432node, not used in ATI x64 Winpe (Host it is used)

I use [pbutton-import] - so the installed version dictates the source_progpath to winpe version

By making the following changes

Code: [Select]


HistoryNote012=kyhi add support for 2016 (64-bit only) > removed unneeded x64 file copies > Program-source based on installed version > used if,ExistFile rather then TI_Version to copy files > Hide filebox and used predefined BartPE folders > added user folder if ATI not installed on Host

ChrisR and lancelot - have to decided how they wish to proceed - one plugin or two

Personally think ChrisR's plugin is the way to go for all-in-one plugin for servers...
As of the last two years Acronis has not supported x86 WinPE, and most likely will not again..
So any future changes will be to the x64 file copy only..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 09, 2015, 09:00:55 PM
ShowKeyPlus By Superfly

Program was developed to retrieve the Product Key Information from any PC
Program will Retrieve the Embedded OEM Product Key from the PC's Firmware (Win8-Win10)
Program will also tell you the OEM Edition (OEM Marker) of windows that came preinstalled on the PC (Vista-Win10)
Program will Retrieve the Current Installed M$ OS Product Key
Program will provide Information about a Product Key by typing in any Product Key via Check Product Key Feature
Program will also Retrieve the Product Key from an Off-Line Windows Image via Retrieve Key From Backup Feature
Program will mask the Product Key - by clicking on the key you wish to mask before posting

Program Depends on .Net framework 4/4.5/4.6 Core

History002=Kyhi Changed attachment to v1.0.5655 due to display issue in Win10PE with v1.0.5730

History003=Kyhi Added copy token directory as request by Superfly

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 09, 2015, 09:57:08 PM

only a small feedback to your ShowKeyPlus plugin :
Code: [Select]


just noticed,
we never use
On general plugins (only if it is controlled by project admin, still project admins do not use that much too)
It has (like many things with winbuilder) missing features, to be developed on another builder in future...
 Plugin locations and names are moving targets,
   only project admin can follow,
   still project admins do not prefer that since it is another maintance trouble in time.

We have another solution, still we prefer keep life simple :

 as in plugins at
 just write a dependency text with bold,
   .Net Framework 4.0
 or like at

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 12, 2015, 05:19:34 PM
Macrium_Reflect_PE_Portable - Version v6.1.865.0  (x86/x64)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: lvgandhi on October 13, 2015, 01:35:23 PM
So far for macrium, I was using plugin from macrium plugin thread. Can You please, explain how to use this portable plugin? What are differences between regular and portable versions of Macrium?
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 13, 2015, 03:37:16 PM
Same way you would use all others - just select the plugin and it will do the rest...
Portable means it works without having to write any values into the PE registry..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: lvgandhi on October 14, 2015, 02:35:15 AM
I have used the plugin. While starting, it shows as version 6.1 build 865. But in about macrium, it shows nothing as in pic below.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: lvgandhi on October 14, 2015, 03:59:07 AM
Further, if I close and restart after first time running, I get the following error.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 14, 2015, 12:02:06 PM
Because the Drive letter to your "Program Files" is changing after you Open Macrium

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: lvgandhi on October 14, 2015, 01:45:12 PM
I checked that also. Before and after running it shows as Y:/Program/** same. But it runs first time. It does not Y:/Program Files/. Where I am doing wrong. Any corrective actions, please.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 14, 2015, 02:42:51 PM
your issue is because you are using X-Y Drive and when you launch Macrium > Macrium is reassigning different drive letters to your drives.. Knocking out your Y drive..
Thus all the WinPE shortcuts that point to the Y drive are invalid.. You MUST Remount your Y Drive..
Or Build - OS to RAM by selecting "Run All Programs from Ram" on CdDrive X - Y

And again - replying to one Topic is good enough... No need to respond/reply on two about same issue..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 14, 2015, 04:06:22 PM
New Macrium Reflect Update today..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 14, 2015, 06:26:40 PM

Other topic locked  :thumbsup:

@ lvgandhi

Start Menu:
Programs\System Tools --> There is shortcut "ReMount CdDrive Y"

since Macrium Reflect have such a bug, (to me very ugly bug ;) ) for now use this shortcut after you use Macrium Reflect.

And, post/e-mail to Macrium Reflect so they fix this "remount" thing, which is headache for many things.....

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 14, 2015, 06:29:04 PM

I just put your latest plugin to Yomi server,
by adding missing 6 dependencies for Gena,
 now Macrium Reflect works nicely both on Gena x86/x64 too  :magic: :cheerleader:

I highly suggest open a topic for "Macrium Reflect PE" -
 so it will be easier to handle future feedback.  :great:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 14, 2015, 07:31:59 PM

added your ShowKeyPlus plugin to Yomi,
minor changes,
Contact/Plugin link to
Description - #$x not work on other builder versions.... replaced with ---
Added a bold textlabel ".Net framework 4/4.5/4.6 Core"

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 23, 2015, 02:20:43 AM
EasyBCD 2.2 and/or EasyBCD 2.3 Beta

2.2 Requires .NET Framework 4.5 Core
2.3  Requires .NET Framework 4.5 Full

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on October 24, 2015, 10:48:09 AM

Added EasyBCD to Yomi server,

btw, it seems 2.3 is stable now  :wink:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on October 24, 2015, 11:27:26 PM
Yeah I guess they just Released EasyBCD 2.3 from Beta 10/20

history003 - Added Release version of 2.3

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 08, 2015, 07:36:42 PM

Could find time to follow you  :smile:
EasyBCD --> updated on Yomi server --> cosmetics (plugin link to current topic etc.)

Macrium_Reflect_Portable --> updated on Yomi server
with dependencies  :smile:

first set of dependencies are required for Gena which I guess already exists on SE build,
optional dependency also exists SE Network plugin ;) , without that we have to press esc,
 still Macrium Reflect works well without initializing PE, besides looks "ugly"  :wink:

Tips: I test plugins with a basic build

already on Yomi server.

I recently updated all .net plugins with a note at the begining of description
(.Net 4/4.5 v1.0.5655)

I hope we can easily synchronize on these plugins,
 I don't have time to inspect Acronis.....
  If I miss any other thing let me know, all work done these days with minimal "sum of" times,
   further I will follow topic to update....
     "Winter is coming", time to make money with less hobby time  :cool:

See You
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 08, 2015, 08:11:50 PM
OK, lance
I have another one for you..

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Plugin

Created using innounp and I added two file dependencies..

The files are present in PE system32 - but program states files not found...

when running program from the host installation - coping sfc.dll and sfc_os.dll into PE the program works and scans..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 08, 2015, 08:43:16 PM
I am not sure...
 maybe all you need sfc x86 files
   at least I found 3 more dependencies for sure, still not working here with basic build, maybe works there:

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 08, 2015, 08:55:47 PM
since you are a developer, here is a valuable tip to gain time:

Download\Yomi\Backup Restore Components - Plugin Download
(or get it directly from Yomi server  :wink: )

on builder screen under root of project dir, you will notice
.\Backup Restore Components
enable it during build ;).

after build, test plugin etc. when you need to re test things:
.\Backup Restore Components
Restore button
Finals\PostConfig\"Create Target Image and ISO and Start Emulation" (small colored square button at bottom, 2nd on left)


I hope this tip gains some time during tests...

I will follow you on Malware bytes, when you say ok I will also update to Yomi Server...

"Winter is coming" .. :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 08, 2015, 09:43:53 PM
two issues I think..

in Target I get the above..
Need ,2.dll for x64 build
assume ,1.dll for x86

with x64 build get error about sfc.dll missing although require-fileQ and files in system32

but not in syswow64

So assume missing from syswow64 and how to add to x64 build??
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 08, 2015, 09:56:10 PM
Need ,2.dll for x64 build
assume ,1.dll for x86
very mostly (%95) this is the case, and very very mostly big file is x64 ;)
innounp.iss file (text) give more correct info

temporary change line:

--> open install_script.iss with notepad.

So assume missing from syswow64 and how to add to x64 build??

already replied ;)
Code: [Select]

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 08, 2015, 11:18:18 PM
kind of a learning curve for me with innounp..
Got the required files now - needed x64 sfc.exe and en-us\sfc.exe.mui

But getting those two dll(s)
need to rename in order to use - iss or what ever does not do it
also there is a {commonappdata} folder that needs to be copied to programData

If you look at tempextractfolder you will see what I need and the issues with the 1,2.dll (2.dll is for x64)

I got it to work in PE with the required Files installed - but had to run the program installer to get the program to work..
So the plugin is not doing something right as far as setting up the needed files or program..

I'll figure out a way to get it as I know the program itself works in PE
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 09, 2015, 07:04:04 AM
Got the required files now - needed x64 sfc.exe and en-us\sfc.exe.mui
something like that:
Code: [Select]

need to rename in order to use - iss or what ever does not do it
I feel not required.

also there is a {commonappdata} folder that needs to be copied to programData

Macro Library - Call -

If you look at tempextractfolder you will see what I need and the issues with the 1,2.dll (2.dll is for x64)
PC Innounp have a mini "TM" button that provides "ready codes" to be used easily,
 copy paste modify you like ;)
  just updated PC Innounp to v48 added some more "ready codes"

ps: PC Innounp autodetects multiarchitecture following .exe name, adds "ready codes for multiarchitecture",
               but on wow64 case it naturally can not ;), that is Secondary reason for TM button  :cool:.

See you on next post...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 09, 2015, 07:08:11 AM
Here is what I did:

I see gui on both Win10PESE x64 and Gena x64  :wink:

You can compare and see how I used ready codes from PC Innounp - TM

Rest on your hands, I will follow you.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 09, 2015, 01:49:16 PM
Tested your revisions on Win8.1 x86 and x64
Tested your revisions on Win10 x86 and x64

All working and scans properly..

I would have never figured out the [CopyR] coding..
Believe \ProgramData was the missing link to the program working

Thank You...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 09, 2015, 04:56:09 PM
Thanks KYHI,

Also updated Malware plugins to Yomi with cosmetics things
 (title, plugin link current topic, homepage, etc... version=002 both),
 further following you on Malware plugins :thumbsup:

also updated reply 81 (and related things)
  to ease things, steps of download-after download now 1 ;) (=works out of box as instructed)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 09, 2015, 06:15:09 PM
you can also convert from container file type plugin to download type plugin

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 09, 2015, 06:24:48 PM
Well it is your plugin ;)

Still, my idea would be:
Adding Provide file option to current plugin.
This way, plugin works out of box.

Ex: Check PartitionGuru Free plugin on Yomi server ;)
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Mikka on November 09, 2015, 09:18:50 PM
First off, I'd love to have MBAM working under Win8.1SE again (
KYHI's plugin looks labour-intensive and sophisticated so I decided to give it a go.
I selected "Run from RAM" and used my current test x64 build (with a few activated plugins).

Immediately after launching, mbam.exe threw an error (translated into english):
The exception "unknown software exception" (0x40000015) has occurred in the application at position 0x7451d6fd.

Hadn't included Dependency Walker in my test build...
I'll make a second attempt with Win8.1SEx86 later on.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 10, 2015, 06:22:03 AM

added "ProvideFile" option to plugin,
 so both features supported "out of box working" + "easy updating"   :thumbsup:

  As 3rd feature, if you like you can add "download" button more easily :great:

ps: Will try to add "ProvideFile" feature to PC Packed and PC Innounp later today... ;)


works ok here with Win10PESEx64 "Run from Ram"

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 10, 2015, 07:53:53 AM

just could time to test,
still works ok here with Win8.1SEx64 "Run from Ram"

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 10, 2015, 10:03:24 AM
I test built x86 and x64 8.1-10
Verify Malwarebytes folder in ProgramData
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 11, 2015, 09:57:47 AM

minor fix to Line54 "source check"   :wink:  on server  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Mikka on November 12, 2015, 11:23:47 PM
I did a couple of tests for Win8.1SE x64. Most times it worked now. However, I had to revert to zero (i.e. original Win81SE release)
and do all personal settings again which took me a certain amount of time.

Weirdly, the described error even re-occurred a few times after that; no luck to narrow it down.
All I can say is that depending on the complexity of a new build (= number of activated scripts), the probability of the error increases.

If MBAM runs, it runs great! Kudos to KYHI!

@KYHI One point, though:
I'd like to have the following default configuration when first running MBAM.
I assume that there's just the file settings.conf (within ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Configuration)
that stores these settings. If you happen to know a more general way of changing
the MBAM defaults please let me know.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 13, 2015, 12:08:45 AM
I run 67 plugins...
you can set the options on your Host
Then attach the file to your plugin, to be extracted by your plugin, into your PE..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 13, 2015, 08:29:16 AM
and do all personal settings again which took me a certain amount of time.
You can use Utils\Plugin Manager to save your personal settings.

Adding personal plugins is quite easy:

I assume that there's just the file settings.conf (within ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Configuration)
that stores these settings.
\Downloads\Finals_Y\Additional Files Other - Optimization --> Download button + refresh
\Finals_Y\"Additional Files Other - Optimization" plugin  :smile:

You can add any personal appdata settings where there is no such option available (on plugin or anything else).
On Mbam case, TargetAUAppdata  would fit. :wink:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 28, 2015, 12:28:44 AM
ShowKeyPlus Version: 1.0.5809 - SuperFly's Change log

Updated to automate finding existing Windows installation(s) - including Windows.old - that have valid key data.

With WinPESE, the first installation found will be displayed.

If more than one previous Windows installation is found, a forward arrow will be displayed to allow navigation to other installations.

History004=Kyhi Updated to v1.0.5809 - kept prior version attachments - edited script to use 1.0.5809

I Sincerely Thank - SUPERFLY
 For the additional development (undertaken at my request) to use this program in PE
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 28, 2015, 11:34:33 AM

I would like to ask reason behind
Code: [Select]
Colors,Window,255 255 255

inside your latest ShowKeyPlus plugin ?

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: 0scar on November 28, 2015, 02:33:01 PM
I get this screen when the tool start and when it finds the win10 installation:[attach=1]
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 28, 2015, 05:22:34 PM

I would like to ask reason behind
Code: [Select]
Colors,Window,255 255 255

inside your latest ShowKeyPlus plugin ?


the prior version 5730 would not display correctly because PE was missing the color entry in the registry... Superfly debugged the PESE for me to find the cause of the display issue..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 28, 2015, 05:24:10 PM
I get this screen when the tool start and when it finds the win10 installation: (Attachment Link)

I will post this question to the devoleper
I do notice you have an advance ARROW - whats the next screen shot show ?

Current plugin has all 3 versions attached.. you can Modify plugin to use setupfile2 or setupfile

Reason is I was just informed
Anytime, buddy - sorry it took so long.
 It was on the roadmap... remember 5809 is pre-release tho' - still need to fix some stuff (Edwin has confirmed the revised version fixed the dpi issue. )
I did not realize 5809 was released to me as a test version...

So thanks for the TESTing feedback - I passed it on to the developer
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: 0scar on November 28, 2015, 07:46:29 PM

I do notice you have an advance ARROW - whats the next screen shot show ?

Next screens: XP key, Win7 key, Arrays cannot be null (again), Win10 key
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 29, 2015, 07:30:25 AM
Next screens: XP key, Win7 key, Arrays cannot be null (again), Win10 key

So what should it have found?? What OS is missing from the system??
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: 0scar on November 29, 2015, 01:22:18 PM
Nothing is missing, all Windows installations are found.
Just want to report that what it seems to be a debug/error? dialog screen appears twice.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on November 29, 2015, 09:55:16 PM

History006=Kyhi Updated to v1.0.5815


Superfly's Change Log

Update 03-Dec-2015: Version 1.0.5815

Bug-fix: Forward-navigation arrow displaying incorrectly.
Bug-fix: Check version dialog was not returning to calling thread.
Bug-fix: Windows 8 reporting duplicate installations.
Automated discovery of pre-existing Windows installations (from Windows and Windows.old folders)
Last used theme gets saved for use the next time the application is launched.
Some GUI enhancements for DPI scaling.
Included a version check to alert of new releases

Version 1.0.5815 will be the final for the year (barring any showstoppers)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 03, 2015, 07:20:56 PM
Updated ShowKeyPlus to 5815 release version
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 04, 2015, 07:37:44 AM

I would like to ask reason behind
Code: [Select]
Colors,Window,255 255 255

inside your latest ShowKeyPlus plugin ?


the prior version 5730 would not display correctly because PE was missing the color entry in the registry... Superfly debugged the PESE for me to find the cause of the display issue..


Thanks for the info,
 now all projects have default ...Colors",Window,"255 255 255"   :great:

can you change line to
Code: [Select]
If,Not,ExistRegKey,HKLM,"Tmp_Default\Control Panel\Colors",Window,RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\Control Panel\Colors",Window,"255 255 255"
so it won't overwrite a setting if one day used by another plugin  :thumbsup:

also a mini request, to get .net requirement more visible   :thumbsup:

Code: [Select]
Description=(v1.0.5815) Plugin Adds ShowKeyPlus by SuperFly. Retrieves Embedded and Windows Product Keys from Current or Off-Line Windows Directory.. Requires .Net Framework 4/4.5 Core
Code: [Select]
Description=(.Net 4/4.5 v1.0.5815) Plugin Adds ShowKeyPlus by SuperFly. Retrieves Embedded and Windows Product Keys from Current or Off-Line Windows Directory.. Requires .Net Framework 4/4.5 Core

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 04, 2015, 12:50:42 PM
Show key updated - as per lancelot

At the time the plugin was created - the Color entry was no present in Win10PE registry
thus history notes 2 + 3
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 04, 2015, 02:00:58 PM

noticed one more thing,
Code: [Select]
not required.
( tested on Win10PESE without wow64 )  :thumbsup:

As far as I know, .net applications are architecture independent (like java os independent ;) ),
 still there are other .net plugins to be checked later, summer time....


I just tested some other .net plugins at hand:
Attribute Tweaker
gtools (pserv3 etc)
Junction Link Magic 2
Stream Explorer
WinMD5 2 Eolson

They all need wow64 subsystem side by side with .net.

ShowKeyPlus seem to be better compiled fulfilling .net purpose   :thumbsup:
 better you also test  :great:

following curiosity,
pserv 4 also not requires wow64 anymore fulfilling .net purpose  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 05, 2015, 07:14:37 AM
I recommend creating a 1.5GB partition ( G: ) ...
The main reason I created the partition - is for testing PESE without having to constantly write to USB
I write to the G:\ Partition instead and PESE is selectable via my host boot menu

Note: Edit the ramdisk=[G:] and the Partition=G: in the code box to match your partition drive letter
Save the Proper *.cmd and run as admin - to add PESE Boot Option to Host Boot Menu

Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo Configuring MBR Boot Option for WinPE Recovery Tools
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bcdedit.exe /create /d "WinPE Recovery Tools" /Device') do (set deviceid={%%g})
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo DEVICE ID = %deviceid%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bcdedit /set %deviceid% ramdisksdidevice partition=G:
bcdedit /set %deviceid% ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bcdedit.exe /create /d "WinPE Recovery Tools" /application osloader') do (set guid={%%g})
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo GUID = %guid%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bcdedit /set %guid% device ramdisk=[G:]\sources\boot.wim,%deviceid%
bcdedit /set %guid% osdevice ramdisk=[G:]\sources\boot.wim,%deviceid%
bcdedit /set %guid% systemroot \windows
bcdedit /set %guid% path \Windows\system32\boot\winload.exe
bcdedit /set %guid% winpe yes
bcdedit /set %guid% detecthal yes
bcdedit /displayorder %guid% /addlast
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu True
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} timeout 10
echo DONE... Reboot your PC

Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo Configuring UEFI Boot Option for WinPE Recovery Tools
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bcdedit.exe /create /d "WinPE Recovery Tools" /Device') do (set deviceid={%%g})
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo DEVICE ID = %deviceid%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bcdedit /set %deviceid% ramdisksdidevice partition=G:
bcdedit /set %deviceid% ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bcdedit.exe /create /d "WinPE Recovery Tools" /application osloader') do (set guid={%%g})
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo GUID = %guid%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bcdedit /set %guid% device ramdisk=[G:]\sources\boot.wim,%deviceid%
bcdedit /set %guid% osdevice ramdisk=[G:]\sources\boot.wim,%deviceid%
bcdedit /set %guid% systemroot \windows
bcdedit /set %guid% path \Windows\system32\boot\winload.efi
bcdedit /set %guid% winpe yes
bcdedit /set %guid% detecthal yes
bcdedit /displayorder %guid% /addlast
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu True
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} timeout 10
echo DONE... Reboot your PC
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on December 05, 2015, 08:49:52 AM
I do like that also for testing in real PC and as recovery partition  :smile:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 09, 2015, 03:40:54 AM
Winamp Lite plugin - Winamp version Lite EN-US

System Sound Events plugin - Adds Windows Event Sound Scheme to WinPE

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 09, 2015, 02:37:39 PM

With some adjustments, added both to Yomi:

Downloads\ComponentsY\Sound Events

hopefully synchronize with you on future versions  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 16, 2015, 01:27:50 PM
Here is Firefox v43 with Flash v20

Update Flash_Package64 from 11.8.800.168 to version 

Update Flash_Package from 11.8.800.168 to version
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 16, 2015, 09:53:53 PM
Hi Kyhi,

uploaded your firefox plugin  :thumbsup: to yomi,

\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Mozilla Firefox

with a fix
Code: [Select]
ShellExecute,Hide,%Tools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder\MFFProfile\%Profile%#$q -y -o#$q%TargetProfilesUserDir%\AppData\Roaming#$q"
Code: [Select]
ShellExecute,Hide,%Tools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder\MFFProfile\%Profile%#$q -y -o#$q%TargetAppdata%#$q"

and cosmetics (Bevel was crossing checkboxes, only location slightly changed)
Code: [Select]
pWebLabel2="Plugin Page",1,10,137,281,55,18,

It is quite nice firefox plugin  :great:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 17, 2015, 11:21:57 AM

thanks for flash packages, both updated to servers..

ps: when updating server plugins, first download latest, there can be no version change updates.
 That is the reason I could update late, I quickly checked with winmerge and postpone to a wider free time..  :wink:

Life goes... :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on December 17, 2015, 01:08:08 PM
Thanks KYHI for flash, it was a bit old  :wink:, and for the other plugins :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 21, 2015, 03:56:01 AM
My Mozilla Firefox Plugin...

History002=Kyhi - Updated User.Default Profile - Updated to Firefox v43.0.1.5828 - Fixed Audio dependency - Changed Image File (Logo)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 21, 2015, 09:16:48 AM

updated "Mozilla Firefox" plugin to server following you,
only fixed location of line

also updated System Event Sounds following your post.

 :great: :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: 0scar on December 23, 2015, 04:10:13 PM
Just to inform that there exists a light Firefox (50MB instead of 100MB)  :great: and I have found no drawbacks.
To make it portable rename the custom_t.ini file to custom.ini (
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 23, 2015, 06:02:31 PM
So should I assume there is not a Firefox Lite Plugin ??

I will test in PE and create one if needed..

Just did a test Win10PESE x64 build - deselected all Plugin's except mandatory one's..


Mozilla Light with FlashPlayer

default audio drivers
default Network drivers
default display drivers


copy to usb bcd

Mozilla Light Results #1 > No YouTube Audio or Video
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: 0scar on December 23, 2015, 08:38:45 PM
I have tested Light in Win10PE 32 bit with my own Flash plugin (the same plugin that works with Firefox and Opera), and no problem with youtube or other sites that use flash.
Also addons are working fine (Text zoom, Unmht).
To solve  the first run dialog asking to Activate Adobe Flash delete blocklist.xml
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 23, 2015, 11:33:22 PM
It has to have other dependances - included in your build...
You can make a Light Plugin..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 24, 2015, 02:03:00 AM
updated ShowKeyPlus

History007=Kyhi Updated to v1.0.5835

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: 0scar on December 24, 2015, 03:08:00 AM
This are my "unorthodox" plugins for Ligth Firefox and Flash. (32 bits)
The Light plugin is the same as Firefox Portable plugin, only it is necessary to change
things like Firefox.exe to Light.exe and so on.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 24, 2015, 03:04:11 PM
History007=Kyhi Updated to v1.0.5835
Following you on server  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 24, 2015, 05:36:13 PM
Ok, You all seem to want a Mozilla light plugin...

ULight - Mozilla Light Plugin (for testing)

And verified YouTube video/audio playback
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 24, 2015, 09:00:59 PM
Winamp_Full Plugin

History2 - add the option to extract additional files needed for Standard Edition (Multi-language) and then additional files needed for Full Edition (Multi-language)
Also added in the user profile..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 24, 2015, 10:08:31 PM
Added your latest Winamp plugin with filename "Winamp KYHI"  :thumbsup:

\Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp5 Media Player

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 24, 2015, 11:13:39 PM
Added your latest Winamp plugin with filename "Winamp KYHI"  :thumbsup:

\Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp5 Media Player


Actually on my end - just renamed it  > Winamp_Full.script

User can choose Lite, Standard or Full
Mozilla Firefox - no flash attachment

Mozilla light - no Flash attachment
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 25, 2015, 11:30:38 AM
Actually on my end - just renamed it  > Winamp_Full.script
Than it is  :thumbsup:

There is a misunderstanding on flash....

Anyway, I added a plugin to all projects to handle things easily...
Apps\Network\"Flash Add"

Added flash lines to Mozilla Firefox plugin and Mozilla Light plugin,
It is now quite simple to add flash support to a browser plugin :thumbsup:
 (except IE ;) ....)

added missing .....%NoWarnROW%... line at Mozilla Firefox plugin

fixed "unorthodox" registries on Mozilla Light plugin,
 and error with "Light is already running, but is not responding......" gone  :smile:
   Mozilla Light works nicely now.  :thumbsup:

Utils\Plugin Link Organisations -> Update Download Packs
\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Mozilla FireFox
\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Mozilla Light
\Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp Media Player

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 25, 2015, 01:02:04 PM
\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Mozilla Light

Pulls error 404
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 25, 2015, 01:38:02 PM
there is a problem with ftp, will be fixed later....

for now, here is Mozilla Light :

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 25, 2015, 02:46:11 PM
Thank You for the download.. I try an learn from you, but sometimes hard to follow.. (No Offense to be taken)

I clearly put out Mozilla light as a Test - Based on your Comments and suggestions about Light and FlashPlayer.
I was able to create a single attachment for FlashPlugin..

Why not have 1 FlashPlayer plugin ?
In stead of A calling B calling C or D

Light was not a final Project -
But why you leave old code within a Server script ??
I would have cleaned it up, before making it such a final release, as the author...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 25, 2015, 10:14:18 PM
Thank You for the download.. I try an learn from you, but sometimes hard to follow.. (No Offense to be taken)
Feel free to ask   :thumbsup:

I clearly put out Mozilla light as a Test - Based on your Comments and suggestions about Light and FlashPlayer.
I was able to create a single attachment for FlashPlugin..
I like current situation,
 It feels me better to update one flash player plugin (FlashPackage) that will update all flash on browsers
 (so far I know: Opera12 - Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla Light)

Maybe I am wrong, I am open to suggestions.  :thumbsup:

Why not have 1 FlashPlayer plugin ?
In stead of A calling B calling C or D
Why not, it can be in future, up to Chris  :thumbsup:
 Personally I like current, it is easier to upload and maintain 2 big container* plugin (x86 x64 - C D) with 1 Small "flash add" (B)
  Currently Chris maintain flash plugins and knows better.

I put history notes to Flash_Add (B) plugin about browser plugins that use it,
  so if someone (probably Chris) decides to make some "big" changes in future ,
    plugins on history notes that are on servers will also be updated.  :thumbsup:
     and everything continue running smooth as usual.  :great:

Light was not a final Project -
But why you leave old code within a Server script ??
I would have cleaned it up, before making it such a final release, as the author...
I left old code to show you the lines I changed (like on System Sound plugin)
 (Generally I also write history00x info, instead I write current topic with feeling you like to get info on current topic)
    As The Author, Feel free to clean up on your next version, I will follow you.  :great:

And I put to server, since it is now working nice on projects, now a stable plugin following your improvments.  :xmas-cool:

Happy New Year  :magic:
Merry Christmas  :xmas-beer:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 27, 2015, 02:07:51 AM
First off, I'd love to have MBAM working under Win8.1SE again (
KYHI's plugin looks labour-intensive and sophisticated so I decided to give it a go.
I selected "Run from RAM" and used my current test x64 build (with a few activated plugins).

Immediately after launching, mbam.exe threw an error (translated into english):
The exception "unknown software exception" (0x40000015) has occurred in the application at position 0x7451d6fd.

It appears that Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware has been knocked out in Win10PESE - tried build 10240 and build 10586
I know program was working with build 10240 in early Nov..
Also tested in win8.1se and still working (not sure when last updated)
Tested older versions of NET Framework and Visual C > does not appear to be caused by those recent changes..
Must be something else that changed in Win10SEPE


EDIT: In Win10PESE you MUST be connected to a network to prevent the Error

But anyway Created a Download Version of Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware - it will download newest current version

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 12:34:12 AM
In an effort to create 1 Simple Plugin, that should require very little revision with program updates
I have created several Download Version Plugin's...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on December 28, 2015, 07:15:29 AM
First off, I'd love to have MBAM working under Win8.1SE again (
KYHI's plugin looks labour-intensive and sophisticated so I decided to give it a go.
I selected "Run from RAM" and used my current test x64 build (with a few activated plugins).

Immediately after launching, mbam.exe threw an error (translated into english):
The exception "unknown software exception" (0x40000015) has occurred in the application at position 0x7451d6fd.
Try start network before start Mbam.  :smile:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 09:01:40 AM
Network was not an issue before - My point was more to the fact something changed in Win10PESE...

Network setup and drivers loaded - just not connected in 8.1 or 10... 8.1 works..

I will test 10 with a connected network though...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 09:06:54 AM
I have a small grievance...

I do not like the new smaller default interface on the Plugin Creators
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 28, 2015, 09:16:33 AM
why ?


propose one  :thumbsup:

create a new simple one and play with it, send final result (without attachment) .  :great:

see you at

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 09:48:08 AM
First off, I'd love to have MBAM working under Win8.1SE again (
KYHI's plugin looks labour-intensive and sophisticated so I decided to give it a go.
I selected "Run from RAM" and used my current test x64 build (with a few activated plugins).

Immediately after launching, mbam.exe threw an error (translated into english):
The exception "unknown software exception" (0x40000015) has occurred in the application at position 0x7451d6fd.
Try start network before start Mbam.  :smile:

You are correct if I connect to my network Mbam works no error...
If I disconnect from network - error...
Although do not need to connect to network under win8.1 -
so I would have to guess it has to do with a started network service...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on December 28, 2015, 09:51:19 AM
Network was not an issue before - My point was more to the fact something changed in Win10PESE...

Network setup and drivers loaded - just not connected in 8.1 or 10... 8.1 works..

I will test 10 with a connected network though...
I was test with 10PE 10586. It start normally if i connect to internet. But it's very slow to update database and I must use Mbam chameleon to use Mbam normally.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 10:03:17 AM
Database update was not excessive - did not scan though...

Testing 10240 and 10586 x64

I have an older 10240 ISO created 11/09/2015 and a network connection is not required to launch program...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on December 28, 2015, 11:20:12 AM
Try use Mbam chameleon first. :D
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 28, 2015, 02:42:45 PM
In an effort to create 1 Simple Plugin, that should require very little revision with program updates
I have created Download Version Plugin's

Looking at the Newest VLC Plugins on Yomi - They almost appear to be the same plugin except one states midi
I only did a visual compare and the file associations fall short of all supported types and .midi is included in both...
So decided to upload my VLC Plugin > Should only require changing the Revision variable to select version download...

Thanks for sharing KYHI,

following you,
 I assumed you like to have easy update options available,
  I re created CCleaner and Speccy plugins providing all options, maybe you also like.  :smile:

Utils\Plugin Link Organisations -> Update Download Packs
\Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\"CCleaner"
\Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\\HW Info\"Speccy"

also updated existing Defraggler and Recuva plugins

\Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Defrag\"Piriform Defraggler"
\Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\File Undelete\"Recuva"

about vlc plugins on server,
yes they contain same (they are nearly duplicate plugins), but interface different,
 "VLC" plugin have hidden option for midi that is unselected ;)
 "VLC (for midi)" plugin have only midi association selected.....
   This duplication will hopefully help maintaining plugins easier in future.  :wink:

Well, still thanks for sharing your VLC plugin.

just a reminder, current plugin get Mbam start working on Gena x64 but not with Gena x86,
 whatever hapening maybe hapening on Gena too...
     anyway, I will follow.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 28, 2015, 04:02:48 PM
about vlc plugins on server,
just added provide file option.... following flexibilty  :wink:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 04:13:58 PM
Problem is Clicking on large Plugins - locks up Internet Explorer...

Uploading large attachments requires a Dropbox - very slow upload...

Very Simple code to follow - download once and done or update program file at will, by download checkbox..

I give up...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 05:25:58 PM
Latest Version of Adobe Flash Player Released

32-bit & 64-bit WHQL Version:

Date Released: December 28th 2015
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 07:51:36 PM
just a reminder, current plugin get Mbam start working on Gena x64 but not with Gena x86,
 whatever hapening maybe hapening on Gena too...

Well I just updated my Win8.1 project..
And now MBAM has been knocked out, after the update..
Which was working fine without error yesterday, while testing...
Now I can go through the process of Reverting back the old plugins, to find the culprit... And the cause..
So I can fix...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 08:00:23 PM
On Win8.1SE the cause of the MBAM Error is because of a revision made to the 1-Files Plugin

History096=ChrisR - Fix copy .mui file en-US fallback in PBoot_CopySys32Mui section. Thanks Atari to have seen this significant bug

So Now must assume the same Revision was made to Win10SE

History102=ChrisR - Fix copy .mui file en-US fallback in PBoot_CopySys32Mui section. Thanks Atari to have seen this significant bug
History103=ChrisR - BootCopySys32Mui -> BootCopySys32 for conhost.exe, win32k.sys.mui and win32kfull.sys.mui. No mui files for them
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 28, 2015, 09:25:11 PM

an halt plugin may help to compare results between 1-Files plugin versions ,
put to \Build\

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 28, 2015, 09:39:40 PM
Problem is Clicking on large Plugins - locks up Internet Explorer...

Uploading large attachments requires a Dropbox - very slow upload...

Very Simple code to follow - download once and done or update program file at will, by download checkbox..

I give up...

I know troubles, it is up to personal preference  :thumbsup:
 I like plugins working out of box without download, to me easier to end user and to test....
   I add optional "provide" for frequently updated apps ;)..
    and following you I also add optional download for priform...

anyway, up to your preference. :thumbsup:
 I will follow you  :great:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 28, 2015, 09:41:22 PM
Latest Version of Adobe Flash Player Released

32-bit & 64-bit WHQL Version:

Date Released: December 28th 2015

Thanks, let me know when you update flash plugins.....

ps: flash too frequently get updates, it is hard to catch all the time.... and time...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 28, 2015, 11:48:02 PM
Got It.... With both Updated WinPESE Packages... No Internet Connection Required...


4 Hrs later
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on December 29, 2015, 05:21:29 AM
Got It.... With both Updated WinPESE Packages... No Internet Connection Required...

(Attachment Link)

4 Hrs later
Are you try scan with Mbam?
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 29, 2015, 10:31:53 AM

After this post

I made some minor updates to
Mozilla Firefox -> added missing variable
Mozilla Light -> added association options from Mozilla Firefox
+ minor things

As far as I can understand from very disorganized post
There seems to be a development path for

.xpi association
mpeg-3 and mpeg-4  - .mpg .mpeg association (maybe via "Send To" shortcut)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 29, 2015, 11:59:39 AM
I can not figure out what he is doing...
I am not changing a thing...
I have no issue with either plugin - audio, video, or web links... Assocations
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 29, 2015, 12:01:08 PM
I can not figure out what he is doing...
neither do I...

that is the reason I only added associations.  :wink:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 29, 2015, 12:02:43 PM
Got It.... With both Updated WinPESE Packages... No Internet Connection Required...
4 Hrs later
Are you try scan with Mbam?

Scans just fine without internet connection..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 29, 2015, 12:05:40 PM
I can not figure out what he is doing...
neither do I...

that is the reason I only added associations.  :wink:

I had (at first) the file association checkboxes as in Firefox plugin in light plugin..
As that was my template...
But went with the Light.exe Registry entries instead..

There is no registry entry for file association in Firefox or Light for .xpi

from what I can tell he is dumping all the language pack .xpi(s) into ONE profile...
I get no Language Drop-down list / button and change language via interface commands (is not a user friendly method)
Once you change the language - it seems to me - you would have to capture the new language Profile..
Thus a language Profile - not a profile with language packs...

So until I see PE results of his Testing and implementations..
I give up..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 29, 2015, 12:13:56 PM
But went with the Light.exe Registry entries instead..

They did not help to open file.htm ;)
As you may notice,
 I added Asso_Main_CheckBox to disable association easily which helps to revert back to initial condition.

There is no registry entry for file association in Firefox or Light for .xpi
I did not add to plugins,
 I only see they are special to light for langpack ...
   can be added or not, up to your tests with langpack files etc...

As you now aware, to avoid populated plugins it is important to communicate and synchronize during plugin development.   :xmas-beer:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 29, 2015, 12:19:13 PM
So until I see PE results of his Testing..
me too, I don't put such untested things to any plugin.  :wink:

I give up..
communication is always hard, harder on internet, harderr with cryptic posts...

ps: hard to follow your edits   :xmas-cool:

Time to go... :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 29, 2015, 12:20:46 PM
.xpi is a Mozilla file.. Both Firefox and light use that association for browser add-ons
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 29, 2015, 12:28:02 PM
With ExamDiff Pro - I was able to figure out {Copy-R} last night, even before posting... I learning........

But when comparing files in PE - get the program crash

One difference between us - 7.0 vs 8.0

As far as MBAM need to add a Files dependence

Code: [Select]
//-Required File Copy
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 29, 2015, 12:38:04 PM
Ah, Exam diff updated ..7.0 - 8.0
I will test tonight, no time for now....

(also will check your MBAM plugin)

about .nls,
try these Usual Suspects instead of *.nls

Code: [Select]





see if this helps ?

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 29, 2015, 12:49:04 PM
Or use the Checkbox on 1-Files to copy all boot.wim .NLS

4Hrs and just a checkbox difference..

Adding .nls files worked for MBAM without Reg entries

I lead with what works - you can follow with the complexities...

Here is flash-packages >
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 30, 2015, 10:31:25 AM
4Hrs and just a checkbox difference..
Imagine the hours spent to develop all projects and related things....   :xmas-beer:
  There is always a way, never give up  :xmas-cool:

I lead with what works - you can follow with the complexities...
Simplicity increase with increased complexity  :xmas-cool:

Thanks for v8 update and especially .nls info,
Testing "The Usual Suspects" took 5 minutes,
new plugins on server
\Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\ExamDiff Pro
\Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\ExamDiff Pro - File

I will check your latest MBAM plugin later...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 30, 2015, 10:36:59 AM
It seems,
Gerhard S. did everything to simplify what he is working on with Mozilla Light plugin  :xmas-good:;boardseen#new
and here

I am following you... :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 09:08:30 AM
Would you please split this off to it's own topic...


I advice you to open a seperate "Mozilla FireFox" topic,
 Browsers always take most attentions  :wink:
  up to you...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 09:35:48 AM
updated your latest mbam plugin to server..
to maintain 2 mbam plugins on server, I changed:
+ file name : "Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware DL"
+ title: "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (DL)"
also updated .nls line, it seems ExamDiff and MBAM developers use same compiler update  :xmas-whistle:
Usual Suspects  :cool:

Utils\Plugin Link Organisations -> Update Download Packs
\Downloads\AppYGS\Security\AntiVirus\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (DL)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 09:37:19 AM
also updated "Mozilla Firefox" plugin on server, following you..

\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Mozilla Firefox
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 31, 2015, 10:32:03 AM
I still get, even after you added codepage nls file
ExamDiff Pro crashes in Win10PE x64 when compare 2 .txt file

I tested MBAM with the 3 codepages you suggested - and would not work as expected...
Adding All .NLS does..

And I have tested both with all nls
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 10:42:58 AM
Thanks for informing,

I had reproduced by only removing 1 nls,
 Later I will check more and inform.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 31, 2015, 10:51:57 AM
And my light was not added to server... you added my development, to old work...
I can not tell just how pissed it makes me to do all this - to have things changes to your wy
every plugin - every time....

When I joined here a year ago - you accused me of trying to steal development work and profit off this work..
and after may insults by you - I stuck around anyway..
 I do not know what picture you are looking at..

But everybody how tries to get involved in the project and development - clearly sees the picture you paint....

Problem is we are all at your mercy...

And then you wonder why all good developer left builder and never return..

look in the Mirror....
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 11:22:38 AM
You seem not understand I am trying not to populate plugins and other stuff .....

If you like to see what I do that way, ok fine to me.
 Results does prove you are wrong.
  It seems Long Time required to figure out...

and I do no have any more time to explain any more.

ps: I did not write I added your light plugin, I wrote I updated plugin following you....

btw, I also updated ChrisR's 2 Shell & Config plugin on server following JFX, I am a bad man.

I will update plugins to server with _L as suffix on filename and (L) suffix on title.
"Mozilla Light_L"
title Mozilla Firefox (L)
to indicated they are "Modified plugins of original plugin by Lancelot"

and with Plugin Weblink to current topic to give path to original plugin to end user.
pWebLabel2="Plugin Page",1,10,135,301,55,18,
so whoever get plugin from Yomi server can get plugin from its original developer  :thumbsup:
ps: like I did with 2aCD Chrome plugin, I am very very bad.

so far in my mind:
Mozilla Firefox_L
Mozilla Light_L

let me know anymore, I will do changes tonight or tomorrow...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 11:45:18 AM
And then you wonder why all good developer left builder and never return..

look in the Mirror....

This edit seem to be hostile:

You did not do your homework good enough to get the picture from past.

Better explain if you can understand:
Correct is: "and "good developer" left builder to build projects and never return."

This have a meaning from past:
All your Application plugins on your topic post (11 + others, say 30 apps 60 apps + some other plugins) ,
 not work anymore after a builder update, after some months.

So far all plugins around works without getting effected from project updates  :whistling:

This have a worse meaning for a project developer,
since project plugins are more complicated and greater in number, when builder updates all project malfunction, project ends, need to be updated and not easy to figure out where malfunctions...
--> no development on a project, no development on plugins, contributions to projects gone in time, forum post attacks to project developers, project death....

Many death projects at history....

Today, we have lots of common plugins working smoothly between all projects :whistling:

You do not live any situation like above.
 Your plugins are all working since first day, like all others.

Unlike in the past, collapsing projects, not working plugins in some months,
 now your problem is me updating your plugins before me uploading to Yomi,
  We are living Good days  :smile:

hmm, this reminded me the bad days our names removed from Author weblink etc....

Since it is very clear now There is no way to synchronize with your development,
As I wrote on previous post, I will put modification notice to plugins I get from your development.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on December 31, 2015, 12:34:54 PM
Thanks for informing,

I had reproduced by only removing 1 nls,
 Later I will check more and inform.

I was keep some nls (c_1250, c_1251, c_1253, c_1254, c_1255, c_1256, c_1257, c_1258, c_20127, c_874, c_932, c_936, c_949, c_950)  :lol:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 31, 2015, 05:31:10 PM
This have a meaning from past:
All your Application plugins on your topic post (11 + others, say 30 apps plugins) ,
 not work anymore after a builder update, after some months.

If you could provide refferance - so I could test..
At count I still test and have and maintain 46 working plugins...
304MB and getting smaller every day - via a Download Feature

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 06:57:50 PM
If you could provide refferance - so I could test..
I do not understand.

At count I still test and have and maintain 46 working plugins...
Fixed round up to 60 on previous post.

304MB and getting smaller every day - via a Download Feature
Not all plugins you find on TheOven are available via Download Feature.
 Feel free sharing on your topics / posts.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on December 31, 2015, 08:53:03 PM
Yes, you are better at syntax, variables and dependencies'

Where I use a long string - you use a variable - both work, just not your thinking...
0x1 vs 0x2 or you have 3 methods of Copy-R
you have 3 methods of Copy-R

You add to plugin for testing - but never remove if results don't matter..
Where I copy your code from another plugin - i'm wrong in how it is coded..
this forum has maybe 20 active members - 45 tops the record...

seems like a Big database for just 20 people..

not sure you fixed 60 - but rather had your hand with 60

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 09:29:46 PM
You add to for testing - but never remove if results don't matter..

no I remove,
 for your plugins I left changed lines with // , futher I will follow "modified plugin" way.
If you mean the ones at MBAM_L plugin,
Code: [Select]
//--- For Tests
Code says they are not operational, only reserved for future minimal tests...

And sometimes I keep original codes to be sure....

this forum has maybe 20 active members - 45 tops the record...
maybe less,
It was always like that, even before me, good contributers come and go  :thumbsup:

There are also feedbacks reporting things not working.  :thumbsup:
some solved
some not solved or not implemented to projects yet

we collect and maintain contributions, so they do not get lost on internet ...
sometimes we miss or forget, I have a looooong to do list.......

There are also things like this  :undecided:
reply 1 + reply 5 + reply 7 = Same, solved with reply 8 !!
even worse, 2015 new year present  :whistling:

On a public forum, every kind of people come and go, life....
 also there are old people we know with different id to come and annoy intentionally... always same people....

seems like a Big database for just 20 people..
It started very small, Yomi was 20 plugins I guess ~ 5 years ago (~~ more or less),
 and at first point, plugins were not working properly between projects, like missing 0x1 0x2 and many many many other things....
  Yomi stayed as an idea having some low numbered of plugins for a long time (years) since there were lots of improvements required to get plugins shared among all projects.... side by side projects continue developing....

For years There couldn't be a nice database since plugins can not work properly between projects.
 Better say, lots of plugins around that does not work on all projects, but only 1 or 2 projects,
   which all do not work after a builder update and later figured out builder sabotages since builder developers wants their project only working project to advertise $ on internet..... --> which never be our goal.

Today, since all problems about plugin sharing get very mature,
 5 projects with sharing plugins on servers + on topics, and increasing....
   With adjustments for "Easy Maintainable" and "Out of Box working" it is going fine.

I am proud with current result and path knowing things we lived in past,
 still things need to be improved, that is the fun to me  :xmas-cool:

See You on next post...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 09:34:01 PM
so far in my mind:
Mozilla Firefox_L
Mozilla Light_L

let me know anymore, I will do changes tonight or tomorrow...

I just updated these plugins,
Utils\Plugin Link Organisation\"Update Download Packs"

let me know the ones you like me do the same on servers.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 31, 2015, 09:43:22 PM
about nls,

It is still same here ! 1 nls and both MBAM and ExamDiff Pro working....
 updated both (2+1) plugins on server....

\Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\ExamDiff Pro

Since you reported both not working same way with same missing dll nls,
 I feel talking about ExamDiff Pro would be easier
  Here I tested with minimal nls, and adding 1 nls via plugin fixed ExamDiff Pro working properly..

Test ExamDiff Pro plugin, if still not working there, please check with Procmon,
Procmon very clearly shows which nls missing....

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 01, 2016, 08:41:51 AM
Fresh download from Server - on both Plugins


ExamDiff Pro


1-Copy Files

Default Build, + ,NET Framework, Visual C, Directx

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 01, 2016, 09:36:09 AM
If you want I can take pictures showing they are working nicely here....
 I always make Basic build + test plugin + postconfig..

Test ExamDiff Pro plugin, if still not working there, please check with Procmon,
Procmon very clearly shows which nls missing....

Using procmon will take less time than pictures on catching missing .nls  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on January 01, 2016, 11:56:39 AM
If you want I can take pictures showing they are working nicely here....
 I always make Basic build + test plugin + postconfig..

Test ExamDiff Pro plugin, if still not working there, please check with Procmon,
Procmon very clearly shows which nls missing....

Using procmon will take less time than pictures on catching missing .nls  :thumbsup:
I can use ExamDiff Pro without any *.nls.  :smile:
Small question: How to use promon?  :confused:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 01, 2016, 12:04:04 PM
Small question: How to use promon?  :confused:

\Apps\System Tools\Debug\SysInternal Process Monitor

learning how to use is trial and error with google search.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ntd on January 01, 2016, 03:52:28 PM

I am very curious that how do you discover missing dll and nls files without promon? :-?  :confused:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 01, 2016, 09:03:11 PM
Here is flash-packages
Thanks KYHI,

updated to v18 with minor adjustments and uploaded to servers  :thumbsup:


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: hason_sonha_itt on January 02, 2016, 01:29:18 AM

I am very curious that how do you discover missing dll and nls files without promon? :-?  :confused:
Slow work! I use some winpe build from Russian. It does not build with winbuilder and it has more dll for use software. Compare different between two winpe. :D
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 02, 2016, 12:14:52 PM
well, it appears after reading responses - the results vary...

Why, must be the cause...
I know what results worked for me with Malwarebytes - being able to scan without a network connection..
As I must assume PE will be used without a network connection, due to possible needed drivers..

I am testing both without a network connection or registration..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 02, 2016, 12:20:55 PM
If this is about nls, I fully believe you...

Why, must be the cause...
nls troubles comes from compiler settings...
 and generally goes after some version  :wink:
   reason of mismatch result with nls is SE localize settings (which is automatic from hostos as default)

if you can simply check with procmon, it will clearly show.

\Apps\System Tools\Debug\SysInternal Process Monitor
on servers now have ready filters to ease debugging such things..  :wink:


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 03, 2016, 07:48:21 PM
Mozilla Firefox Updated...
Added Multi language Profiles

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 12, 2016, 12:31:46 PM
Update Macrium PE Portable v6.1.1023
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 26, 2016, 12:43:34 PM

MiniTool partition Wizard Free

MiniTool partition Wizard Pro

Mozilla Firefox v44.0.0

Mozilla ULight v44.0.0

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on February 04, 2016, 02:04:13 PM
I have been using the Ulight plugin v7 and it works GREAT with Softmaker freeOffice. This is the ONLY combination [since Internet Explorer and Word 2007] to copy and paste a webpage including pictures and text (exactly as it shows).
  Thanks! :thumbsup:

Just downloaded Ulight plugin v11 now and was following this thread ...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 06, 2016, 12:25:50 PM
SoftMaker FreeOffice is a complete office suite with a word processor, a spreadsheet application, and a presentation-graphics program.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on February 06, 2016, 01:05:44 PM
Thanks!!!  :thumbsup:  I d/l and will check it out a bit later today.

For any one else reading,
Full featured: Read, write, view, edit, save, print (well, not yet in Win10PESE) for doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, wri, wpd, and others.

I had made a plugin but am in process now of fixing ALL of my old personal plugins that used UNPACK and RunFromRAM yes/no checkbox. The MacroLib 145 update yesterday killed off Unpack as it traditionally had been used and caught me by surprise, although Lancelot did warn that my plugins used ancient wording.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 06, 2016, 01:40:50 PM
Hi Tony4219,

Well already replied on another topic, and as you mentioned previously warned.
They all killed more than 5 years ago and plugin authors always informed.
If you wait 5 years or did not took warnings, It is your choice, there is no surprise.   :cool:
Still, I inform plugin authors
and still, I updated plugins on servers with ancient codes or to workaround winbuilder bugs .......
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 06, 2016, 01:43:37 PM
Thanks KYHI,

As usual, works perfectly  :thumbsup:
I wish you use container plugin, maybe it is only me waiting some boring time when plugin loads with builder interface.....

Anyway, updated your plugin to server with:
1) adding 4 dependencies
2) adding weblink to current topic

\Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Office\SoftMaker FreeOffice

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on February 06, 2016, 02:46:49 PM
Hi Lancelot

Yes, you warned!! I've been studying your PCpacked utility these last few days VERY intently to learn more about the differences between old and new. Excellent job :thumbsup: making automatic plugin maker.

It is NOT like I am writing new personal plugins the old way, rather I'm converting those I already wrote in past years and carried over from Win7PESE, which worked fine until 1 or 2 days ago when I updated MacroLib R124 to R145 and got a zillion errors.  I had already converted all the Registry sections with regCPE.

There might be a few others experiencing sudden anomalies and doing the same, so, I point out a few things for fellow n00bs:

For old, simple plugins  with a few unzipped files, just

1)  replacing RunFromRAM checkbox with Scrollwheel control
            CheckBoxRFR="Run from RAM",0,3,76,90,113,23,False

    with this
            ScrollBox_RunFromWhere="Run from Normal",1,4,19,104,112,21,"Run from Normal","Run from RAM-X","Run from RAM","Run from CD"

2)  replacing "Echo ..." in [Process] by setting Arch to x86 or x64
     and adding code for Scrollwheel and replacing line like "RunFromRam,%CheckBoxRAM%"  by adding this to start of Process:

Echo,"Processing %ScriptTitle%..."
StrFormat,REPLACE,%ScrollBox_RunFromWhere%,"Run from ","",%Here%

3)  replacing UNPACK   and  UNPACK,, for loose files (not zipped files!) with ExtractFile for each loose file:

ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Folder,anykind with blank.txt,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%
// you wouldn't want to do this with 50 individual files, although it would work

seems to be getting them to work again.  Keeps original logo, registry sections already converted with regCPE, Attachments, Interface, special added Startmenu icons (like when you add an icon to a BATfile)  all remain intact.  Tiny green triangle still allows testing individual plugins for errors, which is a great help checking logfile for remaining errors.  Only for ExtractFile; not if you use ExtractAllFiles. ExtractAllFiles will always show errors because the destination Folder name is missing in Target.

(Target items used to always be there but I noticed now they get deleted even if the build barfs due to errors. ExtractFile will create the now-missing ProgramFolder in \Target\ automatically, but ExtractAllFiles will not. So, for complicated plugins, plugins already 7zipped, I will definitely need to use the PCpacked utility.  I'm trying to save myself some work and not run PCpacked on every existing plugin.


Thanks for all your hard work on this forum!!!!

[edit: later]

When I had to redo the Registry sections, I usually went back to Win7PESE x64, ran the completed build, then re-exported the Registry. Then, used regCPE from Win10PESE to convert the known-working .reg file to Win10PESE [Process] text.  Those have all been done.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 06, 2016, 05:34:18 PM
Here is some small support:

[edit: later]

When I had to redo the Registry sections, I usually went back to Win7PESE x64, ran the completed build, then re-exported the Registry. Then, used regCPE from Win10PESE to convert the known-working .reg file to Win10PESE [Process] text.  Those have all been done.
There is Utils\Reg Reconvert  :wink:

I'm trying to save myself some work and not run PCpacked on every existing plugin.
I agree  :great:

Utils\PC Packed
not only creates new plugin
Also provides ready methods, including workaround some  winbuilder bugs.

Example button --> Goooo  :wink:

Ex: folder always created before extract file
Ex: target program folder always recreated to assure plugin wors as intended.

Following your example, adding one line will do the trick


Avoid extracting to system32 etc. Folders.
First extract to a temp location
Call, DirDeleteMake,%ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder\Temp
Than Filecopy from there

- If %ProgramFolder% is suitable, better use %ProgramFolder%

Call, DirDeleteMake,%ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder\%ProgramFolder%

This assures you do not overwrite.

Also check Call,FileCopyBiggerVersion  on Call Topic
Macro Library Section
Call Topics

used on some plugins that copy shared files to to system32 or drivers to assure latest version copied.
ex: Acronis plugins copy snapman.sys this way, since there are multiple acronis products with snapman.sys
also there are some other .dll on some plugins...

I am out now, writing from phone, limited...
I will respond other things later,
Till than I hope above helps.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 06, 2016, 10:39:30 PM
rather I'm converting those I already wrote in past years and carried over from Win7PESE, which worked fine until 1 or 2 days ago when I updated MacroLib R124 to R145 and got a zillion errors.  I had already converted all the Registry sections with regCPE.
You are only member here not even a year, and so far all plugins works fine here.

zillion errors.
I feel you quite exaggerate  :lol:
 We already have lots of plugins available on servers \Downloads\ and on topics
   which I feel covers most demanded things. Maybe some of things trying to convert already available !

Well there is no active project to get old scripts work anyway  :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
long story to short:
write your plugins freshly (follow PC Packed as a start) and share to public.
you can get info or inspiration from old scripts or BartPE plugins or some chinese russian etc. forums,
 better write Credits= on such cases, like we do on plugins.  :wink:
or fresh new plugins all on your hands.

"zillion" gave me quite a smile of the night. :smile: :smile: :smile:
Good Night.

See You
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on February 07, 2016, 01:39:14 PM
re: zillions.

Well, it was heart-stopping for me. 48 plugins had at least 2 Warning errors each (no files copied since Unpack was not processed), and the build Halted before all plugins could be processed. So, "almost a zillion".

Many thanks for the info regarding processing zip files WITHOUT creating yet another container file. I had some rather small 7zipped Attachments; seemed overkill to create a separate container file for something that will never change (e.g. DVD Shrink which is no longer supported but still handy).

To make Lancelot laugh further,    :lol:   
(all since corrected in recent years)
My earliest simple plugins for Win7PESE, sometimes I 7zipped just ONE EXE file. Waste of cpu cycles, but at the time I didn't know better because all the samples I saw had 7zipped the contents of Attachments folder.  But they DID work.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 07, 2016, 02:00:16 PM
just an info:
7z or zip or exe or msi.....
mostly on plugins, we provide original distribution file so it is easier to update plugins in time.
on other side,
it is easier for an end user to pack 7z and create plugin.  :wink: Utils\PC Packed will do quickly.

pm me these 48 plugins (dropbox etc...), one day I can check them when I have big free time...  :thumbsup:

48 is not zillion, we have >1000 plugins on all servers still not zillion  :wink: :cool: :lol:

and there are still many things on my to do list to fix or improve on these >1000 plugins, slowly slowly....

See You
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 07, 2016, 04:38:03 PM
Well, to get back onto the Topic..

I have updated SoftMaker FreeOffice to include Program file associations..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 07, 2016, 10:59:51 PM
Thanks to new version KYHI,

added to server with some additions ;)
+ implemented %NoWarnROW% to avoid warnings during associations
+ added link to current topic
+ added some quotes (ex: Set,%ProgramTitle%,"FreeOffice PlanMaker" )


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 08, 2016, 08:24:46 PM

here is post from Nikky on other topic:

Other info is related to Kyhi's (AppY\HD Task\EasyBCD) plugin,
it was stated that Requires .NET Framework 4.5 Full for EasyBCD 2.3,
from Comonents, .Net I have chosen the "DotNet 2.0 only" and EasyBCD is starting correctly.
Tomorrow I have to fix a laptop with W8 and BCD error, it will confirm is v2 enough.

Here's what is written in EasyBCD.exe.config
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client"/>
    <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>
    <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true"/>
And after this information seems to be enough v2.0.50727.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 09, 2016, 12:27:28 AM
Thank You, But it is only a comment line requiring NetFramework 4.0
Since 4.+ is common place today with 8,1 and 10..
Testing revealed 4.+ Core was not good enough and full NET required..

Nickky, more then welcome to test 2.0..
And use whatever works for him..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 09, 2016, 05:20:18 PM
Adobe Flash Player Plugin
Update > WHQL Version:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 09, 2016, 06:50:25 PM
Thanks KYHI,

updated on servers  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 09, 2016, 08:25:25 PM
Macrium Reflect Plugins Update = Reflect PE 6.1.1081.0
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 10, 2016, 09:15:51 AM
Hi Tony4219,

my pm box empty  :cool:
Well, it was heart-stopping for me. 48 plugins had at least 2 Warning errors each

pm me these 48 plugins (dropbox etc...), one day I can check them when I have big free time...  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 10, 2016, 09:16:08 AM
Thanks KYHI,

new Macrium Reflect plugins on server with minor things,
 weblink to , date etc.  :great:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 10, 2016, 10:03:29 AM

just set current topic "Kyhi Revisied Plugins" Sticky  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 10, 2016, 11:42:47 AM
DirectX 11 Plugin - small revision - as shortcut always created..

Code: [Select]
//- Shortcut
  If,%SourceArch%,Equal,x64,Add_Shortcut,StartMenu,%pTextBox1%,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\dxdiag.exe,%pTextBox2%,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32,"/whql:off /64bit"
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 10, 2016, 07:52:15 PM
Thanks KYHI,

new DirectX plugins on servers.  :great:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ntd on February 11, 2016, 07:06:49 AM
SoftMaker FreeOffice is a complete office suite with a word processor, a spreadsheet application, and a presentation-graphics program.

Have you ever used both Skype and Softmaker plugins at the same time?

It seems that Softmaker is crashed by Wintypes.dll file in Syswow64 folder which is used by Skype.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 11, 2016, 10:04:26 AM
Hi ntd,

It seems that Softmaker is crashed by Wintypes.dll file in Syswow64 folder which is used by Skype.
Softmaker works fine here with Wintypes.dll file in Syswow64 ,
tested with
* Default build + skype plugin + Softmaker plugin
* Basic build + skype plugin + Softmaker plugin

Win10PESE x64 10586
Wintypes.dll file in Syswow64 folder


This reminds me your old post:
1. Note that procmon program cannot run or get an error if WinTypes.dll is available in Syswow64 folder.
just tested
Apps\System Tools\Debug\Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon)
with v3.2
without Wintypes.dll file in Syswow64 folder, works fine here.

also tested "procmon.exe" (side by side with Apps\System Tools\Debug\Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon) plugin)
without Wintypes.dll file in Syswow64 folder, works fine here.

I believe there is something else on your build that effects your Wintypes.dll reports,
 probably some other reports, that cause un reproducable results.

You must use Default or Basic builds , which everybody can reproduce, before posting on forum.

When you figure out what effects your builds, let us know.  :great:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 11, 2016, 10:59:02 AM
Wintypes.dll is a requirement of many programs... But SoftOffice is not one of them..

And no I do not use Skype in PE.. As I do not consider PE to be my main OS..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ntd on February 11, 2016, 03:13:02 PM
hi Lancelot,

Thank you for checking my reports and letting me know that my build is an abnormal case.

My build is Standard build based on Windows 10 x64 10240 iso (I used 10240 iso because of some reasons); and I just added some dependencies (which I attach in the end of my post, in case you would like to know what I am doing) because I just try to make some software portable and easy to update, for example Skype made from ...paf.exe file downloaded from

I will try to figure out what is happening with my build.

hi Kyhi,

I apologize for unrelated comment on your plugins. It seems that there are dependencies conflicts on my build which affect some software including Softmaker Office.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 11, 2016, 03:34:17 PM
(I used 10240 iso because of some reasons)
just for curiosity, I tested with 10240 with a basic build
+ removing all wintypes.dll
+ Apps\System Tools\Debug\Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon) plugin

procmon 3.2 works fine here.

I have no more reason to use 10240 anymore, especially to use limited time efficiently I only follow latest supported.

just for info,
\Downloads\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Additional Requirements
\Downloads\Final_Y\Additional Registry

plugins there to anyone who want to create their own custom list like you did on your RequiredFiles plugin  :thumbsup:

When you figure out what is going on there, further on another topic.

Good luck
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 11, 2016, 03:48:01 PM
Lancelot is good at Finding and Adding Dependencies' into all the Plugins (I like to keep him going with my Plugin's...)

So why are you adding them via a separate plugin ????
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ntd on February 11, 2016, 04:21:08 PM
So why are you adding them via a separate plugin ????

Because I keep 2 parts (WinPESE and Software) saparately.
- Add dependencies one time into WinPESE
- Make manually software portable and often update it (I don't usually use and rely too much on software plugins from the forum)
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 11, 2016, 04:42:31 PM
(I don't usually use and rely too much on software plugins from the forum)

But you are here asking for reason your PE fails...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ntd on February 11, 2016, 05:12:50 PM

But you are here asking for reason your PE fails...

I am here not asking for reasons.

I need someone confirm that my build doesn't operate similarly like others.

As Lancelot said, I have to figure out the reason myself.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 11, 2016, 05:20:14 PM
I need someone confirm that my build doesn't operate similarly like others.
We all use the same plugins, you do not...

So yes, your PE  doesn't operate similarly like others
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 11, 2016, 08:24:49 PM
VLC Media Player Plugin Update Revision to 2.2.2
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 12, 2016, 09:11:03 PM
Giveaway: WinX DVD Ripper Platinum

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 13, 2016, 11:07:41 AM

Added WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Plugin and your VLC plugin to server

added weblinks of current topic to both plugins
fixed vlc Date=2016.02.11

\Downloads\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLC Media Player
\Downloads\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\WinX DVD Ripper Platinum
\Downloads\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\WinX DVD Ripper Platinum - File

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 23, 2016, 07:31:26 AM

Ashampoo Music Studio 2016 Free GiveAway
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 23, 2016, 09:35:34 AM

Added your FS plugins to server
minor changes:
+ added suffix _KYHI
+ added links
ps: usual reason behind reply 37
"plugin doesn't have an included topic post inside it."
+ added dependencies to FS_Resizer

Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Graphics\FastStone Capture Portable
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Graphics\FastStone Photo Resizer Portable
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Graphics\FastStone Viewer Portable

I hope this helps synchronizing your FS plugins on server, hopefully with other admins.

ps: minor update

Further inform other admins on updating or adding files on servers,
 other than that you are full free on your topic attachments.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on February 23, 2016, 12:12:52 PM
removed forgotten FSViewer.7z from FS Resizer plugin ..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 23, 2016, 01:12:29 PM
Guess that little fella was hiding from me..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on February 23, 2016, 01:47:15 PM

Ashampoo Music Studio 2016 Free GiveAway

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 10, 2016, 01:10:29 PM
Update Macrium Reflect PE Plugins > Reflect Version 6.1.1196

Updated Firefox Plugin > Firefox version

NOTE: On Firefox 45 - I dropped the single language profiles - and just kept the All-Language Profile...
As it is a pita to update each and everyone of them all the time (and plugin smaller in size)

See first post...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: carloscape on March 10, 2016, 09:23:12 PM
Update Macrium Reflect PE Plugins > Reflect Version 6.1.1196

Updated Firefox Plugin > Firefox version

NOTE: On Firefox 45 - I dropped the single language profiles - and just kept the All-Language Profile...
As it is a pita to update each and everyone of them all the time (and plugin smaller in size)

See first post...
Perhaps the option to download your own then. Firefox portable offers a link to add other languages. The link is as follows:
or the xpi language files from:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 11, 2016, 01:24:29 AM
updated Mozilla ULight to version 45

Note: removed single language profiles and kept the All-Language Profile
As it is a pita to keep updating all the single language profiles..

See first post....

Perhaps the option to download your own then.
As you already know - that is an option..
There is not that much size difference from a single language profile to an All-Language profile (a few MB)
But, if you require a language pack that I have not already included, let me know and I'll gladly add it to the language profile
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: carloscape on March 11, 2016, 02:35:09 PM
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: oliverjia on March 14, 2016, 04:31:16 PM
Hi, Kyhi,

    First off, thanks for your hard working making these plugins. I have been having good luck with your plugins - they work well on my machines.
    I have a request: I remember you made a Acronis TI 2016 plugin. Would you mind adding this plugin in this thread? This way, users can easily find your latest plugin in this thread.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 14, 2016, 07:55:49 PM
I agree.  :thumbsup:

just for info
Acronis TI KYHI plugins available at
\Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2015
\Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2016
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: oliverjia on March 14, 2016, 08:42:37 PM
Thanks Lancelot for the heads-up :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 15, 2016, 11:39:37 AM
Thank You...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 19, 2016, 11:22:44 AM
Mozilla Firefox v45.0.1.5918
Released and plugin updated
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 26, 2016, 03:43:14 AM
flash player plugin update to
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 26, 2016, 06:38:03 PM
thanks KYHI,

as written before, next time download latest from server and update ;)
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 27, 2016, 11:37:27 AM
I thought it was.... But I do not maintain the server plugins...
Had to Update Flash Player, as Firefox blocks older versions...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 27, 2016, 01:52:56 PM
Well..., for flash since you put v20 with same plugin time  :wink: :great:
 generally small or cosmetic changes on such plugins,
    More Important It is quick to update plugins when you update existing one.....
    Else next time I leave updating to Chris,
      he would do same with what I did
          first compare with existing, than do required things....
            It will give us valuable time we need for maintance..

Keep in mind, we only can give very limited time to support projects,
 I mostly support forum through phone or laptop at work, at tea time etc...
   All kind of time gain is great.

Ps: One of main success of projects here is plugins get updated by one of 3 admins ;) working as a team.
 With even verrry limited time, none of us retired and all these keep going with pure hobby....

Other than such things, sure you are free on your plugins.
 Thanks again putting all together on same topic.  :great:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 28, 2016, 12:15:42 AM
Adobe Flash Player Plugin
Update > WHQL Version:

Thanks KYHI,

updated on servers  :thumbsup:

flash player plugin update to

thanks KYHI,

as written before, next time download latest from server and update ;)

Well..., for flash since you put v20 with same plugin time  :wink: :great:

Code: [Select]
History016=Kyhi updated
History017=Kyhi updated
History018=Lancelot Added Button_CompareEdit
History019=Kyhi updated
History020=Kyhi updated

Yup, I got lost in this discussion...
As I usually seem to do...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 28, 2016, 08:00:52 AM
Flash Container plugin on server:
Code: [Select]
History001=All credits to Saydin77 where I (Lancelot) get inspiration from his opera 9 - 10 Plugins which are full of good organised information
History002a=updated from "" to "" // now 7z can not extract install hostos button hidden // new flash requires DSOUND.DLL
History003=updated // kept on a seperate Plugin for opera08 ;)
History008=ChrisR- updated 11_2_202_228
History009=ChrisR- updated 11_3_300_257
History010=Mikka updated 11.3.300.268
History011=Mikka updated 11.4.402.278
History012=ChrisR updated 11.6.602.168
History013=Mikka updated 11.7.700.169
History014=ChrisR updated 11.8.800.168 - addition in the registry with the Path
History016=Kyhi updated
History017=Kyhi updated
History018=Lancelot Added Button_CompareEdit
History019=Kyhi updated - Date:2016.02.09
History020=Kyhi updated - Date:2016.03.26

Yup, I got lost in this discussion...
As I usually seem to do...

by chance, same trouble here reply 29

for flash plugin case,
 when you decide to work on plugin, first get latest from server via small green download button
  (assuming you already Level=5 on flash case, you have small green download button )
    so we can more easily and quickly follow your updates on server.  :great:

I hope now clear. :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 28, 2016, 11:56:44 AM
- Date
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 28, 2016, 02:08:00 PM
MiniTool Power Data Recovery Plugin..

See First Post..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 28, 2016, 08:06:40 PM

I put
MiniTool Partition Wizard
MiniTool Power Data Recovery
Plugins to server...


on next MiniTool Power Data Recovery plugin, it would be good to write "VC 2008" requirement  :wink:
 still, from past experience,
   I am sure MiniTool Power Data Recovery will get rid of "VC 2008 requirement " in some future version......  :wink:

I guess now I figure out why you do not use file container,
 you are using ssd  :wink: on normal disks it takes time to load interface and build process...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 28, 2016, 08:19:43 PM
you are using ssd  :wink:

Yes, I have a primary and secondary SSD in this PC and 24GB Ram
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 29, 2016, 08:41:51 AM
ram not important, winbuilder have ram bug and bad designed (missing) ram features (which exists on other softwares)
 still on a none-ssd laptop or better say using folder on none-ssd disk,
 one can use ram disk drive on projects

when you have chance, one day spend some time on projects on none-ssd, take a close look on your big sized plugins.....  :wink:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on March 29, 2016, 11:01:45 AM
PDR container file type Plugin
Just thinking about what you said > I run builder from a 5 partition 1TB HDD...
My Win8.1 and Win10 OS's are on the SDD's....

I'm a little surprised though, as you usually modify and revise my plugins, to suit certain needs before adding to server...
Thus the now famous " _L "

I create and update for my needs, then share here with the group...

I have thought many times after certain remarks, that I should just delete my dropbox and not bother with this at all, you know keep things personal..
But then I see good remarks and positive feedback, where other more complex plugins have failed, and I just continue to put up with it..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on March 29, 2016, 01:21:44 PM
I'm a little surprised though, as you usually modify and revise my plugins, to suit certain needs before adding to server...
Thus the now famous " _L "
not a new method,
see "_CR"

7-Zip File Manager
plugin "_SJL"

Acronis_KYHI plugins....


 on your latest plugins,
   It is good to see plugin link to
       which I was doing on your plugins before ( bad me ;) )

I am sure in passing time you will better understand what we do aims to get projects and plugins better for ALL....

...on server we update plugins for each other, but on real life it is hard to explain......
    well I give up on explaining this simple thing a while ago......
      unlike what we do on developing projects and plugins,
            people very frequently tend to re create a plugin.......

I have thought many times after certain remarks, that I should just delete my dropbox and not bother with this at all, you know keep things personal..
But then I see good remarks and positive feedback, where other more complex plugins have failed, and I just continue to put up with it..
Similarly I also about to give up 5 > years ago,
   with quite a lot more worse conditions and feelings,
     Again with similar reasons seeing things began to get better, I decide to continue....

PDR container file type Plugin
I put to server,
MiniTool PDR-giveaway - Plugin Download
pdr-giveaway - File - Plugin Download

 this plugin also requires VC 2008 better written on your next plugin....

also when you change title on main plugin
Title=MiniTool PDR-giveaway
better to change title of FileContainer
Title=MiniTool PDR-giveaway - File
so end user can more easily understand from title....
 (so far you see end users ;) )

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on May 26, 2016, 03:50:35 AM
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on May 29, 2016, 03:35:30 PM
Acrylic WiFi is a Free WiFi scanner that displays WiFi access points and connected devices, shows information of the security mechanisms and obtains generic WiFi passwords thanks to a plugins system. Our WiFi scanner is able to gather information from 802.11/a/b/g/n/ac networks.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on May 30, 2016, 11:30:41 AM
Thanks KYHI,

added to server
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\"Acrylic Wi-Fi Home"

with + cosmetics (link to current topic, author, ..)

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on June 01, 2016, 01:38:15 AM
/Yomi/AppY/System Tools/HW Info/HWInfo.Script

updated HW-Info Plugin to v525_2875


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on June 03, 2016, 08:07:09 AM
Thanks KYHI,

on server
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\"HWInfo"

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on June 05, 2016, 04:13:31 PM
This email is an automated notification from Dropbox that your Public links have been temporarily suspended for generating excessive traffic.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Prz42 on June 05, 2016, 04:24:12 PM
Nice find.

Thanks     :scooter:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on June 10, 2016, 03:34:15 PM
TechBench ISO Downloader Plugin

Download Official MS Windows and MS Office ISO's From TechBench


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on June 11, 2016, 02:56:44 PM
Thanks KYHI,

added to server:
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\"TechBench ISO Downloader"

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Prz42 on June 11, 2016, 06:29:40 PM
Thanks KYHI,

added to server:
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\"TechBench ISO Downloader"


This is a great utility for the Oven.  I was thinking this should also be in the
Utility folder so others can download the Iso to get started on their project.
Code: [Select]
Title=TechBench ISO Downloader
Description=(v2.0.3.0) Plugin Adds TechBench ISO Downloader.  Download Official MS Windows and MS Office ISO's from TechBench
HistoryNotes51='Plugin Creator'
History001=KYHI 2016.06.10 Plugin created
History002=Prz42 Rework to use in Utility Folder

Button_Launch_Program="Launch Program",1,8,8,9,113,50,Launch_Program,Launch.bmp,False,_Launch_Program_,False
pWebLabel1="Home Page",1,10,69,65,54,18,
pWebLabel2="Plugin Page",1,10,7,65,55,18,
pCheckBox4=" Use Legacy Version for .NET Framework 3.5",1,3,6,86,247,18,False
pButton7="List of Official Windows 7 ISO",1,8,4,108,251,20,Windows_7_ISO,_Windows_7_ISO_,False
pButton8="List of Official Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation",1,8,4,131,251,20,Official_Windows_8_ISO,_Official_Windows_8_ISO_,False
pButton8_1="List of Official Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation",1,8,4,154,251,20,Official_Windows_8.1_ISO,_Official_Windows_8.1_ISO_,False
pButton10="Download Official Windows 10 ISO",1,8,4,178,251,20,Official_Windows_10_ISO,_Official_Windows_10_ISO_,False

%ProgramTitle%=TechBench ISO Downloader
%ProgramEXE%=TechBench ISO Downloader.exe
%ProgramFolder%=TechBench ISO Downloader
%SetupFile%=TechBench ISO Downloader.7z
%SetupFileNET%=TechBench ISO Downloader NET35.7z

Echo,"BE smart"

If,ExistDir,%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%,Shellexecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C rd /s /q #$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%#$q"
ShellExecute,Hide,%Tools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%\%SetupFile%#$q -y -o#$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%#$q"

ShellExecuteEx,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C #$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%\Windows_7_ISO.txt#$q"

ShellExecuteEx,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C #$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%\Official_Windows_8_ISO.txt#$q"

ShellExecuteEx,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C #$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%\Official_Windows_8.1_ISO.txt#$q"

ShellExecuteEx,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C #$q%GlobalTemplates%\%ProgramFolder%\Official_Windows_10_ISO.txt#$q"





Something like this?       :scooter:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on June 12, 2016, 03:58:56 AM
It was a nice find - because the official MS page does not except oem windows 7 keys - or at least none of the 4 oem dell keys i tried...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on June 13, 2016, 03:08:37 PM
I like this one [AcrylicWifiHome]. Previously, I studied paper graphs of signal coverage for various wifi channels so I could avoid duplicating or overlapping my neighbors. This actually shows the graph of signal coverages onscreen. Kewl!

Just about everyone else near me is using Channel 11; I am still by myself on channel 4  :great: with a slight overlap of one guy using channel 1. Can't win them all ...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 01, 2016, 08:20:41 PM
TechBench ISO Downloader

History002=KYHI Switched plugin to Download Version due to continuous program updates

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 01, 2016, 08:32:57 PM
Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home Edition Plugin

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 02, 2016, 02:12:25 AM
flash package updated v22.0.0.192

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 02, 2016, 02:13:47 AM
WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Plugin update
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 02, 2016, 02:15:51 AM
Acronis TI Home 2017 Plugin

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 02, 2016, 02:19:33 AM
VLC Player Plugin updated to v2.2.4

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 03, 2016, 06:16:54 PM
Ashampoo® Burning Studio 2016 Plugin

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on July 04, 2016, 01:42:00 PM
Revised ..

Found that the Download Option was Removed from Plugin Creation

Maybe This Help Restore That Option (did set as level=5 - so as to see interface)




Note: To Download Both Arch Setup Files - if different > change [interface]
DownloadLatest_Button=,1,8,8,142,24,24,DownloadX,Danrabbit-Elementary-Document-download_0_016016.bmp,False,False,_DownloadX_,False,"__Download and Provide Files"

Just Playing around with Full Interface within Plugin Creators


Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on July 21, 2016, 11:15:12 AM

updated / added your plugins to server.

Utils\Downloads -> Update \Downloads\

Downloads\AppYGS\CDVD\Ashampoo Burning Studio 2016
Downloads\AppYGS\CDVD\Ashampoo Burning Studio 2016 - File
Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Recover\Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home
Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2017 Beta
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Download button and Code Template
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLC Media Player
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\WinX DVD Ripper Platinum
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\WinX_DVD_Ripper_Platinum_Setup - File
Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\TechBench ISO Downloader

+ Flash

follow minor cosmetics on plugins, only weblink to current topic  :wink:
I did not test any of plugins, I have no time....

I have to leave updating Yomi to    Galapo and ChrisR , re post them if they miss your updated  :great:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on July 22, 2016, 01:48:57 PM
7/22/16: Dropbox "temporary suspension" is still giving 404 errors.

Is it possible to post Flash v22 plugin on Yomi?

I tried using Firefox 45.0.1 plugin to try streaming Netflix (Why, just too see if it would work. I use Netflix all the time in real Win10) from the rescue stick. My research found that found that my browser is "too old", Flash was old and compromised and would be blocked by Mozilla unless Flash v22 was used. Further popup warnings & research was that Silverlight was required for the DRM that HTML5 wasn't enough.

However, even tho I had Firefox 45.0.1 running ("old") it did run. At the prompts, I went ahead and tried downloading in running WPEX Silverlight 5.1___ and it successfully installed, but at this point the AddOn list in Firefox showed that Flash v20 or v21 was blocked by Mozilla. I don't really know if you need Flash at all at Netflix, but following the thread, any Flash prior to V22 is blocked by Mozilla on purpose because of hacks.  And online updating of running Firefox 45.0.1 in running WPEX to 47.0.1 generated fatal memory read errors.  [WPEX = usbstick created by Winbuilder preboot environment for Win10PESE x64]

So, didn't get Netflix to stream.  Not the end of the world, but could someone at TheOven post KYHI's plugins to Yomi, for Flash v22 and any newer Firefox plugin > v45, please???  :velo:

Netflix streaming might still fail, I know, but at least later Flash shouldn't be blocked.  At some web sites, I see the diagonal, two-toned gray stripes that indicate Mozilla is blocking a plugin ...

[later, edited] I think I found the updated Flash Package x64  v20 (internal version is v22!!!)    last dated by KYHI 2016.07.21  at Main Win10PESE URL.   Kewl!! Gives me something to try this afternoon ...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on July 22, 2016, 08:19:27 PM
Is it possible to post Flash v22 plugin on Yomi?


updated / added your plugins to server.
+ Flash

Flash plugins are currently project plugins,
Flash plugins KYHI updated are available on all project servers since yesterday

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on August 08, 2016, 11:43:58 PM
I was not able to upload an add-on plugin containing a new Default Profile with updated Pepperflash and WideVine, to use with current  Chrome browser plugin.  My upload was too large for 6048KB size limit, even after 7zipping  just the  Profile (43MB before 7zipping, 33MB after).

I was able to get Netflix to stream using ChromePortablePAF !!  Does not use Silverlight, rather, WideVine, to handle DRM.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Tony4219 on August 09, 2016, 05:03:30 PM
How to get ChromePortablePAF plugin to stream Netflix

1) ChromePortablePAF cannot do online updates. in WPEX, Chrome,Help,About always shows attempt to update itself and error "An error occurred while checking for updates:
Update check failed to start (error code 1: 0x80004005)."
At, on 8/4/2015 John T. Haller posted:
"That's by design. Unlike Firefox, Google Chrome doesn't have an updater. It relies on a separately installed Google Update package which must be installed as a Windows service.
In other words 100% the opposite of portable."   
He went on to state that PortableApps can check for all the Google app updates at once. ]      Mystery solved: it can be updated, just not online.

2) I experimented and was only able to get updates for ChromePortablePAF in real Windows: by plugging usbstick with completed WPEX build into a computer running Real Windows 10 and running Y:\Programs\GoogleChromePortable64\GoogleChromePortable.exe. You might have to run it more than one time this way.  [actually, in real Windows, the drive letter won't likely be Y:  perhaps F: or G:]

Getting Flash, Chrome, and Widevine updated, you have as of about 8/2/16:

Flash:  Version:
Location:   Y:\Programs\GoogleChromePortable64\Data\profile\PepperFlash\\pepflashplayer.dll

Chrome  app Version 47.0.2526.106 (64-bit)

Widevine after update:  Version:
Location: Y:\Programs\GoogleChromePortable64\Data\profile\WidevineCDM\\_platform_specific\win_x64\widevinecdmadapter.dll
Back running as a 'normal' booted WPEX usbstick, I was then able to login and watch Netflix streaming via wifi.
I then marked all plugins "Always allowed to run", since the Y:\Programs location allows settings to be 'sticky', added buttons for TheOven, plugins, cleaned up browsing history, and saved copy of this new Profile. 

Making a new build on this same usbstick, you WILL LOSE the new settings! I made that mistake, assuming BuilderSE will leave the NEWER things alone.  You'll want to save the contents of your modified Profile folder for re-use if you rebuild to the usbstick.

Thanks to Lancelot for the ChromePortablePAF plugin !!
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: underthecovers on August 28, 2016, 12:07:49 PM
Hi Kyhi,

I just added MalWareBytes to my build today (Win10PESE) I have the same error as you reported back in December (reply #187), are they scheduled to be fixed?

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: underthecovers on August 28, 2016, 12:14:29 PM
I meant to add, I also tried two other spyware/malware software into the build -

Sophos plugin - the link to download from the web no longer exists, so Sophos is no longer adding anything to the build.
HiJackThis - Just comes up with missing parameters needed.

So this leaves me with MalWareByte as reported.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on August 28, 2016, 04:16:09 PM
Hi Kyhi,

I just added MalWareBytes to my build today (Win10PESE) I have the same error as you reported back in December (reply #187), are they scheduled to be fixed?


#187 REFERS TO Examdiff pro 8...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: underthecovers on August 28, 2016, 05:55:51 PM
Fresh download from Server - on both Plugins

(Attachment Link)

ExamDiff Pro
(Attachment Link)

(Attachment Link)

1-Copy Files
(Attachment Link)

Default Build, + ,NET Framework, Visual C, Directx

OK, why have you reported an error with MalWareBytes, as I am getting that error message
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: t6nna on November 20, 2016, 11:33:06 AM

Stumbled on syntax error in Firefox script v.012 in Yomi: Require,File,hid.dll
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 20, 2016, 11:56:59 AM
Update your MacroLibrary
\Build\'Macro Library (ML)'
\Basic\Build\'Macro Library (ML)'

 -> green download button on plugin

Or better:
Reminding: you can update all projects with Utils\Update XXX (Exact and Secure) -> "Update" button

since many updates on server with on going new developments these days,
 I strictly advice better way with
     Utils\Update XXX (Exact and Secure) -> "Update" button

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on November 21, 2016, 09:28:01 AM
Hi t6nna,

I just get your pm,
 always prefer topics  :thumbsup:
  So other readers benefit from further replies on internet.

Following your pm,
 to avoid any other reader misunderstand but can not figure out later :wink: ,
   I updated my previous post. 

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: enRAYYY on December 05, 2016, 03:39:06 AM
Sorry for semi useless bump but is anyone able to update the links??
Would be greatly appreciated :)
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on December 05, 2016, 08:44:30 AM
which links ?
which plugins ?
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: enRAYYY on December 11, 2016, 08:39:51 AM
Was referring to OP and the original plugin links as sometimes when building I don't have access to the net, handy to be able to download the script files on an android device with lte and paste them into winbuilder manually.
Managed to download them from the cwcodes server though so no more help is needed, thanks lancelot.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: carloscape on December 19, 2016, 03:18:42 PM
Malwarebytes plugin could use an update. They are no longer on version 2. They are now on version 3.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 01, 2017, 03:33:21 AM
working on new Malwarebytes plugin..
A lot of file changes, got the download and files copied correctly.
just have to get the registry to start the mbam service..
Although running the installer within PE works...

Examdiff pro is now version 9 (70-80-90 selection)

Showkey plus has been updated
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 01, 2017, 05:19:58 AM
Problem with MBAM 3.0 is you can not select the drive to scan (appears to scan just X:)
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 01, 2017, 03:19:33 PM

updated your ShowKeyPlus plugin on server
Arch,x86 seems not required,
 tested without wow64,
  seems to work fine on virtual,
    besides I did not test on a real windows  :wink:
added DUC buttons to catch your future updates easily, also by other admins.
and some cosmetics

If you use a compare utility other than WinMerge2 and BCompare3 , let me know..

See You on next post....
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 01, 2017, 03:24:26 PM
Added Bulletin plugin to server:
Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\"ExamDiff Pro - KYHI - Bulletin"

pointing to Reply 297 of your post above
for your "ExamDiff Pro" plugin

so you only update above Reply 297 for your future "ExamDiff Pro" plugin updates.   :xmas-good:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 05, 2017, 10:39:34 PM
plugins are uploaded and hosted on your server by you...
I have no control over them once I upload to forum...

Anyway Examdiff 9.0 is out...

Showkeyplus had the program.exe updated

Testing Malwarebytes 3.0 is proving to be useless anyway, as there are many users reverting back to v2.2, due to 3.0 having lots of problems and user complaints

Also finding issues with the CopyR process within some plugins..

been out of testing SE and inactive in forums for a little while, but i'll get it, as things have changed over that time..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 06, 2017, 06:47:44 PM
New version of Flash-Player is Out (Again)

Submitted for easier plugin container updating..


Link removed - use Server Version - as per ChrisR below...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on January 07, 2017, 11:24:18 AM
Hi Kyhi,

Good and well to have the version on the interface :great:
Do you know if there are any switches available to extract install_flash_player_xxx.exe ?
Here, With Chome auto-update, I use npswf64.dll, npswf32.dll from System32(SysWow64)\Macromed\Flash to update plugins container.
I made a minor change for %SetupFileVersion% to not used the previous InstallerVer value from interface.
It is server, thanks  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 07, 2017, 01:32:50 PM
I updated my container files to new version already for testing interface.. So it works as intended to show new vs. old file versions...
Would be nice to extract and use from Global rather then from container..
I have tried to get away from pre-packed program files within plugins, by making my plugin(s) download the required setup..
Smaller plugin size, no distribution rights, always up to date program files...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 07, 2017, 01:57:57 PM
Chris, I also modified your Firefox plugin to use a local file from Global...
When you launch the program from interface - allow firefox to auto-update itself - then just pack the updated Core Folder..
Those updated files are then used by plugin, along with your profile settings..

Again for testing interface... Removed Lang folder to reduce size...


link removed use ChrisR Link below
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 07, 2017, 07:39:59 PM
plugins are uploaded and hosted on your server by you...
I have no control over them once I upload to forum...
Yes plugins naturally uploaded and hosted on our servers by us
Yes end user do not naturally have control on our servers
We do not have control on plugins shared (attached or linked) by end users.

Like all kind of software related projects on internet. !

Since everything is very natural and normal,
From your post, I only can make an assumption, and feel not to post server changes related to your plugins anymore.

Provide static links to your plugins via our posts or topics
(which are on your control from control point of view)
ExamDiff_Pro - Reply #297
ShowKeyPlus - Reply #297
Mozilla Light - Mozilla Light Topic
so we can provide links to these topics about availability of plugins.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 07, 2017, 07:54:42 PM
Lance, I have no idea what point you are trying to make here..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 07, 2017, 08:09:12 PM
Lance, I have no idea what point you are trying to make here..

Provide static links to your plugins via our posts or topics
(which are on your control from control point of view)

I do not know it is a point or not.
 Scattering different versions of plugins on different posts on general topics or long topics... make them hard to find to end users,

But if you can provide static links to your plugins,
 like given example with some plugins of yours,
   via a plugin topic or a fixed reply post,
     it is enough for us to provide info to end users about availability of your latest version of your plugins (on your control) through project distributions.
       and end users do not mix versions through scattered posts when they download and test....

It is better for all (end users and informing) if you can provide static links to your plugins and update them through that static links of your posts or topics.

I hope clear ?
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 07, 2017, 08:47:45 PM
GOT IT..  Like update first post of topic.
which was lost due to DB hosting issues..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 07, 2017, 09:01:56 PM
I have tried to get away from pre-packed program files within plugins, by making my plugin(s) download the required setup..
Smaller plugin size, no distribution rights, always up to date program files...

Utils\PC Provide Files (Plugin Creator Provide Files)

already created for that goal
  and distributed through all projects so end users can create such plugins for such goals, and distribute around easily.

 but not updated since no further feedback,
  "PC Packed" and "PC Innounp" updated more frequently in time....

But method not good to maintain projects, Projects relying on "Provided Files" naturally dies in time (RIP)
 instead we are around for years now,
   even with unupdated plugins, The ones that contains applications work out of box and ready to be updated or revised by a new user.

    It is easier to work on a working plugin with its working version of application  :wink:

    "Provide Files" plugins also have their values  :thumbsup: , but requires more time to maintain.

Keep in mind, we have very limited free time to maintain projects, and quite experienced to get wheels working...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 07, 2017, 09:04:20 PM
GOT IT..  Like update first post of topic.
which was lost due to DB hosting issues..

To clear,
I only meant to get static links with topics or posts to your plugins, that is all.
 I did not mean DB hosting issues....

About DB:
With "Provide Files" plugins, you can attach to forum like some of your other plugins.....

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 07, 2017, 11:44:51 PM
I updated my container files to new version already for testing interface.. So it works as intended to show new vs. old file versions...

Would be nice to extract and use from Global rather then from container..

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 08, 2017, 09:06:13 AM
I updated my container files to new version already for testing interface.. So it works as intended to show new vs. old file versions...
When I click on "Download Latest Flash Player Installer",
Flash Player Installer Version:
Builder Container File Version:

but current container file %flashversion%=

==> it seems not to work as intended

you need to consider host arch x86 , x64 with your above batch.
well you can do same also without batch.

I understand your goal,
with your words : I understand your point.
or with your posts: maybe I should ignore and behave not to understand your goals, and remove things not working as intented.

1) There are also some rare plugins that have container AND provide file option, as far as I remember Recuva plugin one of them.
Reminding, they are rare since maintance required time....
since flash player distribution can not be extracted
 It will be good to have step by step instruction on plugin interface to update flash to be used on project
   1) Download flash installer --> button already available, seems to require some arrangements
   2) textlabel: Install flash to your host, double click installer....
   3) "Gather new Flash Files" button (keep in mind to consider host x86 and x64)

3) radiogroup: provide option to use "Auto" or "Container" or "Provided"  (Auto default)

Auto --> simply check if provided file exists, and compare version with container, up to compare result use the highest version

Tip: It is easier to create home plugins than distribution plugins with some nice auto options that get things work out of box easily,
and auto features should be written in a way to have maintance easy....

Above is THE Path you should go to fit your needs, update flash easily without spending time to update flash plugin.
From end user point of view, it is only 1) 2) 3) with 2 buttons
From plugin author point of view, you have to consider things properly to get all work smooth today and in future for everybody (end users, plugin maintance )

I hope points are clear :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 08, 2017, 01:07:55 PM
but current container file %flashversion%=

==> it seems not to work as intended

Clearly (and I am quite surprised by you) - you have not run the Flash Add Process, since updating the container files..

Hit Green Play Button as it is finding old file, which has not been removed yet..

Also this is collaboration work in progress - not a final draft... just playing around and submitting idea...

Thought about pulling the variable %flashversion% from container, but decided against it, and choose actual extracted file instead...

Download does not run Flash Add plugin process.. (but it can > by adding a small line of code)

My intended purpose was to use download process to update My container file(s) - so yes it works as I intended..

.bat can't copy file(s) not there..

To take it a step farther, in theory >  I could tell .bat to copy files to flashtempextract folder

and kill the extract process in the container plugin > Or change to, if not exist dll then run extract to use packed (possible older) container file ..

But my intention was to download and compare versions, so as to know if my container files are out-of-date...

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 09, 2017, 09:52:45 AM
but current container file %flashversion%=

==> it seems not to work as intended

Clearly, and I am not surprised by you, better design such button with not depending on green play or build.
I also not surprised by you following your replies at Reply 28

Also this is collaboration work in progress - not a final draft... just playing around and submitting idea...
As written on previous post, I fully support the idea  :thumbsup:

Thought about pulling the variable %flashversion% from container, but decided against it, and choose actual extracted file instead...

Download does not run Flash Add plugin process.. (but it can > by adding a small line of code)

My intended purpose was to use download process to update My container file(s) - so yes it works as I intended..

.bat can't copy file(s) not there..

To take it a step farther, in theory >  I could tell .bat to copy files to flashtempextract folder

and kill the extract process in the container plugin > Or change to, if not exist dll then run extract to use packed (possible older) container file ..

But my intention was to download and compare versions, so as to know if my container files are out-of-date...

With your words "All Points",
 and as a result respond to things on your post already given on Reply 313

Keep up  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on January 09, 2017, 03:44:38 PM
KYHI, Looking at your modified  Firefox plugin, I added a Provided File option in addition to the included version (container files)
It should allow to add a beta version, a localized version or even a 64-bit Firefox version.

If you use core.7z, as you did, It must include the core subfolder (with firefox.exe inside) as for the Firefox setup file.
If it is not the case, instead of an error, the file container version is used + an echo Warn.
Same, if you provided a 64-bit version with a 32-bit build.
Compared to your plugin, I have kept the .XPI language files. They are not used, in case of provide file.
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 09, 2017, 05:42:56 PM
Chris, I just removed the lang.xpi do to size, to upload template

Work fine using Core.7z as the provide file source... It opens provide files folder, but must manually type in file name in box...

Core.7z contains the "Core" Folder zipped.. Nice thing is both can be used.. exe or zipped core folder...

My goal here was to be able to keep Flash Player and Firefox up-to-date without having to go through the process of updating container files

Or changing plugin on my end to have changed on next server download..

As we know it takes time, to keep up with the changes and then update server files..

Now if we could get Flash-Player plugin to use provided files following the my idea of x64 dll collection and if not exist use container version...

Just like you did with Firefox Plugin..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 09, 2017, 06:08:22 PM
From plugin author point of view, you have to consider things properly to get all work smooth today and in future for everybody (end users, plugin maintance )

And this is the collaboration of idea, vs what is best for all..
I work on idea at home, ChrisR and You know better what is best for all...

Most of the time I feel belittled by your comments, as this is a little something I enjoy doing, you are the expert at this...
I surely am Not..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Prz42 on January 09, 2017, 07:53:42 PM
KYHI, Looking at your modified  Firefox plugin, I added a Provided File option in addition to the included version (container files)
IIt should allow to add a beta version, a localized version or even a 64-bit Firefox version.
Very nice job. I was wandering if you could change line 451 to
Code: [Select]
This would help anyone you puts their apps in "Projects\MyPlugins_Direct"
Keep up the good work KYHI and ChrisR        :thumbsup:

I just noticed that it doesn't work on a 64-bit Firefox version.

Here is the location I used to download the most current versions
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 09, 2017, 09:52:35 PM
What I need for the flash-add plugin is that during the download process >
I need it to extract one of the dll(s) from the container plugin (X86 maybe) just to make a comparison..
Rather then run the flash-add process as a whole. which sometimes a reg hive load error

I allow FF to update it self and compress the core folder..
Thus no need to chase down new version exe...

Nice link to release versions...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 10, 2017, 06:33:05 AM
Most of the time I feel belittled by your comments, as this is a little something I enjoy doing, you are the expert at this...
I surely am Not..
replied previously even on recent posts....
 with your words: maybe you belittle posts written on topics.
    There are many unresponded posts and re posts from you...
       who knows, maybe you like to create a kind of situation with your hands.

What I need for the flash-add plugin is that during the download process >
I need it to extract one of the dll(s) from the container plugin (X86 maybe) just to make a comparison..
Rather then run the flash-add process as a whole. which sometimes a reg hive load error
You know better  :thumbsup:
 I do not have time to work on such things....
 So far you are the most expert plugin author around.
  I am sure If you want to create good solutions, You will.  :great:
   On my side, All feedback given on previous post.
    It should be quite easy to follow if you like,
    or re invent wheel which will result same design.

      All ways to Rome, following experience only goes to Rome on shorther, less time consuming path.

Well, overall, keep up  :xmas-good:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 11, 2017, 02:53:22 AM
New version of Flash player (again)

Hope this Flash Add plugin revision suits the project needs better...
Reworked get container version > pulls version with download button


link removed - see ChrisR's post below
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 11, 2017, 08:29:02 PM
Can anyone intrepid this log file from Teamviewer 12

appears it reports errors with G1! - G1!! - G1!!!

mshtml.dll is present and I see TV10 uses login as Admin


Although I am confused by logon as admin plugin..
It states Pecmd shell required > the options in shell loader are Pecmd or Peshell
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: ChrisR on January 13, 2017, 03:08:19 PM

I have uploaded the flash player plugin on server
I made, however, a small change, the Echo pipe values does not work with localized versions

Code: [Select]
TXTAddLine,%vw%,"echo Y|del NPSWF32.dll",Append
TXTAddLine,%vw%,"echo F|xcopy C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64*.dll #$q%~dp0NPSWF64.dll#$q",Append
TXTAddLine,%vw%,"del /q /f NPSWF32.dll",Append 
TXTAddLine,%vw%,"xcopy /y #$pWinDir#$p\System32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64*.dll #$q%~dp0NPSWF64.dll*#$q",Append

Otherwise, to go even further, I started, I implemented the auto update of  both Flash Player Plugin File.
Seems to work, but it may need more control. Lancelot Knows better :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 13, 2017, 06:48:33 PM
I knew it.. And a BIG Thank You..
Just took the right idea and a knowledgeable person to implement it fully into project..
Collaboration on Project Works Better !!

Thank You For Your Time ChrisR...

Will test on my end - next FP update, which should no be to long from now

Added >  Call,Start,,%ProgramEXE%,,%ProvideFiles%  < but did not implement it within plugin

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 13, 2017, 07:23:20 PM

Currently Testing OS To RAM Build Only....
User Must Enable Legacy Support on PC To Be Able to Dual Boot x86 and x64 UEFI PE
Once Both Arch Boot.wim's Present - Multi-Boot ISO Created on User Desktop > For Testing

WriteMedia >>
Multi-Boot > Multi-Arch > AIO WinPESE Plugin (

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 13, 2017, 11:12:25 PM
Thank You for doing that..... Really helpful to me... Gave me a lot to work with... Now can learn and easier to follow...

1, it allows for the > out of the box < working plugins (Requirement)
2, An easier way for advanced users to keep updated containers files (User Time)
3, less server plugin maintenance, more user plugin maintenance (Admin Time)
4, with DUC buttons - working plugins on server as backup - if error after user update (RollBack)

Lots of advantages for project
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 13, 2017, 11:53:50 PM
I knew it..
Just took the right idea and a knowledgeable person to implement it fully into project..
Collaboration on Project Works Better !!

Otherwise, to go even further, I started, I implemented the auto update of  both Flash Player Plugin File.
Seems to work, but it may need more control. Lancelot Knows better :thumbsup:

Hi Chris,

Secret Design Principles on our development given on various posts in past to KYHI,
even recently on
Reply 306
Reply 308
and about Flash Add
Reply 310
Reply 313
Reply 315

Knowing KYHI is an advanced author who knows what he writes or removes to plugins with fully being aware what is doing,
 I do not check Flash Add plugin to see If KYHI follow Collaboration on Project and Plugins, or not, up to KYHI.
  I do not have much free time for such things, instead I do things that interest me more on my very limited free time,
    side by side with feedback posts on forum.
     "Still do not understand" what is going on after all these informative posts.

More About Flash Plugin,
As far as I remember,
 In past I create plugin following KYHI requirements a year ago,
  Designed to fit both KYHI and other related browser plugins,
   I guess following other browser plugin updates done by me.
Following current updates,
 If things not work as intended,
  As in all such cases,
   what I will do will be simply wait if someone else update or fix,
      else revert back to simpler way, and add yet another thing to "TO DO list" to check on summer.
         Well I spent time to inform, do not have any more intention to waste time if it is the case.
       As written before, Natural Principal: Be Safe side with limited time so everything continue working as intended for everybody.
        Hopefully KYHI Collaboration on this Flash Plugin follow given feedback.

On my side, I did delay on Flash Plugin update,
 wait your update to server to add compare button,
   now updated Flash Plugin (+Firefox) on server.  :great:

Life Goes... :turtle:

while posting, I see KYHI post,
 KYHI, as written before on previous posts in detail and given links on current post,
   "provide file" + "existing file" plugins are not new,
     with pros and cons, all written before, hopefully you will Collaborate and read given info in detail.

anyway, Life Goes... :turtle:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 14, 2017, 12:47:55 AM

Sorry lance, I did not know how to call another process from another plugin.. But I figured it out, without your help..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 14, 2017, 12:51:05 AM

more LOL later  :lol: :wink:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 14, 2017, 12:52:59 AM
I see you edit your post adding line after "LOL"
Sorry lance, I did not know how to call another process from another plugin.. But I figured it out, without your help..

Really, LOL  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 14, 2017, 12:53:47 AM
I know these things may not interest you, but you write all the time...

Probably would of taken less time for you to write code - then 6 long forum posts
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 14, 2017, 12:54:41 AM
But Thank You for the push..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 14, 2017, 12:57:22 AM
I know these things may not interest you, but you write all the time...

Probably would of taken less time for you to write code - then 6 long forum posts

KYHI, I have no idea what point you are trying to make here.

LOL  :lol: :lol: :lol:

But Thank You for the push..

Still no idea, assuming you do not read posts, at least they help you in a way called "push"
LOL  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 16, 2017, 04:23:24 AM
UPDATED PROJECT PLUGIN >  Attribute Changer_Petges.script

Replaced UNPACK with ExtractFile


It now works again...........

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 16, 2017, 07:00:05 AM
It now works again...........

Really LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have no idea what point you are trying to make here.

"Attribute Changer Petges" Plugin always works fine so far,
 on our side, no need to update working plugin to working plugin.

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 16, 2017, 07:23:46 AM
Also noticed you delete
History017=Lancelot Added DU Buttons
from "Attribute Changer Petges" plugin you edit.

Knowing KYHI is an advanced author who knows what he writes or removes to plugins with fully being aware what is doing,

I have no idea what point you are trying to make here by intentionally removing a history line.

well simply LOL :lol:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 16, 2017, 11:55:02 AM
History017 > Probably as copy and paste overwrite > which was not intentionally removed..
The Program File\Attribute Changer in target was empty..
Changing UNPACK fixed that... And that's all I changed...
Because it did not work for me  here.. I figured the reason was because UNPACK was depicted in Macro library

Keep the old version, No Worries...
But did not work here when tested...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 16, 2017, 12:55:25 PM
It now works again...........

Really LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have no idea what point you are trying to make here.

"Attribute Changer Petges" Plugin always works fine so far,
 on our side, no need to update working plugin to working plugin.


But, You Change It..... And took credit for history... No Worries....
Only confirms it was not working, as I stated it wasn't.....

History018=Lancelot Improved syntax - following KYHI
Your Welcome lance..
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 16, 2017, 07:59:50 PM
It now works again...........

Really LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have no idea what point you are trying to make here.

"Attribute Changer Petges" Plugin always works fine so far,
 on our side, no need to update working plugin to working plugin.


But, You Change It..... And took credit for history... No Worries....
Only confirms it was not working, as I stated it wasn't.....

History018=Lancelot Improved syntax - following KYHI
Your Welcome lance..

But, You Change It..... And took credit for history... No Worries....
You cross quite a BIG RED Line here,
other than LOL or ignorance or bad readings or bad Collaboration,
 It is very serious.
   Accusing anyone as liar with wrong bases can not be tolerated,
   and on your case
     you were informed you are mistaken on previous posts,
      you may decide to ignore as usual, but you can not accuse with your wrong assumptions with such ignorance.

Only confirms it was not working, as I stated it wasn't.....

As written previously it is working plugin,
 proof is simple,
   any previous zip distribution through a year After Date=2016.01.19 will show you plugin always working with same version and unchanged
     and you are very irritating and uncomic with such false posts.....

History018=Lancelot Improved syntax - following KYHI
Your Welcome lance..
and a consequence of your crossing BIG RED Line ,
 Such thing is expected by your post intro, but not any comic at all,
   you only more cross line.....

I know these things may not interest you, but you write all the time...
It is sad I have to write all the time to careless posters like you do.
Probably would of taken less time for you to write code - then 6 long forum posts
I fully agree, but it requires also writing posts other than code,
 still I do not like to reply ignorance or bad readings or bad Collaboration posts ex: recent posts here and before mostly KYHI related
       ex: reply 30 32 here
       posts with good feedback is always better ex:
        others becomes boring and result with wasted free time. (ex: current post I am writing)

      Obvious replying a lie is more serious and cause another free time to reply ex: your previous Reply 339 and currently my post.
Brrrrr wasted time.

Knowing you can not read long or even short posts carefully, trying luck on both ways:

Here is short version:

Find out what you do wrong,
 and apology for your false accusations explaining your mistake.

Other than that, I do not expect any more post from you anymore.  :horse:
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 17, 2017, 12:12:54 AM
No Time.... Life to short for such happenings...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 17, 2017, 12:24:02 AM
Simple Fact:
You belittled me for my error report and fix..
Then you changed the plugin on the server - following my edits..

Easy Fix Here - Please do not reply to my posts...
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: KYHI on January 17, 2017, 01:02:23 AM
Updated CPU-Z and GPU-Z Plugins



Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: Lancelot on January 17, 2017, 02:02:05 AM
Simple Fact:
You belittled me for my error report and fix..
Simple Lie
Explained in detail in previous post, some bolded
   any previous zip distribution through a year After Date=2016.01.19 will show you plugin always working with same version and unchanged
     and you are very irritating and uncomic with such false posts.....

Then you changed the plugin on the server - following my edits..
Simple Lie
Explained in detail in previous post, some bolded
   any previous zip distribution through a year After Date=2016.01.19 will show you plugin always working with same version and unchanged
     and you are very irritating and uncomic with such false posts.....

Easy Fix Here - Please do not reply to my posts...
You can not lie around that freely here,
 I do not care what you post or number of your post.
   There is Easier , end of current post.

No Time.... Life to short for such happenings...
I agree, no need to spend time anymore.  :thumbsup:
 You decide ignore previous post as usual,
   as you wish.   :thumbsup:

Find out what you do wrong,
 and apology for your false accusations explaining your mistake.

Other than that, I do not expect any more post from you anymore.  :horse:

Shortly with your words:
Easier fix,  you are banned, never come back.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: DPyro on March 26, 2017, 11:46:24 PM
I'm getting an error with MBAM 3.0 version
CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win10PESE\TempExtractFolder\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext,2.dl_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win10PESE\TempExtractFolder\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext.dll]
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: DaPuffer on December 29, 2017, 12:27:04 PM
I'm getting an error with MBAM 3.0 version
CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win10PESE\TempExtractFolder\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext,2.dl_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win10PESE\TempExtractFolder\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext.dll]

I got the exactly same problem. is there anyone who can fix this?
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: bob.omb on December 29, 2017, 02:53:42 PM
We did this much so far. (Use link below) Working on some other projects right now but will jump back into this if development continues.

Also the error you are having in your trials may be related to length of folder name, I think I initially had an issue with that and changed to "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" (
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: DaPuffer on December 29, 2017, 03:56:18 PM
it actually says this:
CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win10PESE\TempExtractFolder\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext,2.dl_] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win10PESE\TempExtractFolder\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext.dll]: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Means: The system can't find the file.

How do i rename it?
Title: Re: Kyhi Revisied Plugins
Post by: bob.omb on December 29, 2017, 09:20:02 PM
Change this line inside of your plugin:

%ProgramFolder%=Malwarebytes Anti-Malware



For folder name changes.  The issue you are having may be an issue with the way Innounp processes the setup files when it makes the plugin for you.  There were dozens of bugs we got past, the plugin in the link above which I will repost now is always the end result. ( you could work on this for a month and will still end up at that same point me and KYHI were stuck on in that thread.  When you catch up to that error we can start working together.

There is more work to be done for this plugin,  if you continue work on it i recommend moving to the thread I linked above, KYHI is no longer part of this forum.  He did help with some of the work done in the thread I mentioned in previous post although it is unfinished.  It is not a direct reflection of his work as it was a group effort between the two of us and I had final say on which content was posted here.  He did make a version of the plugin which uses the setup file to install then run malwarebytes 3 in PESE, but it was not integrated like you would expect it was just the installer file with a shortcut so I didn't post it.  If you want that plugin I'll upload a link lmk.(It wont be installed, you would have to reinstall everytime you reboot each time u open it. Its pretty annoying to use this way as it takes 3-4 mins to install in PE and ALSO with MB3 you need to navigate through several menu's just to scan the C:, which makes MB2 work better and way easier with same definitions.  I'd love to have a working MB3 but it really doesn't help with anything other than looks and active protection which you would keep overactivating on a real account anyway because you would have to activate on each boot, their servers would ban the key after the first 3 or so activations and you would have to email them to reset it)

As bob.omb pointed
Further Discussion on MalwareBytes

For other things about other plugins
 check "Plugin Page" link on plugin interface
    If no "Plugin Page" exists
       open a new plugin topic.

Current Topic Locked now.