History007=Kyhi Updated to v1.0.5835
Added your latest Winamp plugin with filename "Winamp KYHI" \Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp5 Media Player
Actually on my end - just renamed it > Winamp_Full.script
Thank You for the download.. I try an learn from you, but sometimes hard to follow.. (No Offense to be taken)
I clearly put out Mozilla light as a Test - Based on your Comments and suggestions about Light and FlashPlayer.I was able to create a single attachment for FlashPlugin..
Why not have 1 FlashPlayer plugin ?In stead of A calling B calling C or D
Light was not a final Project - But why you leave old code within a Server script ??I would have cleaned it up, before making it such a final release, as the author...
First off, I'd love to have MBAM working under Win8.1SE again.KYHI's plugin looks labour-intensive and sophisticated so I decided to give it a go.I selected "Run from RAM" and used my current test x64 build (with a few activated plugins).Immediately after launching, mbam.exe threw an error (translated into english):QuoteThe exception "unknown software exception" (0x40000015) has occurred in the application at position 0x7451d6fd.
The exception "unknown software exception" (0x40000015) has occurred in the application at position 0x7451d6fd.