I build a Win10 x64PE with XPE builder. It is first time that I use XPE, till now I have made all my PE's with PESE.I use a program called AIOCreator to write bootable isos to my multiboot usb drive. But the program gives an error and refuses to write my newly created PE iso.I have tested AIOCreator in different platforms, including PESE. It never gives such an error. I tried every possible builds on Create ISO page but the result was the same.Any solution would be appreciated.
I use a program called AIOCreator
I tried your solution (I wonder how I missed:). This time AIO accepted to write it, but when I tried to boot XPEWindows gave that blue screen at the last stage of boot.By the way you can download AIO from here. https://www.aioboot.com/en/download/ AIO has another feature, it can write isos and wim files. Now I can boot with wim file. It doesn't give error when I use wim function.But with that checkbox checked it didn't boot with wim also.I know it is a very specific topic, so thank you very much.
I prefer to use Grub2 instead of Grub4Dos. Because as you know, new PCs are not boot with legacy mode. They boot only with UEFI compatible devices.And you can not boot with Grub4Dos on new machines, at least I cannot. So I have to use Grubb2.
Here is the screenshot:
Well, with that said... I verified my Test... (Attachment Link)