Topic: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor  (Read 4922 times)


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just updated my PE to latest script versions

It builds okay but when I boot either from USB or CD (and have tried it on multiple computers) I just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor - no icons, start menu or taskbar

Any ideas?

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 10:45:02 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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try booting from emulator to see it runs ok before testing on USB or CD,
 Vmware Player (best) VirtualBox (very good) Virtual PC (good) are very nice free emulators to test Win7PE SE  :thumbsup:
  and we have plugins at \VirtualTest\... with available links to download pages  :great:

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 10:54:34 PM »


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exactly the same issue using it with virtualbox - boots up until desktop wallpaper appears and the mouse pointer and then never goes any further - no taskbar, desktop icons etc

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 01:22:30 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Assuming you have enough ram on vbox on your tests,
Assuming you make tests with default configurations,

Than this might be trouble with updated files,
what you wrote "just updated my PE to latest script versions"

if you make manual update, this might be trouble,
if you use winbuilder to update, this would be headache,

\Utils\Update Win7PE SE (Exact and Secure)
to get full, clean, hot update,  (no headache, no trouble) and make your build test with default options,
let us know  :thumbsup:

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 01:25:13 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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and if you are oldschool, having your personal plugins on project folder/sub folder
first move them out before using \Utils\"Update Win7PE SE (Exact and Secure)"

After your default build tests, and if everything ok,
Utils\"MyScripts Project Add"
to add your personal plugins  :thumbsup:

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 12:39:24 PM »


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Thanks for the replies Lancelot

My last successful build was from the update dated 26/10/12 when I updated all the scripts I used from

Since then it appears a lot of scripts have been updated on - so I downloaded (manually, as that is how I have always done it) all which had newer version numbers than what I had - and I think that is where the problem started - as it appears CAPI (Common API) is now not used so lots of other changes have been made - and no update on a new release has been made to explain this (unless I have missed it)

The particular issue I had was caused by the fact that I had not downloaded 0-shell loader.script - so it was not loading the shell - as in previous versions this was not needed, I simply had 1-explorer.script in my shell folder and that worked fine - so all working now - but would be nice if forum was updated to inform everyone of changes in new version i.e. new scripts for shell loading, removal of CAPI etc etc

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 06:24:10 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi wingers,

Since we are only a small none profit group, not even using advertisement, only spending available free time, we may miss things,
But we did not miss misusages that occured, like your manual *update ;-) or like updating with wb,
You missed considering any project around here as a whole body...

Zip distributions are stable release packages, they should ( must)  work ok for all,
Many people update only when there is new zip, without facing any problem  :thumbsup:

For people who like to get latest project, between Stable zip releases,
We create "Update XXX Exact and Secure" , many years ago in verrry past, that  works perfect since than :thumbsup:

At this point, after we provide all required stuff,  misusage on update is end user fault, aside we are here to feedback  :thumbsup:

More words:
**Following is only for experienced users

I understand your reason behind downloading one by one  :wink: basically to see what changes...
With same reason, I do very same too, but different way,
I first backup project, than make full update, than use winmerge to compare folders,
( 3 step: batch 1 + blexact + batch 2, easy and fast)
This way I can see all changes on project :-) :-)  without facing any troubles like you had, with same sprit/goal "see what changes"

"Update XXX Exact and Secure" was made to serve both newbies, and advanced users, i use default folder ( and opendir button) on advanced menu to do above 3 step, after that i use advanced menu update button.

I will provide batches etc. when I get back home...

Macro Library announced with Win8PESE release, and Gena zip update, since than all active projects here use ML,
 Obviously No need announcment Win7PESE for users having current zip package,
  There is a whole section devoted to ML, many tutorials written since announcement,
    and on sub Support section there are topics created by others about changes...
     I guess you missed all,  maybe you should come around more to catch news....

Some last words:
You are not the only one that mistaken on considering updates, this happened in the past and will happen in future,
To avoid this end user mistake, we update zips insuch a way to avoid,
But since Win8PESE release servers are very hot with updates, after update storm ends ( which seems very soon) stable zip distributions will be updated.

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2013, 06:39:44 PM »


  • Chef
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yes that is all fair enough and makes sense

Just how I have always done it (been using winbuilder and part of the forum on "the other site" for years) - and it has never been a problem - just think this time it was simply because a lot of changes had been made i.e. Common API removed, new scripts to launch shell etc

My version I use is very slimmed down and a lot of the "default" scripts removed so it does what I need - i.e. been customized over the many years I have been using it - so replacing just old script version with new script version always been fine - my fault for not waiting for a zipped up release - just always eager to look at new versions and try them out, so my fault - wasn't trying to put any blame on anyone else!

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2013, 10:46:27 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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You were only lucky, this problem always existed, still exists if one do not use blexact

BlueLife and I developed blexact and first published publickly back to 2010-02 to get rid of problems related to this...

Idea was first made to get multi-admin project maintance easy (at that time only 1 project, and Admins Galapo and Me-Lancelot),
before we have blexact, as admins we informed each other about updates on server via txt/log/history messages....
blexact made life easy  :thumbsup: (special thanks to BlueLife)

Today, all 3+2=5 projects , ~750 plugins work in harmony here,
 and a lot of applications developed and embeeded inside plugins to get stable builds ....
  all admins and wise people use blexact to get full syncronisation  :great:

Much Later, I developed "Update XXXXX (Exact and Secure)" plugin , to get both newbies and advanced users easly use blexact on updating projects-plugins  :great:

about capi:, Galapo and I maintain capi for a long while, for shortly 2 reasons:

to get stable syntax not causing troubles, success  :thumbsup: (you probably not around how much capi cause headache before us...)

to rescue projects from winbuilder development sabotages, success at that times  :thumbsup:
 Sadly after rescue success, sabotages continue on other areas and as natural result , project admins left or kicked out not only from the forum you refer but also they also left their projects...
(later Sabotagers try to   Sellotape   :hmm:  these left-projects which they kicked their admins with a new name, acting as they are creators, bring out their real goal behind kicks, natural unsucess=disaster and still funny to watch  :grin: )

Unlike others, Galapo and I decide to continue our work, a very hard task (not sure, maybe it took ~a year) to create PE1 from ground zero, Thanks to Saydin77 and BlueLife and JFX, success  :thumbsup: -> Gena Born

Unlike others, ChrisR decide to continue his work, a very hard task, to be sabotaged all the time and not react like others, he survived  :thumbsup: --> Win7PE SE survived , and continued (people like you happy), Win8PE SE Born
--> I must mention The Great JFX , Godfather of Win7PESE, and all things he have done so far :great:

-------> I guess, you probably start using Win7PE SE, at one point of it is very mature stages, as an end user not being aware how hard it was for Chris to maintain Win7PE SE for all good people on internet .... bad bad days  :cool:

After some years, capi lost its meaning to survive all projects, since all other admins kicked out, and left projects, with only 2 (today 3) alive.
no need to continue with slow capi where there is nothing survive, ML developed with better princaples and syntax, and continue developing, as usual success :thumbsup:

Wrote a bit long, to give a small part of big picture, to prevent your wrong bases on things,

In short form:
The problem you now realize always existed  :thumbsup:
You did not realize before since as project admins we always update zip packages to prevent such wrong usages,
 but this time too many hot updates with hot developing going on, and updating zip everyday would be more annoying ;)

btw, with hot development, keep in mind, we do not 7/24 work on this stuff, not that much hot  :smile: we are working on our free time with our priorities....

Don't put much hard to yourself,
Glass is to me full,
You read a nice succes story,
Best part, now you learn "Update XXXXX (Exact and Secure)" , tool of Admins  :cool:
 which is exactly same of waiting next zip distribution , but without waiting  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

If you have sharable customizations, we would like to get them available to everyone,
 we come all this way quite slowly :turtle: to this point, together, with contributions, with each drop , drop by drop   :fountain:

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2013, 10:59:42 PM »


  • Chef
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Thanks for the explanation Lancelot and yes I have learnt a lot today especially relating to new tool and changes etc

I have been on the scene quite a while myself so have seen first hand all the sabotage and abuse that exists on the other forum -and am pleased that people like you and ChrisR are still here to keep these projects going, as for me they are an everyday tool I use in my job

Personally started using PE based products back with Bart's PE Builder and then when that disappeared I kept modifying it myself for some time before finding winbuilder and then boot-land ( which I was a member on since 2007 - so believe me I have seen all the crap that existed on the forums - and as I say thanks to all those that "survived" to continue again on this forum

Now off to have another play with win8pe se, as my win7 is now working fine thanks to your advice (and me being a bit more careful with my updating!!)


Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2013, 11:10:59 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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hehe, sorry, than you are older on this area than me  :thumbsup: I only could not remember your nickname.... anyway not important   :great:

yep I am (and I guess all around) also started with BartPE,
 In fact initial reason I am around is, me trying to achive things with BartPE and met with Galapo years ago.... now I am posting around here....
  I still keep my old personal BartPE package somewhere in my archive  :grin:  :great:

Good luck on your study with Win8PE SE  :great:

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2013, 11:13:45 PM »


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my name on other forum was "Darren Rose"

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2013, 11:34:29 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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hehe, quite older than me  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I am not very good on google searchs, but I remember your name, g-search tell me we met once with big blue play tip  :wink:
but my memory says there maybe more... (I hope not bad memories  :cool: )

Well life goes...

Welcome wingers

nice to see you around,
have nice baking

and me time to sleep  :zzz:

Re: builds okay, but when booting just get desktop wallpaper and mouse cursor
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2013, 11:49:21 PM »


  • Chef
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yes I believe our paths have crossed several times on the other forum (big blue play tip being one) and I am sure you have helped me out many times in the past

no bad memories as far as I can remember - I always tried to keep out of any of the disagreements that went around  :smile:

Cheers - I am sure I will enjoy it here


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