There are so many options ;)
You could use the driver integration script to add the drivers you want to the boot.wim directly (build core -> integrate drivers). During startup, the system detects the required drivers automatically and loads them as needed. However, this increases the size of the boot.wim file, and therefore the RAM usage.
I have one script which scans the host (installed Windows on harddisk) from PE, and loads matching drivers it finds into PE. This requires the installed windows version to match the PE architecture of cause (Win10, x64).
I personally like the SNAPPY Driver tool (e.g., page 2). It provides regulary updates each month, and also lets you decide which driver class you want to download. You can also run snappy with parameters to load all matching drivers automatically.
In addition to the tool, I am using a simple script like this:
FOR /F %%k in ('dir /b "Y:\programs\Auto\Drivers\*.*"') do (
CD /D Y:\programs\Auto\Drivers
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d "*.inf"') do (
title "installating drivers from y:/programs/Auto/DRIVERS..."
echo installing %%i...
start /min /wait PnpUtil.exe -i -a "%%i"
CD /D %~dp0
it loads all drivers from the folder above... but it also adds those, which do not match the hardware I think.
For Video Drivers, I usually disable the "display drivers" options on the build core page. Otherwise the NVIDIA or AMD Drivers do not install and initialize without reboot, which is key on PE ;)
I am sure there are better answers, just wanted to share a few options...