Topic: Combine x64 & x86 in one ISO? (UEFI & BIOS)  (Read 29842 times)

Re: Combine x64 & x86 in one ISO? (UEFI & BIOS)
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2015, 06:24:09 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Here are the USB Boot Files already setup for Dual Booting ...

Copy all the contents of WinPESE x64 ISO into x64 folder (probably only need the sources folder copied into x64 folder)
Copy all the contents of WinPESE x86 ISO into x86 folder (probably only need the sources folder copied into x86 folder)

Although I tested with full file copy..

Then copy all content inside DualbootBCD Folder (below) to USB, when first booted , should give you option for WinPE x86 and WinPE x64


EDIT: Can now confirm you only need to copy the "Sources" folder to proper %Arch% folder
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 05:55:14 PM by KYHI »

Re: Combine x64 & x86 in one ISO? (UEFI & BIOS)
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2015, 11:51:38 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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In addition...
For your AIO Windows 8.1 or 10  :wink:
I guess that the simplest way is to use the Media Creation Tool by choosing both architectures.
Thus you have the base for starting windows in 32-bit or 64-bit, in Bios or UEFI.
then replace:
x86\sources\install.esd by your AIO install.wim with 32-bit home, Pro, enterprise,... images
x64\sources\install.esd by your AIO install.wim with 64-bit home, Pro, enterprise,... images
Not tested but it should be enough  :smile:

Oherwise, here is an example to change both bcd:
Code: [Select]
:: Change PATH
:: MBR bcd
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /create {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} /d "Windows 10 Setup (32-bit)" /application osloader
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\x86\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} device ramdisk=[boot]\x86\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} systemroot \Windows
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} locale en-US
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} inherit {bootloadersettings}
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} bootmenupolicy legacy
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} detecthal Yes
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} winpe Yes
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} EMS No
:: displayorder
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\boot\bcd /displayorder {default} {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad}
:: EFI bcd
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /create {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} /d "Windows 10 Setup (32-bit)" /application osloader
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\x86\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} device ramdisk=[boot]\x86\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} systemroot \Windows
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} locale en-US
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} inherit {bootloadersettings}
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} isolatedcontext Yes
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} bootmenupolicy legacy
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} detecthal Yes
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} winpe Yes
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad} EMS No
:: displayorder
Bcdedit.exe /store PATH\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /displayorder {default} {3de3efd5-a380-11e5-9c17-000000005aad}
Just an example  :smile:
You can also use Visual BCD Editor or EasyBCD


Re: Combine x64 & x86 in one ISO? (UEFI & BIOS)
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2015, 02:13:11 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Location: México
  • Date Registered: Dec 2013
  • Posts: 25
Here are the USB Boot Files already setup for Dual Booting ...

Thank you. I decided to open a new topic here:

Don't want to hijack this thread anymore.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 10:37:34 PM by Mr.X »


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