Topic: Just built Vanilla Win10PE SE. It Works! Help Needed Adding Apps/Plugins/Drivers  (Read 214 times)


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Location: USA
  • Date Registered: Dec 2011
  • Posts: 25
Just built a more or less "Vanilla" "out of the box Win10PE SE.
USB booted and it all more or less works fine. Woohoo!

Last time I ran Winbuilder was back in the old WinXP and Win7 days.

I have forgotten soo much!

BTW where in the Winbuilder Win10 PE SE  Project can I customize the "Computer Name?

I REALLY need help adding/slipstreaming Apps/Plugins/Drivers. Don't remember which apps to use or where to find them to create an App/Plugin or where and how to add special drivers. Could someone please point me to the correct appropriate documentation and/or "How To" Website/Articles/YouTubes?

I want to create and add Plugin/App for

"Pirate Tor Browser 0.8 (9.0.9)"

"Technitium MAC Address Changer"

Also I want to slip stream into the drivers section Drivers for my Netgear WNDA3100 USB wifi adaptor:

Any help graciously accepted...

Thanks in advance,



  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Aug 2017
  • Posts: 80
Congrats tgparker2011, Welcome back to building.
Not sure which project you are using to build your Win10PE SE???

Most projects have Driver Integration Plugin, use that for Driver Installs.
You mighty want to see if the driver even installs and works in your running Win10PE SE.

PirateBrowser is a portable version of Firefox.
You could use it portable, or maybe replace the Firefox.exe in the firefox plugin.

And the other apps that you want to add, look for a portable app first,
that way you don't have to build it into the PE.
Also see if your other apps will even run in your PE before trying to build them in.



  • Jr. Chef
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  • Location: USA
  • Date Registered: Dec 2011
  • Posts: 25
Congrats tgparker2011, Welcome back to building.
Not sure which project you are using to build your Win10PE SE???

Most projects have Driver Integration Plugin, use that for Driver Installs.
You mighty want to see if the driver even installs and works in your running Win10PE SE.

PirateBrowser is a portable version of Firefox.
You could use it portable, or maybe replace the Firefox.exe in the firefox plugin.

And the other apps that you want to add, look for a portable app first,
that way you don't have to build it into the PE.
Also see if your other apps will even run in your PE before trying to build them in.


TY for your helpful messgae.  :thumbsup:

I successfully used "Apps > Portable > Portabilitron" to add "Pirate.Tor.Browser.0.8.(9.0.9).Team-LiL" and it works fine!  :great:

Thanks for the tip about the Portable apps Website @

I also managed to add TMAC "Technitium MAC Address Changer"

BUT  :confused:  :w00t:

I ran into some runtime problems that seem to related to WoW64 files missing. They obviously exist in my personal Static PC Windows build but don't seem to be present in the current default plugin in the std."Win10PE SE" Project. Are there any more extensive Wow64 plugins for "Win10PE SE"?  :w00t:  :mad:

Would using a newer Windows 10 build 1909 or 2004 for the Source be a solution?  :w00t:

Thanks again for your help pointing me in the right direction.  :grin:  :thumbsup:



  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Aug 2017
  • Posts: 80
At this point, we usually run Sysinternals Process Monitor on the problem app.
There is a Portable App and plugins available for Process Monitor.
Also look at your log files of 'Problem App.exe' if any.

For Driver integration Look Here in your booted PE:

From within your PE
- launch Process monitor
- Launch 'Problem App.exe' you want monitoring..
In Process Monitor Window, Right-Click - Problem App.exe - Select Include
Now at the top of process monitor there are 4 icons
Deselect the Registry, Network and Process Icons
Then browse over to the "Result" column and right-click on "Name Not Found" > Include "Name Not Found"
Now you will have just the files accessed by 'Problem App.exe' but where not found...
If you have more process' running polluting your output, like explorer.exe, right click it and select Exclude.
You may have to do it multiple times till you get just 'Problem App.exe' showing results.


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Location: USA
  • Date Registered: Dec 2011
  • Posts: 25
Thanks for your recent helpful message RoyM!  :thumbsup: :great:

I will try to follow your instructions and directions as best as I can. :w00t: :confused: :grin: :great:

It's always nice to make a new friend!

Thanks again for the help!  :great: :great: :thumbsup: :lol:

Blessings!  :grin:

TG (Old Fart)

At this point, we usually run Sysinternals Process Monitor on the problem app.
There is a Portable App and plugins available for Process Monitor.
Also look at your log files of 'Problem App.exe' if any.

For Driver integration Look Here in your booted PE:

From within your PE
- launch Process monitor
- Launch 'Problem App.exe' you want monitoring..
In Process Monitor Window, Right-Click - Problem App.exe - Select Include
Now at the top of process monitor there are 4 icons
Deselect the Registry, Network and Process Icons
Then browse over to the "Result" column and right-click on "Name Not Found" > Include "Name Not Found"
Now you will have just the files accessed by 'Problem App.exe' but where not found...
If you have more process' running polluting your output, like explorer.exe, right click it and select Exclude.
You may have to do it multiple times till you get just 'Problem App.exe' showing results.


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Location: USA
  • Date Registered: Dec 2011
  • Posts: 25
TY RoyM!

I'll close this topic! For the time being. As I have manged to install both Apps into Win10PE Se.
I still need help installing Drivers on WinPE SE, but I'll save that for another topic!




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