Topic: Java v1.8.0.66  (Read 5243 times)

Java v1.8.0.66
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:30:03 AM »

Gerhard S.

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Java v1.8.0.66  64-bit & 32-bit - at present tested with Win10PESE

[2016-01-24]News from :nuke: -center: Next plugin revision is planned.
Some of you may have encountered little problems.
None or even none problems occur with this system configuration: Win10PESE & PaleMoon Browser plugin.
Main application/viewer for Java content is and remains -for Win10PESE- the Firefox and it's related.
This Java script is still bound to Pale Moon (based on Firefox ( Plugin Site )).
==> So, I want to unlink to Pale Moon. Then the popular standard Firefox (plugin) -or the 'FF Light' (KYHI), too- should work with Java.
[2016-01-25] Good and "bad" news:
It's possible. I installed in running/booted Win10PESE the 32-bit Firefox over regular Firefox Setup 43.0.4.exe, link:
 - (FF reads Registry for installed Java). <-- ^^ Needs to create new Firefox plugin.
 Favorable side effect: New Firefox plays Flash ( YT tested) and shows PDF (tested:great:
- Folder X:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\ is 88.6 MB large.
In Java plugin, I checkmarked 32-bit as well as 64-bit version. (have to find out, which of both is necessary)
 - If only 32-bit Java is necessary, I'll probably have to revise the [Registry] section in Script.
[In case of FF 43.0.4] The folder where file 'exception.sites' is located, has changed:
Code: [Select]
Screenshot Win10PESE_________________Windows Control Panel\All Control Panel items
ila_rendered ila_rendered

Plugin GUI


[Executetd in Win10PESEx64] Verify Java and Find Out-of-Date Versions:

ila_rendered<== They publish every month about 1 or 2 update(s); and now our v. is "outdated"  :wink:

First impressions:
Java-applets in WebSites are handled very restrictively. In most cases you have to add a exception for a spezific (the just opened) WebSite - in Systemsettings/Java Control Panel/Safety. (next time you start browser - changes will take affect)
For example:

Edit: This^^ made me think of an idea for next plugin revision: Script/Interface, add a INI-FileOpenBox - one should have the possibility to import? / create text-file with Java-exeptions.

Code: [Select]

ila_rendered ila_rendered

[In case of Pale Moon Browser] Put the attached exception.sites.ini into folder X:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\
Rename then exception.sites.ini to exception.sites (delete/overwrite the old one)
=> from then these 8 URL's (from above codebox^^) will show Java content.

Script updated 2016.1.18, 12:09 AM (without x86 section)
Script updated 2016.1.18, 02:13 AM (with x86 section, bugs fixed)
Script updated 2016.1.19, 02:23 AM (replaced all 0x1 -> 0x2)
Script updated 2017.4.02, 02:08 PM (count=151. Corrected line 149 only, as user sirjaymz has mentioned it at April 30, 2017, 06:46:18 AM. (not further tested!)

At this time I'm not able to produce a stable PE. For example: Copy & Paste text/files from anywhere to anywhere in PE ==> Exeption error and execution halted. I'm at the beginning of examination computer's problem(s). LiIon BatteryPack is defective.
So, until solution - no Plugin developing activity.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 12:40:14 PM by Gerhard S. »

Re: Java v1.8.0.66
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2017, 04:46:18 PM »


  • Apprentice
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  • Date Registered: Apr 2017
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Please update line 149 ,

    ShellExecute,Open,%Tools%\7z.exe,"a -t7z -r #$q%ContainerFile%#$q #$q%TargetDir%\%ProgramsFolder%\Java\*.*#$q"

to a corrected syntax to allow the 32 bit version to work

    ShellExecute,Open,%Tools%\7z.exe,"a -t7z -r #$q%ContainerFile%#$q #$q%ProgramFilesDir%\Java\*.*#$q"

I would have put it in a 'code box' however, the site says 'You/I can't post external links.

Re: Java v1.8.0.66
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 10:13:44 PM »


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  • Date Registered: Apr 2017
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First off, i want to thank you for putting this together thus far. It's a great starting point, along with the GENA version of the script.
Also, thanks for upgrading the script, however, I have done a little more digging,...
Looks like we have a bigger issue when trying to capture the relative Registry Entries from a 64-bit machine utilizing the WOW6432....

Here's an example of the one of the Registry entries in the script. I am utilitizing a Win7PESE build, and have added this script to MyApps_Direct

Digging into the script, I noticed somethings that are actually not on the 32-bit version of a cooked build.
for example.
Just Picked a line from the [REGISTRY] section in the script, which is what is called when using 32-bit.
Line 13952 for example...
Code: [Select]
RegWrite,HKLM,0x2,Tmp_Default\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0014-0002-0004-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\InprocServer32,,"X:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\jp2iexp.dll"

Couple of things that we will need to change.
1. ...\Wow6432Node\... - Since I am trying to build a 32-bit W7PESE, there should be no mention of a Wow6432 in a 32-bit OS.
The Wow6432 is a Windows on Windows emulator, that allows a 64-bit OS to access/run 32-bit applications, So the 32-bit Java installer, per the script, is to install the 32-bit version and then turn around and recapture the files into a 7z, once the user agrees to Java's ridiculous licensing requirements.
This is good in the sense of capturing the entries and software, however, the emulator/Windows, makes it look as if the 32-bit version is on a 64 bit machine, which it is not when i finally run the cooked W7x86PESE build.
2 ...\X:\Program Files (x86)... -  This is induced because the original installation to capture of the registry entries was on a 64-bit machine again. "Program Files (x86)" does not exist in a 32-bit build of Windows, and as such, all entries need to be entered as "Program Files" for the registry entries to actually point to the Java installation of the cooked Win7PESE 32-bit version.

I will continue to work through this. I think I will try by find/replace method first... then try a clean build of win7x86pro vm and run a capture prog to see all the changes that java install performs and see if i can repeat a similar script as we have done.

What software did you use to capture the complete installation of the java installation? if that's what you did...
I would like to repeat that on an VM Machine running Win7x86 Pro

The other thing i think i am going to do for testing is to split out the 32bit and the 64bit scripts into separate ones first, that way the "Program Files" and the associated script variables are not intermingled, and partly to keep my sanity.

I'll post back if I make progress.


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