Topic: Portable Finder CMD  (Read 8276 times)

Portable Finder CMD
« on: November 05, 2012, 03:23:47 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Portable Finder CMD


Finding a drive following a flagfile, and set Environmental Variable seems a common tasks* for some End users.
Historic topic:

This plugin ease initial steps for such tasks, Leaving rest to developer.
It provides
 "Edit" button to edit startup batch easly, :thumbsup:
 and a nice "Save Personal" button to easly personalize the plugin following Author Name  :thumbsup:

Example Tasks*:
Having Portable batch/task/applications at your 'mobile device' USB/UFD/Disk etc. where you want to find "something" (.exe, .cmd) and run automatically.
-> Having "Portable Antivirus" on 'mobile device' which you want to run automatically
-> Having "Windows Installation" on 'mobile device' which you want to start automatically (unattently) (-> check JFX's WinNTSetup)
-> Copy and run required things from 'mobile device' to RamDrive (B:) automatically to unplug 'mobile device' after boot. (by Zanaffer)

Cmd Tip:
you can use Windows Internal Variable %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% to launch none-32bit applications.
like nircmd x64, AutoIT x64 or x64 edition of your portable launcher or whatever...
Code: [Select]
If "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" goto X86

Reminding: If you are using same 'mobile device' both to boot PE and for such task, this becomes redundant, we already have %CDDrive% available (Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE). Above plugin goal is only to expand this ability on other devices, well in the end it is up to end user.

Thanks to laddanator, Batch taken from laddanator (Thanks for Sharing, Thanks also Informing & Sharing card-reader workaround)  :thumbsup:
Thanks to Zanaffer, sharing his goal on using such thing  :thumbsup:
I am convinced for such plugin need  :great:

Available at
\Apps\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD"

See Also:
"Portable Finder Startup ( TheOven_Startup.cmd )"
"Portable Finder Startup CD ( TheOven_Startup_CD.cmd )"

If you need to create shortcuts for your applications at Y:
 Y: is generally the boot drive with reassigned to Y:
--> ISO Boot: Include files in Iso RootCd
--> WriteMedia: you have usb stick/disk etc. which after boot get letter Y:

Add_Shortcut would be enough to you,
See Reply 3 KYHI

using "MountedDevices Host"
maybe an alternative for single usb stick cases
Set one for all the USB Drive Letter - Z: -
« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 08:52:08 AM by Lancelot »

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 11:44:25 PM »


  • Chef
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Love the save personal button.  :thumbup: I don't have to have two folders for builds (1 DVD AND 1 USB) anymore. I also save two profiles, 1 as dvd and one as usb so when I make a USB Build, just put a check in the box and if I want to make a DVD Build, just uncheck the USB box and check the DVD box! Love it   :worship:

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2012, 07:38:58 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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I am glad you like  :thumbsup:

I always use single folder, (different wb executables ;)) for both projects and organisations , you will find some other useful things around for that:
MyScripts Add
--> helps sharing same plugins between Gena & Win7PESE + safe folder out of project folder ;)

to save organisations (plugin selections etc. ) you made

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 12:47:53 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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I have not had time to look at it before, nice script which can indeed be really useful :thumbsup:

Reminding: If you are using same 'mobile device' both to boot PE and for such task, this becomes redundant, we already have %CDDrive% available (Gena, Win7PESE). Above plugin goal is only to expand this ability on other devices, well in the end it is up to end user.
Yep, may well to write a thing on the interface, an example with my bad english:
  For use with other media than the boot one where the option already exists with %CDDrive% :)

Small adjustment in Line 49
Code: [Select]
If,Question,"%Tar%#$x#$xExists#$x#$x#$xDo you want to overwrite ?#$x",Set,%answer%,Yes

The good option "Save personal"  :great:  can give a little trouble with W7pese "share script" (different from Gena with LinkFolder hardcoded in Shared_MyScripts).
with two links created when using both "Save personal" and "share script"
Apps\System tools\Portable Finder CMD_Author.Link
Shared_MyScripts\System tools\Portable Finder CMD_Author.Link

Perhaps something like
Code: [Select]
If,%ProjectName%,Equal,Win7PESE,If,ExistDir,%ProjectDir%\Shared_MyScripts,Set,%LinkFolder%,"%ProjectDir%\Shared_MyScripts\System Tools"
... (and perhaps a message before the End)
Message,"Personal:   %NFNWOext%.Script#$x#$xCreated in: %BaseDir%\Projects\MyScripts\AppsMy\System Tools#$xAnd Link created in: %LinkFolder%.


Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2012, 03:31:50 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Thanks ChrisR

v5 now on server,

about your little trouble with W7pese "share script":
you forgot to remove existing Link files at apps ... ;)

make a quick test with Gena :)

Apps\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD BlaBla" -> 'Save Personal'
you will see link file
Apps\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD BlaBla"
 on same folder (intentional 1 ;))

Gena\Utils\"Share Scripts"--> "Get Links From" -> "MyScripts Advanced"
==> you will not see link file on same folder  :wink:
instead you will see at
AppsMy\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD BlaBla"
(intentional 2 ;))
====> This behaviour would (should) be same with Win7PESE\"Share Scripts" when you add "link delete line(s)"
Shared_MyScripts\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD BlaBla"

intentional 1 : to avoid end user asking "what this button do", instead (s)he will easly find since on same folder (concept proved by laddanator response ;))

intentional 2 : assures and ease user-project use whatever share option (s)he likes (ex: using Shared_MyScripts)


This way, both "first touch" experience smooth, also after package blabla script on new location location (hopefully) easly figure out by end user :)

Yes, Since It is first time I do such option on a plugin, I had thought verrrrry widely (as usual ;)) before creating this option  :great: :great: :great:

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2012, 06:21:04 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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Yes, Since It is first time I do such option on a plugin, I had thought verrrrry widely (as usual ;)) before creating this option  :great: :great: :great:
Yep and as usual a beautiful script, well thought :thumbsup:

As you know my suggestions are always in the direction of a possible improvement.
Your answers fit me well, Portable finder cmd is on w7pese server also  :great:


Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2012, 11:09:06 PM »


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Guys you got me blushing over!  :dance: Never thought when I found this forum a week or so ago, I would see my name on a script server!  :clap: You guys have helped me a ton. Thanks, guys!  :worship:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 11:11:02 PM by laddanator »

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2012, 12:09:30 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Portable Finder CMD updated

Added Remove Personal Plugin+Link or Link

Startup mechanism use Add_Shortcut,Autorun to ease compatibilities :>
(side note, we had a small thingy on Gena resulting me not using Add_Shortcut,Autorun at first times, now fixed  :thumbsup: )
Now we have "hide" optional (that would ease tests ;))
Batch file + ProgramTitle name taken from plugin-[Main]-Title to ease using multiple custom plugins when/if required

« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 02:57:38 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2012, 12:51:35 PM »


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Just when I got everything working, you guys release something new that will keep me in the computer room another 3 days testing!  :w00t: I love it!   :great:

Re: Portable Finder CMD
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2016, 10:42:57 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Son of "Portable Finder CMD"
New plugin
"Portable Finder Startup ( TheOven_Startup.cmd )"
now available

And Grand Son
"Portable Finder Startup CD ( TheOven_Startup_CD.cmd )"

« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 08:52:17 AM by Lancelot »


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