2) Additional PluginsImportant: NEVER use any 3rd party plugin manually under project folders. Use Provided method here.Not all plugins available on \Downloads\
You will need to add your personal plugins, and other plugins on forum, web.
At left of builder tree you will notice
"MyPlugins" and "MyPlugins_Direct" available after your first build - you can update at \Utils\MyPlugins Project Add - "MyPlugins_Direct" button
MyPlugins_DirectIt is more popular and simple.
Demonstrating adding a 3rd party vnc plugin:
On "MyPlugins_Direct" at left, click "Put Your Plugins here" button

An explorer window will open

I put vnc plugin to \Network\ subfolder

After you add your plugins, click Refresh button

You will get your plugin operational on all projects

Nice and smooth.

Reminder 1:

Use or test plugins under your project folder.
On builder tree, do not test or run plugins under "MyPlugins Direct"
On builder tree, test or run plugins under projects ex: Win10PE SE, Gena, ....
Reply 4
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1878.msg21308#msg21308My assumption was, that if I copy a plugin into the "MyPlugins Direct" folder I have to run it from there.
Tag: Project Folder , Selected Project , Build Project , Build Selected Project , Big Blue Play Button , Test Plugin , Small Green Play button
Reminder 2:
To get 'MyPlugins Direct' work smooth
Always use
subfolders, like example above
AppsMy\Network\ If you use root folders of 'MyPlugins Direct'
'MyPlugins Direct' do
NOT put plugin to your project list (winbuilder bug)
See Topic:
If you want to use root folders of 'MyPlugins Direct'
to put plugin to your project list root ( %99 development plugins, not for regular users)
Use 'MyPlugins'
Still If required I will post feedback.

Reminder 3:
DO NOT manually use Apps folder
Apps is project folder for Project Apps plugins,
Using Apps subfolder you can override Project Plugins Apps, which will cause unwanted results.
MyPlugins_Direct plugin organize with folder : \Projects\MyPlugins_Direct\
AppsMyThis will
+ avoid you from unwanted project override result
+ you distinguish between Project Plugins and Personal plugins easily.
MyPlugins MyPlugins works same way with Yomi, Link way. After you add plugins you need to use Share Link button with the project.
It is better to use on project specific plugins, and for such things I assume one can easily figure out how to use MyPlugins.
Still If required I will post feedback.
Important: NEVER use any 3rd party plugin manually under project folders. Use Provided method here.