Topic: Starting Win8.1SE from Startnet.cmd  (Read 1461 times)

Starting Win8.1SE from Startnet.cmd
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:59:24 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
  • **
  • Date Registered: Sep 2014
  • Posts: 10

First of all, thank you very much for this excellent project.

I just need WinPE to start an application that needs audio and 32 bits support. So Win8.1SE is perfect to do that.
But I need to run the system the same way as bare versions of WinPE (without logon, desktop and user environment)
So my question is: is it possible (and if so how) to start Win8.1SE form Startnet.cmd (in order to get just the captive command line Window) ?

Thank you for help.



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