Topic: It was  (Read 12127 times)

It was
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:56:54 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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Predictable, the choice was made before  :mad:


Without the courage to announce it.


Re: It was
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 08:42:03 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Welcome to the well deserved club ;)
You are now a member of "best wb pe project creator" ' s club, you already took our heart, and now honored officially.  :lol:

Yep, choice had been made before, obviously seen turning a technical topic to a shit-discussion (well deserves name shitland ), current reason unknown  :tongue:

So far:
(as far as I know - remember)
alanf (pe21) - left (ended pe21 project)
Lancelot (old livexp) - suspended (and never login again)  (ended old livexp project, reconstructed Gena)
Galapo (old livexp)- suspended (ended old livexp project, reconstructed Gena)
JFX (multi7pese) - left (ended multi7pese, continued with support win7pese, makepe3 + new project...... outside shitland ;) )
JonF (vistapecapi) - suspended or removed (ended vistapecapi)
ChrisR (win7pese) - suspended ( ????????? time......)

and these are only the project authors  :wink: there are much more kicked (mostly left) as "only user" ;)

this is what I call winbuilder sin, after 2 years or more, nobody touches wb again to create another project, only 2 Real wb projects left, Win7PESE, Gena. wimb had made the right choice using autoit ;) as first decision , kare headed to lsp, JFX......

on other side,
time proves,
it is good to know project authors are "self respected" people,
who has dignity hence does not accept rules by dictators as Nuno Brito and Peter Schang (pscex) (Nazi people).

Nuno Brito could not understand, these people goal has never been to be famous (unlike nuno) which he looses his leverage of dictating.... well he will never understand what "hoby" really means......

one can stay on shitland ( for today ) winbuilder part only if follow rules of dictators, or coward enough to be around in shit.

in reality, besides you did not do anything wrong or even smell wrong,
unlike me and some others you even did not react angry [angry category post],
or even not post-reply much (Galapo was verry patient and replied all posts with calm, result: suspended :> )  [calm category post],
so your suspension deserves a new category, [French Polite category post] , result: suspended
--> if you are a real hoby project author using wb, color, height, nationality.... does not matter, you will be suspended  :cool:

amalux summerized the story at last post here about 2 years ago,
nothing changed since than, dictators (Nuno Brito and Peter Schang) still dictators, winbuilder still toxic :

Just did a basic test: Official_Complete with wb077rc2 vs. same with 081x

wb077rc2 --> No errors and usable ISO. ;) 

x081x --> 46 Errors and NO ISO :thumbup:

On the upside, having no ISO to build or qemu to load up did save some time on the build ;)


...and yes, smiley, you are right; the fact that Nuno has sided with and defended his xb developer's childish, self-righteous, self promoting behavior throughout this exchange is inexcusable and shameful (though he'll never see it) and as you can now see, when losing a debate, that debate gets shutdown :thumbup:

How sad that this once great forum has been brought to this level by two ego centric, foolish men (Nuno and PSC) bent on promoting their own agenda at any cost. Oh but we'll have 'peace' once again, when the most talented, hard working and gifted members of your team keep telling you something is wrong with the way you're doing business, threaten to fire 'em!

IMO Peter hasn't liked LiveXP for a long time now because it makes his own nativeEx look small and insignificant by comparison; this is silly because it forms the core and basis for all LiveXP development but I guess this wasn't good enough for him and now, through sabotage and deceit, with Nuno's misguided support, nativeEx will now be #1!! :thumbup: as he always thought it should be. Maybe we didn't give Peter enough credit along the way, he really is a brilliant project developer; when other projects threaten your standing, destroy them :ph34r:

:thumbup:  ;)

as amalux predicted, now there is no pe1 or pe2/3 winbuilder Real project left on shitland  :lol: as a result of their success , so now we can officially say "exbuilder" which i predicted  :wink:

ps: these nazi idiots are very lucky because I am not in computer business to devote time to crash them into their well deserved pieces,
sadly (maybe gladly for me, but for them luckly) pc always stays as my hoby.........


Without the courage to announce it.
haha, courage never be a skill of any dictator (history proves), they are in fact cowards and use any chance to uncov(w)er their cowardness, especially when they get a (any) position of power.
same on real life at many places ........  :wink:

enough writing,
again congradulations....

Do not let these idiots unmotivate you,
Don't forget,
In the end of the day we spend time on our hobies to get pe1/2/3 we like, share the world, and that is all  :thumbsup:
I am quite happy about Win7PESE and Gena all running on these soul power, I hope to see you continue in anyway you like  :great:

see you

Re: It was
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 10:46:11 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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Thank you my friend, good to be with nice people  :smile:

I promise you that I do not cheat, screen shot taken at 0:39 French time.
Excluded, Impossible to connect but I'm in the Online members list.


The game continues  :wink:

Re: It was
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2012, 06:21:30 AM »


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Hi ChrisR! :great:
I'm sorry that in a technical forum, intervenes policy. :ohmy:
I wish all this had no impact on the development of a wonderful project. :great:

Re: It was
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2012, 06:41:26 AM »


  • Code Baker
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Hi together,

my name is in different forums a other.
I hope you are not worry so i post here my 50 cent.

The reboot forum software had big problems and was for 2-3 days offline.
I think Nuno and PscEX have read here in this night or in this moment and
Nuno have send you a PN for coming back and delete this post here.  :help:
Win7PE_SE ist the best Project for WB since Win7RescuePE from Joshua and the ohter good men in the good old bootland forum.
I am shure, you have only problems with the forumsoftware. Nuno never will kill you the account. He is not so stupid.  :bungi:
You are the first motor of the engine for WB and for Nuno. Without your fantastic project he will have not much klicks.

The other WB projects are in my opinion not bad, but they don't work without errors in all rights.
They have not the support and not the backing and not the encouragement from Lancelot, JFX and all your forum masters like here.

Don't forget,
In the end of the day we spend time on our hobies to get pe1/2/3 we like, share the world, and that is all  :thumbsup:

I agree with this 100%. It is for the most from us more a child than a hobby for me, but it is important to have fun and good friend's.  :drunk:

Now my last theorem. LiveSystem pro is also here and it wait's for good scriptdevelopers and the best. It is complete free and a really good software.
Here the blend new tutorial. (pdf)  :transformer:
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 10:41:38 PM by Turnkey, Reason: edit a small error »

Re: It was
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2012, 07:26:58 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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In case Turnkey is correct, I've hidden this topic.  :shhh: I can move it back public once it is verified that Chris' account has been suspended.

Of course, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Nuno has suspended his account. :wacko: The same thing happened for me. In my case, Nuno just made up an excuse to have me kicked out. :thumbdown:

Quote from: Nuno Brito
I don't like staged dramas and this community is not the place to host them

If Nuno was serious, he'd have to suspend himself and PscEx. :smiling9: He says he doesn't like staged dramas, but his entire response was staged, and we've seen lots of staged dramas from him the last number of years. If someone were just reading Chris' reply and then saw he was suspended based on that, you would conclude that it is a case of total overreaction. :overreaction: However, as we now know, Nuno has other motivations driving his actions. :ph34r:

It's good to be camping somewhere outside reboot, let me say.



Re: It was
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2012, 10:08:00 AM »


  • XPE Baker
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100% agree with all you and Amalux's forecasts.
and I am only the logical following of that and the chaos of 2010.

Nuno is in a suicidal approach. He need nobody to sink.
It does not seem able to get his engine going again, to call into question (his ego probably).
And to separate from that PeterEx idiot, which has done so much damage. Or maybe a dual personality between writing and what Nuno is really.

My account is really suspended (probably a display bug), there is no turning back.
as you feel Galapo to reopen :smile:


Re: It was
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 02:07:38 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Thank you my friend, good to be with nice people  :smile:

I promise you that I do not cheat, screen shot taken at 0:39 French time.
Excluded, Impossible to connect but I'm in the Online members list.
That is I believe about their bad forum engine which fails on many other places all the time,
or maybe manupulated to show some numbers higher than it actually is  :wink: still bad engine (no surprise on my side )


Now my last theorem. LiveSystem pro is also here and it wait's for good scriptdevelopers and the best. It is complete free and a really good software.
Here the blend new tutorial. (pdf)  :transformer:

sadly I do not have time, aside all it is all German to me which is hard to catch,
I believe you are doing a very good job on lsp forum for German users , which my belief proved recently by a "locked" topic elsewhere  :wink:

It is good to see a nice pdf document  :thumbsup:
a chm and web document would be nice too, since finding (searching) is easy on chm also with google
(ps: a good advice, never use cloud thingies for web document, use your own servers, like all other respected developers (ex: autoit ) do )

Keep the good work  :thumbsup:

Nuno never will kill you the account. He is not so stupid.  :bungi:
don't underestimate stupidness level of people, and don't mix with "luck"  :wink:

They are stupid, but only lucky at very begining by making right choices, with result of being sassy stupidness starts and continues...

Imagine 5-10 years ago, iPhone - Samsung phones, compare today,
Remember things happened when Steve Jobs fired (proving all these "high educated" Apple Board of Directors stupid) at times when ferrari of personal computer was a mac.....


It's good to be camping somewhere outside reboot, let me say.

With full agreement of all rest,
it is good for projects since hoby time goes mostly to development (instead of spending time to reply lies of stupid people),
and most of all,
it is good for wife(s) and girlfriend(s) too  :lol: :smile:


Nuno is in a suicidal approach. He need nobody to sink.
It does not seem able to get his engine going again, to call into question (his ego probably).
And to separate from that PeterEx idiot, which has done so much damage. Or maybe a dual personality between writing and what Nuno is really.
With agreement to all,
Dual personality vision comes from their being hypocritical.

I remember times when me and Galapo (naivly) trying to wake up Nuno expressing him Peter doing bad for the future of wb and projects,
And at one point, we figure out Nuno was the one all behind, and only fooling us with his hypocritical mask.

In time I see Nuno tried to fool (try his luck) to fool other developers (7z I remember), which they all respond "no" to his proposal of joining shitland, which I believe they are "experienced" enough not to buy such game on this "pc" world.

Remember what you've thought about things at that times when we were fighting on such topics  :lol: , yep they are "good" enough to "fool" newbies, but not everyone, and even being novice changes in time.

Annnyway, I am mostly happy about people continuing what they start in one way or another  :thumbsup:


Re: It was
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2012, 09:41:59 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Given the verification that ChrisR has indeed been suspended by Nuno from the reboot forum, I've moved this topic back to public view. Somebody may as well get a laugh from reading this to turn something good out of the rediculous.  :heh:

Quote from: Nuno Brito (
In the end of the day, I choose to devote my energy to help those who contribute to our community than worrying about those who once were supported by the community and now see us (or me) as an obstacle to their individual success.

Nuno is always twisting things. Sure, we here supported and contributed to his community (some for a very long time). However, it is simply not true to say that we have view him or his forum "as an obstacle to their individual success." He seems totally unable to grasp the nature of a hobby work. We simply do not care about success, click numbers, income -- this is a hobby. Since he can't understand this, everything is construed as an attack, that we're after success at his expense, and so on. In his mind, he had to get rid of us because, in his thinking, we'd become an obstacle to his own individual success. :tongue: :whistling:

By choosing to, in his words, "devote [his] energy to help those who contribute to [his] community", which is really when boiled down amounts to Psc, he has driven everyone away and been left with little development there. Just a buggy Ex-builder for an Ex-project.  :wacko:


Re: It was
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2012, 12:23:10 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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I just saw the topic "A topic that will soon be deleted or locked"
Thank you Galapo to clarify publicly my suspenssion when the courage lack to other !!!
Wonko, I can understand "a bit" how you feel. What mess.

I myself also asked the question, on this topic style (elsewhere also, of course).
If it could not have a more negative effect other than to open eyes.
But, we each have our own personality, our temperament, so goes life.

But frankly, is what I say, my recent attitude, my public request about the updated of the downloaded list of servers was really aggressive and harmful.
I think I've proven for more than 2 years that I was someone sociable, polite, positive and always ready to serve.
I learned a lot (still much to learn) and I also gave much in a good spirit.
My pleasure is just to develop and share a nice project with nice people without seeking power and this is not my livelihood!
So what is the logic ?
But the concern is not me, it is deeper, since it repeated itself.

And therefore without real explanation, founded, logic, ...
It is certainly not so bad to say some truths.

Re: It was
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2012, 01:03:47 PM »


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Poor Nuno,  he put himself in a catch22. :frusty:
He needs developers generating value added on his site but at the same time he hates them :fencing: proportionally to their capacity.
It’s like Sir Frank Williams firing his F1 pilots because they drive better than him.

If you are a developer it is a matter of time before you are in trouble  :censored: with Nuno Brito and his “team” of c**k suckers.
Forget about hobby stuff, he’s not a real coder anymore, now he is re-coding Shitbilder in Java  but he pays for the development…
The only think he really cares about today it’s the rank of his website…

Soon  :titanic: if going to be no more than people looking for help but the “helpers” are going to be far gone.

Nuno  :you_rock:

Re: It was
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2012, 02:23:42 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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But frankly, is what I say, my recent attitude, my public request about the updated of the downloaded list of servers was really aggressive and harmful.

sure not, since what you ask is for the community's sake  :thumbsup: (so they do not get trouble to old, not working copy)
but nuno brito, jaclaz (wonko) and peter schang do not care community, they have their own agenda...

I think I've proven for more than 2 years that I was someone sociable, polite, positive and always ready to serve.
My pleasure is just to develop and share a nice project with nice people without seeking power and this is not my livelihood!
as long as anyone who use winbuilder to create a hoby and successfull project, it does not matter color, nationality, belief, religion.... if he success, he will be suspended from shitland (  :great: (winbuilder sin, you are currently last proof of that)

It is certainly not so bad to say some truths.
another reason to be suspended or annoyed from shitland (  :great:

I learned a lot (still much to learn) and I also gave much in a good spirit.
:thumbsup: :great: :thumbsup: :great:

So what is the logic ?
But the concern is not me, it is deeper, since it repeated itself.
And therefore without real explanation, founded, logic, ...

The logic behind the "kick" (suspend / annoy ) routine is quite easy to follow, to people who knows these gang team of shitland ( (= Nuno Brito , Peter Schang, Jaclaz=Wonko)

Casting is: Peter Schang as bad boy, Nuno Brito as deaf boy, Jaclaz-Wonko as logic bender

Step 1: you will get a successfull winbuilder project, that takes attention to end users  :thumbsup:
Step 2: you will be annoyed by Peter Schang on your project topics, with supervision of Nuno Brito and Jaclaz-Wonko,
( not sure, but I guess, nightman - VistaPE  left at this point )
Step 3: if step 2 not enough, winbuilder will be updated with some weird things to sabotage your project
( alanf - pe21 , JFX - Multi7PESE left at this point)
it will take a long while as long as you postpone responding them
Step 4: if step3 is not enough, you will be suspended/kicked...
( Galapo & Lancelot - livexp ended, opened with GenaPE project
JonF suspended, VistaPECapi ended,
and now ChrisR suspended )

ps: up to Galapo & Lancelot , projects always ended, after us good people continue gathering and developing to share and continue on things they work on  :thumbsup:

Step 4 subroutine is quite fun indeed :
it would be too high expectation (requires dignity) from Nuno Brito to open a topic with title "Win7PESE - ChrisR suspended" with posting saying "I simply do not like him, it is my forum, I suspend his membership" :)
Step 4_1)
On a topic you or other created, a post to you to react, either with fakeid or trueide
Step 4_2)
whatever you react, a word or anything else picked from your post, to fabricate a reason of your suspension
you post: I like apple
suspension reason: we are on windows support topic, your account suspended (or no reason written at all)
Step 4_3)
related topic closed (and new ones will be opened, by jaclaz or peter schang)
Step 4_4)
Jaclaz would post or create topic(s) with things to express "I am the wise you little boys fighting" kind of post with bending logics of lies.
(at the right time, it can be at Step 4_4 or Step 4_2 or both .....)
it part of a post game of distraction from suspension and reason behind it.....
ex (with latest logic bend of jaclaz - wonko) :
Linus Torvalds cause enthropy increase with an old fashioned libel war against unix, windows, ios etc. so he is a bad man, stubborn, guerrilla etc. who sadden other people,  hence live a miserable & depressive life, with him being so negative and so far from reality, totally unproductive  :lol: :lol: :lol:
--> what a nice way to distract attention  :wink:
in Reality:
thanks to Linux Torvalds  :great:
also thanks to JFX, Galapo, ChrisR, Turnkey,
... all people who share good things with good soul on free internet community  :cool:
Step 4_5)
some little number of others (fake or real id) post some supportive posts to jaclaz/nuno

(sub sub routines exists, I try to keep short)

ps: this routine is about public-post game on shitland, there are also other games like trying to sabotage with fakeid members, using unpublic communications to threaten or misinform others,.... games games never ends :) , since ChrisR was the last "good" man left on shitland-wb part, I wonder what will be next game be  :lol:

Reminding Goal: Locking topics, or splitting topics main goal is to distract attention from suspension (or whatever) to some stupid things which contains "bended logics" etc,
team casts nicely for this goal  :great: ,
(ps: "bended logics" used widely by gang and some others, besides they are not as good as "logic bender jaclaz-wonko" ;) )
which is not (easly) tracable by normal people who google around on internet  :wink:
That is the main reason not opening a simple topic as I wrote initially,
which in the end they success with their Goal  :great: :great:

The initial logic behind the decision of ChrisR - Win7PESE kick out of shitland is related to amalux comments and
hidden motivations Nuno Brito, Peter Schang and Jaclaz-Wonko have $$$,
whatever I do not care but obviously does not have any dignity :great:

From my part, it is fun to watch, although I even spend too much time to post on current topic,
it is still fun to comment on this news, especially smiled a lot on writings steps....

Aside learning many nice things on pe and windows, I've learned dirty games on forums from professionals gamers, which to me nice experience  :great: Thanks to these immature but clever people  :thumbsup:

nice to be camping here, and I promise,
 :camping: :bbq:
with my next wide free time I will do much more  :thumbsup:


Re: It was
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2012, 07:11:34 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Casting is: Peter Schang as bad boy, Nuno Brito as deaf boy, Jaclaz-Wonko as logic bender
Well, I already wrote ChrisR my thoughts on this topic and although the aforementioned (somewhat peculiar) guys were nice to me on (step 1...?), I fully understand the uttered opinions.

For me, Win7PESE is a great project, it suits best my current needs and I was very happy about the friendliness and the support of people here helping out a newbie. :great:
That's the reason why I'll be on cordial terms with ChrisR's project and why I'm willing to support it as best I can.

Keep up your great work, Chris! And let's keep up TheOven, too!
Best regards!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 07:16:35 PM by Mikka »

Re: It was
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2012, 09:02:59 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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Thank you very much for your support :thumbup: :thumbsup: :thumbup:

Re: It was
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2012, 12:40:25 AM »


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You got my support! Great work, ChrisR!  :worship:

Re: It was
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2012, 03:51:12 AM »


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@ Lancelot

I do know that you and Galapo never liked the WB engine as it is too buggy and the only reason to stay with WB is the absence of another alternative.Is it possible to use Kare's LSP to build Gena or Win7PE SE?.It looks like a good alternative to me (if Kare is not going to make it a payware like DIPE).
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 03:53:24 AM by anshad »

Re: It was
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2012, 08:17:26 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi anshad,

Yes possible, but the time required is quite huge,
more probable for Win7PESE , which I guess next generation will be lead by JFX again, hopefully side by side with ChrisR.

Well, we made a huge time consuming work to get projects well, mature, and **easly share** in between,
sharing is to me most important, since what one of us find and update, others benefits easly,
so what rest left to us is maintance with spending small time  :thumbsup:
and for the rest of time (if/when exists) making new additions......

Kare/LSP made some decisions in the past, that currently do not make such task easy, maybe Kare make things in future to ease such tasks  :wink: ,
till than if you are willing to make a builder having great time, you will sure get our support on tests/developments  :cool:
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 08:18:16 PM by Lancelot »

Re: It was
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2012, 11:17:26 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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I do know that you and Galapo never liked the WB engine

I wouldn't say that myself. Both Lancelot and I gave WB lots of support in the past. Both of us had been big fans of PEBuilder, but both moved across to WB. It was really fun back in the early years.

However, in time we grew to not so much dislike the WB engine per se so much as dislike the development of decisions behind it. We needn't go into that here unless you specifically want me to outline more of an explanation in this regard.  :wink:


Re: It was
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2012, 07:10:17 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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As usual, Galapo explained what is in my mind , shortly and nicely  :lol:  :grin:

It was really fun back in the early years.
Indeed it was, I had more, wider plans to use such a tool .....
Still, finding our ways on TheOven is quite fun  :thumbsup:

Re: It was
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2012, 09:52:02 AM »


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Both Gena and Win7PE SE is in a very stable stage now after years of bug fixing and dedicated work from good people like you.I understand that porting those projects to a new engine will be difficult and time consuming.My heart will always be with you :thumbsup:


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