I met this boring problem too, It seems to be related, among others, to the number of shortcuts created for the Modern Apps View or StartScreen

I see two things in relation for now:
Windows Driver Foundation was added, 2 weeks ago, in Mandatory. It already seems to improve this concern. I do not know if you have already downloaded it?
And Indeed, as Doberman said, it seems to be some limitations in Windows8.1 FBWF driver

Like Doberman

, I added also the Windows Embedded tandard 8 fbwf.sys x86/x64 (delta patch to remain legal). WES8 fbwf seems to work better for our need.
In addition, we can choose 768 Mb and 1024 Mb Fbwf size, if you have enough RAM.
By selecting all the Apps and components, it worked properly here with 512 Mb

Updated scripts are on server, I hope it will be better for you, let me know.