Topic: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)  (Read 6511 times)

Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« on: September 17, 2017, 05:46:17 PM »


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**** The icon has been solved by ChrisR below, but looking into the available network flyout currently before this topic is marked solved.

Why is this disabled by default? It looks like you are hiding the wireless tray icon on purpose in the "Network" script.

I already autostart PENetwork and start it to tray with no GUI - this is good for wired network connection and I maximize from tray for wireless.  Seamless enough.  But thinking it would look much cleaner if built in wired/wireless icon was in systray instead.  I would love to work on this but cannot find anything anyone else has done besides ChrisR as he made the notes about hiding the icon in the "Network" script

How do I unhide and re-add the wireless icon back to the systray?  There is a section in "Network" that says it hides the wireless icon for Win10 (line 1227 in "Network" script source) but when I // that line the network icon still does not appear in the tray. Is there something else that you already know of that I need to do to show it? Maybe something I need to add to "Pintool"?

The reason I'm asking is, if I CTRL-ALT-DEL (Win 8 Style Task Manager - With Network.script and PE Network script installed)I can get to a network icon and select a wireless network, and enter credentials or use wps to authenticate.  It works good.  Its not perfect but with PE network installed and not running in tray all these features seem to come to life and the only thing missing is the network tray icon...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 01:26:14 AM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2017, 07:30:22 AM »


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A shortcut can be made to open the wifi flyout in explorer.

explorer.exe ms-availablenetworks:

It crashes in PE, works fine in regular Win10 as expected.

Hopefully this gets us closer.  Will update if progress is made.

Attached a pic of the error. 
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 06:21:01 PM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2017, 11:34:17 PM »


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I have made progress on your first question, to display the Network tray icon.
It was not very far, I made some little adjustments  for the netprofm service to work and to get the pnidui Icon.
To start the service (not done, see below), we need to use: SystemSetupInProgress=0 > net start netprofm > SystemSetupInProgress=1.

However, we need PENetwork to view the WiFi hotspot. The "modern" network and internet settings apps does not work in PE.
I personally prefer the PENetwork's animated icon. It seems better also for loading the right network adapter and with in bonus, the penetwork profile.

For these, the network service and dependencies are not used by default but remains available with an option behind the advanced button. Then it is up to you to start the netprofm service in autorun.cmd or probably better, in Penetwork_after.cmd.
The Network plugin is on server.

I saw that you are in contact with Gandalf. I hope he will give(write) credit to Win10PE SE, as it should, for its next 15063 build. Following my latest release  :wink:
It seems there is room for ready-made compilations, ISO (legal, hmm) like his own or Kyhi and others. For those who do not have the time to learn and build themselves.
However, I'm not sure they are really optimized with the size of boot.wim (all apps in Ram, Firefox+chrome for kyhi and other duplicates, driversss) even if recent computers have sufficient RAM. But well, users seems satisfied.
I'm not a grumpy and I have nothing against them but the thing that disturbs me, are all the thanks given as if the whole building was made by them alone. And above all, Gandalf as Kyhi receive them without saying more!!!
What would it be without the original project! The credit for the compilation, all tests done, the support is not enough!! I let them to think about that.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 11:40:33 PM by ChrisR »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2017, 03:28:00 PM »


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Your the best! ChrisR to the Rescue! :super_hero: The icon is in the tray and shows activity!  I want to keep PE network in the start menu just in case. Thank you so much for helping all of us with this!

One last question is possible on this topic.

If I Ctrl-Alt-Del with the Win8 Task Manager, I can click the stock network icon on THAT screen, and a network list flyout WILL SHOW  me all the available networks, and let me enter password and connect. With taskbar icon you just fixed, I cannot get the flyout to display, With flyout list I won't have to explain how to connect to a network to someone I give this to as a rescue disk.(Like my mother who lives 2000 miles away - it is already going to be difficult to get her to boot from usb, lol - I pin Anydesk in the start menu so all anyone would need to do is get on wifi and read me the number to help) - So not just for my mother but for my friends too. I was hoping since that is the last thing possible, maybe we were so close it wouldn't be too hard to find the last part of the puzzle.  I will keep trying myself and post anything I find, but I know your busy so if you can't or are not interested I completely understand and am super grateful for everything you've done not just for this but also everything for all of us. 

You are amazing and we would be lost without you. (I was worried you were gone and weren't coming back - we NEED you!)

I will tell you one thing.  This project means a lot to me, your project, the 10PESE.  I help technicians when they get stuck, that's what I do at work, and help friends and family after work. At work I make sure all our techs have what they need. I make USB's for them.  I started downloading Gandalfs last year. I modified his heavily by editing the WIM but it too limited I needed to learn to build so I came here.  My technicians are constantly thanking me and telling me I'm the "man".  I constantly remind them that I'm using PESE and they could do it too by coming here, but they don't want to spend the time so they are happy giving thanks instead of trying to learn so they can spend their time elsewhere. What I wanted to say to you is that it bothers me too, I know why I'm able to get a USB to boot and look this good and its because of you and the others here at the oven. I would NEVER allow someone to give me credit for my build as if I did it all by myself, or for anything other than my time and determination but mostly my time lol, this stuff takes forever. 

Thanks again for all your help,  I made sure to link this thread where it would be seen.

I do need to add one last comment to this.  Gandalf's November build he did give thanks to "All those over at" in his download post.  That is how I found my way here. It took me a long time to register because the "captcha" code wouldn't work with Edge browser and the site wouldn't let me register.  It wasn't until later I realized it was my browser. (There are probably a lot of people that think they can't register for this forum because they think registration is closed/broken.)  I'm not saying enough credit was given, that is for you to determine, but I did find you because of it.  :grin:

KYHI, I have spoken with as well but not about  I do see that he was banned.- Either way none of us would be able to do this without you.  I would never exclude, You, JFX, Lancelot, etc from credit. This is where I am learning to bake! :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 01:23:53 AM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2017, 04:17:37 PM »


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I am digging through for clues for the flyout. Pictured from a NON-PE build below


It is the network list that appears when you click the wifi icon.

I am going to try to figure out how to manually register the class if I can. Maybe a dead end but only one way to find out.

I think its DCOM "AvailableNetworksExperienceFlow" and/or URI for "ms-availablenetworks:" that needs to be registered for the flyout to work.

I don't know if you realize how close you are to having this working it is only the flyout from the icon in the taskbar that is missing.  If PE network is loaded as a component then closed after the network is started all the native networking UI (as far as functionality) is already working.

Below are pics of everything except the icon flyout working perfectly in Win10PESE my current build. Shown via Ctrl-Alt-Del (Win 8 Style through shell\explorer.script)

« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 04:44:58 AM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2017, 09:40:38 PM »


  • Moderator, Code Baker
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Maybe not as close as I thought.  If ms-availablenetworks: URI displays a error when I enter it into command prompt, but not when I click the network icon, that means there is another step somewhere to make the icon clickable, so not just the class register.  Hrmm :confused: - So not only 1 thing now 2... :sad:

Will still keep trying anyway...
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 09:41:33 PM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2017, 10:11:54 PM »


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Some progress made...

Using the following registry keys I have started the process "manually" and "incorrectly" registering the URI.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:Available Networks Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""





Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"RunAs"="Interactive User"


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




This is not 100% correct but I can see I am moving in the right direction.  The error screens are changing. Now the first error actually includes the URI name, it did not before.  One reason is adding MS-AvailableNetworks: to HKCR because it isn't listed there at all in a default build.  The other reason is because with the keys in place, even though the keys aren't perfect yet, the command is actually trying to access the URI and giving an "access denied" now, which makes me feel like I'm getting closer..(Probably the "Launch Permission" key value is part of the problem, I pulled this value from another key inside the PE registry) I've never manually registered a class before so it's a little slow going.

Will keep working on this =)

Also I see in line 394 of Shell\ 1 - Explorer Shell.script some "experimental" entries for "wifi in taskbar" I'm assuming this is only for the icon and not for the flyout..
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 01:21:34 AM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2017, 01:06:47 AM »


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I was just thinking how did you get the battery and volume flyouts to work?

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2017, 03:48:33 AM »


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The "modern" network and internet settings apps does not work in PE.

I know these are related but I do not think they are the same.  Clicking the "Network and internet settings" link in the Wifi flyout opens another window.  When inside that window if you select the link for Wifi>Show Available Networks, it doesn't display in the "Network and internet settings" it kicks you over to the flyout instead.  I think they are separate but I might be wrong.  If ctrl-alt-del flyout works so should this one be possible. -- Is there a way to call the flyout for ctrl-alt-del while on the desktop I wonder?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 03:56:02 AM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2017, 12:29:46 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Take it easy.

You can create a plugin easily with
Utils\"PC Packed" plugin  ----> "e" button at right down

and others tools available
Procmon, Utils\RegCPE etc.

And further test new things till you success.

It always takes time to discover new things to implement to PE.

ps: Use codebox to add codes to your posts
see # button when you reply a post

slowly....  :wink:

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2017, 12:38:28 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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It seems there is room for ready-made compilations, ISO (legal, hmm) l
At old times, nobody could download even xp iso easily from internet (550 MB very big),
 so most had to learn how to use pebuilder.

After some time,
First good well maintained famous ready-made iso distribution I knew was hiren , others vanish in some year.

After some time,

I never had time or will to create a ready-made iso distribution elsewhere internet.
If you have time, feel free.  :wink: :thumbsup: :great:

I'm not a grumpy and I have nothing against them but the thing that disturbs me, are all the thanks given as if the whole building was made by them alone. And above all, Gandalf as Kyhi receive them without saying more!!!
What would it be without the original project! The credit for the compilation, all tests done, the support is not enough!! I let them to think about that.

It is all about self-respect which does not exist.  :horse:

I still have to ban even same  :lol: post gamers a dozen of times a year .  :cool:

Well we create to continue our hobby without disturb but only contributions,
 and success,
 WinSE more success and more ready iso.  :cool:

Just keep your motivation. Everything slowly.  :great:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 12:51:04 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2017, 03:44:12 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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Not the choice to go slowly and keep some motivation after years.
I have to work too, and earn my living for my family.

The Win10 Network Flyout is a "modern" metro application. There is no support for them in PE.
Perhaps a day in future after some contributions but it seems really heavy for a PE.
Fortunately we have PENetwork that does the job very well  :thumbsup:

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2017, 04:46:35 PM »


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I understand, there is no desire because there is an already working component available.  I will keep trying and hopefully get it. 

Probably try to look deeper into LogonUI.exe (lock screen) and find out how the flyout there works, it is currently working so maybe I can port it, binding it to the icon will be my next step if I solve this.  Until then I will use it this way and connect to wifi with ctrl-alt-del network list.  Wired no flyout needed.  And network and sharing center works well enough to enter static IP's etc etc.  Point being any windows user can use it without having to explain how PENetwork works..

Thanks for getting me started with this @ChrisR you are the best!


Sweet!! The pnidui.dll (wifi icon) DOES NOT USE the modern UI for its Flyout when HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Settings\Network -DWORD- ReplaceVan is set to 2 (0 is default.  0 DOES use modern 2 does not)
BUT that alone doesn't get it working. I used procmon to follow the mouse click on the newly re-added icon and it IS registering a click and calling to some CLSID and APPID's in the registry.  I am currently tracing it back, I think I'm getting closer as I add my finds to the PE registry, I am slowly getting farther down the process list to more entries that are being called.  ----  This is all being handled by EXPLORER.EXE(it will work! yay!) -not- SystemSettingsBroker.exe(modern) <---This was tested in REAL win 10 and in PE 10 - Def doesn't use modern, that's why it works on lock screen..

Now just more time.  Will keep updated in THIS post, will keep appending, don't want to annoy moderators with extra posts. So check here for progress and if your reading this and interested lend a hand...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 05:49:25 AM by bob.omb »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2017, 09:36:53 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Will keep updated in THIS post, will keep appending, don't want to annoy moderators with extra posts.

Moderator says: Do the opposite .
With other words :
Do not edit your post for new things,
 always put new post so everyone notified from your development.


Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2017, 09:59:02 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Reminding Chris post:
The Win10 Network Flyout is a "modern" metro application. There is no support for them in PE.

If you also like to work on the modern UI , There is an easier way to test.

I just updated
Components\'Calculator' plugin
with a
"BETA TEST" checkbox

If you can get calculator work, than you open gate to all metro application related things.  :wink:

Just reminding:
Utils\'PC Packed' plugin have small "e" button (right-bottom) to create new empty plugins.
Downloads\Yomi\'Basic Project' will get you faster builds with some additional features to ease development.

Good luck on wifi icon development.  :thumbsup:

« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 02:28:33 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2017, 02:57:16 AM »


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Ran into almost the same problem. Just wanted to say I appreciate the solution from Chris. You're a lifesaver!

Re: Network Icon in System Tray (Not the PENetwork Icon)
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2017, 07:31:33 PM »


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Are you able to use the flyout or are you using Win8 Task manager and PENetwork with services only option during build and using ctrl-alt-del to connect?


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