so using latest upload by apt im getting
[Error] [ME] ShellExecuteEx - The system cannot find the file specified. (ShellExecuteEx,#1,#2,#3,#4) (Line 557)
FurMark_1.24.1.0_Setup.exe is the setup file
it looks like the latest setup is not being extracted.
i used this tool and was able to extract inno.exe v0.49 seems not to support
Signature detected: Inno Setup Setup Data (6.1.0) (u)
This is not directly supported, but i'll try to unpack it as version 6000
; Version detected: 6100 (Unicode)
Unpacking failed. This version is not supported.
latest version working
for those who are adventurous and want to use latest version.
download extract this into tools folder
change code in script line 85
ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/c %GTools%\innoextract.exe -d#$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%#$q #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%#$q",%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%
ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C ren #$q%GTemp%\%ProgramFolder%\app#$q #$q%ProgramFolder%#$q"