Topic: How can I change "Computer Name" in the "Win10PE SE" Project? Please Help!  (Read 201 times)


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Hi there everybody...  :grin:

Well the "old fart" actually managed to build and successfully add a program/app to my "Win10PE SE" Project build and burn it to a USB and it all more or less booted and ran ok.  :great:

Not a bad start since the last time I ran Winbuilder was back in the WinXp and Win7 days... LOl  :thumbsup:

I am 69 and I am REALLY amazed how much I've forgotten, but the old brain cells are FINALLY waking up and some of it is coming back to me... LOL  :great: :w00t: :grin: :thumbsup:


Here's my current challenge.

How do I Change the "Computer Name" on my "Win10PE SE" Project? The Plugin/Script/app name is "Exp MyComputer_Name.script" created by @apinux

At the moment The Win10PE SE "Computer Name" feature is configured to create a "Computer Name" something like "minint-bloa8ffor" and which interestingly changes randomly.  That is very nice.  :thumbsup:

In the Win10XPE "Computer Name" changing section there are two "Wildcard" Variables "+" AND "?". Are there similar "Wildcard" Variables for the Win10PESE "Computer Name" changing features/plugins/scripts/apps?

In Win10XPE "DESKTOP-?+?+?+?" gives me "Wildcard" results which also changes randomly. How can I do the same/similar in Win10PESE?  :confused:

I would like to have a Win10PE SE Computer Name that is more like "DESKTOP-R3M2JM7".  :thumbsup:

Where is the Computer Name Feature/Plugin/App located in the Winbuilder "Win10PE SE" Project?  :confused:

I have unsuccessfully  :confused: :mad:  tried to change the "Computer Name"  with: 

Tweaks > Computer - Name

Finals > Optimizations

The Plugin/Script/app name is "1-50_Optimizations.script" created by @Lancelot & @ChrisR.

Where is the Info and/or Docs on the proper usage of these features located?  :confused: :w00t: :tongue:

What am I doing wrong?  :w00t:

Suggestions anyone?  :confused:

Thanks in advance!  :thumbsup: :great:

TG (Old Fart) :great: :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 08:03:55 AM by tgparker2011 »


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Well gang, I've tried EVERYTHING and I still don't know how to get proper, consistent, reliable results with EITHER of the Computer Name Sub-Menu Options in Win10PESE.  :confused:

1.) The "Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Sub-Menu.
2.) The "Finals > Optimizations" Sub-Menu.

I have tried all the different settings and combinations and I am still confused and NOT getting reliable results.  :w00t:

I have also been unable to locate ANY articles, docs, or help files what to do. I've even read the two "script" files:

"Exp MyComputer_Name.script" created by @apinux
"1-50_Optimizations.script" created by @Lancelot & @ChrisR.

I have still been unable to make either of these Plugins/Scripts/Apps  work correctly.  :confused: :w00t:

I still need help with this! :confused: :w00t: :tongue:

SO HERE is my Request. Would someone please explain to me the settings required with:

1.) The "Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Sub-Menu.
2.) The "Finals > Optimizations" Sub-Menu.

To give me the Following RESULT if possible: "DESKTOP-A9A9A9A" the "A9A9A9A" part being a random changing variable in a similar way the COMPUTER NAME feature defaults to "minint-bloa8ffor" AND/OR the way the COMPUTER NAME feature works in Win10XPE. Simply put, I want to change "minint-bloa8ffor" to "DESKTOP-BLOA8FFOR".

Thanks in advance, 



« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 06:47:01 AM by tgparker2011 »


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I tried various combinations of settings. I was able to create a fixed static "Computer Name" in lower case:

Computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)
Full computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)

I tried various characters likely to be "wildcard variables" that might generate random numbers and letter characters, namely: "*", "$", "+", "?", yet I was unable to generate a "Computer Name" with random characters and letters like with the Win10XPE "Computer Name" feature. If such a "Wildcard Variable" does in fact exist for WinPE SE, I would be grateful if someone could post it there in the reply section below.

Here are some of the test scenarios that I tried with their respective results.

Scenario 1.)
"Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Box checked.
'ProjectName' Option selected
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in "Custom" Box.

"Finals > Optimizations" Box checked.
"Use static ComputerName" Box checked.
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in PE "ComputerName" box.

"This PC" main folder renamed to "Win10PE"
Computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)
Full computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)

Scenario 2.)
"Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Box checked.
'Custom' Option selected
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in "Custom" Box.

"Finals > Optimizations" Box checked.
"Use static ComputerName" Box checked.
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in PE "ComputerName" box.

"This PC" main folder renamed to "Win10PE"
Computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)
Full computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)

Scenario 3.)
"Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Box Unchecked.
'Custom' Option selected
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in "Custom" Box.

"Finals > Optimizations" Box checked.
"Use static ComputerName" Box checked.
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in PE "ComputerName" box.

"This PC" main folder remains the same.
Computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)
Full computer name: "desktop-a1b2c3d" (NB. letter characters in lower case)

Scenario 4.)
"Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Box Unchecked.
'Custom' Option selected
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in "Custom" Box.

"Finals > Optimizations" Box checked.
"Use static ComputerName" Box Unchecked.
"DESKTOP-A1B2C3D" entered in PE "ComputerName" box.

"This PC" main folder remains the same.
Computer name: "minint-a1b2c3d". "a1b2c3d" in randon wildcard letters and numbers. (NB. Generates "wildcard" numerical & letter characters in lower case)
Full computer name: "mini-a1b2c3d" "a1b2c3d" in randon wildcard letters and numbers. (NB. Generates "wildcard" numerical & letter characters in lower case)

I hope that this helps, also I'd be grateful for any information how to make this feature work more reliably.


« Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 08:17:57 PM by tgparker2011 »


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Do you use PENetwork (component) ?

Among other things, it has the option to set the computer name correctly.


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TY for your message? PENetwork. Wow! Awesome!  :thumbsup: :grin: :thumbsup: :lol:
Can you please recommend where I can find any PENetwork related docs, articles, YouTubes, help files, etc., where I can learn how to configure PENetwork correctly? :confused: :great:

BTW are you still using Win10PE SE? Or have you moved on to Win10XPE? :grin:

Blessings! TY :lol:

TG :grin:

Do you use PENetwork (component) ?

Among other things, it has the option to set the computer name correctly.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2020, 11:29:59 AM by tgparker2011 »


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I think most of the essential details are described in the config example (ini file) or config gui.

Yes, I still using Win10PE SE, I use pretty old W10 source,
 a little lazy to move on to the new project, when the old one does what I need  :grin:


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@Nikky:  :grin:

TY for the excellent tip. I located and edited the penetwork.ini file as per your suggestion. :great: :thumbsup:

HOWEVER, for some reason,  either or both "Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Sub-Menu AND "Finals > Optimizations" Sub-Menu Seem to be interfering with PENetwork in some way and I'm still getting the "minint-bloa8ffor" type Computer Name.  :confused: :mad:

How should I disable/uncheck/edit/reconfigure either or both "Tweaks > My Computer - Name" Sub-Menu AND/OR "Finals > Optimizations" Sub-Menu?  :w00t: :confused:

Thanks in advance,  :lol:

Blessings,  :thumbsup:

TG  :lol:

I think most of the essential details are described in the config example (ini file) or config gui.

Yes, I still using Win10PE SE, I use pretty old W10 source,
 a little lazy to move on to the new project, when the old one does what I need  :grin:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2020, 08:25:16 PM by tgparker2011 »


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