but noticed an error on the adjacent logHTML.htmlCode: [Select]1 Error in Plugin [Create ISO] (Win10PESE\Finals\yy_2-iso.script)State MessageError Error - Command [TXTAddLine] can have [3] ~ [4] arguments (TxtAddLine,%w%,"#$q%CreateCDTool%#$q %CreateCD_Parm%")not sure of the relevance
Hi it must be getting late, can't follow simple instructions nowhave attached resultant output of running cmd's in txt
Let me try once more. In line 1031, I see:Code: [Select]TxtAddLine,%w%,"Echo ErrorLevel #$pErrorLevel#$p",AppendI guess there should be a "=" in there, like it is in ML:(example):Code: [Select]TxtAddLine,%BaseDir%\Temp\Macro_Library\Start_Extended.cmd,"Echo ErrorLevel=#$pErrorLevel#$p",Append
I will download en-gb to hopefully reproduce your trouble.Win10_1709_EnglishInternational_x64.iso( en-gb_windows_10_multi-edition_version_1709_updated_sept_2017_x64_dvd_100090819.iso )
btw a temporary workaround has just dawned on me if i use PEBakery without CreateISO enabled, then just run up BuilderSE and 'Create newTarget Image and ISO' I get a working ISO - at least it allows me to continue making my plugins PEBakery compatible
ps:WOW, 2 minutes 14 seconds to build Win10PESE Basic Thanks again ied206.This remind me discussions about speed 8 years ago we all made.... (Yes I was again bad man) Nice to see we do all right way since than, proven by PEBakery.