I hope this is the correct way/place to post a question, wasn't sure where to post in an existing thread.
I am having an issue with the Acronis Backup 12.5 script in Win10XPE Builder (
I have purchased the latest version (12.5.14330), installed and licensed it with our purchased serial. I have activated and verified through the web console. However, when using the above plugin in Win10XPE builder, I noticed the registry location where the script is looking for the license doesn't exist (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\LicensesInfo). I have two other License related keys with possible license data under the BackupAndRecovery key, but I have tried copying those and pasting them into the text box and I still get an unlicensed Acronis Backup instance when booting up the PE. I'm not sure if Acronis changed the way they store the license data or what is going on exactly. I was wondering if I could get some assistance figuring out what is going on. Everything else is setup great in our PE.
Thank you in advance for any assistance, it's appreciated.