Hello there! So I'm new in this kind of stuff and I wanted to do a portable w8.1 personalized with this program "Win81SE80_Builder.exe"
I must say again that I'm REALLY new to this.. Anyways, to be specific, I did a "default settings" image and it worked. Then I tried changing some stuff, adding some programs, and got some errors.. Good, expected since I'm new. Managed to solve the last one I was supposed to have when suddenly I get this WARNING when I start again
"Images Must be UNMOUNTED First (or directory MUST be empty). Exiting..."
This never happened when I did the other parts. I tried changing everything to default to no use, and I'm wondering what's wrong

I get a total of 10 warnings of these before the program tries to unmount wim files, only to abort the mission after it..
I can try to give some more details, like the log but it seems I0m not allowed