I use for booting image a kind of starting system wich i found on the net: easy2boot
If you need additional informations, just ask.
Win10_1809_German_x64 source is working.
I remember you wanted x86 to have lower ram requirement for your tasks with some apps ? (I remember they were small number of apps but you did not gave detail)Question is: do you have enough ram for your tasks when using Win10_1809_German_x64 ?do your apps ?? for your tasks works fine ???
Therefore the plan is to create an lightweight X84 -build and an more complex X64 build.
p.s.: Plugins i still looking for: chrome-plugin, opera-plugin, verycrypt-plugin wich has the actual version.
This is a great project. I used Win10_2004_English_x32.iso for the source. That made the Azin project come to life.
Keep up the great work