Topic: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot  (Read 278 times)

Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2020, 10:30:02 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Thank you Lancelot!

Win10_1809_German_x64 source is working. I have only with 1809.x86 this bsod.

Ah, ok. The questions wich problems exactly occure with arin/azin?
I haven t answered becouse i don t know it anymore.
I would try again it, if i have a working building system wich i am working atm on it.
Don t open to many constrcutions sites at once, or you will get lost - enduser wisdom; )

I use for booting image a kind of starting system wich i found on the net: easy2boot
Its easy to use and it seems it seem work.

My real testhardware is by the way: Core7 3770K on an Asus Board with Z77 -Chipset.
Windows is installed as mbr not uefi. I use uefi only for live-system-tests.
Thanks for your instrcutions.
I test it and response.
If you need additional informations, just ask.


Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2020, 10:55:11 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi enduser,

I use for booting image a kind of starting system wich i found on the net: easy2boot
I feel (not tested) 3rd party apps will be mostly ok with enabled "Run All from Ram"
 Still, there are Plugins provided by the project to be sure in case of failure. :wink:

follow "end-user wisdom  :wink:" , first try with the provided later test with others.  :thumbsup:

If you need additional informations, just ask.
For now, I do not want to distract attention, step by step  :thumbsup:

Win10_1809_German_x64 source is working.
Good  :great:

I remember you wanted x86 to have lower ram requirement for your tasks with some apps ? (I remember they were small number of apps but you did not gave detail)

Question is: do you have enough ram for your tasks when using Win10_1809_German_x64 ?
do your apps ?? for your tasks works fine ???


Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2020, 02:56:50 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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The endusers diary -The fight against the X86_multiCPU-bsd: )

Hey Lancelot first knight of the round:)

I worked everything up like a checklist.
No matter what i did, i allways get this multcpu-bsd if i tried to make an X86-build.
In virtualbox is allways running fine, but not on my real hardware.
But there is an exption:
With this ISO:" 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_S_EVAL_X86FRE_DE-DE" X86_build is working. No BSD, i repaet, no bsd:)
With all other ISOs wich came in question, i had no luck and i think i testet them all.

Status: X64-build is working fine. X-86-build is for reassons i don t know only possible with this ISO "10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_S_EVAL_X86FRE_DE-DE"

Its far from perfect, but for the moment i can life with it.

I also testet again azin project and notet the error down for you: "Install esd not supportet Use a RTM source with install.wim"
It seems there is an difference between rtm? source and esd?
Azin Project works fine with rtm sources like: "19041.264.200511-0456.vb_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTENTERPRISEEVAL_OEMRET_x86FRE_de-de" (But the result like all X86-builds has the bsd)
There was also to read, that you can convert wim in rtm -something?
Well, i remember that i did maybe something similar with the old win7pese-project. Its already to long ago, but i convertet something wim from the iso.
That was then the source for building, bit if i remember correctly, this extractet something, was much bigger then the source.iso.

As i startet now with win10pse, i decided to use only mountet win10-ISOs as source (if there is no important reason to do not).
Win10 can mountet ISOs out of the box and for buiding the live-systems, i use my SSD, becouse its so muuuuuuuuuch faster the my hdd.
But the space on my ssd is very valuable:) Therefore i try to use a less a possibe.

Now i am working on the final -project wich contains the apps i need as X86 and X64 -build.
Then i go deeper into the orgin problem of this thread: apps on y not present at uefi boot.
Then i test for the final project also your run all from ram -hint.
Lets see what happpens;)
I think this all is no sprint, its more  a marathon.
Things needs time and your are learning by doeing.
I learned in the last few days many things i don t know about the project.
Thank you for sharing your knoweldge with me!

I remember you wanted x86 to have lower ram requirement for your tasks with some apps ? (I remember they were small number of apps but you did not gave detail)

Question is: do you have enough ram for your tasks when using Win10_1809_German_x64 ?
do your apps ?? for your tasks works fine ???

I have 16gb of ram. I think and i hope thats enough: )
All apps i`ve testet working fine.
But i am just to order the apps and decide whats i need and whats not.
The most important was that trueimage is working, becouse backup and restore is one of the most important tasks for me.
So for me, i have less sorrows becouse the amount of ram needed, but for my friends an others.
Therefore the plan is to create an lightweight X84 -build and an more complex X64 build.

p.s.: Plugins i still looking for: chrome-plugin, opera-plugin, verycrypt-plugin wich has the actual version.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 03:33:15 PM by enduser »

Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2020, 12:06:32 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi endusers,

As far as I know, RTM sources always has install.wim (I download from TechBench by WZT)

Since it is easy to convert install.esd to install.wim,
 but complicated for projects or cause speed down on build, install.wim is better for all and preferred with ALL projects.

Extracted Wim Folders is another subject different from instal.wim ......
 still, always have install.wim for ALL projects
  I update Win10PESE to work without Extracted Wim Folders only 3 months ago,
  good to see all goes fine on your side from "build" point of view. :thumbsup:

Therefore the plan is to create an lightweight X84 -build and an more complex X64 build.
I will come back to current topic few days later with more x86 things to test.
Download Win10_1809Oct_v2_x86 and Win10_2004_x86 from TechBench to be ready for tests.
 (since TechBench provide RTM sources with install.wim they will work out of box  :wink:)

spend a fun time with your x64 things.

p.s.: Plugins i still looking for: chrome-plugin, opera-plugin, verycrypt-plugin wich has the actual version.
check \Download\ Plugins  .... :wink:

I remember there is veracrypt Plıugin
FireFox Plugin more popular and updated frequently (and Plugin already available)
 I am sure It will be easy to create Opera Plugin which I also like, I do not use Chrome but It should still be easy.

I prefer QTWeb on PE these days, it is very small and enough to browse from PE.

16 GB ram is enough  :lol: :lol: and I believe all x64 pc you will have enough ram to boot Win10PESE.

on the final product, remember changing Finals\PostConfig - Compression --> to Maximum, which will also gain some more ram
(but boring during tests  :lol: )

since you prefer "Run All From Ram", also check "FlatBoot" tutorials on the internet, which will require less ram ... (pros cons ... )

ps: Adding all 3 browsers will get size quite bigger, prefer only 1 of them, FireFox ready for the task.  :wink: QtWeb ready to get smaller. :wink:

many options with advantages and disadvantages, up to your preferences. :thumbsup:

See you later, Have Fun. :turtle:

Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2020, 10:49:58 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Hi Lancelot
This is a great project. I used Win10_2004_English_x32.iso for the source. That made the Azin project come to life. Took a little time to sort out, but I was having a hard time getting the Windows_x86 working and this does the trick. A couple to plugin made the process stop build. The Components "Search" stop the build, so work around is AgentRansack_2016.Script. The Components "SnippingTool" wouldn't run but easy fix
Code: [Select]
//Bypass version temporary
Also added
Code: [Select]
// Free-form Snip
If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,Free-form,RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\TabletPC\Snipping Tool",CaptureMode,1
// Rectangular Snip
If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,Rectangular,RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\TabletPC\Snipping Tool",CaptureMode,2
// Window Snip
If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,Window,RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\TabletPC\Snipping Tool",CaptureMode,3
// Full-screen Snip (No key fot that)
// Added line
RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,"Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\TabletPC\Snipping Tool",IsScreenSketchBannerExpanded,0
Keep up the great work :thumbsup:

Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2020, 12:39:22 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Thanks Prz42

Sniping Tool updated now  :thumbsup:
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins

I believe "Sniping Tool" now works out of the box. :cool:

I believe your other troubles is because there is something wrong at your script.project [IniVariables] OS=Win10PE
Here it works fine  :confused:
 Other words: Here [IniVariables] OS=Win10PE is available during build ?

Can you check Azin script.project :
1) at [Variables] there should not be any %OS% ?
2) at [IniVariables] there should be OS=Win10PE ?

This is a great project. I used Win10_2004_English_x32.iso for the source. That made the Azin project come to life.
Thanks for the Good news.  :great:

A Summer update coming soon (after many delays)

I am sure %99 of your Plugins keep working, If you notice something not working I am sure easy to fix, let me know.  :thumbsup:

Ps: For Future Azin Special questions better on Azin Topic  :thumbsup:

Keep up the great work :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 01:48:29 AM by Lancelot »

Re: Apps on Y-?-Drive not present at UEFI -Boot
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2020, 01:54:17 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi Prz42

Forget about the previous reply OS related things, there is something "interesting" I could not reproduce at first reply ...


Search Plugin updated now  :thumbsup:
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins



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