First: I do not want totalcmd.exe to be executed at startup, so "Startup option" seems to be not needed !?
Second, regarding ini-file:I do not want to set ini-path only, but I want to copy a preconfigured wincmd.ini to:%SystemDrive%\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\
Preconfigured wincmd.ini is located in totalcmd.7z, with was used for creating the plugin with ..\utils\PC Packed.How to do so?
Build\9-Autorun is activated in Winbuilder Win7PESE, but it seems to be not executed.
Next attempt will be inserting the provided lines (@Lancelot) to Totalcmd.script to get it autorun.cmd independend .But: Where to insert in script (which [section] )?
just add:cd /d %~dp0to very top of your batch and get rid of hardcodes,putting batch to same folder of total commander
Sorry, this hint I do not understand
So if putting it to same folder as total commander, which file name and how to activate executing?