Common things for projects (UNDER CONSTRUCTION):
OtherOS standarts:
OtherOS scripts are for multiboot cd, to share & write easly some common variables required.
%BootType% can have 2 different values: MultiBoot , SingleBoot
maybe will not be required in future ;) so better avoiding to use unless a good reason found
Here better reminding BuildModel= (project.ini) of nightman
It has 3 values
MultiBoot , RAM , Normal
Win7PESE and Leopard droped MultiBoot value hence both have RAM and Normal values.
Nightman used MultiBoot which result with same RAM with addition of a multiboot manager
%BootSector% because of popularity mostly have Grub4Dos value.
%BootSector% known values: Grub4Dos | IsoLinux | BCDW | bootsect.bin |
with pe2/3 current project, similar to following at config script will do the task
If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"Grub4Dos (recomended)",Set,%BootSector%,Grub4Dos,Permanent,
If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,Auto,If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"In RAM (boot.wim)",Set,%BootSector%,,Permanent
If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"Grub4Dos (recomended)",Set,%BootMenu%,%ProjectCache%\OtherOSMenu\menu.lst,Permanent
%BootMenu% the file where additions made to boot menu by OtherOS scripts. Value is up to project admin preferences.
Giving some popular examples:
%BootMenu_Target% is the final place where %BootMenu% entries will exist (or copied)
Root folder where OtherOS scripts will put files
Sub Folder name of OtherOS files
Place where OtherOS files exists.
In addition:
not a rule but saving (downloading) files (.iso files) to %GlobalTemplates%\OtherOS_Files increase sharing of scripts between projects easier.