Another plugin also available atGena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home"
I personally feel it would be great if Aeolis's work could be kept here in the plugin section as a standalone thread
You are sure free to create your own version of plugin
Hi oliverjia,maybe english communication problem See You
Dear Lancelot and other script experts,I downloaded and tested MiniTool partition wizard plugin in Win8.1SE x64. The plugin I used is from Gena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home". The first time launching the partition wizard program everything appears fine, however, once I closed the program and re-lanuch partition wizard, I always get the error message in the pic below: help me check if there could be something I did wrong, or maybe the plugin could possibly have a bug?
I have opened and closed MiniTool® Partition Wizard several times under Win8.1 x64 PE build and it still works as expected. Again, please, give it at least a try .