Topic: Driver Add  (Read 3295 times)

Driver Add
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:06:34 PM »


  • Gena Baker
  • Grand Chef
  • *****
  • Date Registered: Sep 2010
  • Posts: 10350

Thanks to Holger,

'Driver Add' plugin copy drivers to your build, following .inf file.

Only click 'Put your 'Personal Drivers' inside proper SubFolder' button,

 and put your drivers from Manufacturer or Double Driver etc.

Available at
   SE -> Downloads\DriversY\'Driver Add'
   Gena\6 Other\'Driver Add'

In Addition,
 On Plugin GUI,
 I put all info / tools etc. I gather to Plugin GUI,
   to help new users add drivers.

Here is quote from 'Driver Add' v3 2016.10.18
 In time it may grow more with more tools info etc.
   so always check plugin if there is more info

Adding Drivers Info:
To Get installed Drivers (Personal Drivers) Use 'Double Driver'
SE\Drivers\'Double Driver' -> 'Launch' button
Downloads\AppsGS\System Tools\'Double Driver' -> 'Launch' button

To integrate Personal Drivers to build, 2 methods:

On SE: There is
 SE\Drivers\Driver Integration plugin available
 to integrate your personal or DPS drivers.
 (Reminding: Also test with 'Load Drivers at startup' option)

This will %90 get your devices work properly.
(%10 driver not exits on DPs package or other reasons)

Ps: Also check Downloads\DriversY\Snappy Driver Installer

On SE If you fail with 'SE\Drivers\Driver Integration' plugin:
   Reminding There is
   Downloads\DriversY\DPs LAN Drivers
   Downloads\DriversY\DPs LAN Drivers NT6 File
   Downloads\DriversY\DPs WLAN Drivers
   Downloads\DriversY\DPs WLAN Drivers NT6 File

ON Gena If you fail with already exists Driver package plugins
   Gena\Drivers\3 Network\DPs LAN Drivers
   Gena\Drivers\3 Network\DPs WLAN Drivers
   Gena\Drivers\4 Storage\Build DPs Mass Storage Drivers Plugin

Than See 'Driver Add' ==>
   SE -> Downloads\DriversY\'Driver Add'
   Gena\6 Other\'Driver Add'
'Driver Add' Plugin Read Me:
+ 'Driver Add' Plugin Copy all files written at driver .inf file
  (All Credits to Holger)
  --> :> This is very good if you obtain driver
   from manufacturer or Double Driver.
- 'Driver Add' Plugin DO NOT add registry to the build
  This means you need to Install/Start ready driver after boot:
  (ready: driver files already at their folders)

    'HwPNP' is a General tool to Install/Start driver after boot
        Gena\Drivers\6 Other\'HWPnP'

    'UpdateInfs' is a short name of method,
      which inf files patched during build,
       to avoid failure of driver installation.
       (ex: driver not found or can not install properly
        ex: driver respond 'ReBoot Required' with 'Device Manager')
       'UpdateInfs' make fix to get
        'DeviceManager' and 'HwPNP' and 'PENetwork' ....
          install drivers properly without error.
        Gena\Finals\1 Optimizations\Post Processing Tools -> 'UpdateInfs'
        SE\Downloads\Final_Y\Post Processing Tools -> 'UpdateInfs'
    'PENetwork' starts Network (LAN/WLAN) drivers after boot
    (like HwPNP but only installs Network)
        Gena\Components\Core\1 System\Network\'PENetwork Gena'

    'Device Manager' you can install driver manually
        Gena\Components\Core\1 System\'MMC'

** Tip:
'Device Manager' is MAIN test to Install/Start Driver
If you fail also test with
'Device Manager' + 'Update Inf'
If you success adding driver with 'Device Manager'
 -> 'HwPNP' + 'Update Inf' should do that automatically.
 ===> This is the point you must succeed adding a driver.
** Tip:
 Apps\System Tools\Serviwin
 Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\DriverView NirSoft
 Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\DevManView NirSoft
    plugins available to check drivers ;)

** Tip:
'UpdateInfs' only to be used during build
If you use on provided drivers
'Driver Integration'
'Driver Add'
will fail.

** Tip:
You can use 'Install Driver After Boot' method
 with 3rd party applications + drivers you provide.
  'DriverImport PE' is very powerfull tool for such task.
   Downloads\System Tools\'DriverImport PE Direct'
   Gena\Drivers\6 Other\'Driver Import PE'

** Tip:
Some Drivers works with pre request on another driver
 with 'UpdateInfs' -> Use "Hwpnp" 2 or 3 times
  Each time a pre request driver start to work
  (You will notice a new driver found and installed on HwPNP screen
    but your driver not working
      start HwPNP till you see no new driver found and installed. ;) )
    Ex: Some Ethernet Drivers reported with 2 times hwpnp
    (PENework automatically do that ;) )
    Ex: Some Audio drivers need HDAudio Bus -> 2 times hwpnp
    SE should already have HDAudBus -> 1 time HwPNPN
    Gena already have Gena\\Drivers\1 Audio\'HD Audio' -> 1 time HwPNPN

** Tip:
Add Dependencies to driver (if required) to your build:
Some exists on projects
SE\Drivers\'Original display drivers'
Gena\Drivers\1 Audio\'HD Audio'
Gena\Drivers\6 Other\'XPE DirectX'
Gena\Drivers\6 Other\'XPE pnp multimedia'

Some others not exists
 (ex: Printer Spool not contributed to SE yet)

** Tip:
For MultiMedia Drivers (Video - Audio), Reminding,
 Some Plugins also Adds MultiMedia features to build
Apps\Supplementary\MultiMedia\'Media Player Classic-HC'
Downloads\ComponentsY\'System Event Sounds'
Downloads\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Combined-Community-Codec-Pack Setup
Downloads\Supplementary\MultiMedia\K-Lite_Codec_Pack Setup
Downloads\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLC Media Player

** Tip:
Video and Audio Drivers may be complex and may require a seperate plugin to be used.
Disk, Network (LAN / Wifi) , Basic Device  drivers -> simple drivers is easier and
 very mostly (so far always) work with above instructions.
** Tip:
Scanner, Printer, MTP, etc. Drivers requires related windows services etc.
They will not start with only adding drivers.
So far there is no configuration on PE on this area
only there is:
Gena\Components\Core\1 System\'Printer Support'
plugin available and working nicely.

If you get Scanner, Printer etc. drivers work on SE or Gena,
 contribute at

*** Last Words
If a driver do not work with DPs packages,
 If a simple driver, It would be easy to find a way with provided tools.
 If a complex driver, or require other services than provided by projects,
   It may take time to get it work.

Reminding, All Projects grow with Contributions from public.
 We only share solutions we work on or contributed by public to public,
  we are not company, we are not commercial,
   everything you get is created with Pure Hoby
    on a none advertised forum with contributions.
 As a result We generally ignore requests that does not take our personal attention.
  More info: See
     -> check title with: ** Forum

Good luck on adding new drivers,
 If you succeed let us know. ;)

« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 06:19:42 PM by Lancelot »


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