No I mean if I edit the plugin....... Delete from plugin "Attachments"........ and
RENAME ====> then use the file encoder(CodecWBzip) to re-add the "Edited/Upgraded" (Which really has version 07 after the above steps) so that the current plugin will install when I run the build.
It is the simplest way to upgrade it takes 20 seconds to do the above edit to current plugin without having to do any testing because all the files inside the .zip's all have the same name, only difference is the version (06, 07) in the .zip name.
Once exact and secure is run and I use the above method to update that plugin, it
will be overwritten with original 06 - This happens every time I update to my LogonAsAdmin plugin because I have changes to the AutoLogin - Every exact and secure my LogonAsAdmin gets overwritten. Worried about it happening to NTPWEdit, I am making my build to be working perfect with builder if possible (Trying to keep it like that so future updates don't break it)
I could make my own plugin for NTPWEdit, but..... Its already on server...once I do this I will have to manually update plugin and will also miss any additions you make to it from that point on.
^^^ This is all just to explain why I believe Exact and secure will erase, so you know what I'm doing on my end to believe that. This is sometimes how I test upgrades depending on the situation. Especially for the more integrated plugins, this one I did this way only because it was faster.
-- I see in REAL thread where I SHOULD have posted you have answer for me.^^^ I will continue there (Downloading plugin again now)