Works nicely with just a little touch to get 80 run
However, I do not understand why this works TxtAddline,%w%,"ProgramsMenu.Command=programs,\",Appendand notIf,%CheckBox_Items1%,Equal,True,TxtAddline,%w%,"CustomItem1,\",Append (corrected by: If,%CheckBox_Items1%,Equal,True,TxtAddline,%w%,"CustomItem1#$c\",Append)
However, I do not understand why this works
Do you think that it is possible to automatically load a pre-defined XML at startup, not tested, Is there a switch ?
I have the ClassicShell script updated and a little bit enhanced
RunProgram("cmd.exe", "/c dir " + Chr(34) + FileMask$ + Chr(34) +" /b /o-s >" + Chr(34) + TempFile$ + Chr(34), "", #PB_Program_Wait|#PB_Program_Hide)