Hi Oscar,
just a side note for the goal of GenaPrograms path,
you can put Gena to host windows safely with this way,
you can put SE and Gena on same cd safely with default way

if you use same apps-plugins with both building Gena and SE (being aware all plugins you added),
you can change settings on Gena from GenaPrograms to default Program Files,
and make 2 builds, than combine to same .iso, usb. etc.
-> which saves spaced used for program files
Same feature also available for multiarchitecture builds,
ex: you can build Gena, Genax64, SE, SEx64 and put all same .iso .usb using same program files folder,
this requires multiarchitecture apps plugins written that way, which the ones we have on servers already have

Further about multiarchitecture plugin writing tips:
(for future reference)
Here there is a Total Commander plugin
reply 7
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1120.msg12937#msg12937by 4 additions to PC Packed
"SinglePackage MultiArchitecture Multiexename" plugin
--> This uses same folder for both x86 x64 files on builds, containing same files for x86 x64 , only shortcut reference changes
-----> since wasted space not much, I had prefered that way ;)
If too much wasted space,
see reply 12
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1120.msg12997#msg12997 that deletes files (ex: when building x86, deletes x64 files on target to gain space)
which also changes program files\folder name of the application
a lot free applications provide 2 packages for x86 x64,
routine is very same, being sure program files\folder name changed

reply 12 have comment out lines for that purpose, see similar existing plugins
We had made all required things on existing plugins and PC Packed ready to be easly modified by changing a couple of lines

Further works automatically during builds

ps: I know it is out of topic and a bit long, since word came to hard coded path GenaPrograms to Program Files
I decide to write things and put to FAQ