Hi ChrisR I enclose a page with scripts from NIKZZZZ.http://nikzzzz.winbuilder.net/There is still a proposal. Used in the automatic creation of project :% ramdrive% "B". And use the variables : B: \ TEMP, B: \ TMP. Size "B", will be determined automatically ~ 70 % jn RAM. The script is at NIKZZZ.
In a swap file on % ramdrive% no sense.
You can set the page file on any drive.
But NIKZZZZ somewhere wrote that made ??a script that can be installed even pagefile on Flash.
Put this Imdisk_Installer.script to Win7PE_SE\Utils\http://www.mediafire.com/?f3hnpijemyygnysPut this ImdiskRamdisk.script to Win7PE_SE\Tweaks\http://www.mediafire.com/?gu553r852619qspMake sure ExplorerShell + MMC also selected... and x86 source used.I hope it works
Ramdisk.cmd need to put in Winreshl.ini. To drive was created before the advent of the desktop.
I am glad it works nicely, all credits to JonF, maybe you or JonF put a x64 version and add a new "optional" parameter to get B:\Temp adjusted at bootup ;) nothing urgent.