make TXTReplace,%GTarget%\Users\Default\Documents\Default.rdp,enablecredsspsupport:i:0,enablecredsspsupport:i:1TXTReplace,%GTarget%\Users\Default\Documents\Default.rdp,"authentication level:i:0","authentication level:i:2"process
so as stated, NLA can't work because the Default.rdp file.
You wrote only missing thing is file/reg from "Logon as Admin" ... I hope one day we add missings to rdp plugin.
I do not use RDP, still follow your advice on posts to update SE plugin the way you wrote. (patch optional, minint optional etc.)
here is the different with WIN10XPE, because my quick patch lacks default.rdp and the UI option(NLA required Admin).
In the end, the result is good, both they have been clear now, next is simple in the 2019, sort out the additions.
Quote here is the different with WIN10XPE, because my quick patch lacks default.rdp and the UI option(NLA required Admin).Are you saying NLA Requires Admin ??orNLA Does Not Require Admin ??As NLA Option Only Modifies Default.rdp (without any other requirement)
1.ChrisR's Rdp.script shows that Require Administrator account and "Switch to Admin" plugin.
Hi, JamesI tested your new plugin(v4).SYSTEM account with Console OK. but It is not about the "not extract the 6 additional files...".I remove the files one by one tested.(SystemPropertiesRemote.exe always be added, confused me for 10+ remove target and rebuild... )because the Default.rdp by v3 didn't work with NLA by SYSTEM account.make Code: [Select]TXTReplace,%GTarget%\Users\Default\Documents\Default.rdp,enablecredsspsupport:i:0,enablecredsspsupport:i:1TXTReplace,%GTarget%\Users\Default\Documents\Default.rdp,"authentication level:i:0","authentication level:i:2"process
Code: [Select]Did You Test With "Switch To Admin" Administrator Account ??To test Patched File Process or Registry trick ??I tested it 1 minute ago, both SYSTEM/Administrator Account connect with Cred GUI by Patched file.
it(CredDialog) should be a standalone optional plugin
Quoteit(CredDialog) should be a standalone optional pluginbut so far, V4 is not like this.
but so far, V4 is not like this.