net framework full package run from cd,
DaPuffer, If you are trying to help finish this plugin that we are developing for ---> Malwarebytes 3 <--- you have to download the plugin attached to replys in this thread, it is not on the project server because it is not finished. We have to make it work first.. From your log I can see that you are using the OLD Malwarebytes plugin for Malwarebytes 2 - from the project Downloads>AppsY>Security>Anti-Virus>Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_L plugin. (Try the packed version for MB2 - Thanks APT for testing)Download the attached file FROM THIS THREAD, which is not fully completed, but will bring you to the error we are stuck on...Re-Attached Plugin below: (Attachment Link)
Hi bob.omb,sorry for late response.updated old plugin (Download version) on server, so plugin not usable by new users anymore.Also added current topic link.(+ That is the reason I do not like "Download" plugins for Complex or Frequent Updated applications.+ That is the reason PC Packed have "FileContainer + Provide File + Download" options to work together. (APT might remember on another topic -> If required to be posted on another topic ))