Topic: RDP Inbound Not Working  (Read 75 times)

RDP Inbound Not Working
« on: July 17, 2020, 09:52:06 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
  • **
  • Location: California
  • Date Registered: Feb 2020
  • Posts: 24
Hi All,
I am making a separate topic with hopes of more visibility.

I am using the 7.8.20 build.

I put the RemoteTerminal script in Apps\Components (from James's download)
It does enable the RDP radio button within WinPE and start the Remote Desktop Services.
I have enabled NLA via two registry entries.

I also noticed that there were not Remote Desktop exceptions in the firewall.
Adding the RDP firewall exceptions for all networks, did not allow inbound RDP to function.

Code: [Select]
netstat -an
does not show port 3389 listening as I would expect.

Let me know your thoughts on what to check.


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