Hi gbrao,
I like both utilities
after total 10 posts you will be able to edit your posts
Yankee Clipper III:
for such utilties, you can use Script Creator Packed at Gena\Utils,
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=178.0 )
+just pack the files
(here i quickly packed to YCIII.7z
http://www.mediafire.com/?8edqi38wnqwbjsb )
+on SC Packed script interface
+1) point YCIII.7z
+2) ProgramExe ---> YankClip.exe
+Fill Author box: G B Rao
+enable "Add Startup Option" (advice: do not use this option for utilities that do not have startup feature ;))
+Click "Goooo" button
On wb screen at "Gena\AppsMy\1Prepare" You will see new working script, make your final touches on script.... etc. etc....
Script Creator Packed will lead you quickly make a wide set of general scripts for such utilities which is most case
Practice above tutorial, than I am expecting lots of scripts getting out of G B Rao pc coming soon
Here I personally made some addition work to get a quite nice Yankee Clipper III script ;).
http://www.mediafire.com/?44cdne5lu42664pps: mainly changed [extract],
instead of using YCIII.7z, YC3Setup.EXE used and to extract YC3Setup.EXE E_Wise_W.exe used.....
Ninotech Path Copy
Tip: Use RegCPE available at Gena\Utils (the lines you've used cause speed down .... etc...)
Important Tip: Make 2 changes in following line
#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\PATHCO32.DLL1: 0x1 to 0x2 will lead you use variables on regvalue,
Following my experience, InprocServer32 sub keys always accepts 0x1 to 0x2 changes
2: using variables at value (%SystemRoot% , written with wb-escapes #$pSystemRoot#$p) rescue script from hardcoded path,
hence very compatible to any project.
I made Ninotech Path Copy script compatible to different projects, also compatible to multiarchitecture (x86 & x64)
aside above tips, check script codes to practice.
I feel this is a good start for your improvments, See you around.