The Oven
Tool World => Development and code snippets => Topic started by: Lancelot on July 11, 2020, 05:25:55 PM
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FileCoder is a command-line utility to decode/encode files from Plugins.
I feel most people will like to extract files attached to plugins quickly without using any ui.
There are a lot of other uses of FileCoder and a set of syntax created to easily use for such cases.
All syntax available with
FileCoder.exe /?
I will publish and inform some tools that use FileCoder here in the future. :great:
Next reply a demo
Extra Info:
FileCoder is a side product or "reverse Azin" project (Step 1/3) which is part of "kill winbuilder"
"reverse Azin" like Azin, idea is to use Plugins easily with other projects,
Unlike Azin, "reverse Azin" will not require winbuilder ("kill winbuilder"),
I hope I find enough free time to finish, requires few more years with available low free time that gets lower.
I hope there will be other standalone tools that use FileCoder
like an "Attachment UI" tool
and after having an "Attachment UI" tool we can also use such tool with a 3rd party editor editor (eg. SynWrite/CudaText)
Feel free to develop such things. :thumbsup:
FileCoder is the fastest decoder/encoder I test so far :flying:
native x64 exe available :cancan:
no extra dependency required (no need .net etc) :happy_dance:
also with no "hang" bug. :xmas-beer: :smart:
Natural results of good coding. :cheers:
Here is a demo package
FileCoder_Test.7z to demonstrate decoding from "BootIce (B)" Plugin with a single line:
Extract "FileCoder_Test.7z" to a folder and double click "FileCoder Test.cmd" to see the demo
You will get extracted from "BootIce (B)" Plugin at .\Decode_Test_1\ folder.
Have fun
Why am I only seeing this now. All the time wasted opening .script files chasing to 005 saving and refreshing...
Why am I only seeing this now.
Because It is created only ~6 weeks ago (2020.05.30) after some weeks of development with many tests.
During the time dealing with a new post-game of "ask without respond" and other postgames and post gamers,
FileCoder created as a part of "reverse Azin" (Step 1/3 of "reverse Azin") which is not available for today
(better write here now before someone post to future "reverse Azin" topic with "Why am I only seeing this now."
The answer is simple, I do not have such a thing for today :lol:), probably next year or later.
My main objective is "reverse Azin" but since I know it is also useful for other users
I feel most people will like to extract files attached to plugins quickly without using any ui.
All the time wasted opening .script files chasing to 005 saving and refreshing...
I had planned to open the current topic 5 weeks ago, but forum moderation with post gamers side by side with real development and tests takes a lot of time
Development of PE projects or working on PE always produces nice side products.
HideRun Freeshc.exe - Galapo - (both created during Gena Development)
GetCPUVW - CD-RW- (I guess created during LiveSystemPro development)
DCSUnpack - JFX - (JFX with lots of useful tools also to PE world)
ShortcutPE - Galapo - (during Gena Development)
Maybe my english is again bad, and
Why am I only seeing this now.
maybe means "Thank you" in your language.
Well, life and nice summertime in which life goes slow and easy. :swimmer:
Thanks for spending time to test and report it is working fine. :thumbsup:
You correct in it meaning thank you.
But my manners do need some work.
Thank you, and on this you can be sure I will provide feedback.
Regarding azin..... I have nor found the time to run more tests. When I have some spare minutes will try to run some tests.
btw, I forgot to mention.
"reverse Azin" is part of "kill winbuilder" ... probably requires a few years more ...
natural evolution steps of development. :turtle:
Thanks Lancelot,
It is a very useful program, I was looking for a tool for extracting files in a script. Great :thumbsup:
so on first try i was having issue with syntax. I have been mad busy with messing my phone up. so i did not get any further.
Just keeping you posted :)